2024年11月29日 星期五

有目的的解釋/purposive construction - 加拿大專利範圍解釋原則 - Whirlpool Corp. v Camco Inc., 2000 SCC 67 (supreme court 2000)

收到加拿大專利審查意見,其中引用前例認為發明不可專利,其中一例可參考:加拿大專利性「purposive construction」議題的案例 - Free World Trust v Électro Santé Inc., 2000 SCC 66https://enpan.blogspot.com/2024/04/purposive-construction-free-world-trust.html),本次討論另一案例:Whirlpool Corp. v Camco Inc., 2000 SCC 67

最高法院"Whirlpool Corp. v. Camco Inc."案件資訊:
上訴人:Camco Inc. and General Electric Company
被上訴人/專利權人:Whirlpool Corporation and Inglis Limited


(1)是否"purposive construction/有目的的解釋"對於專利有效性與侵權判斷是解釋專利範圍合適的方案?
(2)系爭專利是否因為重複專利(double patenting)而無效?

本判決文說明,專利訴訟的第一步驟就是解釋專利範圍,現行針對專利有效性與侵權審理採用"purposive construction"方法解釋專利範圍,其中以相關領域技術人員的協助,由法院指出申請專利範圍描述的發明中的重要元件(essential elements),有目的的解釋即可以"有見識地/knowledgeably"解釋申請專利範圍文字,還參照說明書整體上下文,可增進以合理與公平地對專利權人與公眾解釋申請專利範圍。

"The first step in a patent suit is to construe the claims.  The “purposive construction” approach is adopted for both validity and infringement issues.  This requires the identification by the court, with the assistance of the skilled reader, of the particular descriptive words or phrases in the claims that describe the “essential” elements of the invention.  Purposive construction properly directs itself to the words of the claims interpreted knowledgeably and in the context of the specification as a whole; it advances the objective of an interpretation of the patent claims that is reasonable and fair to both patentee and public."


法院澄清比對兩件專利是否重複是比對申請專利範圍,而不是比說明書內容,在重複專利的判斷中,第一判斷兩者是否一樣?重複專利就是兩件專利的權利範圍是一樣的,因此,就本次訴訟而言,兩件系爭專利並非相同,也非前後延伸的專利("identical or conterminous")。

第二,就是一種顯而易見性的重複專利(obviousness double patenting)問題,就是判斷是否兩件專利為"可專利地區隔/patentably distinct"?


"With respect to the validity of the '734 patent, Stone J.A. rejected the attack based on double patenting.  He held that double patenting requires that the claims of the later patent be conterminous with the claims in the earlier patent, or that the latter is an obvious and uninventive extension of the former.  Neither was the case here.  He also rejected the attacks based on covetousness and affirmed the validity of the '734 patent."


