“We are very pleased that the majority of the rulings were favorable to Motorola Mobility,” said Scott Offer, senior vice president and general counsel of Motorola Mobility. "The ALJ’s initial determination may provide clarity on the definition of the Microsoft 566 patent for which a violation was found and will help us avoid infringement of this patent in the U.S. market.”
Microsoft continues to infringe Motorola Mobility’s substantial patent portfolio and Motorola Mobility has active patent infringement litigation and proceedings against Microsoft in a number of jurisdictions, including the ITC. Motorola Mobility remains confident in its position and will continue to move forward with its complaints.
US6,370,566揭露一種從行動裝置產生會議請求與群組行事曆的技術「Generating meeting requests and group scheduling from a mobile device」,此技術提供使用者從行動裝置進行會議請求的功能,其中裝置會被授予一個獨特的識別碼(global object ID)互相辨識,能依此作為設定會議邀請的根據。技術如下圖,其中行動裝置3與電腦4透過網路138彼此連結,從圖中可知,兩端具有類似的電路功能,頂多只是行動裝置3有兩組通訊電路。這些特徵使得行動裝置3能與電腦4進行資料同步。當進行發明內所提到會議請求時,一端將對多端發出請求,接收端與發送端都會同時進行會議設定,並利用上述唯一的識別碼彼此連結!

1. A mobile device, comprising:
an object store;(手機一般有)
an application program configured to maintain objects on the object store;(手機應該有對應特定物件的程式)
a user input mechanism configured to receive user input information;(手機有輸入裝置)
a synchronization component configured to synchronize individual objects stored on the object store with remote objects stored on a remote object store;(與遠端物件同步,這個是透過一些軟體達成,手機可不用安裝)
a communications component configured to communicate with a remote device containing the remote object store; and(手機應有與遠端裝置通訊的通訊元件)
wherein the application program is further configured to generate a meeting object and an electronic mail scheduling request object based on the user input information. (這是涉及手機是否安裝可以產生會議物件與電子郵件行事曆的軟體)
可參考claim chart:http://www.scribd.com/doc/76175569/Microsoft-v-Motorola-ITC-566-Patent-Claim-Chart
這是Droid 2手機強調的特色:

