2024年10月15日 星期二











在找資料時,有專文提醒「patent revocation」與「patent cancellation」不同,前者是由第三方提起基於違反專利法中專利性規定的撤銷申請,如舉發/再審/IPR等程序,後者則是因為程序不符而被撤銷的程序,如專利申請案違反保密規定、沒有繳付年費、不符合有關基因、生物來源等撰寫規定等。

若是"withdrawing",找到的是withdrawing from issue,也就是撤銷領證。

可參考TIPO專文:https://www.tipo.gov.tw/tw/dl-4206-2e674bd6c4ab44a58ee98dd13cd352df.html,涉及法條很簡單:35 U.S.C. § 122(b)(2)(B)(ii):「An applicant may rescind a request made under clause (i) at any time.」,表示申請人可以在任何時刻撤回專利申請案。

根據MPEP 711: Abandonment of Patent Application (拋棄專利申請案)(https://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/mpep/s711.html

從大標題引述35CFR 1.135, 1.138標題可知有兩種"abandonment":(1)未及時回覆官函的拋棄;(2)主動拋棄(express abandonment)。


(a)申請人向USPTO提出書面"declaration of abandonment(拋棄聲明)"的請願(petition),不過,若沒有在適當的時間及時地送交USPTO,例如USPTO準備進入/已經在領證程序,或是已經準備公開申請案的程序,有可能不能被拋棄。


2024年10月11日 星期五

不要沒事來建立申請人承認的先前技術 - MPEP 2129

本篇目的是要引用前例說服發明人不要在說明書中標註先前技術的專利號或名稱,如前篇報導就是可提供的參考(說明書中引用文獻的效力如何?- 智慧財產法院97行專訴字第63號(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2024/10/9763.html),但此篇針對美國專利時將文獻分為必要與非必要資料,而針對必要資料認為"可以引述之文獻僅限於美國專利案及美國專利公開案",對此或許有文獻支持,但實務上還是盡量避免,因此就來找找資料~),接著就要以美國法院案例來說明,先來建立一些背景知識-MPEP 2129,其實又獲得不錯的知識 !!! 接著會來探討前例內容。

MPEP 2129 - 承認是先前技術(Admission as Prior Art)


A statement by an applicant in the specification or made during prosecution identifying the work of another as “prior art” is an admission which can be relied upon for both anticipation and obviousness determinations, regardless of whether the admitted prior art would otherwise qualify as prior art under the statutory categories of 35 U.S.C. 102Riverwood Int’l Corp. v. R.A. Jones & Co., 324 F.3d 1346, 1354, 66 USPQ2d 1331, 1337 (Fed. Cir. 2003); Constant v. Advanced Micro-Devices Inc., 848 F.2d 1560, 1570, 7 USPQ2d 1057, 1063 (Fed. Cir. 1988). Where the admitted prior art anticipates the claim but does not qualify as prior art under any of the paragraphs of 35 U.S.C. 102, the claim may be rejected as being anticipated by the admitted prior art without citing to 35 U.S.C. 102.

(第一段落就說明(算是"嚴厲地聲明")申請人在"專利說明書"或是"審查過程"中指出"PRIOR ART(先前技術)"的聲明,不論所指出的先前技術是否夠格成為先前技術,就是承認可以用來當作新穎性或進步性的判斷的先前技術。)

However, even if labeled as “prior art,” the work of the same inventive entity may not be considered prior art against the claims unless it falls under one of the statutory categories. Id.; see also Reading & Bates Construction Co. v. Baker Energy Resources Corp., 748 F.2d 645, 650, 223 USPQ 1168, 1172 (Fed. Cir. 1984) (“[W]here the inventor continues to improve upon his own work product, his foundational work product should not, without a statutory basis, be treated as prior art solely because he admits knowledge of his own work. It is common sense that an inventor, regardless of an admission, has knowledge of his own work.”).

(然而,即便標示"prior art",如果是相同實體的先前發明,而本發明是接續改良,如果是發明人承認的,先前的工作不會"單獨/solely"作為先前技術。)

Consequently, the examiner must determine whether the subject matter identified as “prior art” is the inventor’s own work, or the work of another. In the absence of another credible explanation, examiners should treat such subject matter as the work of another.



