2009年1月22日 星期四



資料來源:KIPO, Hanyang
  1. 放寬在最終核駁審查之後的權利範圍修正,讓答辯更有彈性:
    (舊法)根據現行的規則,申請人在「最終審查」之後不能如回覆「第一次審查」,或其他非終駁(如有新證據,仍是non-final rejeciton)的審查一樣地修正、新增原說明書支持的權利範圍。
  2. 廢除再審的先前訴願階段(pre-appeal):
    如果申請人伴隨著訴願通知(notice of appeal)提出修正時,該審查委員應再審(re-examine)該申請案,並判斷是否核准。
  3. 分割案的期限:
    (舊法)在韓國,修正的時間內可發出分割申請案(divisional application),但是進入訴願階段時,並不能提出修正內容。
  4. 審查委員針對專利說明書、權利範圍、圖式與摘要的修正:
    (新法)新法規定如果說明書、權利範圍、圖式與摘要包括明顯的錯誤,並且沒有這些錯誤該申請案可被核准,審查委員應伴隨核准通知(notice of allowance)提出修正,以通知申請人,申請人仍可對此提出反對意見。
  5. 選擇韓文為提出PCT案的公開語言:
  6. 韓國新型專利規定:

2009年1月20日 星期二

History of Software Patents II

Diamond v. Diehr

In the 1980s, the Supreme Court forced the P.T.O. to change its position. The 1981 case of Diamond v. Diehr provided the first instance in which the U.S. Supreme Court ordered the P.T.O. to grant a patent on an invention even though computer software was utilized. In that case, the invention related to a method for determining how rubber should be heated in order to be best "cured." The invention utilized a computer to calculate and control the heating times for the rubber. However, the invention (as defined by the claims) included not only the computer program, but also included steps relating to heating rubber, and removing the rubber from the heat. The Supreme Court stated that in this case, the invention was not merely a mathematical algorithm, but was a process for molding rubber, and hence was patentable. This was true even though the only new feature of this invention was the timing process controlled by the computer.

在1980年代,Diamond v. Diehr案例中,最高法院強迫專利局改變立場,要求美國專利局「核准」此件電腦軟體的專利。Diamond v. Diehr案是有關判斷塑膠是否要加熱的方法,其中使用了電腦計算與控制加熱時間,該案權利範圍不僅是包括電腦軟體,更包括了加熱的相關步驟。最高法院認為,該發明不僅只有數學演算式,更有塑造塑膠的步驟,應具有專利性。

在Diamond v. Diehr判例之後,雖然仍有判例持不同的意見,但發明人仍應要在申請一個發明案之前判斷是否僅有數學演算式。



2009年1月19日 星期一



美國申請案「如果找不到發明人簽名怎麼辦?」這個問題不見得不會發生,比如美國案不是第一時間的申請國,第一申請國是台灣案,經過翻譯、校稿之後,往往已 經過了一、兩個月,若又恃「優先權」的好處而延遲送件,就更晚了。這個時候,不一定原來發明人已離職或是其他原因而無法簽署「Declaration」, 或是有多位發明人,只要有一個人有這問題,這問題就發生了!

  • 發明人姓名,註明「non-signing inventor - completed on added page」
  • 居住地
  • 國籍
  • 地址
  • 能簽署的發明人的簽名(Declaration)
實務上,為了要證明該發明人不願或是無法簽署的事實,應須盡到所有通知的義務(diligent effort),應證明已通知該發明人,至少是寄到該發明人「最後」的已知地址,如有收到不能寄達的回函,否則事後會被考驗!如果能附上該發明人的說明,或是口頭說明(包括時間與地點)最好。M.P.E.P. 409.03(d)有規範此說明(statement)的內容。

