Case 5:可實施性、說明書支持要件
enpan's Patent & Linux practice
2024年6月29日 星期六
日本AI發明專利的適格性筆記之二 - JPO 2024年更新範例
Case 5:可實施性、說明書支持要件
2024年6月26日 星期三
日本AI發明專利的適格性筆記之一 - ChatGPT問答錄
其實說到AI發明,也僅是搭上目前很夯的話題,AI有個特色是 - "說不清楚",但本質上就是"軟體發明",也就是常說的"電腦實現的發明/computer-implemented invention/CII",因此有關軟體發明的專利適格性議題應該都適用在AI相關的發明。但無論如何,AI相關發明的專利適格性仍是值得一談的議題,畢竟AI還是有點意思。
In Japan, the patentability of AI-related
inventions follows the general principles of patent law, but there are specific
considerations to keep in mind:
1. **Statutory Requirements**: To be patentable,
an AI-related invention must meet the three basic requirements: novelty,
inventive step (non-obviousness), and industrial applicability.(常識)
2. **Technical Aspect**: The invention must be a
"creation of technical ideas utilizing a law of nature." Pure
mathematical algorithms, abstract ideas, or mental acts are not patentable unless they have a
technical character or are implemented in a way that produces a technical
effect. (還算可以,就是要有技術效果的特徵)
3. **AI Algorithms**: AI algorithms themselves,
if claimed as such, are generally not
patentable unless they are part of a specific technical
application or contribute to a technical improvement. For example, a
machine learning algorithm used in a medical imaging device to improve
diagnostic accuracy may be patentable. (還算不錯的答案)
4. **Application Format**: The Japan Patent
Office (JPO) encourages applicants to describe AI-related inventions in terms
of their technical problem and solution.
Detailed descriptions of how the AI contributes to solving a technical problem and the specific
technical implementation can enhance the chances of patentability. (要解決技術問題)
5. **Examples of Patentable AI Inventions**:(我覺得是不錯的說明)
- AI used in a new type of control system for
- AI algorithms implemented in a specific
hardware environment that results in a technical improvement.
- Specific applications of AI in fields like
healthcare, manufacturing, or transportation that demonstrate a technical
6. **Examination Guidelines**: The JPO provides
examination guidelines specific to AI-related inventions. These guidelines help
in assessing whether an AI invention meets the criteria for patentability,
emphasizing the importance of a detailed
technical description and the demonstration of a technical effect.
7. **Patent Strategy**: When filing an
AI-related patent in Japan, it's crucial to: (很不錯的結論)
- Clearly define the technical problem being solved.
- Detail the
technical means by which the AI solution is implemented.
- Highlight any
technical effects or improvements resulting from the AI implementation.
In summary, while AI algorithms as standalone
inventions are generally not patentable in Japan, AI-related inventions that
demonstrate a clear technical contribution and solve a specific technical
problem can be patented. The focus should be on the practical application and
technical details of the AI solution.
Subject: Information on Patentability of AI-Related Inventions in Japan
Hi Ronpan,
Here is the information on the patentability of AI-related inventions in Japan:
1. **Japan Patent Office (JPO) Official Website**:
- The JPO provides comprehensive guidelines and resources regarding patent examination, including specific guidelines for AI and software-related inventions.
- [Japan Patent Office (JPO)](
2. **JPO Examination Guidelines**:
- The JPO has published examination guidelines that cover various aspects of patentability, including specific sections on AI and software inventions.
- [JPO Examination Guidelines](
3. **Intellectual Property High Court of Japan**:
- For legal precedents and interpretations related to AI patents, you might find relevant case law from the Intellectual Property High Court of Japan.
- [Intellectual Property High Court](
4. **Japanese Patent Attorneys and Law Firms**:
- Consulting with Japanese patent attorneys or law firms specializing in intellectual property can provide personalized and detailed advice.
- Some well-known firms include:
- Nakamura & Partners: [Nakamura & Partners](
- Aoyama & Partners: [Aoyama & Partners](
5. **Academic and Industry Publications**:
- Research papers, articles, and industry reports on AI and IP law can provide deeper insights.
- Websites like Google Scholar or legal databases such as LexisNexis and Westlaw can be useful.
6. **Professional Organizations and Conferences**:
- Organizations like the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) often hold seminars and publish papers on the latest trends in IP law, including AI-related patents.
- [AIPPI Japan](
I hope this helps with your research and any AI-related patent endeavors!
Best regards,
[Japan Patent Office (JPO)](
[JPO Examination Guidelines](
[Intellectual Property High Court](
Nakamura & Partners: [Nakamura & Partners](
Aoyama & Partners: [Aoyama & Partners](
[AIPPI Japan](
- Recent Trends in AI-related Inventions
- Patent Examination Case Examples pertinent to AI-related technologies
- Development of Examination Environment for AI-related Inventions Starts(External Link)
- System for the Team Supporting AI Examinations to be Enhanced to Achieve Efficient and Highest-Quality Examinations of AI-Related Inventions(External Link)
2024年6月25日 星期二
如何評估澳洲"電腦實現發明"的專利適格性? - Commissioner of Patents v RPL Central Pty Ltd [2015] FCAFC 177
系爭案的內容關於評估每個人的已知技能、知識與經驗,以確認是否適合參加特定訓練課程,或是判斷是否滿足取得特定課程資格的要求。(編按,就專利權人RPL CENTRAL PTY LTD而言,系爭案發明就是該公司提供評估客戶就業類別的服務,如果以"美國專利"眼光來看是個十分"資訊收集、處理與表示"的"抽象"的發明。)
列舉Claim 1如下:
claim 1: A method of gathering evidence relevant to an assessment of an individual's competency relative to a recognised qualification standard, including the steps of:
- 發明具有可利用性,產生有用的結果;
- 發明克服了判斷適當課程給使用者的困難;
- 發明符合「可販售商品」的測試(vendible product test)(也就是澳洲專利法/判例要求可專利的條件之一是發明應關於可販售的商品);
- 根據發明提供的方案是能將收集到的資料轉換為問題與答案格式,並引導使用者通過這些資訊提供訓練課程,法院判斷這個發明如人為的工作;
- 發明包括了電腦,與發明本身關係複雜,在網路環境中執行通訊的工作;
- 發明的評估伺服器包括取得資訊、處理、產生問題等電腦實現的功能。
Patentable inventions for the purposes of an innovation patent (updated on March 19, 2025澳洲已經淘汰innovation patent制度,但2021年8月26日前申請的innovation patent仍有效,以下註解對standard patent仍是有效的。)
(1A) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), an invention is a patentable invention for the purposes of an innovation patent if the invention, so far as claimed in any claim:
(a) is a manner of manufacture within the meaning of section 6 of the Statute of Monopolies; and
(b) when compared with the prior art base as it existed before the priority date of that claim:
(ii) involves an innovative step; and
(d) was not secretly used in the patent area before the priority date of that claim by, or on behalf of, or with the authority of, the patentee or nominated person or the patentee's or nominated person's predecessor in title to the invention.
(2) Human beings, and the biological processes for their generation, are not patentable inventions.(人類與其生物方法不得取得專利。)
Certain inventions not patentable inventions for the purposes of an innovation patent
(3) For the purposes of an innovation patent, plants and animals, and the biological processes for the generation of plants and animals, are not patentable inventions.(產生動植物生物方法不可專利。)
(4) Subsection (3) does not apply if the invention is a microbiological process or a product of such a process.
2024年6月18日 星期二
101答辯筆記 - 答辯說明請求項存在有意義的額外元件
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