Where the specification identifies work done by another as “prior art,” the subject matter so identified is treated as admitted prior art. In re Nomiya, 509 F.2d 566, 571, 184 USPQ 607, 611 (CCPA 1975) (holding applicant’s labeling of two figures in the application drawings as “prior art” to be an admission that what was pictured was prior art relative to the claimed improvement).

(當在專利說明書中指名他人完成的先前技術,就是自己承認的先前技術,根據案例In re Nomiya中,CCPA裁定申請人標記了兩張圖為"PRIOR ART",也就是承認其中繪製的圖相對本案為先前技術。


Drafting a claim in Jepson format (i.e., the format described in 37 CFR 1.75(e); see MPEP § 608.01(m)) is taken as an implied admission that the subject matter of the preamble is the prior art work of another. In re Fout, 675 F.2d 297, 301, 213 USPQ 532, 534 (CCPA 1982) (holding preamble of Jepson-type claim to be admitted prior art where applicant’s specification credited another as the inventor of the subject matter of the preamble). However, this implication may be overcome where applicant gives another credible reason for drafting the claim in Jepson format. In re Ehrreich, 590 F.2d 902, 909-910, 200 USPQ 504, 510 (CCPA 1979) (holding preamble not to be admitted prior art where applicant explained that the Jepson format was used to avoid a double patenting rejection in a co-pending application and the examiner cited no art showing the subject matter of the preamble). Moreover, where the preamble of a Jepson claim describes the inventor’s own work, such may not be used against the claims. Reading & Bates Construction Co. v. Baker Energy Resources Corp., 748 F.2d 645, 650, 223 USPQ 1168, 1172 (Fed. Cir. 1984); Ehrreich, 590 F.2d at 909-910, 200 USPQ at 510.

(當申請專利範圍以Jepson寫法(其改良在於~)撰寫時,隱含承認前言部分的內容是他人完成的先前技術。但是,若申請人可以提出其他可信的以此寫法撰寫專利範圍的理由,此隱含承認的部分可以被克服。這裡提到前例In re Ehrreich申請人解釋使用Jepson寫法是要迴避重複專利核駁,前言部分就不會是自己承認的先前技術。同理,當Jepson寫法的前言部分是發明人自己的先前技術,就不會用來駁回申請專利範圍描述的發明。


Mere listing of a reference in an information disclosure statement is not taken as an admission that the reference is prior art against the claims. Riverwood Int’l Corp. v. R.A. Jones & Co., 324 F.3d 1346, 1354-55, 66 USPQ2d 1331, 1337-38 (Fed Cir. 2003) (listing of the inventor’s own prior patent in an IDS does not make it available as prior art absent a statutory basis); see also 37 CFR 1.97(h) (“The filing of an information disclosure statement shall not be construed to be an admission that the information cited in the statement is, or is considered to be, material to patentability as defined in § 1.56(b).”).



Constant v. Advanced Micro-Devices Inc., 848 F.2d 1560, 1570, 7 USPQ2d 1057, 1063 (Fed. Cir. 1988)(https://casetext.com/case/constant-v-advanced-micro-devices-inc


2024年10月9日 星期三

說明書中引用文獻的效力如何?- 智慧財產法院97行專訴字第63號



以上問題可參考:TIPO專文「論專利說明書中引用文獻與揭露要件之關連性 -兼述智慧財產法院 97 行專訴字第 63 號判決」(https://www.tipo.gov.tw/tw/dl-5478-2aa43720f48c4d49a0bbda5c588bc27a.html)。


















my two cents:


2024年9月30日 星期一

用過去文章再探"at least one of"用語

這裡用幾個過去的判例/案例解釋"at least one of"用語。


"A, B and/or C"雖不建議,但意圖明顯地想要包含所有A,B,C的任一與任意組合(中文可以這樣寫),如果要不受到挑戰的英文寫法,可以是:"at least one selected from the group of A, B, C, and combination thereof"。(以下參考七)

- 解釋「at least one of」用語的老案子 - Superguide Corp. v. Direct TV Enterprises, Inc. (CAFC 2004)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/05/at-least-one-of-superguide-corp-v.html

