2021年6月30日 星期三

歐洲法院判決網站不見得要對非法上傳內容負責 - Peterson v. Google (CJEU)



本篇討論歐盟法院(Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU))(https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/institutions-bodies/court-justice_en)於6/22/2021作出的判決,CJEU案件資訊,共兩案:

原告:Frank Peterson
被告:Google LLC, YouTube Inc., YouTube LLC, Google Germany GmbH
原告:Elsevier Inc.
被告:Cyando AG


故事(本篇僅針對Frank Peterson v. Youtube案討論):
其中原告Frank Peterson為音樂創作者,公司Nemo Studio負責人,被告Youtube為著名影音平台,讓使用者可以免費上傳內容,並散布於網路上,Google是老闆。值得一提的是,Frank Peterson與知名音樂家Sarah Brightman(莎拉布萊曼)簽約取得其影音內容的使用權,還進一步取得Capitol Records公司對Sarah Brightman散布所有錄音的專屬授權。

其中包括一個2008年巡迴錄音專輯「A Winter Symphony」,Frank Peterson在同年發現這個專輯內容竟然可以從Youtube看到,之後把畫面抓下後聯繫德國Google,要求發布停止與懲罰聲明,經告知Youtube後,各方對於是否阻止影音散布產生歧異

Frank Peterson於是上告德國漢堡地方法院Landgericht Hamburg),要求對Google/Youtube發出禁令,並損害賠償,但被駁回。

Frank Peterson再上訴漢堡高等地方法院(Oberlandesgericht Hamburg (Higher Regional Court, Hamburg, Germany))。在2015年判決中,高等法院駁回部分地院判決,駁回的部分是要求被告組織侵權第三方上傳內容被公開散布,以及阻止相關連結內容與廣告,還要求被告提交上傳侵權內容的人名與住址


"By contrast, YouTube had not infringed any conduct obligations in respect of the recordings of the ‘Symphony Tour’ concerts. It is true that the videos featuring those musical works were unlawfully posted by third parties on the video-sharing platform. However, YouTube either did not have sufficient information about those infringements, or blocked access to the content in question in good time or, in certain cases, could not be accused of having infringed the obligation to block that content immediately."

畢竟原告的目標應該是大咖-Youtube/Google,案件繼續上訴,進入The Bundesgerichtshof (德國聯邦法院,Federal Court of Justice, Germany),原告Frank Peterson主張Youtube知道有侵權內容時並未立即移除或阻止散布。就法院而言,如Youtube等地影音平台立場應該是中立的,並非主動的角色。在以下列舉的"著作權法(Copyright Directive)",著作權人並無法對Youtube等提供影音分享的平台提出禁令(即便Youtube會因為任何上傳影音獲利),除非影音平台清楚知道侵權行為後又不做出立即的措施(移除或阻止散布)以確保侵權行為不再發生。


"In the view of that court, that question should be answered in the affirmative, since it follows from Article 14(1) and Article 15(1) of the Directive on Electronic Commerce that an injunction against such an operator may be provided for under the national law of the Member States only where that operator has actual knowledge of the illegal activity or information."



相關"Copyright Directive":

Article 3(1) of that directive, that article being headed ‘Right of communication to the public of works and right of making available to the public other subject matter’, provides: 
Member States shall provide authors with the exclusive right to authorise or prohibit any communication to the public of their works, by wire or wireless means, including the making available to the public of their works in such a way that members of the public may access them from a place and at a time individually chosen by them.

3.Article 8(3) of Directive 2001/29 must be interpreted as not precluding a situation under national law whereby a copyright holder or the holder of a related right may not obtain an injunction against an intermediary whose service has been used by a third party to infringe his or her right, that intermediary having had no knowledge or awareness of that infringement, within the meaning of Article 14(1)(a) of Directive 2000/31, unless, before court proceedings are commenced, that infringement has first been notified to that intermediary and the latter has failed to intervene expeditiously in order to remove the content in question or to block access to it and to ensure that such infringements do not recur. It is, however, for the national courts to satisfy themselves, when applying such a condition, that that condition does not result in the actual cessation of the infringement being delayed in such a way as to cause disproportionate damage to the rightholder.





2021年6月25日 星期五

審查委員應對申請案所有請求項逐項審理專利性 - MPEP 707.07筆記

MPEP 707.07 Completeness and Clarity of Examiner’s Action
MPEP 707.07 要求審查委員審查專利時應完整和明確

37 CFR 1.104  Nature of examination
(b) Completeness of examiner’s action. The examiner’s action will be complete as to all matters, except that in appropriate circumstances, such as misjoinder of invention, fundamental defects in the application, and the like, the action of the examiner may be limited to such matters before further action is made. However, matters of form need not be raised by the examiner until a claim is found allowable.

除非有特定情況,審查委員做出的審查意見應對所有"事物(matters)"作出完整的意見,特別是要針對專利性,而非格式(form)上的問題,除非專利為可核准的狀態。因此,實務上常會見到專利有機會獲准,審查委員會用電話通知代理人,或是特定action,如Quayle action,讓申請人簡單修正一些格式上問題就會發出領證通知了。


707.07(a) Complete Action on Formal Matters
Any form that lists informalities and any additional formal requirements which the examiner desires to make should be included in the first action. When any formal requirement is made in an examiner’s action, that action should, in all cases where it indicates allowable subject matter, call attention to 37 CFR 1.111(b) and state that a complete reply must either comply with all formal requirements or specifically traverse each requirement not complied with.


1. 要完整與清楚地敘明核駁意見,核駁就寫"reject"。
2. 核駁意見一開始要指出引用法條,使用"35 U.S.C."。
3. 除非核駁意見適用一組請求項範圍,不要以共用核駁意見核駁一組請求項(要逐項審查就是了,不要以相同理由呼嚨過去)。
4. 專利局的責任是對不可專利的申請案提出"確鑿表面證據"(prima facie case指表面上充分的證據,不含糊),因此要明確闡述核駁背後的理由。
5. 要避免個人因素,不要記錄審查委員認為不可專利的個人意見。
6. 審查委員不應對可專利性表示懷疑,核准專利時應該是所有問題都解決了。
7. 不應表示任何不具專業判斷的意見。
8. 審查委員應在OA中指出可核准的專利範圍,以及/或建議被駁回的專利範圍修正後可以核准的意見。

MPEP 707.07(d) Language To Be Used in Rejecting Claims

Where a claim is refused for any reason relating to the merits thereof it should be "rejected" and the ground of rejection fully and clearly stated, and the word "reject" must be used. The examiner should designate the statutory basis for any ground of rejection by express reference to a section of 35 U.S.C. in the opening sentence of each ground of rejection. Claims should not be grouped together in a common rejection unless that rejection is equally applicable to all claims in the group.

The burden is on the Office to establish any prima facie case of unpatentability (see, e.g., MPEP § 2103), thus the reasoning behind any rejection must be clearly articulated. For example, if the claim is rejected as broader than the enabling disclosure, the reason for so holding should be explained; if rejected as indefinite the examiner should point out wherein the indefiniteness resides; or if rejected as incomplete, the element or elements lacking should be specified, or the applicant be otherwise advised as to what the claim requires to render it complete. (本段提示審查委員應該對各種核駁意見都明確指出問題所在)

Most of the form paragraphs for use in rejecting claims are now in MPEP Chapter 2100. See especially MPEP §§ 2106.07(a)(1), 2107.02, 2117, 2139.03, 2148, 2152.07, 2157, 2158.01, 2166, 2175, and 2187 for language to be used.

Everything of a personal nature must be avoided. Whatever may be the examiner’s view as to the utter lack of patentable merit in the disclosure of the application examined, he or she should not express in the record the opinion that the application is, or appears to be, devoid of patentable subject matter. Nor should he or she express doubts as to the allowability of allowed claims or state that every doubt has been resolved in favor of the applicant in granting him or her the claims allowed. The impression that any part of an Office action fails to reflect the professional judgment of the examiner or other employee authorizing the action should not be created by the action.

The examiner should, as a part of the first Office action on the merits, identify any claims which he or she judges, as presently recited, to be allowable and/or should suggest any way in which he or she considers that rejected claims may be amended to make them allowable.



