
而根據描述,利用分析(parser)一個文件的內容,得到文件所傳達的意思,進而在使用者介面顯示並執行相關的動作,由以下主要範圍來看,包括輸入裝置、表達資料的輸出裝置、儲存分析、連結程式的記憶體、使用者介面、執行動作與連結文件結構的動作處理器、與系統的處理器。這與一般電腦系統有些差異,在於這個系統會執行特定文件所給予的資訊,而非瀏覽而已。比如:看到文件中有名字,就儲存到聯絡人中;有電話號碼,就儲存到電話聯絡簿中;文件有地址,就儲存到地址聯絡簿中;有日期就開啟行事曆。這些確實是目前smart phone常做的事,如果沒有這些動作,就不叫smart phone了
1. A computer-based system for detecting structures in data and performing actions on detected structures, comprising:
an input device for receiving data;
an output device for presenting the data;
a memory storing information including program routines including an analyzer server for detecting structures in the data, and for linking actions to the detected structures;
a user interface enabling the selection of a detected structure and a linked action; and
an action processor for performing the selected action linked to the selected structure; and
a processing unit coupled to the input device, the output device, and the memory for controlling the execution of the program routines.


1. A signal processing system for providing a plurality of realtime services to and from a number of independent client applications and devices, said system comprising:
a subsystem comprising a host central processing unit (CPU) operating in accordance with at least one application program and a device handler program, said subsystem further comprising an adapter subsystem interoperating with said host CPU and said device;
a realtime signal processing subsystem for performing a plurality of data transforms comprising a plurality of realtime signal processing operations; and
at least one realtime application program interface (API) coupled between the subsystem and the realtime signal processing subsystem to allow the subsystem to interoperate with said realtime services.
update on 8.18.2011,這些專利僅是一些電腦軟硬體的技術,當智慧型手機被看作電腦系統時,自然就會遭遇這類專利訴訟!如以下論點:
"And that's why the patent problem is such a mess," Mueller (某IP部落客) added. "The vast majority of the patents in a smartphone are computer hardware and software patents -- mobile communication is just a minority.