在前例「Rhine v. Casio, Inc., 183 F.3d 1342, 1345 (Fed.Cir.1999)」中,CAFC法官解釋專利範圍中"at least one of"用語,認為字面上如地方法院解釋,指的是"one or more"。

在本案例中,申請專利範圍中描述的幾個"criteria/標準"包括有4個類別:program start time, program end time, program service, program type,每個類別還包括了多個可能的數值。


Claim 1:"first means for storing at least one of a desired program start time, a desired program end time, a desired program service, and a desired program type"。

專利權人Superguide主張"at least one of"意思是"所述4個類別中一或多個類別的一或多個數值"(包含所有可能的組合);被告DirectTV則主張"at least one of"意思是"每個類別的一或多個數值"(比專利權人主張的限縮一些)。

CAFC同意被告DirectTV的解釋,認為"at least one of"寫在"categories/多個類別"之前,而後面加的連接詞是"and",一般解釋是:

"an article of a preposition applying to all the members of the series must either be used only before the first term or else be repeated before each term."(在此不硬翻,是可以理解的)

這裡舉例:"in spring, summer, or winter",意思是"in spring, in summer, or in winter"。因此,"at least one of"後面列出多個類別,也是套用在每個類別上,成為"at least one value for each category",因此上述claim段落應解釋為"at least one of a desired program start time, a desired program end time, a desired program service, and a desired program type",也就是每個類別都選擇至少一個數值,而非"one or more categories"。

- 「at least one of」用語筆記(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2023/11/at-least-one-of.html

"at least one of A and B”的解釋為:“at least one of A and at least one of B”("at least one of"套在後面列出的名詞上),還可寫為"one or more of A and one or more of B"。

如果發明還要包括A或B(或包括"one or more A" or "one or more B")的範圍,需要寫為:“at least one of A or B”、“one or more of A or B”或是“one of A or B”這類寫法。

- 解釋"at least one",雖有前例但說明書沒有支持 - Ex parte Jung (PTAB 2016-008290)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2021/05/at-least-one-ex-parte-jung-ptab-2016.html

此案例有趣的是,專利審查委員以及PTAB行政法官解釋專利範圍中"at least one of ... and"是用比較廣的解釋(但以現在理解是是錯的解釋),認為其中之一即可,也就如以下解釋:

當時PTAB解釋"at least one of A and B"認為會有以下幾個可能:
1) "at least one of A or B";
2) "at least one of A or at least one of B"; or
3) "at least one selected from the group of A and B".

但此案中,因為專利範圍解釋過廣而被核駁,專利申請人主張"at least one of A and B"應解釋為"at least one of A and at least one of B"(編按,根據以上Superguide案例也應這樣解釋)。

此案後續是,專利申請人捨棄有爭議的"at least one of"寫法。

- 專利用詞「at least one」討論 - Joao v. Sleepy Hollow Bank (S.D.N.Y. 2004)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/04/at-least-one.html

原告對此句的解釋為:從其中列舉項目中僅有一個元件,或是元件的任何組合,句型「at least one of A, B and C」意思指「only A, or only B, or only C, or any combination of A, B and C」。(編按,原告原則上希望專利範圍更廣,除非是如上例要迴避先前技術而限縮專利範圍)

被告對此句的解釋為:列舉的項目的一或多個項目,句型「at least one of A, B and C」意思指「one or more of A, one or more of B, and one or more of C」。(編按,侵權被告自然是希望專利範圍解釋更小,而目前實務是符合此案被告主張的。)

此案例中,法官解釋的很玄:"I construe the phrase "at least one of... and ..." in connection with a list of items to mean, "One or more of one or more of the items contained in the list.""。(編按,以目前實務來看,應該不是這樣繞的。)

- 美國專利局認同"and/or"的專利範圍語言,但有更好的寫法 (about Claims)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/01/andor-about-claims.html

本篇是認為,and/or沒有不明確,但是可能"as least one of A and B"叫好,這是文法上的解法,但在解釋專利範圍上,應該還是要看目前最新的解釋。


at least one selected from the group of A, B, C, and combinations thereof”。


2024年9月27日 星期五

JPO提供的專利侵權訴訟要領 - 一些摘要

Patent Infringement Litigation in Japan

Part 1 - How to Deal with a Warning Letter





對自身的檢驗包括,(1)查自己擁有的專利權;(2)是否有先使用權(prior user right);(3)是否有實驗上的使用(experimental use),在實驗上的使用或是科學上的測試可免除專利侵權;(4)是否有強制許可(compulsory licenses)。


