2024年6月6日 星期四

回到現實 - 什麼才是設計顯而易見性適合的主要引證案?- LKQ v. GM (en banc CAFC 2024)

看來之前報導en banc CAFC判決「LKQ Corp. v. GM Global Tech. (Fed. Cir. 2024, en banc)」引起不少討論,看到patently-o的文章回到真正的主題 - 到底哪一件是"D797,625"最適當主要引證案?

- USPTO隔天就回應LKQ v. GM案 - 設計顯而易見性的審查準則(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2024/05/usptolkq-v-gm.html
- 設計專利的顯而易見性採用更有彈性的判斷原則 - KSR, not Durling-LKQ Corp. v. GM Global (en banc CAFC 2024)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2024/05/ksr-not-durlinglkq-corp-v-gm-global-en.html

因為en banc CAFC判決應採用"以KSR為基礎判斷發明專利顯而易見性的準則"判斷設計專利是否符合非顯而易見性規定,這是比較彈性的法則,而捨棄過去採用絕對/刻板的準則:「普通觀察者」基於"基本上一樣/basically the same"的主要引證案或加上與主要引證案"很有關係/so related"的次要引證案("Rosen-Durling test")判斷設計專利顯而易見性的方法。

那回到LKQ v. GM案系爭設計:D797,625



PTAB的APJ解釋專利範圍時,認為LKQ解釋不完全,因此也採用GM部分的解釋,... PTAB的解釋如下截圖,其實是有好幾點,有興趣者可參考IPR最終決定。


Lian: D773,340
2010 Hyundai Tucson

法院的判決意旨是以較彈性的方法判斷設計顯而易見性,而不要採用基本相同的primary reference、與主要引證案很相關的secondary reference...的引證規則,但在侵權或是專利性判斷時仍需要找到適合的"主要"引證案作為評價顯而易見性的證據

(重要)如en banc CAFC判決提到,在Graham factor one,需要決定主要引證案/primary reference,其中原則如下圖,捨棄要找到basically the same的主要引證案,主要引證案的條件是其中包括系爭設計的"一些存在的特徵"("something in existence"),而且應該是最相近的前案,也就是視覺上與系爭設計要相近(非basically the same),因此主要引證案較佳地應該是相同領域的前案,但也只要類似(analogous)就好。

如此,新的顯而易見性的準則顯得更為寬鬆/彈性,以上截圖顯示CAFC引用的案例是"In re Jennings, 182 F.2d 207, 208 (CCPA 1950)",參考patently-o作者引用In re Jennings的段落,可參考:https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F2/182/207/73254/

In the instant case individual features seem to have been selected from different of the reference patents and compared with features shown in appellant's drawings. In other words, it seems to have been held that by selecting features taken from five different patents, that is, one feature from one patent, another from another, etc., a device might be considered which would so closely resemble the drawings of appellant that his design would not be patentable over such possible construction.

We feel constrained to disagree with the concurring conclusions reached by the tribunals of the Patent Office.

In considering patentability of a proposed design the appearance of the design must be viewed as a whole, as shown by the drawing, or drawings, and compared with something in existencenot with something that might be brought into existence by selecting individual features from prior art and combining them, particularly where combining them would require modification of every individual feature, as would be required here.

上述節錄的內容顯示,CAFC認同1950年In re Jennings的決定,判斷設計的顯而易見性,要整體來看/viewed as a whole,比對一些存在的特徵,而不是從前案選擇單一的特徵再去結合。如此,回頭看en banc CAFC的判決,主要引證案雖不要求與系爭設計basically the same,但也要是"視覺上類似"的"最相近"前案