2021年6月22日 星期二

消費者對商標文字的"前半部"的注意造成了混淆 - FocusVision Worldwide v. Information Builders Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2021)

系爭商標:FOCUSVISION v. FOCUS (TTAB No. 91237349)
判決日:June 14, 2021

FocusVision Worldwide, Inc.向USPTO提出「FOCUSVISION」商標申請案,類別包括class 35, 38, 42:

Information Builders, Inc. (IBI)提出異議(15 U.S.C. § 1052(d)),認為FOCUSVISION與IBI的兩個關於「FOCUS」註冊商標產生混淆,TTAB即駁回FocusVision的商標案。


TTAB駁回FocusVision申請案主要理由是產生了混淆的可能性(likelihood of confusion),審查的標準就是實質證據是否滿足「Dupont factors」,Dupont factors有13個判斷因素,但TTAB與法院可選擇其中幾項。


CAFC考量上訴議題中關於Dupont factors:

(1) 商標相似度(similarity of marks)。
(2) 相關商品與服務的相似度(similarity of goods and services)。
(3) 商業通道的相似度(similarity of trade channels)。
(4) 銷售條件與消費者的成熟度(sales conditions and purchaser sophistication)。
(5) 商標知名度(fame of marks,這裡指的是異議人IBI「FOCUS」知名度)。
(6) 相似商標使用在相似商品或服務上的數量和性質the number and nature of similar marks in use on similar goods or services)。
(7) 實際混淆(actual confusion)。


(1) 商標相似度。


(2) 相關商品與服務的相似度。

經調查,IBI的商標使用並未限定在特定商業利用,使得FocusVision系爭商標的使用落入IBI商標使用範圍中。在爭議中,法院認為,即便兩間公司的服務不同(“database management” and “database programs” (IBI’s goods) vs. “data collection and data management” (FocusVision’s ser-vices)),但仍相近,因此產生混淆的可能性。

(3) 商業通道的相似度,以及(4) 銷售條件與消費者的成熟度。


(5) 商標知名度,以及(6) 相似商標使用在相似商品或服務上的數量和性質


TTAB認為IBI的「FOCUS」商標內在與商業上夠強(應該是在該專業領域中知名),但卻不知名。這裡引用前例"StonCor Grp., Inc. v. Specialty Coatings, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2014)",認為,能引起消費者聯想(到來源)的標誌(suggestive)可以註冊商標,若沒有證明有第二含意(secondary meaning)而僅描述性的商標(descriptive)並不能註冊商標。

可參考部落格報導:取得描述用語的商標需要證明其識別性 - In re JC Hospitality LLC (Fed. Cir. 2020)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/04/in-re-jc-hospitality-llc-fed-cir-2020.html


(7) 實際混淆。



補充其他案例中提到的其他Dupont factors:

Dupont factors:
(1) evidence of actual consumer confusion;(真實消費者混淆的證據) 
(2) the degree of similarity in appearance and pronunciation between the marks; (商標發音的相似度)
(3) the intent of the actor in adopting the designation;(行為人使用疑似侵權商標的意圖)
(4) the relation in use and manner of marketing between the products bearing the mark or designation;(使用疑似侵權商標的產品的使用與行銷的關聯性)
(5) the degree of care exercised by consumers of the marked or designated products;(消費者對於記載相關商標的商品的在乎程度)
(6) the strength of the mark.(商標的強度)

本部落格關於Dupont factors的報導1:
- 不夠知名的商標不會被其他相似商標減損價值 - Pure & Simple Concepts v. 1 H W Management (Fed. Cir. 2021)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/06/pure-simple-concepts-v-1-h-w-management.html
- 商標混淆的證據 - Swagway v. Segway and ITC (Fed. Cir. 2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/05/swagway-v-segway-and-itc-fed-cir-2019.html
- 商標混淆的可能性:DuPont factors - In re Guild Mortgage Company (Fed. Cir. 2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/01/dupont-factors-in-re-guild-mortgage.html


2021年6月16日 星期三




電腦相關發明,此文件表示為CRI(computer-related invention),在常見的文件用CII(computer-implemented invention)表示。

電腦相關發明就泛指用電腦軟體實現的發明,專利法並沒有禁止這類發明的可專利性為可專利標的(指專利適格性,判斷是否為可被專利保護的標的,clarified, updated on Aug. 3, 2023),就差各國的國情顯示不同的"寬容度",反映在各國相關審查指南。

印度專利審查指南提出對於電腦相關發明的可專利標的"例外"為:"數學"或是"商業方法",或是"電腦程式本身(computer programme per se)"或"演算法"。

- a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work or any other aesthetic creation whatsoever including cinematographic works and television productions; 
- a mere scheme or rule or method of performing mental act or method of playing game; 
- a presentation of information; 
- topography of integrated circuits.