面對發明人始終「不簽名」、「無法簽名」的問題,可參考37 CFR 1.47(a)所規範「Filing when an inventor refuses to sign or cannot be reached」的內容:
  • (a) 如果共同發明人中的一個發明人拒絕簽署專利申請案,或是找不到人,「其他發明人」仍可代表(on behalf of)該無法簽署的發明人提出申請案。此時送件的宣誓書(oath或declaration)則需連同提出該發明人無法簽署的理由書 (petition),加上相關費用,再加上該發明人「最後」的地址,該發明人仍可在以後補提宣誓書。
  • (b)如果「全部」的發明人都拒絕或是無法簽署宣誓書,而被授權人或是其他可以證明專屬權利的人仍可以以「代理人」的角色提出此發明申請案,此時,仍需附帶上述陳述事實的理由書(petition),同樣應具備發明人「最後」的地址,各發明人仍可於事後補足宣誓書。
  • (c)以上缺漏文件的訊息都會記載於專利公開書中,包括該案的後續案。

If a joint inventor refuses to join in an application for patent or cannot be found or reached after diligent effort, the application may be made by the other inventor on behalf of himself or herself and the nonsigning inventor. The oath or declaration in such an application must be accompanied by a petition including proof of the pertinent facts, the fee set forth in § 1.17(g), and the last known address of the nonsigning inventor. The nonsigning inventor may subsequently join in the
application by filing an oath or declaration complying with § 1.63.

Whenever all of the inventors refuse to execute an application for patent, or cannot be found or reached after diligent effort, a person to whom an inventor has assigned or agreed in writing to assign the invention, or who otherwise shows sufficient proprietary interest in the matter justifying such action, may make application for patent on behalf of and as agent for all the inventors. The oath or declaration in such an application must be accompanied by a petition including proof of the pertinent facts, a showing that such action is necessary to preserve the rights of the parties or to prevent irreparable damage, the fee set forth in § 1.17(g), and the last known address of all of the inventors. An inventor may subsequently join in the application by filing an oath or declaration complying with § 1.63.
The Office will send notice of the filing of the application to all inventors who have not joined in the application at the address(es) provided in the petition under this section, and publish notice of the filing of the application in the Official Gazette. The Office may dispense with this notice provision in a continuation or divisional application, if notice regarding the filing of the prior application was given to the nonsigning inventor(s).

此例顯示發明人名稱為Paul Sheppard,但是並未簽署宣誓書,顯示為「NON-SIGNING」,並註明法定代理人為SURREY(CA)



2009年1月17日 星期六







美國專利法第112條第1段規定說明書應以清楚、簡明與正確的用語揭露能使相關領域的人可以據以實施的發明內容,並提出最佳的實施態樣(best mode)





2009年1月16日 星期五

Pandora: open source linux gaming handheld


講"電腦"就遜掉了, 市面上是已經有些這樣類型, 卻又更美觀的小電腦, Pandora則是遊戲機, 卻也是不折不扣的電腦

配備電腦等級的規格, 比如QWERTY鍵盤, 無線上網, 較大觸控螢幕, 有3D處理能力等, 利用安裝其中的模擬器, 就可以玩很多在其他平台的遊戲

目前裝載於韌體中的作業系統為核心為2.4.26的Linux作業系統, 同樣可以執行X11的視窗作業環境與桌面環境, 還有Firefox瀏覽器, 多媒體播放器等

網路上流傳的照片也就是那幾張, 卻蠻令人期待
不知會不會像之前linux-based的Sharp PDA, 就是讓人尊敬而已



§1.83 Content of drawing

§1.83 Content of drawing.

