2025年1月17日 星期五


芬蘭Aalto University線上公開Nokia手機產品設計檔案:https://nokiadesignarchive.aalto.fi/

這張開發的時間序顯示約2005達到最高峰,之後就一下子弱掉,這明顯與智慧型手機出現有關。維基百科記載HTC於2003年開發出搭載Windows CE的個人數位助理,第一代iPhone於2007年1月9日由前蘋果公司CEO史提夫·賈伯斯發表。

上述時間序與目前得到Nokia Cooperation的專利申請日相當,產品開發與專利佈局緊緊相扣,Nokia的興起與沒落一直是值得研究的題目。


2025年1月9日 星期四

用專利證明商標中的顏色是功能性的 - CeramTec GmbH v. CoorsTek Bioceramics LLC (Fed. Cir. Jan. 3, 2024)


判決日期:January 3, 2024


商標的標的是「陶瓷髖關節組件的粉紅色」(pink color of ceramic hip components),TTAB案號為:92058781 / 92058796, 2022 (T.T.A.B. Dec. 6, 2022),TTAB駁回理由為此商標屬於功能性,人工髖關節應用如下:


其中被舉發人有不潔之手(unclean hands)抗辯,雖不採用(TTAB表示因為維護公眾利益(商標權)大於舉發過程的問題),但是仍可再次複習一下,可參考:專利權人的不潔之手! - LUV N' CARE, LTD. v. LAURAIN (Fed. Cir. 2024)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2024/04/luv-n-care-ltd-v-laurain-fed-cir-2024.html)。


系爭商標有對應的物品採用一種陶瓷材料-Biolox Delta,對此CeramTec也有發明專利-US5,830,816,其中詳細描述如何達到物品(人工髖關節)可用的強度的相關成分比例。其中涉及的髖部部件是由氧化鋯增韌氧化鋁陶瓷(zirconia-toughened alumina (“ZTA”) ceramic)製成,這種陶瓷原本用於切削工具的材料。


系爭商標對應的Biolox Delta陶瓷材料中包括了0.33%的Chromia,因此呈現出粉紅色陶瓷顏色,並提出並取得相應的商標:

本案商標舉發人CoorsTek Bioceramics LLC製造了兩種ZTA陶瓷材料的人工髖關節,其中之一成分有Chromia,因此也是粉紅色。於是在2014年向TTAB提起商標舉發,理由就是:其商標中主張的粉紅色是功能性的(functional)

TTAB運用"Morton–Norwich" factors,查CeramTec專利以及公眾討論關於Chromia的添加物強化ZTA陶瓷的技術後,發現Biolox Delta如果不做成粉紅色,就不能好好地運作,因此判定這個特點是功能性的,判決駁回系爭商標


(專利v.商標)開頭就引用最高法院「functionality doctrine」判例 - Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Prods. Co,若商標的設計是功能性的,不能取得商標權,保護商品功能的應該是專利:

Morton–Norwich factors」:

(1) the existence of a utility patent disclosing the utilitarian advantages of the design;
(2) advertising materials in which the originator of the design touts the design’ utilitarian advantages;
(3) the availability to competitors of functionally equivalent designs; and
(4) facts indicating that the design results in a comparatively simple or cheap method of manufacturing the product.

(1) 存在描述商標設計優點的發明專利;
(2) 設計者宣揚商標的設計用途優勢;
(3) 競爭對手可否取得功能等效的設計;
(4) 指出商標設計導致可以相對簡單或便宜的方法製作商品。


又有一最高法院案例 - TrafFix因為發明專利是因發明特點與有用而准予專利,因此這是關於商標特點為功能性的很強的證據


my two cents:



2024年12月31日 星期二

專利說明書中影響專利範圍解釋的內容 - Fenner Investments v. Cellco Partnership (Fed. Cir. 2015)