The term “computer” is defined in The Information Technology Act, 2000 (No. 21 of 2000) as “any electronic, magnetic, optical or other high-speed data processing device or system which performs logical, arithmetic, and memory functions by manipulations of electronic, magnetic or optical impulses, and includes all input, output, processing, storage, computer software, or communication facilities which are connected or related to the computer in a computer system or computer network.”

The term “data” is defined in the Information Technology Act, 2000 (No. 21 of 2000) as “a representation of information, knowledge, facts, concepts or instructions which are being prepared or have been prepared in a formalised manner, and is intended to be processed, is being processed or has been processed in a computer system or computer network, and may be in any form (including computer printouts, magnetic or optical storage media, punched cards, punched tapes) or stored internally in the memory of the computer.”

The term “function” is defined in the Information Technology Act, 2000 (No. 21 of 2000) as “"function", in relation to a computer, includes logic, control arithmetical process, deletion, storage and retrieval and communication or telecommunication from or within a computer.”

The term “information” is defined in The Information Technology Act, 2000 (No. 21 of 2000) as "information" includes data, message, text, images, sound, voice, codes, computer programmes, software and databases or micro film or computer generated micro fiche.”

進步性(inventive step)要求:

1. Identify the "person skilled in the art", i.e competent craftsman or engineer as distinguished from a mere artisan; 
2. Identify the relevant common general knowledge of that person at the priority date; 
3. Identify the inventive concept of the claim in question or if that cannot readily be done, construe it; 
4. Identify what, if any, differences exist between the matter cited as forming part of the "state of the art" and the inventive concept of the claim or the claim as construed; 
5. Viewed without any knowledge of the alleged invention as claimed, do those differences constitute steps which would have been obvious to the person skilled in the art or do they require any degree of inventive ingenuity?

1. 識別出相關領域的技術人員。
2. 識別出優先權日當下的相關領域通常知識。
3. 識別專利範圍中進步特徵(inventive concept)。
4. 識別專利範圍中進步特徵與當時最先進技術的差異。
5. 上述"差異"對於相關領域技術人員是否為顯而易知(obvious),或是有任何程度的發明獨創性。

產業利用性(industrial applicability)要求:

It has been defined in section 2(1)(ac) of Indian Patents Act, 1970 as follows: 

"capable of industrial application", in relation to an invention, means that the invention is capable of being made or used in an industry; The requirement of workability and usefulness are both connected to the requirement of industrial applicability. If an invention is not workable, it means that it is also not industrially applicable. The patent specification must disclose a practical application and industrial use for the claimed invention wherein a concrete benefit must be derivable directly from the description coupled with common general knowledge. Mere speculative use or vague and speculative indication of possible objective will not suffice.




1. 當專利申請案關於裝置、系統與元件,就是基於硬體的發明,應以適當的圖示描述每個發明特徵;如果發明關於方法,就應以流程清楚描述其中必要步驟,以區隔先前技術。
2. 應描述每個元件彼此的關聯性。
3. 應描述發明的結果以及任何實現這些結果的中間元件或步驟。

這裡提到「best mode」,要求揭露發明的最佳實施方式,不能僅描述其功效。


1. 請求項內容應清楚定義出發明範疇,並注意發明單一性。
2. 請求項內容應基於說明書內容。
3. 電腦相關發明的請求項解釋應基於發明(claims)的實質,而非依賴請求項的格式與形式。(編按,這應該是指不要拘泥任何寫法,不依賴寫作技巧,例如刻意加入硬體特徵、特別用語,而是要以發明本質來看,重申電腦程式本身不可專利)

提到「請求項形式」,就想到常常連結電腦實現發明的「功能手段用語」,means plus function之撰寫:


當電腦相關發明的申請專利範圍涉及數學方法(mathematical method)、商業方法(business method)、演算法(algorithm)或電腦程式本身(computer programme per se),即便是涉及指令、程序、儲存媒體、資料庫、電腦記憶體等,都不屬於可專利範圍。







2021年6月8日 星期二

專利範圍解釋就是一種文字遊戲,特別是有條件的時候 - Cybersettle, Inc. v. National Arbitration Forum, Inc. (Fed. Cir. July 24, 2007)

Cybersettle, Inc. v. National Arbitration Forum, Inc. (Fed. Cir. July 24, 2007)

(編按,本篇是源自之前報導(條件式專利範圍(conditional limitations)討論)的後續報導,因為其中案例多少都提到這件有利使用條件式專利範圍的專利權人(原告)的案例)

判決日:July 24, 2007




系爭專利Claim 1關於電腦執行爭議解決的方法,方法包括接收請求、和解協議、防止請求與和解協議之揭露、計算雙方差異、判斷差異是否落於預期的需求內,如果符合需求,就傳送給雙方表示已經解決;反之,如果差異不符合預期需求,就發出信息表示爭議未解決。
1. A computer executable method for dispute resolution, operative to control a computer and stored on at least one computer readable medium, the method when executed comprising:
a) receiving a plurality of demands from a first party for a claim;
b) receiving a plurality of settlement offers from a second party for the claim;
c) preventing disclosure of the demands to the second party, and preventing disclosure of the settlement offers to the first party;
d) calculating differences between the demands and the settlement offers in rounds, each of the differences being calculated in a round using one demand and one settlement offer, the one demand and the one settlement offer being unequal in value;
e) determining whether any of the differences fall within at least one predetermined criterion;
f) if any of the differences fall within the at least one predetermined criterion, transmitting a message to the first party and the second party that the claim is resolved; and
g) if the differences do not fall within the at least one predetermined criterion, transmitting a message that the claim has not been resolved.

另一爭議範圍Claim 27則是關於爭議解決方法,編按,寫法很厲害,描述的是Claim 1的應用。
27. A dispute resolution method for resolving a claim between two adverse parties in rounds, the method comprising:
testing a pair of non-equal values in one of at least two rounds, one value in the pair submitted by one of the two adverse parties for the claim; and
calculating a binding settlement payment of an amount at least equal to a lower of the pair of the non-equal values, when a settlement determination algorithm used in the testing is satisfied by the pair of the non-equal values.

針對地院解釋專利範圍(claim construction),被告NAF主張地院錯誤解釋專利範圍:(1) 系爭專利範圍要求限制在兩個或多個請求(demands)與和解要約(settlement offers),而不僅是接收多個請求與提供要約的能力;(2) 方法專利範圍只有在接收兩個或多個請求後比對請求與提供要約之後才會執行。這部分就是看如何解釋帶有條件式的專利範圍?


請求項中"plurality"意思是兩個或多個,因此CAFC不同意地院解釋系爭專利發明"可以"接收多個請求與要約提供的能力,而將"plurality"可以涵蓋"only one demand and one offer",因此同意NAF的第一個主張

就侵權判斷而言,當僅可以做到,但訴訟某方沒有執行專利範圍界定的方法就沒有侵害其權利("A party that does not perform a claimed step does not infringe a method claim merely because it is capable of doing so.")。


專利權人/原告Cybersettle主張說明書中記載的實施例支持沒有一定要有多個請求(demands)與要約(settlement offers),但雖然可以說明書記載內容來解釋專利範圍,申請專利範圍中的描述仍會排除那些不被涵蓋的實施例。

還有一重點,解釋專利範圍也會參考專利答辯過程的禁反言,經查,專利權人曾於審查階段增加並以"at least two"來克服審查委員根據先前技術的核駁意見,因此無法避免地,系爭專利範圍已經限制在"at least two demands and at least two settlement offers"。




CAFC不同意NAF解釋專利範圍認為其中判斷差異(請求與要約之間的不同)與接收與比對所述請求與要約提供的步驟不能同時發生的主張,也就是系爭專利Claim 1並沒有要求只有在至少兩個請求與要約接收後才會去比對兩者之間的不同。


綜上所述,系爭專利範圍要求要接受至少兩個請求(demands)與至少兩個和解要約(settlement offers),而其餘步驟只要在接收到一個請求與要約就可以開始,因此發回地院要求以本次解釋專利範圍重審侵權成立的決定。

my two cents:


2021年6月4日 星期五

功能手段專利範圍與相應結構特徵的侵權判斷 - SPEX Technologies, Inc. v. Western Digital Corp. (CAFC 2021)

本案討論"功能手段專利範圍與相應結構特徵的侵權判斷 " - SPEX Technologies, Inc. v. Western Digital Corp. (CAFC 2021),本案議題有明確性與侵權審判,當功能手段用語解釋仍明確,但因為說明書對應結構特徵未讀到被告侵權物品的結構,仍處於侵權審判的困難中。

May 28, 2021


系爭專利範圍皆以means plus function(功能手段用語)方式撰寫,列舉Claim 1如下,界定一個周邊裝置,專利範圍以標準的means撰寫,包括安全手段(security means)、目標手段、安全手段與目標手段之間通訊的手段、與電腦裝置通訊的手段、使安全手段或目標手段連線電腦以能回應指令的連接手段,以及通過上述安全手段在電腦與目標手段之間傳輸資料的調解手段(means for mediating)。

1. A peripheral device, comprising:

security means for enabling one or more security operations to be performed on data;

target means for enabling a defined interaction with a host computing device;

means for enabling communication between the security means and the target means;

means for enabling communication with a host computing device;

means for operably connecting the security means and/or the target means to the host computing device in response to an instruction from the host computing device; and

means for mediating communication of data between the host computing device and the target means so that the communicated data must first pass through the security means.

另一項Claim 6界定相同標的,其中稍微改寫了最後一的手段:

6. A peripheral device, comprising:


means for providing to a host computing device, in response to a request from the host computing device for information regarding the type of the peripheral device, information regarding the function of the target means.

本案緣起SPEX對Western Digital提起專利侵權告訴,主要兩個議題:(1)在地院階段進行專利範圍解釋(claim construction)時,判定其中幾項(claims 6, 7, 23, 25)專利範圍不明確(35U.S.C.112),理由是其中採用功能手段用語但說明書並未有相應的結構描述;(2)另一方面在簡易判決中判定侵權不成立,理由是因為系爭專利說明書沒有結構特徵的描述可以對比被告侵權產品("SPEX failed to identify an equivalent infringing structure in Western Digital’s accused products.")。

毫無懸念地,上述列舉的專利範圍將訴諸35 U.S.C. § 112解釋,如解釋"means for mediating...",依照專利範圍的描述,這是調解電腦與周邊裝置中記憶體之間以安全手段傳輸資料的技術,法官認定其對應的結構特徵即如上述Fig. 9B中的"interface control device 910",其中提到一些電腦元件(已經符合112要求)。

編按,即便是如此明確的功能手段用語,解釋專利範圍時也不一定會一味地要求說明書有對應結構描述,因為部分means可理解是軟體或電腦流程而為相關領域可知的技術,如security means, means for enabling...等。

除以上沒有爭議的解釋外,針對專利權主張周邊裝置中的記憶體(612a)對應了claim 6中的"means for providing to a host computing device...",法院卻判定這是不明確的(不符35 U.S.C. § 112),因為系爭專利說明書並未揭露所述記憶體(612a)儲存有關目標手段的資訊("information regarding the type of the peripheral device, information regarding the function of the target means"),即便SPEX引用其他專利佐證這個主張,法院仍不同意。

在侵權審判中,地院認為SPEX並不能指出被告侵權物品任一結構等同上述解釋的"interface control device (910)",反而是以其他非此910外的元件來對比被告侵權物的多樣元件。由於地院認為SPEX並未辨明系爭專利範圍的結構可等同被告侵權物品,換句話說,就是被告侵權物品並未完全對比到系爭專利範圍的功能手段用語形成的限制,判定侵權不成立


主要議題是"The issue of whether an accused device infringes under § 112, ¶ 6 as an equivalent is a question of fact.",其中就涉及了系爭專利範圍的明確性(indefiniteness)以及手段功能用語專利範圍對應的結構特徵是否讀到被告侵權物的侵權議題。


針對地院解釋專利範圍,一旦訴諸35 U.S.C. § 112解釋,相關的侵權審判即會判斷:是否"被告侵權物品的相關結構執行與專利範圍中相同的功能,以及是否與系爭專利說明書的對應結構相同或等同(identical or equivalent)"?

