Drawings: One or more application drawings shall be amended in the following manner:
Any changes to an application drawing must be in compliance with Sec. 1.84 and must be submitted on a replacement sheet of drawings which shall be an attachment to the amendment document and, in the top margin, labeled "Replacement Sheet."
這裡說到,修正的圖式上方要標明"Replacement Sheet"
Any replacement sheet of drawings shall include all of the figures appearing on the immediate prior version of the sheet, even if only one figure is amended. Any new sheet of drawings containing an additional figure must be labeled in the top margin as "New Sheet." All changes to the drawings shall be explained, in detail, in either the drawing amendment or remarks section of the amendment paper.
新增的圖式則標明"New Sheet",有任何圖式修正,都要將所有的圖呈交USPTO
(1)A marked-up copy of any amended drawing figure, including annotations indicating the changes made, may be included. The marked-up copy must be clearly labeled as "Annotated Sheet" and must be presented in the amendment or remarks section that explains the change to the drawings.
(2)A marked-up copy of any amended drawing figure, including annotations indicating the changes made, must be provided when required by the examiner.


審查委員在審查意見中會提出類似以下範例的要求,如不用在修正圖面上標示amended,如果有刪除的圖式,應該要移除,並重新編號圖式的號碼,如Fig.3改為Fig.2,在修正/新增圖面上標示"replacement sheet"或是"new sheet"
