- 美國專利訴訟禁制令的判例 - eBay Inc. v. MercExchange, L.L.C.(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/04/ebay-inc-v-mercexchange-llc.html)
- 是否實施專利為核發初步禁制令的依據,但還有其他條件 - Trebro. v. FireFl (Fed. Cir. 2013)(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/04/trebro-v-firefl-fed-cir-2013.html)
- 當公眾利益遇上產品禁制令(Edwards Life Scoence v. CoreValve and Medtronic (Fed. Cir. 2014))(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/04/edwards-life-scoence-v-corevalve-and.html)
原告/被上訴人:The Chamberlain Group, Inc. (CGI)
被告:Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd., Et Technology Co. Ltd. (TTI)
被告/上訴人:Techtronic Industries North America, Inc., One World Technologies, Inc., Owt Industries, Inc., Ryobi Technologies, Inc.

1. A movable barrier operator comprising:
a controller having a plurality of potential operational status conditions defined, at least in part, by a plurality of operating states;
a movable barrier interface that is operably coupled to the controller;
a wireless status condition data transmitter that is operably coupled to the controller, wherein the wireless status condition data transmitter transmits a status condition signal that:
2. The movable barrier operator of
corresponds to a present operational status condition defined, at least in part, by at least two operating states from the plurality of operating states; and
comprises an identifier that is at least relatively unique to the movable barrier operator, such that the status condition signal substantially uniquely identifies the movable barrier operator.
5. The movable barrier operator of
detecting a likely presence of an obstacle to movement of the movable barrier;
detecting a likely proximal presence of a human;
detecting a likely proximal presence of a vehicle;
專利權人CGI車庫門開啟器(opener)包括Home Depot(這是一個可以無線連線並通知狀態的車庫開啟器),被告TTI的被告產品Ryobi(https://www.ryobitools.com/gdo/)提供無線監控的功能,使用者可以利用APP控制車庫門,並可監控車庫門開啟的狀況,還有其他有關車庫內需要的擴充功能,影片參考:https://youtu.be/RMu0Kac79oE。

本案經地方法院解釋專利範圍時認為系爭專利Claim 1中的「controller/self-aware controller」本身已經具備感測器而能得到車庫門狀態,而無須倚賴外部感測器(如此可推斷被告答辯侵權訴訟主張被告產品的控制器自己本身是感測器),以此認為確實有侵權成立的"可能",於是核發初步禁制令(preliminary injunction),理由包括:(1)原告在本案有勝訴的可能。
在此爭議中,需要參考系爭專利Claim 2,其中進一步界定更包括至少一個狀態感測器;也可參考Claim 5,TTI主張其中有些狀態只能由外部感測器得知。不過claim 2的描述是否可以表示其實「controller」本身沒有感測器?
編按,證詞提到"future invention"看來是有點危險,不過,這裡有關"未來"的發明,這確實是一般專利需要想到的,可在實施例適當描述"將來"的可能性,以免被"未來"的發明所迴避。

地方法院接著認為被告的產品會影響原告的市占率,原告會遭遇(2)不可回復的損害(irreparable harm),因此同意核發初步禁制令。補充:原告或被告需要針對以上兩點(1)(2)提出證明,法院再判斷是否核發初步禁制令。

“A plaintiff seeking a preliminary injunction must establish that he is likely to succeed on the merits, that he is likely to suffer irreparable harm in the absence of preliminary relief, that the balance of equities tips in his favor, and that an injunction is in the public interest.”
- 侵權訴訟應該會成立(That there is a substantial likelihood of success on the merits of the case)。
- 如果不核發禁制令會導致實質不可回復的損害(That they face a substantial threat of irreparable damage or injury if the injunction is not granted)。
- 權衡損害後站在提出初步禁制令的一方(That the balance of harms weighs in favor of the party seeking the preliminary injunction)。其實,如果經判斷符合上述兩個條件,判決將傾向原告,也就是提出禁制令的一方,而核發初步禁制令。
- 核發禁制令時應有利於大眾(That the grant of an injunction would serve the public interest),這點比較難判斷,比如這件答辯:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/04/edwards-life-scoence-v-corevalve-and.html。
"The words of a claim “are generally given their ordinary and customary meaning” as understood by a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention."
解釋專利範圍時,法院參考內部證據,說明書與答辯歷史,以及外部證據,如果需要的話。參考前例:合理解釋專利範圍的案例 - Phillips v. AWH Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2005)(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2015/05/phillips-v-awh-corp-fed-cir-2005.html)
CAFC同意TTI的主張,認為地院將「controller」解釋為可以自己感測的控制器(self-aware controller)是錯的,這個控制器需要外部感測器才是。還有,CAFC認為地院不能因為claim 2提到外部感測器,而claim 1揭露控制器中定義有多個運作狀態,就"一刀切",認為claim 1排除了claim 2的特徵。
依照前例來看,CAFC認為:在附屬項的限制並非建議這個限制被獨立項所排除(這應該涉及請求項差異化原則(claim differentiation)),反而是,解釋獨立項專利範圍而排除附屬項的限制可能造成發明不一致。
"The inclusion of a particular limitation in a dependent claim does not suggest that the limitation is eschewed by the claim from which it depends."
“...construing the independent claim to exclude material covered by the dependent claim would be inconsistent.”

"Depending upon the needs of the setting, the controller 11 can be self-aware of such operational status conditions (as when, for example, the controller 11 is aware that it has switched a given ambient light fixture on or off) or the controller 11 can be provided with externally developed information regarding the condition."
CAFC法官開始"挑毛病",認為請求項1中的描述「a controller having a plurality of potential operational status conditions defined, at least in part, by a plurality of operating states;」未被說明書支持!因為從專利範圍的文字與附屬請求項的描述,都不支持「self-aware controller」。

my two cents:
本次判決主要是因為地方法院過於「果斷地」將claim 1, 2區隔,相互排除而認定禁制令不法,對專利權人不太公平,我覺得。