若沒有侵權問題,應(1)回應沒有侵權;(2)對專利提出無效程序;(3)若確認沒有侵權,收到警告信的人可以在法院提起宣告式判決訴訟(Declaratory judgment action),通過法院確認沒有侵權的事實。


Part 2 - Court Proceedings
在日本,僅兩個法院處理專利侵權爭議:Tokyo and Osaka District Courts


1. 提交訴狀(complaint)
2. 相關救濟(remedy),包括主訴(main suit,包括損害賠償與永久禁制令)與初步禁制令(preliminary injunction)
3. 聽證(first hearing)
4. 後續程序,包括審判、言詞辯論、專家作證等程序。
5. 侵權判斷與損害賠償為兩個程序。
6. 和解
7. 損害賠償計算
8. 宣判
9. 上訴



2024年9月26日 星期四

從鉅細靡遺的判決中學習相關議題答辯方式 - IMPACT ENGINE, INC. v. GOOGLE LLC (Jul. 3, 2024 CAFC)

被告/被上訴人:GOOGLE LLC
系爭專利:US7,870,497、US10,572,898、US10,565,618 ... 等
判決日期:July 3, 2024

原告Impact於地方法院對Google提出侵權告訴,地方法院解釋專利範圍,解釋"compiling engine"如一般理解的編譯器(compiler),另外,還解釋"project viewer"為功能手段用語。地院另判決系爭專利範圍不符35U.S.C.101適格性規定,而陪審團判定侵權不成立,部分專利範圍因為違反112規定而無效。

原本訴願涉及有相同說明書的七件專利,其中系爭專利'497關於一種多媒體通訊系統與方法,其中涉及創造、編輯、分享與散布高品質多媒體通訊內容,其中整合文字、顏色、背景圖、影像、聲音、影片等,其中互動方式不需要使用者理解複雜的程式語言。Claim 1如下,多媒體通訊系統包括媒體庫以及專案建造器,專案建造器提供GUI給使用者操作,使用者可從媒體庫中選擇專案範本(template),系統通過提出問題得到使用者的答案,取得使用者喜好的專案範本,以及一或多個媒體內容以形成通訊內容。

1. A multimedia communication system comprising:
a media repository storing communication project templates and media assets of a number of content types, the project templates and media assets being accessible by a graphical user interface on a client computer via a network; and
a project builder providing the graphical user interface for the client computer via the network for local display of the graphical user interface on the client computer, the graphical user interface comprising controls to receive user input for selecting at least one communication project template from the media repository and one or more media assets, and assembling a communication based on the at least one communication project template, the project builder further including an interactive interview for display on the graphical user interface, the interactive interview providing a plurality of questions to a user for eliciting a user response pertaining to user preferences, and further receiving the user preferences about the at least one communication project template and one or more media assets to assemble the communication.

9. A multimedia communication system in accordance with claim 1, further comprising a project viewer that renders an assembled communication and transmits the rendered communication via the network to the client computer for viewing in the graphical user interface.

其中值得一提的是,地方法院在2021年提出一次補充解釋專利範圍命令,其中解釋"project viewer",查說明書與專利範圍,認為"project viewer"執行的功能包括顯示並能自動播放/或停止投影片、傳送通訊至客戶電腦,以及讓使用者查看樣本與媒體,如此認為無法以結構定義此元件,屬於以35U.S.C.112(f)解釋的功能手段用語。

針對專利的適格性,地院判定'618案claims 14, 16, 22, 23、'497的claim 1不具專利適格性,理由是發明涉及基於使用者資訊產生客製與修改電腦通訊內容的技術,僅採用一般目的電腦,並使用其中一般功能,屬於抽象概念。



... (上訴CAFC前的地院很忙呀! 詳情請看判決原文。)

1. 挑戰地方法院判定系爭專利不符專利適格性的意見;
2. 挑戰地方法院對"project viewer"的解釋,以及基於此解釋作出侵權不成立的決定;
3. 挑戰系爭專利'898的claim 30不符35U.S.C.112(a)(說明書不支持)的決定。