37 CFR 1.83規範了專利圖式應有的內容
(a) 非暫時申請案(nonprovisional application,也就是正式申請案,表示暫時申請案的圖式並非需要遵守此規範)的圖式應顯示揭露於權利要求中的發明的每一個特徵,並且,一些在說明書與權利範圍中習知、非該發明主要的特徵,仍需要以圖示符號或是標記描述於圖式中。

另外,除了一些透過國際專利組織(35 USC 371所規範)申請的申請案以外,包含於說明書中的表格或是數學序列並不允許置放於圖式中。


(c)當非暫時申請案的圖式並不符合上述(a)與(b)的條件時,申請委員應要求在一定期限內(不能低於兩個月)提出額外的描述,但這些修正仍應受37 CFR 1.81(d)的規範(於申請日後所提出的圖式不能用於克服說明書揭露不足而造成無法據以實施的問題,亦不能用於解釋專利範圍)。

The drawing in a nonprovisional application must show every feature of the invention specified in the claims. However, conventional features disclosed in the description and claims, where their detailed illustration is not essential for a proper understanding of the invention, should be illustrated in the drawing in the form of a graphical drawing symbol or a labeled representation (e.g., a labeled rectangular box). In addition, tables and sequence listings that are included in the specification are, except for applications filed under 35 U.S.C. 371, not permitted to be included in the drawings.
When the invention consists of an improvement on an old machine the drawing must when possible exhibit, in one or more views, the improved portion itself, disconnected from the old structure, and also in another view, so much only of the old structure as will suffice to show the connection of the invention therewith.
Where the drawings in a nonprovisional application do not comply with the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the examiner shall require such additional illustration within a time period of not less than two months from the date of the sending of a notice thereof. Such corrections are subject to the requirements of § 1.81(d).

Drawings submitted after the filing date of the application may not be used to overcome any insufficiency of the specification due to lack of an enabling disclosure or otherwise inadequate disclosure therein, or to supplement the original disclosure thereof for the purpose of interpretation of the scope of any claim.


Commercial Success

美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院(Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, CAFC)最近做出一個使用"商業上成功(Commercial success)"克服核駁理由的""成功判例

首先, 為了使用"商業上成功"作為克服核駁的答辯理由, 申請人提出須提出證明文件, 證明商業上的成功是該發明的直接結果(direct result)

此專利申請案已獲得專利權, 而第三方提出單方面再審查(ex parte reexamination)
在再審的過程中, 審查委員核駁該發明案的所有權利範圍, 之後申請人提出一個證明實施該發明獲得商業上成功的文件, 但審查委員並未認同此理由, 並作出核駁的判決, 接著申請人上訴至訴願及衝突委員會(Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences, BPAI), BPAI做出相同的決定, 之後, 申請人繼續上訴至聯邦巡迴上訴法院, 做出以下的結論:

  1. 透過提出商業上成功的證據來克服進步性不足的核駁理由, 此時申請人應證明該發明中特定特徵是造成銷售成功的直接結果
  2. 在此判例中, 申請人僅提供銷售證明, 但非證明該專利為銷售成功的驅動力量(the driving behind the sales )
  3. CAFC同樣維持BPAI的決定, 認為此商業上的成功並不足以克服顯而易見的核駁理由


2009年1月14日 星期三





錯誤使用「/」(slash)符號,如此例「activate/de-activate」,被認為不明確,原因是「/」前後的動作或是名詞應解釋為「其中之一」或是「兩者之組合」(one or both),啟動與關閉無法一起動作,所以使用「activate/de-activate」是不明確的,如下審查委員之意見:

同理,Yes/No的用法也不適合用在權利範圍中,會導致範圍不明確,其他如:on/off, lock/unlock, open/close都不適合,除非前後兩者可擇一運作或是同時運作。




2009年1月13日 星期二

37 CFR 1.121(c) - Claims的修正(補充版)

之前已經整理過,剛好有人問到Identifier的問題,就再整理一下,主要內容是來自37 CFR 1.121(c)的內容

在美國專利實務的權利要求項修正中,37 CFR 1.121(c)有很明確的規範,因此,美國OA答辯的內容都有一定的格式,而且清楚好讀,尤其是針對各權利範圍狀態的識別符(identifier),更是好用,identifier有七種,包括:
  1. 表示權利範圍不變的(Original)
  2. 目前修正權利範圍的(Currently amended)
  3. 刪除權利範圍的(Canceled)
  4. 之前已經變動過的權利範圍(Previously presented)(包括之前修正、新增的範圍)
  5. 目前新增(New)
  6. 無進入審查(Not entered,當申請人在終駁後新增範圍並不被接受時,申請人於往後的修正使用Not Entered)
  7. 暫時撤回可用(Withdrawn,如經過限制選擇後,未被選擇的範圍可以此表示)
  8. 撤回的項目經過修正,亦可用(Withdrawn-currently amended)

