2024年12月31日 星期二

專利說明書中影響專利範圍解釋的內容 - Fenner Investments v. Cellco Partnership (Fed. Cir. 2015)


想要找「摘要」內容是否會影響專利範圍解釋的題目,結果找到本篇案例「Fenner Investments v. Cellco Partnership (Fed. Cir. 2015)」,其中就一句話:"The terms used in patent claims are not construed in the abstract, but in the context in which the term was presented and used by the patentee, as it would have been understood by a person of ordinary skill in the field of the invention on reading the patent documents."。感覺這是答案,但是又覺得不足以證明"摘要不會影響專利範圍解釋"的答案。

根據MPEP 2111 Claim Interpretation; Broadest Reasonable Interpretation(https://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/mpep/s2111.html),其中描述解釋專利範圍的原則,如("The Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”) determines the scope of claims in patent applications not solely on the basis of the claim language, but upon giving claims their broadest reasonable construction “in light of the specification as it would be interpreted by one of ordinary skill in the art.”")

事實上,MPEP 608.01(b)中有段內容"Since the abstract of the disclosure has been interpreted to be a part of the specification for the purpose of compliance with 35 U.S.C. 112 (In re Armbruster, 512 F.2d 676, 678-79, 185 USPQ 152, 154 (CCPA 1975)), it would ordinarily be preferable that the applicant make the necessary changes to the abstract to bring it into compliance with the guidelines. See Form Paragraphs 6.13-6.16 (below).",因此,abstract應該仍是實質有影響的段落。

被告/被上訴人:CELLCO PARTNERSHIP(經營Verizon無線通訊)
判決日期:February 12, 2015

本案緣起專利權人Fenner於地院向被告Cellco提起侵權告訴,系爭專利'708涉及管理行動用戶存取要計費的網路的系統,Claim 1界定一個在通訊系統中提供行動用戶存取計費機構的方法,方法包括接收行動用戶的user ID的通訊、接收付費碼、請求服務資料,即提供行動用戶從各個地方存取通訊網路。

1. A method of providing access to a mobile user in a communications system having a plurality of interconnected radio frequency communication switches for selectively connecting calls to mobile users via radio frequency links, a plurality of billing authorities for maintaining service profiles of mobile users and a plurality of location authorities for maintaining current locations of mobile users within the interconnected communication switches, the method comprising:
receiving at a radio frequency communication switch a personal identification number from a mobile user;
receiving from the mobile user at the communication switch a billing code identifying one of the plurality of billing authorities maintaining a service profile for the mobile use, wherein different ones of the plurality of billing authorities may maintain the service profile or a second profile for the mobile user identified by the personal identification number;
requesting a service profile of the mobile user from the billing authority identified by the received billing code;
storing in memory the service profile received from the billing authority; and
providing the mobile user access to the switch.

判決書特別引用'706案內容"a need has arisen for a system capable of locating and tracking personal identification numbers such that billing and connecting procedures may be accomplished",其中提到有需要提出一個可以(通過switch)定位與追蹤使用者ID的系統以便計費與通訊,當使用者換了位置,可以根據user ID就完成通訊。而當時的使用者使用的電話號碼是隨位置改變的號碼,如果跨區就會形成漫遊,也就是使用者換位置就有可能要換電話號碼或是換計費的機構,不方便計費,系爭專利就改良以user ID為計費依據。


上訴的議題之一是怎麼解釋「personal identification number」?被告經營Verizon的無線通訊業務,Verizon解釋「personal identification number」是與計費碼(billing code)分開的,地院採用這個解釋,也就是"billing code"用以識別計費機構(電信公司),是連結使用者個人,而不是連結裝置,亦不同於user ID。因此基於這個解釋判決侵權不成立。

地方法院根據內部證據(專利範圍、說明書與專利審查歷史)解釋「personal identification number」,而原告Fenner認為「personal identification number」的解釋不應限制在說明書,也認為地方法院錯誤引用審查歷史來解釋。

CAFC法院引用前例Biogen Idec v. GlaxoSmithKline (CAFC 2013)案,所謂內部證據包括申請專利範圍、說明書與審查歷史(並沒有包括摘要!),又引用Phillips v. AWH Corp. (CAFC 2005)得出解釋專利範圍的原則:發明相關領域一般技術人員根據說明書與審查歷史(以最廣而合理)解釋專利範圍

-合理解釋專利範圍的案例 - Phillips v. AWH Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2005)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/05/phillips-v-awh-corp-fed-cir-2005.html

依據Nautilus v. Biosig (supreme court 2014)意旨,另還要考量明確性(definiteness)要件來解釋專利範圍,避免無邊無際的專利範圍(專利範圍要有邊界)。

-最高法院對明確性的態度 - Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc.(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/06/nautilus-inc-v-biosig-instruments-inc.html

第一,說明書(written description)作為解釋專利範圍的主要依據(但並非以其中實施例限縮解釋範圍)。

例如系爭專利圖式的描述,「personal identification number」並沒有連結通訊單元或是位置等元件,並且如說明書所述,電話使用者有「personal identification number」,並用以識別「billing and call servicing 」,而非在電話單元中。因此如地方法院的解釋,系爭專利範圍中的「personal identification number」連結的是使用者,而非裝置。(這樣看來,Verizon的服務是採用綁定在裝置的ID)

第二,專利審查歷史(prosecution history)中用於排除先前技術的解釋形成解釋專利範圍的限制。

在本案例中,專利答辯是為了區隔先前技術Hayes(US5210787),Hayes揭露行動裝置會週期性地自基地台接收訊號,訊號包括識別基地台系統的資訊(稱"system identification number"),行動裝置再回傳行動識別碼("mobile identification number")回應基地台傳送的訊號,此行動識別碼是一種登錄的電子序號。


因此,明顯地,審查歷史支持地方法院解釋專利範圍中的「personal identification number」連結使用者,而不是裝置。

第三,Fenner搬出請求項差異原則(doctrine of claim differentiation),因為附屬請求項描述「personal identification number」獨立於裝置,因此獨立請求項並不限制在"獨立於裝置"的限制。



my two cents:
從本篇判決來看,除了以上引用的一段話外,其實並非未討論是否abstract會影響專利範圍解釋,但肯定的是,in light of specification絕對是解釋專利範圍的主要原則,加上審查歷史產生的限制,即便專利範圍寫的很廣(的樣子),claim differentiation可能不足以保護到想要的範圍。