所謂一般功能元件,這裡定義有"network", "graphical user interface", "server"等。且系爭專利說明書描述的內容包括gathering, sending, presenting資訊,如此不容易克服這是抽象概念的專利無效的意見。

接著又判斷系爭專利範圍並沒有加入特定特徵限制,而被認為不具備進步概念(inventive concetp),因為所謂inventive concept是要從非過去知悉、非已知以及非常規的技術得出。

上訴人Impact宣稱Google產品侵權,認為說明書描述的"project viewer"是一個產生或連載通訊計畫投影片與內容的應用程式,並且提供功能,當"project viewer"啟動後,需要"資料結構"以及相關軟體程式呼叫計畫物件(project object)...。

法院認為Impact提出的段落並不足夠說明project viewer的結構特徵,根據說明書內容,認為元件"project viewer"為電腦實現的功能手段用語,因為說明書中僅"純粹地"描述功能,並倚賴演算法,並不足以提供必要的結構特徵


議題3 (說明書是否支持專利範圍議題)

CAFC支持地方法院判決 (部分專利範圍不符101, 112規定,侵權不成立)。

my two cents:



2024年9月25日 星期三

澳洲專利適格性定義 - "manner of manufacture" - D'Arcy v Myriad Genetics Inc [2015] HCA 35 (Myriad)

本篇討論澳洲專利適格性判例,訴訟議題是涉及分離BRCA1核酸(isolated BRCA1 nucleic acid)的系爭專利是否屬於可專利標的。

在案例D'Arcy v Myriad Genetics Inc [2015] HCA 35 (Myriad)中,澳洲高等法院裁決系爭專利claims 1-3並非關於製造/製品(manufacture)的技術,即便專利範圍描述的是產品,但技術實質上是分子核苷酸(nucleotides)中表現的資訊,而此資訊是分子中固有的內容,並非是人為產生的內容,因此不具有可專利性。


系爭專利的claims 1-3:
1. An isolated nucleic acid coding for a mutant or polymorphic BRCA1 polypeptide, said nucleic acid containing in comparison to the BRCA1 polypeptide encoding sequence set forth in SEQ.ID No:1 one or more mutations or polymorphisms selected from the mutations set forth in Tables 12, 12A and 14 and the polymorphisms set forth in Tables 18 and 19.

(1.一種突變體或多態性BRCA1多勝肽的分離核酸編碼技術,所述核酸與SEQ.ID No:1中所示的BRCA1多肽編碼序列相比,含有選自表中的一或多個突變或多態性,突變可查表12, 12A與14,多態性見表18和19。)



2. An isolated nucleic acid as claimed in claim 1 which is a DNA coding for a mutant BRCA1 polypeptide, said DNA containing in comparison to the BRCA1 polypeptide encoding sequence set forth in SEQ.ID No: 1 one or more mutations set forth in Tables 12, 12A and 14.

3. An isolated nucleic acid as claimed in claim 1 which is a DNA coding for a polymorphic BRCA1 polypeptide, said DNA containing in comparison to the BRCA1 polypeptide encoding sequence set forth in SEQ.ID No:1 one or more polymorphisms set forth in Tables 18 and 19.


Patentable inventions for the purposes of a standard patent

 (1)  Subject to subsection   (2), an invention is a patentable invention for the purposes of a standard patent if the invention, so far as claimed in any claim:

 (a)  is a manner of manufacture within the meaning of section 6 of the Statute of Monopolies; and

 (b)  when compared with the prior art base as it existed before the priority date of that claim:

 (i)  is novel; and

 (ii)  involves an inventive step; and

 (c)  is useful; and

 (d)  was not secretly used in the patent area before the priority date of that claim by, or on behalf of, or with the authority of, the patentee or nominated person or the patentee's or nominated person's predecessor in title to the invention.


