「Graham v. John Deere Co. 判例(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2012/10/graham-v-john-deere-co.html、http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2008/09/103a_25.html)」
- Determining the scope and contents of the prior art.(確認前案的範疇)
- Ascertaining the differences between the prior art and the claims at issue.(查明權利範圍與前案的差異)
- Resolving the level of ordinary skill in the pertinent art.(分辨發明相關領域的一般技術水平)
- Considering objective evidence present in the application indicating obviousness or nonobviousness.(考慮申請案中顯而易見或非顯而易見的的客觀證據)
這部份也就是日後稱為Graham factors -- secondary considerations:商業上成功、解決長期未解決的需求、克服別人的失敗
- 如何判斷顯而易見(MPEP 2143),討論之一(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2013/08/mpep-2143.html)
- 顯而易見性答辯討論(MPEP 2143.01、teach away),討論之二(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2015/05/mpep-214301teach-away.html)
被上訴人:APPLE, INC.
本案源自系爭專利的IPR案(IPR2013-00596),IPR也溯及侵權訴訟,IPR針對系爭專利claims 24, 32, 70, 81, 82, and 86提出無效理由,前案為Woodhill (US 5,649,196)與Stefik (US 7,359,881),經全部啟始後,這些請求項被認為不具專利性。
系爭專利Claim 70如下,界定一資料存取控制的電腦方法,控制電腦存取需要授權的資料,其中根據資料內容,經演算後賦予檔案唯一的名稱,之後這個名稱成為電腦是否被授權存取的依據,未被授權的電腦並不會得知檔案名稱。
70. A computer-implemented method operable in a system which includes a network of computers, the system implemented at least in part by hardware including at least one processor, the method comprising the steps of:
in response to a request at a first computer, from another computer, said request comprising at least a content-based identifier for a particular data item, the content-based identifier for the particular data item being based at least in part on a given function of at least some data which comprise the contents of the particular data item, wherein the given function comprises a message digest or a hash function, and wherein two identical data items will have the same content-based identifier:
(A) hardware in combination with software, determining whether the content-based identifier for the particular data item corresponds to an entry in a database comprising a plurality of content-based identifiers; and
(B) based at least in part on said determining in step (A), selectively permitting the particular data item to be accessed at or by one or more computers in the network of computers, said one or more computers being distinct from said first computer.
(1) 應在兩個先前技術(Woodhill, Stefik)找出系爭專利'310全部的元件("First, the Board had to find in Woodhill and Stefik all of the elements of the ’310 patent claims at issue.")。
(2) 並應找出PHOSITA結合先前技術的動機,而經此結合後可以達到發明成功合理的期待("Second, the Board had to find that a person of ordinary skill in the art would have been motivated to combine the prior art in the way claimed by the ’310 patent claims at issue and had a reasonable expectation of success in doing so.")
此時可以搬出美國最高法院在KSR案的認知,都是實質證據應該考量的:(1)專利主張的"發現"幾乎必然是已知技術的組合("claimed discoveries almost of necessity will be combinations of what, in some sense, is already known");(2)重要的是,要辨明一個可以促使相關領域一般技術人員如發明一般地組合這些已知元件的理由(“it can be important to identify a reason that would have prompted a person of ordinary skill in the relevant field to combine the elements in the way the claimed new invention does.”);(3)考量先前技術的教示以及市場需求,與技術人員的背景知識("prior-art teachings and marketplace demands and artisans’ background knowledge")來判斷是否有明顯的理由而組合這些已知元件。

也就是,法院認為PTAB與APPLE的請願書中引用的先前技術並沒有清楚地交代先前技術如何揭露了系爭專利的專利元件,比如涵蓋系爭專利的權利範圍的所有元件(元件比對),也沒有清楚論述先前技術如何揭露了系爭專利發明(技術比對),更未能證明相關領域技術人員具有結合前案而達成系爭專利發明成功的合理期待(reasonable expectation of success)的動機(結合動機)。

CAFC給了很高的標準,其實是認為PTAB"有點混",認為PTAB很概括地說明核駁理由,並沒有充分地解釋以及建構在證據上,特別是沒有解釋前案的組合如何運作"HOW the combination of the two references was supported to work"。

最終,CAFC否決PTAB判斷,認為PTAB與APPLE並未提出證明系爭專利為顯而易知(35 U.S.C. 103)的「實質證據(substantial evidence)」,其中並未證明相關領域技術人員有動機去結合先前技術而產生如系爭專利「成功的合理期待(reasonable expectation of success)」的發明。
"Board did not adequately support its findings that the prior art disclosed all elements of the challenged claims and that a relevant skilled artisan would have had a motivation to combine the prior-art references to produce the claimed ’310 inventions with a reasonable expectation of success."
my two cents:
其實,即便講得很清楚,但是還是聽的(用的)很模糊,還是有許多模糊的定義,比如如何界定相關技術水平,何謂相關領域技術人員(skilled artisan)。但我很認同需要充分解釋前案組合後如何運作而達成系爭專利的發明,才能讓人信服,不過,這點的模糊地區也是專利答辯的契機。