文中規定,如果在答辯過程中要修正權利範圍,除了要刪除的範圍以外,其餘範圍內容應該要全部寫上,曾經有過的範圍項次應該保留,即使是刪除的項目,修正個範圍將取代之前的範圍,每個範圍都應使用識別符標上目前狀態,包括上述的Original, Currently Amended, Canceled, Withdrawn, Previously Presented, New, Not Entered等。

Claims. Amendments to a claim must be made by rewriting the entire claim with all changes (e.g., additions and deletions) as indicated in this subsection, except when the claim is being canceled. Each amendment document that includes a change to an existing claim, cancellation of an existing claim or addition of a new claim, must include a complete listing of all claims ever presented, including the text of all pending and withdrawn claims, in the application. The claim listing, including the text of the claims, in the amendment document will serve to replace all prior versions of the claims, in the application. In the claim listing, the status of every claim must be indicated after its claim number by using one of the following identifiers in a parenthetical expression: (Original), (Currently amended), (Canceled), (Withdrawn), (Previously presented), (New), and (Not entered).


  1. 權利範圍,並保留原來申請時的標號,若有連續的項次被刪除或是未被審查,可標為Claims 1-5 (Canceled)或是Claims 1-5 (Not Entered),權利範圍的修正應與其他部份分開,而以獨立的文件撰寫,應與之前的說明書內容修正與之後的答辯內容分開
  2. 權利範圍的修正應與送件時,或是之前修正過的版本一致,新增的文字內容以「下底線(underlining)」標示,刪除的文字部份應以「刪除線(strike-through)」標示,若有要刪除字元或是較短的字,避免用刪除線時不清楚,應以雙中括號[[...]]標示
  3. 標示這四種識別符「original」,「withdrawn」,「previously presented」,「new」的範圍則是沒有任何標記的「乾淨版」的權利範圍內容


2009年1月12日 星期一



Decription the Patent Seed
US Issued Patents Number US6359159
US Publication Number US2004266083
European Patent EP1204414
Japan Patent: JP-H11-508406 JP11508406
PCT Patent: WO-01-06986 WO0106986
Taiwan Patent TW588441




Non-Practicing Entities (NPE)

Reduce NPE Risks and Costs

NPE原文是「non-practicing entities」,或可翻譯為非專利實施的實體,另一個名稱是「patent troll」,也就是購入大量專利,透過法律途徑惡意收取授權金,卻並不實施該專利權的公司,這樣的公司在過去十年內有增加的趨勢。



2008年11月,在美國有間名為RPX的公司成立,該公司宗旨即幫助受到patent troll威脅的公司免於被收取不合理的授權金或和解金,甚至協助購買足夠抵抗patent troll的專利。

RPX同時也會購買關鍵性的專利,協助被patent troll威脅的公司(一旦成為RPX會員之後),至少提供合理的、較低的費用免於被不實施專利的patent troll威脅。


下面的圖則是顯示RPX的策略,初期是購買專利,等到專利量足夠後,之後加入的會員則可引用,當然這些「服務」也是需要代價的,後到的會員顯然仍需要繳出所謂的「back fee」,愈後加入愈貴,其實也挺合理的。

RPX Corp. (http://www.rpxcorp.com/)


2009年1月11日 星期日

History of Software Patents I

1960s - 1970s

Gottschalk v. Benson

In the 1970s, the Supreme Court twice examined whether inventions containing computer software were patentable. Both times, the Supreme Court answered in the negative. In the 1972 case of Gottschalk v. Benson, the Supreme Court struggled with whether an algorithm to convert binary-coded decimal numbers into true binary numbers was considered patentable. The Court felt that a patent on this concept would pre-empt the entire mathematical algorithm. Since mathematics could be considered an abstract idea, and abstract ideas are not patentable, the Supreme Court held that the algorithm in question is not patentable.

1970年代,美國最高法院兩度審查包括電腦軟體的發明是否可被專利,兩次都被否定。1972年的Gottschalk v. Benson案例中,最高法院在利用演算法(Algorithm)轉換十進位位元碼為真實二元數字為可專利的議題上有過掙扎,法院認為以上概念為完全的數學演算法,因為僅是抽象概念,故無法專利


Parker v. Flook

In Parker v. Flook, the Supreme Court examined whether a method for updating an alarm limit (used to signal abnormal conditions) in a catalytic conversion process was patentable. The only difference between the prior art and the invention was the algorithm that calculated the new alarm limit. The Court held that this was not patentable even though an additional step was included in the claim beyond merely the calculation step. The Court explicitly rejected the notion that "post-solution activity [alone]... can transform an unpatentable principle into a patentable process." Specifically, the court held that the invention could not be patented "not because it contains a mathematical algorithm as one component, but because once that algorithm is assumed to be within the prior art, the application, considered as a whole, contains no patentable invention."

在Parker v. Flook判例中,爭議技術是針對一種判斷是否在催化轉換過程中更新警報範圍(在異常狀態下)的方法(翻譯有點拗口,請原諒),最高法院進行審理時,認為此技術與先前技術僅差於更新警報範圍的演算方式,即使在權利範圍中,具有一些除了數學演算以外的步驟,但仍無法獲准專利。法院明確拒絕了利用所謂「post-solution activity」能將不可專利的東西轉換成可專利的程序,法院進一步說明,此技術「整體來說」不可專利並非是因為它包括了數學演算的元件,而是此演算法已經揭露於先前技術中,利用已經揭露的技術產生其他功效無法專利。


資料來源 :bitlaw.com

2009年1月8日 星期四

MPEP 706.07(f) Time for Reply to Final Rejection

706.07(f) Time for Reply to Final Rejection

MPEP 706.07(f)規範了回覆最終審查意見(Final Office Action)的時機,包括:

(A)每個最終審查意見(FOA)都規定3個月回覆的短期法定期限(shortened statutory period, SSP),其中建議申請人如果在FOA發出之後兩個月內(遇假日順延)提出回覆(reply),此三個月的短期法定期限則會於FOA發出後3個月或是發出諮詢意見(Advisory Action, AA)的日期(mailing date)過期(以兩者較晚的期限為主),故此未經延期的期限會有所變動,但針對FOA的回覆期限總共(加上額外的延期)不能超過FOA發出後的六個月。
(A) All final rejections setting a 3-month shortened statutory period (SSP) for reply should contain one of form paragraphs 7.39, 7.40, 7.40.01, 7.40.02, 7.41, 7.41.03, 7.42.03, 7.42.031, or 7.42.09 advising applicant that if the reply is filed within 2 months of the date of the final Office action, the shortened statutory period will expire at 3 months from the date of the final rejection or on the date the advisory action is mailed, whichever is later. Thus, a variable reply period will be established. If the last day of "2 months of the date of the final Office action" falls on Saturday, Sunday, or a Federal holiday within the District of Columbia, and a reply is filed on the next succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or a Federal holiday, pursuant to 37 CFR 1.7(a), the reply is deemed to have been filed within the 2 months period and the shortened statutory period will expire at 3 months from the date of the final rejection or on the mailing date of the advisory action, whichever is later (see MPEP §710.05). In no event can the statutory period for reply expire later than 6 months from the mailing date of the final rejection.

(B) This procedure of setting a variable reply period in the final rejection dependent on when applicant files a first reply to a final Office action does not apply to situations where a SSP less than 3 months is set, e.g., reissue litigation applications (1-month SSP) or any reexamination proceeding.

I. 此段規範諮詢意見(Advisory Actions)
(C) Where the final Office action sets a variable reply period as set forth in paragraph (A) above AND applicant files a complete first reply to the final Office action within 2 months of the date of the final Office action, the examiner must determine if the reply:
(1) places the application in condition for allowance - then the application should be processed as an allowance and no extension fees are due;
(2) places the application in condition for allowance except for matters of form which the examiner can change without authorization from applicant, MPEP § 1302.04 - then the application should be amended as required and processed as an allowance and no extension fees are due; or
(3) does not place the application in condition for allowance - then the advisory action should inform applicant that the SSP for reply expires 3 months from the date of the final rejection or as of the mailing date of the advisory action, whichever is later, by checking box 1.b) at the top portion of the Advisory Action form, PTOL-303.

(D) Where the final Office action sets a variable reply period as set forth in paragraph (A) above, and applicant does NOT file a complete first reply to the final Office action within 2 months, examiners should check box 1.a) at the top portion of the Advisory Action form, PTOL-303.

(E) When box 1.b) at the top portion of the Advisory Action form, PTOL-303 is checked, the time for applicant to take further action (including the calculation of extension fees under 37 CFR 1.136(a)) begins to run 3 months from the date of the final rejection, or from the date of the advisory action, whichever is later. Extension fees cannot be prorated for portions of a month. In no event can the statutory period for reply expire later than 6 months from the date of the final rejection.



II. 此段規範審查委員於接到FOA回覆的修正:
(F) Where a complete first reply to a final Office action has been filed within2 months of the final Office action, an examiner's amendment to place theapplication in condition for allowance may be made without the payment of extension fees even if the examiner's amendment is made more than 3 months from the date of the final Office action. Note that an examiner's amendment may not be made more than 6 months from the date of the final Office action, as the application would be abandoned at that point by operation of law.

(G) Where a complete first reply to a final Office action has not been filed within 2 months of the final Office action, applicant's authorization to make an amendment to place the application in condition for allowance must be made either within the 3 month shortened statutory period or within an extended period for reply that has been petitioned and paid for by applicant pursuant to 37 CFR 1.136(a). However, an examiner's amendment correcting only formal matters which are identified for the first time after a reply is made to a final Office action would not require any extension fee, since the reply to the final Office action put the application in condition for allowance except for the correction of formal matters, the correction of which had not yet been required by the examiner.




2009年1月7日 星期三



  • 改變一:
2008年9月1日起, 韓國專利局針對申請人回覆官方審查意見(Office Action)的時程提出了改變

當韓國專利局發出Office Action之後, 申請人應於兩個月內提出回覆(答辯), 依申請期限可延長, ㄧ次一個月, 次數並無限制(只要願意付錢)

當韓國專利局發出Office Action之後, 同樣, 申請人應於兩個月內提出回覆, 期限可延長, 但最多四個月, 若須請求延長超過四個月, 應提出書面理由

超過四個月的延長期限, 理由可有:
1. 當委任的專利代理人解散或是在期限過期前一個月內轉代理人, 可提出延期四個月以上
2. 若在到期前一個月內申請人有異動, 可提出四個月以上的延期
3. 當到期前兩個月內接到他國專利局所發出的審查結果, 欲將審查意見反映到修正內容, 再提交專利局時, 可提出四個月以上的延期
4. 當發出Office Action的時間已延遲超過一個月, 在此狀況下僅可提出額外延期一個月
5. 當一個母案或是分割案受到審判時, 可提出超過四個月的延期時間
6. 當需要一段時間去測試或是測量有關Office Action的測試時, 可提出超過四個月的延期