每一項請求項都涉及「isolated nucleic acid/分離的核酸」,根據說明書定義,「分離的核酸」包括DNA, RNA,或混和聚合物(mixed polymer),包括天然存在環境中的核酸序列或蛋白質,包括複製的DNA的分離物,以及化學合成的類似物,或通過異質生物合成的物質。並且,看來各方都同意源自人類細胞衍生的核苷酸序列(nucleotide sequence)都可稱核酸。

本案系爭專利涉及「分離核酸編碼技術」,複製人類細胞中原有的核苷酸序列,取得與人類細胞功能等效的序列,即便專利範圍描述的專利標的如一產品(product)。如此,本案例的上訴議題就是上述專利範圍是否符合專利法定義的"manner of manufacture"?


定義「manner of manufacture」:
「NRDC / National Research Development Corporation v Commissioner of Patents」法院確立使用已知化學物的未知特性而得出新的目的的用途發明的可專利性。

本案系爭專利涉及的"product",長久以來的觀念是"product"就是可販售的產品(vendible product),這是有用的判斷,本次法官再進一步定義,具有人為創造的事態,此事態具有經濟意義(economic significance),即構成專利法所設定的「manner of manufacture」。

"a product that consists of an artificially created state of affairs which has economic significance will constitute a 'manner of manufacture'." (emphasis added)


"The Court held that it is sufficient for a product to result in 'an artificially created state of affairs', leading to 'an economically useful result'."

因此,全院認為本案「產品發明 - isolated nucleic acid」包括cDNA,屬於具有經濟效益的人為創造的事態,屬於專利法定義的發明

"The isolated nucleic acid, including cDNA, has resulted in an artificially created state of affairs for economic benefit. The claimed product is properly the subject of letters patent. The claim is to an invention within the meaning of s 18(1) of the Act."

以上定義已知如本案系爭專利屬於一種產品發明,具備可專利性,然而,本案系爭專利又屬於基因工程,涉及道德倫理與社會議題,但排除涉及道德與社會規範的發明的專利適格性是一種司法命令(judicial fiat)。法院參考了一位教授的意見,如下,其中表示不僅是基因工程,連同醫療方法與商業系統,都會面對可專利性議題的爭論。

"Although it was important to expand patentable subject matter and remove artificial fetters on patentable subject matter at the time of NRDC, there is no consensus that we should continue to expand the scope of patentable subject matter into all fields of endeavour so as to remove the remaining fetters on patentable subject matter. The continuing debates on whether methods of medical treatment, business systems and genes should be patentable subject matter demonstrate that there is no universal acceptance of an approach that would accept that anything under the sun invented by man is patentable."

以下提出兩個檢查發明是否屬於「manner of manufacture」,第一,是否發明為用於製作產品,或是產生因為人類行為產生的結果的流程;第二,是否發明具有經濟用途。

They characterised the subject matter of the claims as:
1.a compound, not information;(是一種化合物,非資訊本身)
2. an isolated nucleic acid, which is taken out of the genome and removed from the cell and is unable to be the subject of cellular processes of transcription and translation;(從基因取出的分離的核酸,不能是細胞程序的主體)
3. containing the code for a mutant or polymorphic protein; and(包括突變體或是多態性蛋白的編碼)
4. containing a sequence identified by comparison with tables created following extensive research describing the location of the mutations or polymorphisms in DNA.(包括可通過比對表格識別的序列)



"The Full Court described the impugned claims as claims "for a product set within a context of invention described in the specification: a context of development, through research and work, of the knowledge of the mutations or polymorphisms in question, and of the finding of the gene in question." Their Honours emphasised the character of the claims as relating to "the nucleic acid as isolated from the cell" and differences between the claimed product and the "naturally occurring product"."

Their Honours referred at some length to the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in Association for Molecular Pathology v Myriad Genetics Inc. That decision was concerned with the application of 35 USC §101 to claims differently expressed from those impugned in this case:
An isolated DNA coding for a BRCA1 polypeptide, said polypeptide having the amino acid sequence set forth in SEQ ID No:2.
The isolated DNA of claim 1 wherein said DNA has the nucleotide sequence set forth in SEQ ID No:1 ("the Myriad claims").

可參考:第1000篇「Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics」美國最高法院判決(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2013/06/1000association-for-molecular-pathology.html

法院認為,在僅自人類基因隔離的技術為不可專利,不過除此之外又增加其他改變基因序列的技術仍可為可專利標的("created" cDNA相關技術為可核准專利標的