2008年10月30日美國聯邦巡迴法院(CAFC)針對IN RE BILSKI案做出了判決,其結果涉及是商業方法專利、軟體專利是否適格的爭議(patent-eligible subject matter)

Bernard L. Bilski and Rand A. Warsaw為美國專利第08/833,892號(簡稱Bilski案)申請案的申請人,針對BPAI(訴願與衝突委員會)對Bilski案做出的最終核駁提出上訴(CAFC,2007年10月1日),申請人認為審查委員(包括USPTO與BPAI)對Bilski案做出錯誤的核駁審定,BPAI審定結果認為該案違反美國專利法第101條所規定適格的專利標的。
A method for managing the consumption risk costs of a commodity sold by a commodity provider at a fixed price comprising the steps of:
(a) initiating a series of transactions between said commodity provider and consumers of said commodity wherein said consumers purchase said commodity at a fixed rate based upon historical averages, said fixed rate corresponding to a risk position of said consumer;
(b) identifying market participants for said commodity having a counter-risk position to said consumers; and
(c) initiating a series of transactions between said commodity provider and said market participants at a second fixed rate such that said series of market participant transactions balances the risk position of said series of consumer transactions.
這件案子明顯是個「商業方法」,USPTO核駁理由是其範圍違反美國專利法第101條,『claims 1-11, the invention is not implemented on a specific apparatus and merely manipulates [an] abstract idea and solves a purely mathematical problem without any limitation to a practical application, therefore, the invention is not directed to the technological arts』,其中理由認為此範圍僅為一種人為操作的概念或數學問題,並無技術性。同時,申請人在答辯時亦承認此方法並非建構於電腦作業上。
然而,在訴願期間,BPAI針對USPTO審查委員的理由指出,審查委員錯誤引用「technological art」的測試,亦並無任何判例有提出這類測試。
並且認為,如果請求範圍能夠由一個狀態轉換到另一個(if there is a transformation of physical subject matter from one state to another),則並非權利範圍沒有寫出特定裝置就表示沒有適格的專利標的(may still be directed to patent-eligible subject matter)。BPAI以化學元素混合的結果為例,化學元素的混合並非需要任何裝置,而能以人工合成、轉換成新的物質,這仍是可專利的。
此時,BPAI好像是站在申請人這裡,其實不然,BPAI認為Bilski案的請求範圍並無包括任何適格的轉換(patent-eligible transformation),其中依據風險判斷價格、供應商、消費者等特徵間並無可專利的標的,仍決定該案並無產業利用性(useful),維持不准予專利的判決。
經以上對談,排除了USPTO審查委員對「technological art」與「specific apparatus」錯誤判斷的測試之後,此案即變成單純是否符合專利法第101條規定的議題。
根據美國專利法第101條規定:『Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title』。
其中描述了四種可專利的類別:process、machine、manufacture與composition of matter,Bilski案明顯能歸類為其中的「process」,而是否為new and useful變成主要議題。
歷史上對「process」有眾多解釋,比如,如果請求範圍為自然法則(laws of nature)、(natural phenomena)自然現象、心智活動(mental process)、與抽象概念(abstract idea),此類發明並無法專利。
最後,CAFC採用了一種「machine-or-transformation test」(Benson)作為是否符合專利法第101條所規定的法定標的的測試,最高法院的意見是:
『It is argued that a process patent must either be tied to a particular machine or apparatus or must operate to change articles or materials to a 'different state or thing.' We do not hold that no process patent could ever qualify if it did not meet the requirements of our prior precedents』
在另一判決(Diehr)中,『Transformation and reduction of an article to a different state or thing’ is the clue to the patentability of a process claim that does not include particular machines』
上述「machine-or-transformation test」有兩個要求,符合其一即符合專利法第101條所規定的process的適格專利:
- claim is tied to a particular machine, or
請求範圍應聯繫於特定機器上,或是 - claim transforms an article into a different state or thing
『Thus, claim 1 does not involve the transformation of any physical object or substance, or an electronic signal representative of any physical object or substance. Given its admitted failure to meet the machine implementation part of the test as well, the claim entirely fails the machine-or-transformation test and is not drawn to patent-eligible subject matter.』
CAFC認為,該案請求範圍並未能將物品改變至不同的狀態或東西,該案的Claim 1無關轉換任何物體或物質,或電子訊號所表示的物體或物質,加上如同申請人承認的,該範圍並無關機器,故該請求範圍完全不符合於「machine-or- transformation test」的測試,不符101規定之適格專利。
列舉引用In re Bilski判例核駁的實例的理由如下:
