USPTO會幫你算,而且不用錢,目前是希望在2010.3.2可以完成計算軟體的更新,所以這段過渡期,如果專利是在2010.3.2前領證的,在領證後180天內應提出重算的要求,如果要提此要求,其專利應該是要是Wyeth判例下的情形,也就是在A delay與B delay有重複的案子,可參考:http://enpan.blogspot.com/2010/01/pta.html
但是半年前的案子,就我所知,本來就有重新計算的措施(37 CFR 1.705),需提出請求與繳費

1. 在3.2.2010前領證:
2. 已經核准,但尚未領證:
此類專利應在3.2.2010後領證,理論上應該就是用修改後的公式計算,如果需要提出重算的要求,則需要提出37 CFR 1.705(d)所規定的請求(包括繳交費用與請求重新計算的說明),且需在領證後兩個月內提出

WASHINGTON – The Commerce Department’s United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is providing patentees with the ability to request a recalculation of their patent term adjustment without a fee or petition as is normally required pending completion of necessary modifications to the USPTO’s computer program for calculating patent term adjustments. The agency expects to complete by March 2, 2010, the software modification necessary to comply with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit's recent decision in Wyeth v. Kappos regarding the overlapping delay provision of 35 USC 154(b)(2)(A). In the meantime, the USPTO will be processing recalculation requests under an interim procedure that is available to a patentee whose patent issues prior to March 2, 2010, and who requests it no later than 180 days after the issue date. This procedure is available only for alleged errors in calculation that are specifically identified in Wyeth. A copy of the notice submitted to the Federal Register for publication and the form for patentees to use in requesting a recalculation of patent term is on the USPTO Web site at http://www.uspto.gov/patents/announce/pta_wyeth.pdf.
“The USPTO is working to modify its computer program to comply with the Federal Circuit’s decision as soon as possible,” said Commissioner for Patents Robert Stoll. “Until then, this interim procedure will enable patentees to request a recalculation quickly and at no charge.”
An applicant is entitled, subject to certain conditions and limitations, to patent term adjustment if (1) the USPTO fails to take certain actions during the examination and issue process within specified time frames; (2) if the USPTO fails to issue a patent within three years of the actual filing date of the application; and (3) for delays due to interference, secrecy order, or successful appellate review.
§1.705 Patent term adjustment determination.
If there is a revision to the patent term adjustment indicated in the notice of allowance, the patent will indicate the revised patent term adjustment. If the patent indicates or should have indicated a revised patent term adjustment, any request for reconsideration of the patent term adjustment indicated in the patent must be filed within two months of the date the patent issued and must comply with the requirements of paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section. Any request for reconsideration under this section that raises issues that were raised, or could have been raised, in an application for patent term adjustment under paragraph (b) of this section shall be dismissed as untimely as to those issues.
2010.1.28 USPTO主席對聯邦法院針對Wyeth v. Kappos的判決提出回應,決定並不上訴,表示法院的判決就是以後的PTA實施方式,也就是針對A-Delay與B-Delay有重複計算的部份,會於3.2.2010完成計算軟體更新,將依照法院的解釋去算,將A,B Delay天數減去三年後的A Delay天數(重疊天數),再減去申請人的延遲天數
完成之後,以後發出的核准通知(Notices of Allowance)與領證通知(Issue Notifications)會引用新的算法!
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