這句話歸納為被告侵權物與系爭專利範圍中是否有"等同的結構(equivalent structure),也就是判斷兩者之間"是否為"以實質相同手段執行相同功能而達成實質相同結果("perform the same function in substantially the same way to achieve substantially the same result.")",這很像"均等論(doctrine of equivalents)",這是有案例來源的判斷方式

(重要)針對以上原則,CAFC判定SPEX(專家證人、律師)(1)並未證明被告侵權物具有與系爭專利範圍整體上等同的結構,(2)也沒有完全解釋被告侵權物品如何以實質相同手段執行相同功能以達成實質相同結果,(3)沒有說明為何"被告侵權物品與上述解釋means for mediating...的對應結構"interface control device""之間的差異非實質差異。



主要爭點在系爭專利範圍中的兩個功能手段:means for mediating、means for providing與target means。


CAFC根據SPEX專家證詞(細節可參考判決文),系爭專利說明書中memory (612a)可對比系爭專利範圍的"target means",有相應的結構特徵與功能,加上雙方並未爭辯的對應結構,因此判定系爭專利並未不明確,駁回地院決定。



my two cents:

本案中,雖然CAFC最終判定系爭專利以means plus function撰寫的範圍並非不明確,主要理由是其中爭議中的means都有實質對應的結構特徵,但終究判定侵權不成立,其中關鍵是功能手段用語"被認定"在說明書所對應的結構特徵並未讀到(read on)侵權被告物品,這是實質證據的問題。



2021年6月1日 星期二

不夠知名的商標不會被其他相似商標減損價值 - Pure & Simple Concepts v. 1 H W Management (Fed. Cir. 2021)

本篇名稱為「不夠知名的商標不會被其他相似商標減損價值」,也可以換成這句比較粗俗的講法:要撤銷人家商標要惦惦自己的斤兩 -  Pure & Simple Concepts v. 1 H W Management (Fed. Cir. 2021)。商標與專利不同,有很多方面都不同,例如相同類別而又相同的商標自然不能共存,但相似(有差異)的商標有機會共存,就看先申請商標是否會被後申請商標影響到價值,如果先申請商標還沒有到多有名時,後申請商標就有可能並存。判斷商標之前是否被影響的判斷要素如DuPont factors中的幾個

1)商標之間的相似度與非相似度(similarity or dissimilarity of the marks)
2)商品與服務的相似度(similarity of the goods and services)
3)已建立與可能繼續商業管道的相似度(similarity of established, likely-to-continue trade channels)

系爭商標:"INDUSTRY"系列(TTAB no.91234659
判決日:May 24, 2021

本案緣起Pure & Simple Concepts (P&S)公司(擁有服飾類"INDUSTRY"系列商標)將"INDUSTRY"系列商標授權Manhattan Group使用,我從Manhattan網頁截錄一些內容:











針對I H W Management公司/Finchley的商標"BLUE INDUSTRY",P&S向TTAB對商標"BLUE INDUSTRY"提起異議,理由是彼此商標有混淆的問題,但TTAB駁回異議理由,認為兩者商標沒有混淆,也就沒有稀釋/減損/淡化(dilution)Pure&Simple公司商標的問題。

其中PTAB判定P&S公司並沒有證明減損其名聲的關鍵因素("critical element of fame for dilution purposes")是因為P&S商標並沒有到消費者可識別且家喻戶曉的程度("because there was no evidence that any of P&S’s marks rose to the level of consumer recognition as a household name")。

I H W Management公司/Finchley擁有的系爭商標:



本案主要爭議是,商標"BLUE INDUSTRY"與P&S所擁有的幾個"INDUSTRY"商標之間是否因為相似而有混淆的可能性(likelihood of confusion)而淡化/稀釋/減損了P&S所擁有的幾個"INDUSTRY"商標?

P&S主張:(1)TTAB沒有考慮所有"DuPont Factors"、(2)錯誤認定"BLUE INDUSTRY"中"BLUE"的影響、(3)不當倚賴第三方註冊商標,以及(4)錯誤評估P&S所擁有的商標名聲。

其中考量的是異議人商標與系爭商標之間混淆的可能性,TTAB/CAFC根據事實考量"DuPont Factors","DuPont Factors"有13項,但會依照情節斟酌採用,如TTAB評估混淆的可能性的因素如下:

1)商標之間的相似度與非相似度(similarity or dissimilarity of the marks)
2)商品與服務的相似度(similarity of the goods and services)
3)已建立與可能繼續商業管道的相似度(similarity of established, likely-to-continue trade channels)
6)在相似商品使用相似商標的數量與本質("number and nature of similar marks in use on similar goods"),這是Finchley額外提出的。