想要找「摘要」內容是否會影響專利範圍解釋的題目,結果找到本篇案例「Fenner Investments v. Cellco Partnership (Fed. Cir. 2015)」,其中就一句話:"The terms used in patent claims are not construed in the abstract, but in the context in which the term was presented and used by the patentee, as it would have been understood by a person of ordinary skill in the field of the invention on reading the patent documents."。感覺這是答案,但是又覺得不足以證明"摘要不會影響專利範圍解釋"的答案。

根據MPEP 2111 Claim Interpretation; Broadest Reasonable Interpretation(https://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/mpep/s2111.html),其中描述解釋專利範圍的原則,如("The Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”) determines the scope of claims in patent applications not solely on the basis of the claim language, but upon giving claims their broadest reasonable construction “in light of the specification as it would be interpreted by one of ordinary skill in the art.”")

事實上,MPEP 608.01(b)中有段內容"Since the abstract of the disclosure has been interpreted to be a part of the specification for the purpose of compliance with 35 U.S.C. 112 (In re Armbruster, 512 F.2d 676, 678-79, 185 USPQ 152, 154 (CCPA 1975)), it would ordinarily be preferable that the applicant make the necessary changes to the abstract to bring it into compliance with the guidelines. See Form Paragraphs 6.13-6.16 (below).",因此,abstract應該仍是實質有影響的段落。

被告/被上訴人:CELLCO PARTNERSHIP(經營Verizon無線通訊)
判決日期:February 12, 2015

本案緣起專利權人Fenner於地院向被告Cellco提起侵權告訴,系爭專利'708涉及管理行動用戶存取要計費的網路的系統,Claim 1界定一個在通訊系統中提供行動用戶存取計費機構的方法,方法包括接收行動用戶的user ID的通訊、接收付費碼、請求服務資料,即提供行動用戶從各個地方存取通訊網路。

1. A method of providing access to a mobile user in a communications system having a plurality of interconnected radio frequency communication switches for selectively connecting calls to mobile users via radio frequency links, a plurality of billing authorities for maintaining service profiles of mobile users and a plurality of location authorities for maintaining current locations of mobile users within the interconnected communication switches, the method comprising:
receiving at a radio frequency communication switch a personal identification number from a mobile user;
receiving from the mobile user at the communication switch a billing code identifying one of the plurality of billing authorities maintaining a service profile for the mobile use, wherein different ones of the plurality of billing authorities may maintain the service profile or a second profile for the mobile user identified by the personal identification number;
requesting a service profile of the mobile user from the billing authority identified by the received billing code;
storing in memory the service profile received from the billing authority; and
providing the mobile user access to the switch.

判決書特別引用'706案內容"a need has arisen for a system capable of locating and tracking personal identification numbers such that billing and connecting procedures may be accomplished",其中提到有需要提出一個可以(通過switch)定位與追蹤使用者ID的系統以便計費與通訊,當使用者換了位置,可以根據user ID就完成通訊。而當時的使用者使用的電話號碼是隨位置改變的號碼,如果跨區就會形成漫遊,也就是使用者換位置就有可能要換電話號碼或是換計費的機構,不方便計費,系爭專利就改良以user ID為計費依據。


上訴的議題之一是怎麼解釋「personal identification number」?被告經營Verizon的無線通訊業務,Verizon解釋「personal identification number」是與計費碼(billing code)分開的,地院採用這個解釋,也就是"billing code"用以識別計費機構(電信公司),是連結使用者個人,而不是連結裝置,亦不同於user ID。因此基於這個解釋判決侵權不成立。

地方法院根據內部證據(專利範圍、說明書與專利審查歷史)解釋「personal identification number」,而原告Fenner認為「personal identification number」的解釋不應限制在說明書,也認為地方法院錯誤引用審查歷史來解釋。

CAFC法院引用前例Biogen Idec v. GlaxoSmithKline (CAFC 2013)案,所謂內部證據包括申請專利範圍、說明書與審查歷史(並沒有包括摘要!),又引用Phillips v. AWH Corp. (CAFC 2005)得出解釋專利範圍的原則:發明相關領域一般技術人員根據說明書與審查歷史(以最廣而合理)解釋專利範圍

-合理解釋專利範圍的案例 - Phillips v. AWH Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2005)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/05/phillips-v-awh-corp-fed-cir-2005.html

依據Nautilus v. Biosig (supreme court 2014)意旨,另還要考量明確性(definiteness)要件來解釋專利範圍,避免無邊無際的專利範圍(專利範圍要有邊界)。

-最高法院對明確性的態度 - Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc.(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/06/nautilus-inc-v-biosig-instruments-inc.html

第一,說明書(written description)作為解釋專利範圍的主要依據(但並非以其中實施例限縮解釋範圍)。

例如系爭專利圖式的描述,「personal identification number」並沒有連結通訊單元或是位置等元件,並且如說明書所述,電話使用者有「personal identification number」,並用以識別「billing and call servicing 」,而非在電話單元中。因此如地方法院的解釋,系爭專利範圍中的「personal identification number」連結的是使用者,而非裝置。(這樣看來,Verizon的服務是採用綁定在裝置的ID)

第二,專利審查歷史(prosecution history)中用於排除先前技術的解釋形成解釋專利範圍的限制。

在本案例中,專利答辯是為了區隔先前技術Hayes(US5210787),Hayes揭露行動裝置會週期性地自基地台接收訊號,訊號包括識別基地台系統的資訊(稱"system identification number"),行動裝置再回傳行動識別碼("mobile identification number")回應基地台傳送的訊號,此行動識別碼是一種登錄的電子序號。


因此,明顯地,審查歷史支持地方法院解釋專利範圍中的「personal identification number」連結使用者,而不是裝置。

第三,Fenner搬出請求項差異原則(doctrine of claim differentiation),因為附屬請求項描述「personal identification number」獨立於裝置,因此獨立請求項並不限制在"獨立於裝置"的限制。



my two cents:
從本篇判決來看,除了以上引用的一段話外,其實並非未討論是否abstract會影響專利範圍解釋,但肯定的是,in light of specification絕對是解釋專利範圍的主要原則,加上審查歷史產生的限制,即便專利範圍寫的很廣(的樣子),claim differentiation可能不足以保護到想要的範圍。


2024年12月27日 星期五

"Very Important"是專利髒話嗎?- Inpro II Licensing, S.A.R.L. v. T-Mobile USA, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2006)


網路上很多"專利髒話/patent profanity"的整理,很容易找到許多,也不便在這整理,用來規範自己~~~(寫完這篇也不見得保證自己不犯錯誤!)

基於喜歡分析一些有趣的法院案例的原因,還是在此報導Finnegan列舉的幾個patent profanity的幾個。

“Very Important”
Inpro II Licensing, S.A.R.L. v. T-Mobile USA, Inc., 450 F.3d 1350 (Fed. Cir. 2006)

原告/上訴人/專利權人:INPRO II LICENSING, S.A.R.L.
判決日期:May 11, 2006


地院判決侵權不成立理由涉及專利範圍中“host interface”的解釋。'079案關於一種卡片型的個人數位助理(PDA)模組,其中有自己的CPU而可以獨立運作,並可以插入電腦主機的卡槽中,讓電腦系統可以存取其中記憶體內容以及一些功能。

原告以系爭專利中claims 34-36提出告訴,被告T-Mobile反訴侵權不成立與專利無效。claim 34界定一種可以與電腦主機介接的數位助理模組,其中有CPU、記憶體、顯示器、使用者操作的拇指輪以及與電腦主機連線的介面。
34. A digital assistant module that interfaces with a host computer, comprising:
an on-board CPU that manages functions of the digital assistant module;
a memory connected to the CPU that stores data and executable routines;
a display;
a user-operable thumb wheel that provides directional input for control operations performed in conjunction with the display;
a host interface adapted so as to provide communications between the digital assistant module and the host computer upon docking with the host computer; and
an enclosure that houses said CPU, said memory, said display, said input apparatus, and said host interface.
35. A digital assistant module as in claim 34, wherein the thumbwheel is implemented at one corner of said enclosure and controls scrolling through a menu on the display in accordance with control routines stored in said memory.
36. A digital assistant module as in claim 35, wherein said thumbwheel allows a user to pan a virtual keyboard displayed on said display in accordance with said control routines stored in said memory.


