2024年6月26日 星期三

日本AI發明專利的適格性筆記之一 - ChatGPT問答錄


其實說到AI發明,也僅是搭上目前很夯的話題,AI有個特色是 - "說不清楚",但本質上就是"軟體發明",也就是常說的"電腦實現的發明/computer-implemented invention/CII",因此有關軟體發明的專利適格性議題應該都適用在AI相關的發明。但無論如何,AI相關發明的專利適格性仍是值得一談的議題,畢竟AI還是有點意思。




In Japan, the patentability of AI-related inventions follows the general principles of patent law, but there are specific considerations to keep in mind:

1. **Statutory Requirements**: To be patentable, an AI-related invention must meet the three basic requirements: novelty, inventive step (non-obviousness), and industrial applicability.

2. **Technical Aspect**: The invention must be a "creation of technical ideas utilizing a law of nature." Pure mathematical algorithms, abstract ideas, or mental acts are not patentable unless they have a technical character or are implemented in a way that produces a technical effect.

3. **AI Algorithms**: AI algorithms themselves, if claimed as such, are generally not patentable unless they are part of a specific technical application or contribute to a technical improvement. For example, a machine learning algorithm used in a medical imaging device to improve diagnostic accuracy may be patentable.

4. **Application Format**: The Japan Patent Office (JPO) encourages applicants to describe AI-related inventions in terms of their technical problem and solution. Detailed descriptions of how the AI contributes to solving a technical problem and the specific technical implementation can enhance the chances of patentability.

5. **Examples of Patentable AI Inventions**:
- AI used in a new type of control system for machinery.
- AI algorithms implemented in a specific hardware environment that results in a technical improvement.
- Specific applications of AI in fields like healthcare, manufacturing, or transportation that demonstrate a technical effect.

6. **Examination Guidelines**: The JPO provides examination guidelines specific to AI-related inventions. These guidelines help in assessing whether an AI invention meets the criteria for patentability, emphasizing the importance of a detailed technical description and the demonstration of a technical effect.

7. **Patent Strategy**: When filing an AI-related patent in Japan, it's crucial to:
- Clearly define the technical problem being solved.
- Detail the technical means by which the AI solution is implemented.
- Highlight any technical effects or improvements resulting from the AI implementation.

In summary, while AI algorithms as standalone inventions are generally not patentable in Japan, AI-related inventions that demonstrate a clear technical contribution and solve a specific technical problem can be patented. The focus should be on the practical application and technical details of the AI solution.


Subject: Information on Patentability of AI-Related Inventions in Japan

Hi Ronpan,

Here is the information on the patentability of AI-related inventions in Japan:

1. **Japan Patent Office (JPO) Official Website**:
- The JPO provides comprehensive guidelines and resources regarding patent examination, including specific guidelines for AI and software-related inventions.
- [Japan Patent Office (JPO)](https://www.jpo.go.jp/e/)

2. **JPO Examination Guidelines**:
- The JPO has published examination guidelines that cover various aspects of patentability, including specific sections on AI and software inventions.
- [JPO Examination Guidelines](https://www.jpo.go.jp/e/system/laws/rule/guideline/patent/index.html)

3. **Intellectual Property High Court of Japan**:
- For legal precedents and interpretations related to AI patents, you might find relevant case law from the Intellectual Property High Court of Japan.
- [Intellectual Property High Court](http://www.ip.courts.go.jp/eng/)

4. **Japanese Patent Attorneys and Law Firms**:
- Consulting with Japanese patent attorneys or law firms specializing in intellectual property can provide personalized and detailed advice.
- Some well-known firms include:
- Nakamura & Partners: [Nakamura & Partners](http://www.nakapat.gr.jp/english/)
- Aoyama & Partners: [Aoyama & Partners](http://www.aoyamapat.gr.jp/)

5. **Academic and Industry Publications**:
- Research papers, articles, and industry reports on AI and IP law can provide deeper insights.
- Websites like Google Scholar or legal databases such as LexisNexis and Westlaw can be useful.

6. **Professional Organizations and Conferences**:
- Organizations like the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) often hold seminars and publish papers on the latest trends in IP law, including AI-related patents.
- [AIPPI Japan](https://www.aippi.org/aippi-japan/)

I hope this helps with your research and any AI-related patent endeavors!

Best regards,


[Japan Patent Office (JPO)](https://www.jpo.go.jp/e/)

[JPO Examination Guidelines](https://www.jpo.go.jp/e/system/laws/rule/guideline/patent/index.html)

[Intellectual Property High Court](http://www.ip.courts.go.jp/eng/)

Nakamura & Partners: [Nakamura & Partners](http://www.nakapat.gr.jp/english/)

Aoyama & Partners: [Aoyama & Partners](http://www.aoyamapat.gr.jp/)

[AIPPI Japan](https://www.aippi.org/aippi-japan/)





