美國商業部(Commerce Department)在哥本哈根舉行氣候變遷會議前提出針對
綠色科技專利申請案的加速審查領航計畫(pilot program)
一般專利申請案如果沒有提出任何加速審查的方案,通常都是依序進入審查,審查的快慢也會跟技術領域有關,而相關「綠色」科技則是平均30個月(2年半)得到第一次官方意見(first office action),而40個月得到最終意見(final office action),這顯然是比一般案件更久,所以加速此類技術應該是必要的
請願書(petition),將可進入加速審查的程序,這就與一般USPTO所提供的加速審查請求(Accelerated Examination Request)不同,可參考
http://enpan.blogspot.com/2009/09/blog-post_10.html,此類加速審查通常要提出Examination Support Document,使能產生超短的審查時間!
第一類:替代能源(Alternative Energy Production)1.Agricultural waste (USPC 44/589)
2.Biofuel (USPC 44/605; 44/589)
3.Chemical waste (USPC 110/235– 259, 346)
4.For domestic hot water systems (USPC 126/634–680)
5.For passive space heating (USPC 52/173.3)
6.For swimming pools (USPC 126/ 561–568)
7.Fuel cell (USPC 429/12–46)
8.Fuel from animal waste and crop residues (USPC 44/605)
9.Gasification (USPC 48/197R, 197A)
10.Genetically engineered organism (USPC 435/252.3–252.35, 254.11–254.9, 257.2, 325–408, 410–431)
11.Geothermal (USPC 60/641.2– 641.5; 436/25–33)
12.Harnessing energy from man-made waste (USPC 75/958; 431/5)
13.Hospital waste (USPC 110/235– 259, 346)
14.Hydroelectric (USPC 405/76–78; 60/495–507; 415/25)
15.Industrial waste (USPC 110/235– 259, 346)
16.Industrial waste anaerobic digestion (USPC 210/605)
17.Industrial wood waste (USPC 44/ 589; 44/606)
18.Inertial (e.g., turbine) (USPC 290/ 51, 54; 60/495–507)
19.Landfill gas (USPC 431/5)
20.Municipal waste (USPC 44/552)
21.Nuclear power—induced nuclear reactions: processes, systems, and elements (USPC 376/all)
22.Nuclear power—reaction motor with electric, nuclear, or radiated energy fluid heating means (USPC 60/203.1)
23.Nuclear power—heating motive fluid by nuclear energy (USPC 60/644.1) Photovoltaic (USPC 136/243–265)
24.Refuse-derived fuel (USPC 44/ 552)
25.Solar cells (USPC 438/57, 82, 84, 85, 86, 90, 93, 94, 96, 97)
26.Solar energy (USPC 126/561–714; 320/101)
27.Solar thermal energy (USPC 126/ 561–713; 60/641.8–641.15)
28.Water level (e.g., wave or tide) (USPC 405/76–78; 60/495–507)
29.Wind (USPC 290/44, 55; 307/64– 66, 82–87; 415/2.1)
第二類:節約能源(Energy Conservation)1.Alternative-power vehicle (e.g., hydrogen) (USPC 180/2.1–2.2, 54.1)
2.Cathode ray tube circuits (USPC 315/150, 151, 199)
3.Commuting, e.g., HOV, teleworking (USPC 705/13)
4.Drag reduction (USPC 105/1.1–1.3; 296/180.1–180.5; 296/181.5)
5.Electric lamp and discharge devices (USPC 313/498–512, 567–643)
6.Electric vehicle (USPC 180/65.1; 180/65.21; 320/109; 701/22; 310/1–310)
7.Emission trading, e.g., pollution credits (USPC 705/35–45)
8.Energy storage or distribution (USPC 307/38–41; 700/295–298; 713/ 300–340)
9.Fuel cell-powered vehicles (USPC 180/65.21; 180/65.31)
10.Human-powered vehicle (USPC 180/205; 280/200–304.5)
11.Hybrid-powered vehicle (USPC 180/65.21–65.29; 73/35.01–35.13, 112– 115, 116–119A, 121–132)
12.Incoherent light emitter structure (USPC 257/79, 82, 88–90, 93, 99–103)
13.Land vehicle (USPC 105/49–61 (electric trains); 180/65.1–65.8 (electric cars))
14.Optical systems and elements (USPC 359/591–598)
15.Roadway, e.g., recycled surface, all-weather bikeways (USPC 404/32– 46)
16.Static structures (USPC 52/309.1– 309.17, 404.1–404.5, 424–442, 783.1– 795.1)
17.Thermal (USPC 702/130–136)
18.Transportation (USPC 361/19, 20, 141, 152, 218)
19.Watercraft drive (electric powered) (USPC 440/6–7)
20.Watercraft drive (human powered) (USPC 440/21–32)
21.Wave-powered boat motors (USPC 440/9)
22.Wind-powered boat motors (USPC 440/8)
23.Wind-powered ships (USPC 114/ 102.1–115)
第三類:環保種植/養殖(Environmentally Friendly Farming)1.Alternative irrigation technique (USPC 405/36–51)
2.Animal waste disposal or recycling (USPC 210/610–611; 71/11–30)
3.Fertilizer alternative, e.g., composting (USPC 71/8–30)
4.Pollution abatement, soil conservation (USPC 405/15)
5.Water conservation (USPC 137/ 78.2–78.3; 137/115.01–115.28)
6.Yield enhancement (USPC 504)
第四類:環境淨化、保護與矯正(Environmental Purification, Protection, or Remediation)1.Biodegradable (USPC 383/1; 523/ 124–128; 525/938; 526/914)
2.Bio-hazard, Disease (permanent containment of malicious virus, bacteria, prion) (USPC 588/249–249.5)
3.Bio-hazard, Disease (destruction of malicious virus, bacteria, prion) (USPC 588/299)
4.Carbon capture or sequestration (USPC 95/139–140; 405/129.1–129.95; 423/220–234)
5.Disaster (e.g., spill, explosion, containment, or cleanup) (USPC 405/ 129.1–129.95)
6.Environmentally friendly coolants, refrigerants, etc. (USPC 252/71–79)
7.Genetic contamination (USPC 422/ 1–43)
8.Hazardous or Toxic waste destruction or containment (USPC 588/ 1–261)
9.In atmosphere (USPC 95/57–81, 149–240)
10.In water (USPC 210/600–808; 405/ 60)
11.Landfill (USPC 405/129.95)
12.Nuclear waste containment or disposal (USPC 588/1–20, 400)
13.Plants and plant breeding (USPC 800/260–323.3)
14.Post-consumer material (USPC 264/36.1–36.22, 911–921; 521/40–49.8)
15.Recovery of excess process materials or regeneration from waste stream (USPC 162/29, 189–191; 164/5; 521/40–49.8; 562/513)
16.Recycling (USPC 29/403.1–403.4; 75/401–403; 156/94; 264/37.1–37.33)
17.Smokestack (USPC 110/345; 422/ 900)
18.Soil (USPC 405/128.1–128.9, 129.1–129.95)
19.Toxic material cleanup (USPC 435/626–282)
20.Toxic material permanent containment or destruction (USPC 588/ all)
21.Using microbes or enzymes (USPC 435/262.5)