在CAFC階段,爭議的議題縮減為三個專利範圍用語:host interface、docking with the host computer,以及digital assistant module,而訴訟雙方對法院針對"host interface"與"docking with the host computer"的解釋並無疑義,並且與被告侵權物一樣。但原告認為法院解釋"digital assistant module"過廣,而使得專利範圍無效。

claim construction:
針對claim 34中的"host interface",原告Inpro主張這個介面指任何與電腦主機通訊的介面,而不是地方法院依照說明書描述而解釋的"a direct parallel bus interface",並引入專利範圍差異原則(doctrine of claim differentiation),指出'079的claims 2, 24, 33解釋為"parallel bus interface",claims 3, 25, 32解釋為"direct access parallel bus",因此主張因為這些附屬項的限制而能推論claim 34描述的"host interface"應該是涵蓋更廣的專利範圍,不僅是地方法院的解釋。

針對原告認為系爭專利說明書並非用來限制"host interface"的解釋,因此沒有理由要限制在特定形式的介面。

但被告T-Mobile主張系爭專利'079的說明書對於"host interface"僅描述為"direct parallel bus connection",卻沒有其他段落提到indirect or serial interface,並主張不同的專利範圍並不總是表示是不同的範圍。

如此,被告不但引用相關法院案例說明不同的用語並不見得一定是不同範圍的立場,主要是認為系爭專利說明書並無任何內容支持所述host interface為其他形式的介面。

根據判決,系爭專利說明書在描述"direct bus interface"時,說到這對本發明而言是「非常重要的特徵/very important feature」,其中"direct"表示是能直接存取資料而獲得更快的通訊,還又說明這是"description of the preferred embodiment"。

(這段提到了"very important", "present invention"等profanity)

甚至在系爭專利答辯歷史中也解釋"host interface"為"direct parallel bus interface"以區隔先前技術。

因此,CAFC根據各樣的證據(並未採用專家證詞),確認地方法院判決,判定被告產品並沒有系爭專利範圍中的"host interface"以連線電腦主機,因此侵權不成立。

my two cents:

對於本案,我認為,限縮了系爭專利範圍中的用語,並不見得是因為說明書用了"very important"而已,這句話也不見得是產生了多大的影響,而是又有其他各種證據,包括說明書還使用了present inventionpreferred等應該會被認為是profanity的用語,以及只有一個實施例(這很重要),加上審查歷史(estoppel)等證據,使得專利範圍的解釋受到限制。

因此,是否任一patent profanity產生的重大的影響,我覺得需要避免這些用語,但解釋專利範圍應該不會太過狹隘,而是整體觀之。

- Atofina v. Great Lakes Chemical Corp., 441 F.3d 991 (Fed. Cir. 2006)

Pharmacia & Upjohn Co. v. Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 170 F.3d 1373 (Fed. Cir. 1999)

“Special,” “Peculiar,” and “Superior”
Bayer AG v. Elan Pharmaceuticals Research Corp., 212 F.3d 1241 (Fed. Cir. 2000)


2024年12月25日 星期三

歐洲專利局駁回DABUS分割申請案 (25.11.2024)

Article 81 Designation of the inventor 
The European patent application shall designate the inventor. If the applicant is not the inventor or is not the sole inventor, the designation shall contain a statement indicating the origin of the right to the European patent.

歐洲專利申請案應指定發明人,如果申請人不是發明人或是不是唯一發明人,需要指出權利來源的聲明 - 權利讓與。

Article 60 Right to a European patent
(1)The right to a European patent shall belong to the inventor or his successor in title. If the inventor is an employee, the right to a European patent shall be determined in accordance with the law of the State in which the employee is mainly employed; if the State in which the employee is mainly employed cannot be determined, the law to be applied shall be that of the State in which the employer has the place of business to which the employee is attached.


