Deere & Co. v. Bush Hog, LLC, 703 F.3d 1349 (Fed. Cir. 2012)
原告/上訴人:Deere & Company
被告/共同上訴人:Bush Hog, LLC & Great Plains Manufacturing Incorporated
US District Court for Southern District of Iowa經解釋系爭專利範圍後,作出被告Bush等"侵權不成立"簡易判決,但其中認為系爭專利沒有因為不明確(35 USC 112)而無效,於是雙方都提出上訴。
系爭專利涉及一種易於清潔的雙壁板旋轉刀具(Easy clean dual wall deck for rotary cutter),有上下壁板,低板"實質平面與水平",高板則是包括比低板高的中間部位,前後部位從中間分別向前斜下,以及向後斜下,到連接部,左右牆結構分別連接低壁板與高壁板,以定義出一個具有扭轉剛性的箱形截面。其中易於清潔的設計是在涵蓋了刀具結構的具有扭轉強度的雙壁板(56, 28)。

"疑似"被告Bush Hog等製作的旋轉刀具截圖如下,圖形取自Bush Hog網站型錄的rotary cutter畫面:http://www.bushhog.com/uploads/documents/BHRazorbackBH4-5-6_PM15.pdf

Claim 1:
1. A rotary cutter deck comprising:
a lower, substantially planar, horizontal deck wall;
an upper deck wall including a central portion elevated above said lower deck wall, and front and rear portions respectively sloped downwardly and forwardly, and downwardly and rearwardly from said central portion into engagement with, and being secured to, said lower deck wall; and
right- and left-hand end wall structures respectively being joined to right- and left-hand ends of said lower and upper deck walls to thereby define a box section having torsional stiffness.
Claim 6:
6. The rotary cutter deck defined in claim 1 wherein said lower and upper deck walls cooperate to present an upwardly facing deck surface which is smooth and substantially obstruction free from front to back, whereby material may slide or easily be washed off said deck surface, and water will run off said deck surface.

針對系爭專利範圍中使用的「being secured to」與「into engagement with」,地方法院解釋「in to engagement with」為「brought into contact with」;「being secured to」為「fastened or attached」。根據這些用語解釋,被告產品中的結構連接關係並沒有落入這些用語的「文義」,而原告原本沒有主張「均等論」之適用,因為是基於地院的解釋,地院裁決侵權不成立。
針對系爭專利範圍的「substantially planar ...」,地院並不認為用語不明確。
判決引用畫面,很清楚表示出爭議中的上下壁板(56, 28),圖形與檔案取自:https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/20851645/deere-amp-co-v-bush-hog-llc-finnegan

"The district court erroneously construed the term “into engagement with” to require direct contact between the upper and lower deck walls. At the outset, the claim language itself counsels against this narrow interpretation of the term. “[T]he words of a claim ‘are generally given their ordinary and customary meaning’ ... that the term would have to a person of ordinary skill in the art in question at the time of the invention.”"
"“[T]he person of ordinary skill in the art is deemed to read the claim term not only in the context of the particular claim in which [it] appears, but in the context of the entire patent, including the specification.” While claim terms are understood in light of the specification, a claim construction must not import limitations from the specification into the claims."
其中,CAFC認為地院以「into engagement with」為「直接接觸上下壁板」的解釋有誤,請求項的描述"into engagement with, and being secured to"使得這兩種連接關係有不同的意思,"engagement"可以是一種「非直接」的連接關係,舉例為馬達與齒輪連接時會有另一齒輪的連接關係,而"secured to"則是「直接」的連接關係。除了一般意義如此,說明書也支持這個解釋,即便被告也提出自己的論點,但是這個連接關係涉及裝置具備的扭轉剛性,就是一種非直接連接關係,因此地院對這些用語解釋有誤。
其中值得報導的是,在處理「均等論(doctrine of equivalents)」時,法院提出一些澄清,如強調請求項範圍是逐元件(element by element basis)討論是否適用均等論,逐元件討論被告侵權產品是否落入每一項專利元件的均等範圍中。在討論均等論適用時,表示至少有一個專利元件並沒有文義讀取到被告侵權物,因此將討論缺乏的元件是否被等效的裝置或手段所涵蓋。
"in every case applying the doctrine of equivalents, at least one claimed element is not literally present in the accused product. The question is “whether an omitted part is supplied by an equivalent device or instrumentality.”"
"Thus, the doctrine of equivalents, by its very nature, assumes that some element is missing from the literal claim language but may be supplied by an equivalent substitute."
"substantially"用語是否明確,法院先表示只有在請求項範圍無法經得起解釋("not amenable to construction"),或是無法解決的模糊("insolubly ambiguous"),才能認定專利範圍不明確。而此案例並未如此產生不明確的問題。

更者,專利範圍解釋涉及申請人Deere在專利審查答辯歷史的說明,這點被告Bush認為系爭專利說明書沒有明確定義「substantially planar」用語,也與答辯歷史的講法矛盾,系爭專利審查答辯時曾經排除如Bowie(US4,724,660)所揭露的雙壁板(如下黃色部分)結構,但法院認為使用"substantially"也沒有那麼不明確,沒有讓相關技術人員無法理解專利範圍。因此法院認為substantially並不會因為用語模糊而不明確,要看該領域技術人員是否能夠理解專利範圍而論定。


my two cents: