申請人:Dell International L.L.C.
訴願決定日:12 August 2020
相關法條:European Patent Convention Art 76(1) (2007)
Article 76 European divisional applications
(1) A European divisional application shall be filed directly with the European Patent Office in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. It may be filed only in respect of subject-matter which does not extend beyond the content of the earlier application as filed; in so far as this requirement is complied with, the divisional application shall be deemed to have been filed on the date of filing of the earlier application and shall enjoy any right of priority.
(2) All the Contracting States designated in the earlier application at the time of filing of a European divisional application shall be deemed to be designated in the divisional application.
(EPC 76關於分割案,(1)歐洲分割申請案專利標的不能超過前申請案內容,並如同前申請案申請日也能享受一樣的優先權;(2)前申請案指定進入的EPC締約國,分割申請案也被視為指定相同締約國)
因此,本訴願案的主題就是「分割申請案」的揭露內容應涵蓋在其母案的揭露範圍內,這是一般常識,但申請人常常在後續分割案中又想加入甚麼(自信沒有新增new matter),雖可能牴觸法條,但EPO審查時是否有某種寬容度?也順便再看看歐洲訴願案可以作些甚麼!

本案源自申請人對EPO審查部門因為分割案不符Art. 76(1) EPC駁回申請案的決定提出訴願,申請人原本提出1個main request,以及兩個auxiliary requests。在口審後,訴願委員會仍做出申請案不符Art. 76(1) EPC的決定。申請人又再次提出新的main request,另有三個auxiliary requests。
main request:
"A computer environment system (100), capable of dynamically allocating data in a pool of storage, comprising:a data storage system (110), comprising a page pool of storage (112);wherein the page pool of storage (112) is configured to:maintain a pool of storage comprising data occupied disk storage blocks and available disk storage blocks for storing data formed across multiple RAID devices (114) and having a predefined size;
upon request by a volume (116), allocate available disk storage blocks from the pool of storage formed across multiple RAID devices to the volume (116); andwrite data to the allocated available disk storage blocks."
在本分割申請案中,主要專利保護對象是Fig. 2:upon request by a volume (116), allocate available disk storage blocks from the pool of storage formed across multiple RAID devices to the volume (116); andwrite data to the allocated available disk storage blocks."

此處參考了說明書段落0022(Fig. 2內容),以及段落0023(Fig. 14A, 14B),認為,系爭案Claim 1的特徵無法直接與無明確地從母案衍生得知。

我認為,當審查委員真不是蓋的,至少此案可看出,訴願委員會的意見指出,系爭案Claim 1中的「dynamic data allocation」是出現在說明書幾處段落,但說明書除了Fig. 2以外的內容「dynamic data allocation」描述的是「單一RAID system」(如段落0028)的技術,Fig. 2所描述的「資料分配」用於「RAID subsystem」以形成一個「page pool」,而說明書其餘內容(如段落0029)所提到的「dynamic data allocation」方法是用於「一個RAID subsystem」的磁碟中,使得目前Claim 1所指出「multiple RAID devices」無法直接而無歧異地對應段落0022內容(Fig. 2)內容。

my two cents:
本案例可看出EPO對於「分割案請求項不能超出原母案揭露內容」的標準很高,這應該也關忽審查委員本身的素質,這也如一般答辯EPO案的感覺 - 不容易!(標準很高)