2024年歐洲口審(oral proceedings)決定
決定日期:25 November 2024
專利申請號:21216024.6(申請日:20.12.2021;為之前爭議的母案(EP18275163,申請日:17.10.2018)後續分割案(divisional application))
專利申請人:Thaler, Stephen L.

從EPO patent register可找到資料:

本案為專利申請人Thaler, Stephen L.提出的分割申請案,因為發明人(由DABUS自主產生發明內容)無法指定權利讓與給申請人,同樣地,歐洲專利局根據Art. 81 EPC駁回專利申請案。案件進入oral proceedings,申請人補件強調已經取得有效的發明人聲明文件,且強調AI擁有人就是專利權人,如果專利局無法接受Dabus為發明人,也使得申請人無法指定發明人,分割申請案中特別補充Thaler為發明人,也是Dabus的擁有人。

歐洲專利局還是駁回Dr. Stephen Thaler提出「DABUS」為發明人的專利申請案,駁回理由依據Article 81、Article 61(1)(第一句)。


口審決定文後補充整個案件關於"designation of inventor"概況:

2020年 - 歐洲專利局駁回AI為發明人的專利申請案(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2020/09/ai.html
2021年訴願決定(J 0008/20 (Designation of inventor/DABUS) 21-12-2021):https://www.epo.org/en/boards-of-appeal/decisions/j200008eu1

- 日本AI發明專利的適格性筆記之三 - 日本軟體/AI發明的專利適格性 (Open Edition)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2024/08/ai-ai-open-edition.html)
- 英國最高法院否決A.I.發明人 - [2023] UKSC 49(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2024/01/ai-2023-uksc-49.html)
- 歐洲專利局駁回AI為發明人的專利申請案(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2020/09/ai.html)
- A.I.發明人Dabus的申請案以及澳洲聯邦法院案例(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/08/aidabus.html)
- A.I.發明人現況 - DABUS / Thaler v. Vidal(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2023/04/ai-dabus-thaler-v-vidal.html)
- AI不是法律上之「人」- 110年度行專訴字第3號(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/09/ai-1103.html)
- A.I.發明人!Mr. A.I.(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2020/04/aimr-ai.html)
- A.I.不能是發明人;或說發明人不能是非人類 - Thaler v. Hirshfeld, App No. 21-02347 (Fed. Cir. 2022)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2023/04/ai-thaler-v-hirshfeld-app-no-21-02347.html)



2024年12月16日 星期一

超越習知技術的技術元件是抽象的,發明就是抽象的 - Broadband iTV, Inc. v. Amazon.com, Inc (Fed. Cir. 2024)

本篇討論最近上訴最高法院的案例 - Broadband iTV, Inc. v. Amazon.com, Inc (Fed. Cir. 2024),

原告/上訴人/專利權人:BROADBAND ITV, INC.
系爭專利:US10,028,026 ('026); US9,648,388 ('388); US10,536,750 ('750); US10,536,751 ('751); US9,973,825 ('825)
判決日期:September 3, 2024

本案緣起BroadBand iTV於2020年以其擁有的系爭專利(多數為'026專利家族,有相同優先權基礎案)對被告Amazon等提出侵權告訴。Amazon等人向法院提起簡易判決請求,主張系爭專利不符35 U.S.C. § 101規定,地院同意簡易判決,判定系爭專利不具專利適格性。


'026的claim 1如下,描述一種網際網路連接的數位裝置,即一種通過網路串流得到數位內容的隨選視訊系統中的裝置,其中設有電子節目表,其中特別的是為多階層的經過模板化的隨選視訊節目表,包括第一層、第二層與第三層,第一層為背景層,有一些顏色與標誌,第二層是在背景層上顯示其中之一模板的內容,第三層顯示影像內容,如圖片、按鈕、文字等。

1. An Internet-connected digital device for receiving, via the Internet, video content to be viewed by a subscriber of a video-on-demand system using a hierarchically arranged electronic program guide,
the Internet-connected digital device being configured to obtain and present to the subscriber an electronic program guide as a templatized video-on-demand display, which uses at least one of a plurality of different display templates to which the Internet-connected digital device has access, to enable a subscriber using the Internet-connected digital device to navigate in a drill-down manner through titles by category information in order to locate a particular one of the titles whose associated video content is desired for viewing on the Internet-connected digital device using the same category information as was designated by a video content provider in metadata associated with the video content;
wherein the ternplatized video-on-demand display has been generated in a plurality of layers, comprising:
(a) a first layer comprising a background screen to provide at least one of a basic color, logo, or graphical theme to display;
(b) a second layer comprising a particular display template from the plurality of different display templates layered on the background screen, wherein the particular display template comprises one or more reserved areas that are reserved for displaying content provided by a different layer of the plurality of layers; and
(c) a third layer comprising reserved area content generated using the received video content, the associated metadata, and the associated plurality of images to be displayed in the one or more reserved areas in the particular display template as at least one of text, an image, a navigation link, and a button,
wherein the navigating through titles in a drill-down manner comprises navigating from a first level of the hierarchical structure of the video-on-demand content menu to a second level of the hierarchical structure to locate the particular one of the titles, and
wherein a first template of the plurality of different display templates is used as the particular display template for the templatized display for displaying the first level of the hierarchical structure and wherein a second template of the plurality of different display templates is used as the particular display template for the templatized display for displaying the second level of the hierarchical structure,
wherein the received video content was uploaded to a Web-based content management system by a content provider device associated with the video content provider via the Internet in a digital video format, along with associated metadata including title information and category information, and along with an associated plurality of images designated by the video content provider, the associated metadata specifying a respective hierarchical location of a respective title of the video content within the electronic program guide to be displayed on the Internet-connected digital device using the respective hierarchically-arranged category information associated with the respective title,
wherein at least one of the uploaded associated plurality of images designated by the video content provider is displayed with the associated respective title in the templatized video-on-demand display.

地方法院判定系爭專利不具專利適格性的審理依照最高法院於Alice v. CLS bank判例意旨得出的TWO-STEP專利適格性檢視方法。

雖然從Alice判例以來產生很多相關案例,甚至USPTO也動態地根據法院意見調整審查基準,但是都不脫是基於所述TWO-STEP檢視原則,從abstract idea判斷、組織人類活動(經濟、商業活動)、實質超過抽象概念/法定不予專利事項,到是否有額外元件與具體應用等判斷。Alice判例早期報導內容如下:
-抽象概念若僅以一般目的電腦實現,不可專利 - Alice Corporation Pty. Ltd. v. CLS Bank International (2014)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/06/alice-corporation-pty-ltd-v-cls-bank.html
-美國專利局101可專利標的備忘錄 -針對Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank判決提出初步審查指示(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/06/101-alice-corp-v-cls-bank.html


Alice step one:

法院認為系爭專利為接收多階層資訊以及組織顯示內容的抽象概念(abstract idea),特別地認為系爭專利屬於電腦化的商業流程,並且本質上是常規與習知的動作,並沒有任何轉換(transform)或是儲存(save)等技術特點。

Alice step two:

法院判定系爭專利範圍僅引述一般方法的一般與習知元件並僅提供習知的功能("generic and conventional components arranged n a conventional manner and provide only conventional functionalities")並沒有轉換其專利範圍為超過抽象概念本身。




Alice Step One:

法院認為,系爭專利,如'026案,涉及接收階層資訊與組織顯示內容的「抽象概念」。針對原告主張系爭專利改善了電腦功能,如使用者介面,等議題,法院引用案例 - Enfish, LLC v. Microsoft Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2016),如此,需要查閱整篇專利說明書以判斷系爭專利的專利特點是否有克服先前技術?這也是Enfish案的精隨。