  • 改變二:
有關電子交換服務(Electronic Exchange Service), 2008年9月1日起, 韓國專利局與美國專利局之間的優先權協議有變動

當對韓國專利局提出申請案, 且主張優先權, 應於一年內或優先權日後四個月內提出經認證的優先權文件

1. 根據巴黎公約主張優先權的申請案提出至韓國專利局時, 更早已有一申請案(優先權案)提出給美國專利局, 申請人不須提出經認證的優先權文件副本
2. 當美國申請案主張一個更早申請的韓國申請案優先權時, 包括發明與新型, 此美國申請案亦不須提出優先權文件副本

  • 改變三:

申請案依申請實質審查的順序進行審查, 當有爭議或是已完成實施該發明的準備時, 申請人可請求優先審查

加速審查(expedited examination)
一般審查(general examination), 平均於請求實質審查後16個月內做出決定
延遲審查(delayed examination), 申請人可能因為研發, 商業準備, 市場考量 ...等因素提出延遲審查, 然延遲審查時間仍應於請求實質審查後18個月至申請日後5年內進行選擇

  • 改變四:
為了縮短商標申請的準備時間, 商標申請案的指定商品可使用一般名稱

當一商標申請案提出後, 指定商品僅於類似商品間使用一般名稱(範圍較窄)

2008年9月16日起, 可使用混合著類似商品與相異商品的綜合名稱(涵蓋範圍較廣)


2009年1月6日 星期二

TW Patent Examination & Administrative Remedy flow

At http://www.tipo.gov.tw/, TIPO provides many regulative application forms, the following shows the respective files:

From these files we may simply know how many the procedures a patent application may meet.
For a single patent application, it may use:
  1. a form for filing a patent application
  2. a form for applying substantive examination for a patent application
  3. a form for applying earlier publication for a patent application
  4. a form for examining a patent application in priority
  5. a form for filing a utility model application
  6. a form for applying a search report for a utility model application
  7. a form for filing a design patent application
  8. a form for filing a union design patent application
  9. a form for providing supplementary or amendment for a filed application
  10. a form of an assignment for a patent/utility model/design application
  11. a form of an inheritance for an application
  12. a form for applying a re-examination for an application
  13. a form for amending a granted application
  14. a form of an invalidation
  15. a form for examining an invalidation application under a lawsuit in priority
  16. a form for applying an interview
  17. a form for filing a divisional application for a patent application/utility model/design application
  18. a form for transferring a
  19. a form for converting a patent application to a utility model application
  20. a form for converting a utility model application to a patent application
  21. a form for converting a patent application to a design patent application
  22. a form for converting a utility model application to a design patent application
  23. a form for converting a design patent application to a utility model application
  24. a form for converting a design patent application to a union design patent application
  25. a form for converting a union design patent application to a design patent application
  26. a form of assignment registration
  27. a form of inheritance registration
  28. a form of licensing registration
  29. a form of mortgage registration
  30. a form of entrust registration
  31. a form for adding annotation or supplementary on a patent certificate
  32. a form of English translation certificate
  33. a form of applying a priority document
  34. a form for applying review of the file wrappers
  35. a form for applying print of patent document
  36. a form for paying annual fee
  37. a form for receiving a patent certificate and postponing publication
  38. a form for applying a simple process of application by facsimile
  39. a form for applying a simple process of application by email
  40. a form for certifying an application right
following chart shows the flow of TW patent examination and administrative remedy:

wherein, (please follow the numeral indication)
(1) application
(2) formal/procedure examination
(3) examination before publication
(4) first substantive examination
(5) second substantive examination
(6) appeal
(7) first administrative litigation examination
(8) appeal of administrative litigation examination
(9) publication
(10) issue fee, annual fee
(11) issuing patent certificate
(12) invalidation
(13) withdrawal (non-existent from the beginning)
PS1: earlier publication at eighteenth month from application date
PS2: any party can apply substantive examination in three years from the application date

source: TIPO