歐洲專利法從2000年開始修法, 到去年9月13日才開始生效, 也稱為EPC 2000
為因應世界潮流, 應該也是為了吸引歐洲以外各國的專利申請
比如對很多具有期限的權利都放寬, 並給予補救措施
比如採納倫敦協議, 指定國後, 可以不用翻譯部分國家的本地語言, 除非遭遇訴訟才會試清況要求翻譯
另外, 讓EPO的申請案也會進入實質審查
這叫做BEST (Bring Examination and Search Together)
Art 52(1) EPC 2000
(1)European patents shall be granted for any inventions, in all fields of technology, provided that they are new, involve an inventive step and are susceptible of industrial application.
Post-published earlier European applications are now prior art regardless of their ultimate designations
新的, 具
產業利用性, 任何發明可在歐洲獲得專利
EPO的申請案皆為可引用的前案, 對習知技術的判斷並不限制於各指定會員國的申請案
Art 54 EPC 2000
(2)The state of the art shall be held to comprise everything made available to the public by means of a written or oral description, by use, or in any other way, before the date of filing of the European patent application.
定義習知技術: 在歐洲專利申請日前, 任何以書寫, 口頭描述, 使用或是其他方式公開給大眾的東西, 皆為習知技術的狀態 (與修法前(刪除Art 54(4))在指定國家的公開技術才稱為習知技術不同) (新穎性引證資料)
(3)Additionally, the content of European patent applications as filed, the dates of filing of which are prior to the date referred to in paragraph 2 and which were pulbished on or after that date, shall be considered as comprised in the state of the art.
在歐洲專利申請案前已申請, 卻於申請後才公開的申請案亦為習知技術 (新穎性引證前案)
Art 56 EPC 2000
An invention shall be considered as involving an inventive step if, having regard to the state of the art, it is not obvious to a person skilled in the art. If the state of the art includes documents within the meaning of Art 54(3) these documents shall NOT be considered in deciding whether there has been an inventive step.
具有進步性的發明是在習知技術的考量下為相關技術領域人員非顯而易知, 而如Art 54(3)所描述
Art 14 EPC 2000
filing of EP applications in any language
filing of a translation in to one of the official languages of the EPC, i.e.
English, French, German, within two months after filing of the EP application.
可以任何語言申請歐洲專利(拿到申請日), 但需要在兩個月內翻譯為其官方語言, 如英語, 法語, 德語
reestablishment of rights is possible
可能重建失去的權利, 如優先權, 專利權, 過期未補的文件...等
Minimum requirements for accordance of a filing date
. indication that an EP patent is sought
. a description of the invention
. information identifying the applicant or allowing the applicant to be contacted, i.e. name and address of the applicant
. NO claims required (this does not apply to PCT applications filed with EPO)
- 歐洲專利申請案
- 發明描述
- 申請人, 或聯絡人資訊
- 不需申請專利範圍
Deferral of priority claim (R 52(2) EPC 2000)
Declaration of priority can now be deferred or corrected until 16 months after earliest priority. This results in a delayed start of search and examination.
歐洲專利申請案可從最早申請案申請後16個月主張/取消/修正該案優先權, 但此一措施會導致延遲檢索與審查的結果