如此,法院判定'026等案涉及接收metadata與基於metadata組織顯示內容的技術,從說明書一可知認為如claim 1描述以電腦的電子節目表為自動由metadata產生,接著判斷其中階層式的內容,使得觀看者從這樣的電子節目表查閱有興趣的內容。


-Enfish案對軟體可專利性有貢獻卻不能克服前案的阻礙 - Microsoft v. Enfish (Fed. Cir. 2016)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/12/enfish-microsoft-v-enfish-fed-cir-2016.html

Alice Step Two:

發明經step one判斷為抽象概念,在step two中則是判斷發明是否有任何特徵可以轉換抽象概念為可專利的標的?經查,認為系爭專利僅是使用通常與習知的元件,並採用一般方法,提供習知的功能


在step two的檢測中,判斷發明(申請專利範圍)是否包括可以轉換(transform)發明可實質超越不可專利概念的特定元件或是元件的組合



my two cents:
一旦專利請求項中的元件(被判定)屬於常規、習知與已知的元件(routine, conventional, well-known),就不容易跳脫two-step檢測的步驟,怎麼轉換也都轉換不到具有專利適格性的發明上。


2024年12月13日 星期五

本篇涉及侵權審查的基本概念以及是否採用他國專利答辯歷史或主張的議題 - Caterpillar Tractor Corp. v. Berco, S.P.A. (Fed. Cir. 1983)

本篇討論多年前的經典案例,感謝同事提供參考資料,Caterpillar Tractor Corp. v. Berco, S.P.A., 714 F.2d 1110 (Fed. Cir. 1983),本篇標題就差不多是本案議題宗旨。

原告/專利權人:Caterpillar Tractor Co. (Caterpillar)
被告:Berco, S.p.A. (Berco)

Caterpillar對Berco等人提出侵權告訴,系爭專利'718涉及一種增強型密封環。被告承認其產品type 1侵權,但已經提出修改版的type 2,但是地方法院仍判定type 1與type 2都侵權成立,並發出禁制令。被告對type 2侵權成立判決提起上訴。

系爭專利claim 1如下,描述一種密封組件,內容有點複雜,在此不翻譯了。

1. A seal assembly comprising first and second axially spaced members mounted for relative rotation about a common axis, the first member having a counterbore formed in one face, the second member having an end face opposite the counterbore, a seal ring of tough abrasion resistant material having a crescent shape in cross-section disposed in the counterbore with the crescent shaped cross section defining an annular groove facing the sidewall of the counterbore, the seal ring including a driving flange engaged in non-rotative driving contact with the sidewall and an end wall of the counterbore at the juncture of these walls, a sealing flange engaged in annular face sealing rotative contact with the end face of the second member, the driving said sealing flanges being interconnected by a wall section of substantially thinner cross section than that of the flanges, the thin dimension imparting thereto a substantial lateral flexibility while retaining a torsional modulus characteristic of the tough abrasion resistant material, and a load ring of elastomeric material having substantial spring response characteristics, said load ring being disposed within the annular groove of the crescent shaped seal ring and engaging substantially the entire inner wall surface of the sealing flange and being axially compressed between the driving flange and the sealing flange, the interconnecting thin wall section having a resiliency and torsional modulus such that virtually all driving torque is transmitted from said driving flange to said seal flange therethrough, whereas virtually all of the seal flange face load is derived from compression of said load ring.

Claim 10描述一種在圓形空腔內的密封件:

10. A seal assembly in an annular cavity formed by first and second members which are subject to relative rotation, the first member forming the axially facing end wall and a radially facing sidewall of the cavity, the second member having an end face forming another axially facing end wall of the cavity opposite the one axially facing end wall, comprising a seal ring of tough abrasion-resistant material having a crescent shape in cross-section, the seal ring being disposed in the annular cavity with an annular groove of the crescent-shaped seal ring facing the sidewall of the cavity, the seal ring having a driving flange engaged in non-rotative driving contact with the sidewall and the one end wall of the cavity at the junction of these walls and a sealing flange engaged in face sealing rotative contact with the end face of the second member, the seal ring also having a thin-wall section connecting the flanges and providing a flexible hinge therebetween, and a load ring of resilient elastomeric material being disposed adjacent the sidewall of the first member and encompassed by the crescent-shaped cross-section of the seal ring and engaging substantially the entire inner wall surface of the sealing flange whereby the load ring is axially compressed between the driving flange and the sealing flange, axially acting forces for urging the sealing flange against the end wall of the second member and maintaining substantially constant sealing engagement therebetween are provided substantially by compression of the load ring.