考量上述"DuPont Factors",需要依據實質證據,而判斷時仍會考量每一項因素的"比重",法院引述不少前例。

P&S有個特別的論點(編按,這裡的描述有加上我自己的詮釋,因為我覺得有些說服力,只能說,在法官的層次來說,可能不太常進菜市場買衣服):因為關於上述商標"INDUSTRY"的一系列服飾並不是很貴,屬於一種每天穿、居家的服飾,因此對於這類服飾,消費者並不會經過仔細考量才買,而是一種衝動購買(impulse buying)的類型服飾,因此當消費者僅憑一個衝動快速抉擇來購買時,系爭商標"BLUE INDUSTRY"確實可能與P&S的一系列商標"INDUSTRY"服飾混淆。



1)商標之間的相似度與非相似度(similarity or dissimilarity of the marks)
2)商品與服務的相似度(similarity of the goods and services)
3)已建立與可能繼續商業管道的相似度(similarity of established, likely-to-continue trade channels)
6)在相似商品使用相似商標的數量與本質("number and nature of similar marks in use on similar goods"),這是Finchley額外提出的。


(1)TTAB沒有考慮所有"DuPont Factors"。

CAFC:依照前例,如"In re Guild Mortg. Co. (Fed. Cir. 2019)"、"Hylete LLC. v. Hybrid Ath-letics, LLC (Fed. Cir. 2019)",如果沒有例外情況,在上訴階段不會增加下級單位(即TTAB)並未提出的議題。

但重點是,除了不會新增考量的因素外,針對"混淆的可能性",P&S其實並未提出足夠的證據可以證明消費者對其產品的市場印象(marketplace impression)。

(2)錯誤認定"BLUE INDUSTRY"中"BLUE"的影響。

CAFC:是否"BLUE"佔商標"BLUE INDUSTRY"中支配的位置?P&S認為"BLUE"僅是顏色的印象,不是品牌的印象,但TTAB判定這個首字是消費者記憶這個品牌的主要因素,CAFC同意。也就是說法院認定這個BLUE不致與P&S的商標混淆。

這裡有個重要的"心證",就是針對幾個字組合的商標,字的位置影響了該字在整個商標的支配特徵(dominant feature),並且也有前例:Palm Bay Imps., Inc. v. Veuve Cliquot Ponsardin Maison Fondee En 1772 (Fed. Cir. 2005)


CAFC:引用前例Juice Generation, Inc. v. GS Enters. LLC (Fed. Cir. 2015),使用第三方註冊商標目的是證明消費者被大量的相似商標所困住,使得消費者被教育可以從細微的差異識別各種商標




CAFC:(更殘忍地)TTAB認定P&S並沒有擁有知名的"家族標章(family of marks)",這與上一個主張有關,當法院認定"INDUSTRY"在服飾領域並沒有特別的識別性時,也就是認為P&S的相關家族商標並沒有特別知名。編按,這部分應該是針對"INDUSTRY"這個字而言,參考以上幾個P&S註冊商標,都是伴隨著圖形的商標,相對地削減了"INDUSTRY"的支配性

這裡考量了法院在前例J&J Snack Foods Corp. v. McDonald’s Corp. (Fed. Cir. 1991)的意見:家族商標(family of marks)"是一組具有可識別而具有共同特徵的商標,公眾對其地識別性是因為這些商標,當其中共同特徵可以表明商標起源(廠商、品牌)時,才家族商標的識別性。

殘忍地是,TTAB認定P&S並未擁有以上定義的家族商標,因為消費者並非憑著"INDUSTRY"來識別其商品,也沒有證明"BLUE INDUSTRY"淡化/削減了P&S商標價值。


關於本次討論的商標混淆/DuPont Factors相關案例:

- 商標混淆的證據 - Swagway v. Segway and ITC (Fed. Cir. 2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/05/swagway-v-segway-and-itc-fed-cir-2019.html

- 商標混淆的可能性:DuPont factors - In re Guild Mortgage Company (Fed. Cir. 2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/01/dupont-factors-in-re-guild-mortgage.html

- 目標客群不同不會造成商標混淆與欺瞞 - McDonald’s Corp v Future Enterprises Pte Ltd. (Singapore)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/03/mcdonalds-corp-v-future-enterprises-pte.html



