1. 前言、設計專利的名稱、簡短使用描述(實務上並無必要)
2. 各圖描述

3. 特徵描述(實務上並無必要)
4. 單一權利範圍

5. 圖面

6. 宣誓書
設計專利,最重要的揭露內容就是物品本身從足夠的幾個角度所觀看的外觀(通常有上視、下視、左視、右視、前視、後視、立體圖等),而且揭露內容需要到不讓人猜測的地步,也就是要完整公開所有各角度的圖像。仍須符合專利法第112條第1項的規定(full, clear, concise, and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the art to which it pertains, or with which it is most nearly connected, to make and use the same)
通常要求白底黑線描繪的圖式,須符合37 CFR 1.84與1.152的規定,需要陰影線表達物品立體感,這些沒有表達好,甚至可能影響設計專利的有效實施。
答案是,如果說明書加註"The color shown on the claimed design forms no part thereof",則顏色不在範圍考慮之內,若無加註類似文字,則顏色為該設計專利的一部分,也為權利範圍的限制條件!此disclaimer需要在原始送件時加入,之後加入會被認為是新事物(new matter)。
§1.152 Design drawings.
The design must be represented by a drawing that complies with the requirements of § 1.84 and must contain a sufficient number of views to constitute a complete disclosure of the appearance of the design. Appropriate and adequate surface shading should be used to show the character or contour of the surfaces represented. Solid black surface shading is not permitted except when used to represent the color black as well as color contrast. Broken lines may be used to show visible environmental structure, but may not be used to show hidden planes and surfaces that cannot be seen through opaque materials. Alternate positions of a design component, illustrated by full and broken lines in the same view are not permitted in a design drawing. Photographs and ink drawings are not permitted to be combined as formal drawings in one application. Photographs submitted in lieu of ink drawings in design patent applications must not disclose environmental structure but must be limited to the design claimed for the article.
1 則留言:
是否可以規避 Drawing 裡面的所謂Solid black?因為不是Ink Drawing,而是Photograph.