在系爭專利專利審查過程中,先在1971年提出最早申請案 - 申請號116,157,審查委員對此申請案發出核駁理由,主要新穎性引證案為US3,390,922(這件後來也轉讓給Caterpillar),審查委員也提出112不明確的核駁意見,認為claim中用語"thin"不明確,因為沒有比較基礎、也沒有定義。

後來Caterpillar在1972年提出CIP申請案(申請號300,817),就補充"thin"的定義,後來1974年核准專利,即本次系爭專利 - US3,841,718。


經比對系爭專利範圍與被告Berco的產品,爭議在請求項中的幾段話,如claim 1中的「a wall section of substantially thinner cross section than that of the flanges . . . .」、claim 19的「the wall section being of thin cross-section relative to that of the ends. . . . .」,這兩段話是要界定"樞紐壁/hinge wall"有比其兩側凸緣(flange)更薄的截面。

被告侵權產品Berco的type 2產品的密封件的樞紐比密封凸緣(sealing flange)還薄,但是並沒有比驅動凸緣(driving flange)更薄。

因此在文義讀取的判斷上,Berco的type 2產品並沒有侵害系爭專利權(no literal infringement)。

於是原告Caterpillar就主張適用"均等論(doctrine of equivalents)",主張Berco的type 2產品以實質相同方法執行實際相同的功能以達成相同的結果("perform substantially the same function in substantially the same way to obtain the same result")。

經法院審理,認為Berco的type 2產品的密封件與系爭專利範圍有實質相同的結構,並以實質相同的方法產生實質相同的結果因此侵權判定適用均等論。(編按,但是,其中卻沒有任何記錄顯示較薄的驅動凸緣(driving flange)影響產品的運作或是得出的結果,也就是說,文義沒有讀取的特徵並沒有涉及均等論的判斷。)

針對以上均等論適用的決定,被告Berco主張「歷史禁反言/doctrine of file history estoppel」反擊。

針對claims 1, 19:

特別地,經查系爭專利'718中的claims 1, 19中包括了CIP案新增的特徵,法院認為過去的各種答辯歷史並不能全部套用,但明顯地,Caterpillar並沒有定義所述樞紐(hinge)的截面比其凸緣的一個還薄,並且也沒有相關的刪除與修正,也就是說,Caterpillar並沒有通過修正或是答辯影響關於其樞紐截面比所述兩種凸緣更薄的解釋,並沒有對此產生禁反言,因此專利範圍的解釋適用均等論,侵權成立。(法院澄清,針對112的修正並非是為了要區隔先前技術,因此並沒有產生歷史禁反言)

針對claim 10:

系爭專利claim 10中有句話:"a thinwall section connecting the flanges and providing a flexible hinge therebetween . . . .",法院判決claim 10直接讀入Berco的type 2產品,侵權成立。

針對以上claim 10侵權成立的判決,Berco等人主張"thin"沒有更薄的意思,不同於"thinner than the flanges"的解釋,但是法院否決,認為系爭專利'718說明書記載了何謂"thin",並描述相關實施例,因此法院不覺得"thin"不是沒有意義,因此仍判定侵權成立



"Though no authority is cited for the proposition that instructions to foreign counsel and a representation to foreign patent offices should be considered, and the varying legal and procedural requirements for obtaining patent protection in foreign countries might render consideration of certain types of representations inappropriate, there is ample such authority in decisions of other courts and when such matters comprise relevant evidence they must be considered."


本案侵權成立(claims 1, 19均等論適用、claim 10文義侵害成立)。

my two cents:

