2009年7月29日 星期三

About Claims XX - 方法專利

The Supreme Court of U.S. has defined a process as "a mode of treatment of certain materials to produce a given result. It is an act, or a series of acts, performed upon subject matter to be transformed and reduced to a different state or thing."

  1. 方法專利涵蓋轉換、改變或是運作於特定物體上的操作程序,方法專利並不會限制於特定結構,並可應用於新的產品或是硬體,基本上有較廣的範圍
  2. 方法專利所包括的流程能夠轉換、改變或是運作於一個部件(workpiece)上
  3. 方法專利有一系列步驟(A series of steps)
  4. 方法專利可以沒有裝置的特徵、沒有物品製造的特徵,或是沒有任何元件的特性
  5. 描述方法專利的步驟通常由「ing」形式的動詞開始,但不總是這樣
  6. 方法專利的步驟是運作於一個裝置上,而此裝置可能運作於特定部件上
  7. 方法專利也可直接運作於部件上
  8. 方法專利各步驟中,應從說明書中找出適當的動詞
  9. 方法專利很少不是陳述運作於特定東西的動作
  10. 如果可能,可以指出執行各步驟的功能或是目的
  11. 對於有關產品權利範圍,如果必要的陳述已經以各步驟表達出來,無須再描述其功效
  12. 方法專利中,如果不想要指出所使用的結構或是部件,可使用「means for」(或step for)

參考資料:Landis on Mechanics Patent Claim Drafting


取得美國專利申請日的基本要求:(37 CFR 1.53)
  1. 符合美國專利法第112條規定的說明書
  2. 至少一個權利範圍
  3. 圖示
  4. 申請日後不得新增新事物(new matter)
  5. 日後於規定時間內(一般為兩個月內,可延長)應補充其他必要文件(如宣誓書)與費用
(b) Application filing requirements -- Nonprovisional application. The filing date of an application for patent filed under this section, except for a provisional application under paragraph (c) of this section or a continued prosecution application under paragraph (d) of this section, is the date on which a specification as prescribed by 35 U.S.C. 112 containing a description pursuant to § 1.71 and at least one claim pursuant to § 1.75, and any drawing required by § 1.81(a) are filed in the Patent and Trademark Office. No new matter may be introduced into an application after its filing date. A continuing application, which may be a continuation, divisional, or continuation-in-part application, may be filed under the conditions specified in 35 U.S.C. 120, 121 or 365(c) and § 1.78(a).
(1) A continuation or divisional application that names as inventors the same or fewer than all of the inventors named in the prior application may be filed under this paragraph or paragraph (d) of this section.
(2) A continuation-in-part application (which may disclose and claim subject matter not disclosed in the prior application) or a continuation or divisional application naming an inventor not named in the prior application must be filed under this paragraph.

取得美國商標申請日的基本要求:(37 CFR 2.21)
  1. 申請人名稱
  2. 聯絡名稱與地址
  3. 清楚的圖示與標示
  4. 列舉物品與服務
  5. 費用

§2.21 Requirements for receiving a filing date.

(a)The Office will grant a filing date to an application under section 1 or section 44 of the Act that contains all of the following:

(1)The name of the applicant;
(2)A name and address for correspondence;
(3)A clear drawing of the mark;
(4)A listing of the goods or services; and
(5)The filing fee for at least one class of goods or services, required by § 2.6.

(b) If the applicant does not submit all the elements required in paragraph (a) of this section, the Office may return the papers with an explanation of why the filing date was denied.

(c) The applicant may correct and resubmit the application papers. If the resubmitted papers and fee meet all the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, the Office will grant a filing date as of the date the Office receives the corrected papers.


2009年7月28日 星期二


美國專利局提出e-Office Action的方案(http://www.uspto.gov/eoa/
讓申請人可以透過private PAIR申請以電子郵件接收Office Action,取代傳統郵寄的方式,申請人亦能透過private PAIR下載所有的來往文件。申請人必須先取得用戶代碼、透過公證人...,用以申請private PAIR,可參考:http://www.patent-tutorial.net/test-site/node/1127

使用e-Office Action,申請人可以即時快速地收到USPTO的通知,包括各種跟期限有關的提醒信,大概更重要的是,減少紙張使用!




  1. 為了明確、新增與刪除範圍的限縮修正
  2. 校正錯誤
  3. 明確模糊的描述
  4. 刪除認為是新增的事物(new matter)
資料參考:Kim, Hong & Assoicates


以往,修法前,申請人僅能於特定期限內提出「分割申請案(divisional application)」,如收到先前核駁(preliminary rejection)後,或是提出訴願後30日內,所以不太可能在核駁後、訴願前提出分割案。



資料參考:Kim, Hong & Assoicates


韓國於2009年7月1日起實施「再審(Re-Examination)」制度,也就是有別於以往在核駁決定(decision of rejection)後,申請人僅能選擇訴願(Appeal)產生較高費用的問題,韓國專利局引入「再審」制度,讓申請人可以提出再審查,可伴隨答辯、修改說明書/權利範圍與圖式。申請人在收到核駁決定後,可選擇訴願,或是此再審制度。

由下圖舊制可知,核駁決定後(核駁決定前會至少有一次先前審查(preliminary rejection)),30日內可提出訴願,提出訴願後30日內可提出修正,並進行先前再審(prior re-examination),之後再進入再審,由資深審查官執行



資料參考:Kim, Hong & Assoicates

2009年7月23日 星期四


§121. Divisional applications

If two or more independent and distinct inventions are claimed in one application, the Director may require the application to be restricted to one of the inventions. If the other invention is made the subject of a divisional application which complies with the requirements of section 120 of this title [35 USC 120] it shall be entitled to the benefit of the filing date of the original application. A patent issuing on an application with respect to which a requirement for restriction under this section has been made, or on an application filed as a result of such a requirement, shall not be used as a reference either in the Patent and Trademark Office or in the courts against a divisional application or against the original application or any patent issued on either of them, if the divisional application is filed before the issuance of the patent on the other application. If a divisional application is directed solely to subject matter described and claimed in the original application as filed, the Director may dispense with signing and execution by the inventor. The validity of a patent shall not be questioned for failure of the Director to require the application to be restricted to one invention.


Sec. 120. - Benefit of earlier filing date in the United States
An application for patent for an invention disclosed in the manner provided by the first paragraph of section 112 of this title in an application previously filed in the United States, or as provided by section 363 of this title, which is filed by an inventor or inventors named in the previously filed application shall have the same effect, as to such invention, as though filed on the date of the prior application, if filed before the patenting or abandonment of or termination of proceedings on the first application or on an application similarly entitled to the benefit of the filing date of the first application and if it contains or is amended to contain a specific reference to the earlier filed application. No application shall be entitled to the benefit of an earlier filed application under this section unless an amendment containing the specific reference to the earlier filed application is submitted at such time during the pendency of the application as required by the Director. The Director may consider the failure to submit such an amendment within that time period as a waiver of any benefit under this section. The Director may establish procedures, including the payment of a surcharge, to accept an unintentionally delayed submission of an amendment under this section


2009年7月21日 星期二



A description requirement issue can arise in a number of different circumstances where it must be determined whether the subject matter of a claim is supported in an application as filed. See MPEP § 2163 for examination guidelines pertaining to the written description requirement. While a question as to whether a specification provides an adequate written description may arise in the context of an original claim which is not described sufficiently. Consequently, rejection of an original claim for lack of written description should be rare. Most typically, the issue will arise in the following circumstances: (適用於修改、後續案、優先權案、專利糾紛)

The specification, while providing literal support for the claimed limitations, does not describe the invention in a way that would enable one of ordinary skill in the art to make or use the invention.

參考MPEP 2173.06 Prior Art Rejection of Claim Rejected as Indefinite
All words in a claim must be considered in judging the patentability of a claim against the prior art. In re Wilson, 424 F.2d 1382, 165 USPQ 494 (CCPA 1970). The fact that terms may be indefinite does not make the claim obvious over the prior art. When the terms of a claim are considered to be indefinite, at least two approaches to the examination of an indefinite claim relative to the prior art are possible.

First, where the degree of uncertainty is not great, and where the claim is subject to more than one interpretation and at least one interpretation would render the claim unpatentable over the prior art, an appropriate course of action would be for the examiner to enter two rejections: (A) a rejection based on indefiniteness under 35 U.S.C. 112, second paragraph; and (B) a rejection over the prior art based on the interpretation of the claims which renders the prior art applicable. See, e.g., Ex parte Ionescu, 222 USPQ 537 (Bd. App. 1984). When making a rejection over prior art in these circumstances, it is important for the examiner to point out how the claim is being interpreted. Second, where there is a great deal of confusion and uncertainty as to the proper interpretation of the limitations of a claim, it would not be proper to reject such a claim on the basis of prior art. As stated in In re Steele, 305 F.2d 859, 134 USPQ 292 (CCPA 1962), a rejection under 35 U.S.C. 103 should not be based on considerable speculation about the meaning of terms employed in a claim or assumptions that must be made as to the scope of the claims.



2009年7月16日 星期四

Michael Jackson 的簽名

想要Michael Jackson的簽名,很難拿到,卻是可以看到


最近USPTO也舉辦Michael Jackson的專利、商標與其應用的展覽,給民眾機會教育,重視智慧財產權!


2009年7月15日 星期三




專利局此時將指派三位IPT(Intellectual Property Tribunal)的評審委員進行審理


Inter parte Case
此時,評審委員針對兩造提出的意見進行審理,並做出決定。若兩造有不服決定的,可於30日內在專利法庭(patent court)提出上訴(Appeal),同理,若再不服專利法庭的決定,則可在最高法院(supreme court)提出上訴(14天內)

下圖由KIPO所截下的流程圖(Inter Parte Cases)

Ex Parte Case




Implementation of Expedited Examination System to Support Low Carbon Green Growth
(最近修改的專利審理條例)只要與綠色科技(green technology)直接相關的專利申請案,將在符合特定要求下優先審理

[technology that, through the entire process of social and economic activities, saves energy resources and uses them efficiently to minimize green house gas and pollutant emissions; such as greenhouse gas reduction ability, utilization technique of energy usage, clean production technology, clean energy technique, resource circulation and environment friendly technology(including related fusion skills) etc.]

所以,經判斷為綠色科技的專利申請案,韓國專利局決定,相關的快速審查與快速判決(expedited examination and speedy judgment )將可分別於一個月與四個月內收到第一次結果,這些皆比一般快速審查的時間快得多!

o韓國專利法目前的法規是需符合以下條件,才會執行快速審查(Expedited Examination)的程序:
  • 國防科技
  • 避免環境污染的設備
  • 直接出口促銷的技術
  • 中央或地方政府的員工的發明案
  • 外國創新產業(venture business)
  • 新科技發展與政府支持的計畫
  • 有主張韓國優先權的國外案的相對申請案
  • 韓國國內已商業化或是預備商業化的發明
  • 電子商務發明案

Enforcement of Automatic Fee Payment System


2009年7月14日 星期二



McDonald vs. McCurry

McDonald於2001年那年先提出訴訟,認為McCurry違反以「Mc」作為招牌,宣稱是麥當勞的註冊商標,McCurry不服,認為「Mc」並非McDonald專有,並宣稱「Mc」在一些國家是用於姓氏,同樣McCurry為馬來西亞與印度的食物Malaysia Chicken Curry的縮寫,與西方的速食完全不同,當時,高等法院判決,麥當勞勝訴,命令McCurry不能使用字首「Mc」!


1) McDonald是跨國大企業,提供西方速食,但是McCurry是個本地小餐廳,提供當地食物,並無任何商標漂竊的行為
2) McDonald的標誌是弧形黃色紅底的「M」,但是McCurry是白灰色「Restoran McCurry」紅底的招牌,不會有混淆的情形
3) McDonald提供的菜單多半有「Mc」開頭的餐點,而McCurry並沒有
4) 另外是,McCurry的主要顧客是成年與中老年人,而McDonald主要是孩童




2009年7月13日 星期一

船井控瑞軒侵權 裁定無效


by vizio.com



2009年7月9日 星期四


修正產生的new matter將會於下次Office Action提出核駁
通常使用美國專利法第132條,原文如下,雖原文是針對reexamination程序的核駁,但也是其中描述任何修正產生的new matter都會遭致核駁。本段主要是說明,審查中產生的核駁(rejection)、異議(objection)理由,或是任何要求(requirement),加上參考文件,皆應通知相關申請人,並述明理由,認申請人可以做出適當的再審意見。
§132. Notice of rejection; reexamination
(a) Whenever, on examination, any claim for a patent is rejected, or any objection or requirement made, the Director shall notify the applicant thereof, stating the reasons for such rejection, or objection or requirement, together with such information and references as may be useful in judging of the propriety of continuing the prosecution of his application; and if after receiving such notice, the applicant persists in his claim for a patent, with or without amendment, the application shall be reexamined. No amendment shall introduce new matter into the disclosure of the invention.
(b) The Director shall prescribe regulations to provide for the continued examination of applications for patent at the request of the applicant. The Director may establish appropriate fees for such continued examination and shall provide a 50 percent reduction in such fees for small entities that qualify for reduced fees under section 41(h)(1) of this title [35 USC 41(h)(1)].

以下範例中,由於new matter又未被說明書支持,產生無法讓相關技術人員可以瞭解,又產生不符112的核駁理由:


2009年7月6日 星期一

Michael Jackson的舞鞋專利

從得知Michael Jackson是美國專利第5255452號(Method and means for creating anti gravity illusion)的發明人之後,發現,我還真是慢知慢覺,原來很多文章已經在討論此專利了,尤其是從傾斜45度的舞步開始...

1. A system for engaging shoes with a hitch means to permit a person standing on a stage surface to lean forwardly beyond his or her center of gravity, comprising:

at least one shoe having a heel with a first engagement means, said first engagement means comprising a recess formed in a heel of said shoe covered with a heel slot plane located at a bottom region of said heel, said heel slot plate having a slot formed therein with a relatively wide opening at a leading edge of said heel and a narrower terminal end rearward of said leading edge, said recess being larger in size above said terminal end of said slot than is said terminal end of said slot; and

a second engagement means, detachably engageable with said first engagement means, comprising a hitch member having an enlarged head portion connected by a narrower shank portion to a means for raising and lowering said head of said hitch member above and substantially level with or below said stage surface, said head portion being larger in size than said terminal end of said slot and said shank portion being narrower than said terminal end of said slot, wherein said hitch member can be moved through apertures in said stage surface between a projecting position raised above said stage surface and a retracted position at or below the stage surface, and when said head portion of said hitch member is raised above said stage surface, said first engagement means can be detachably engaged with said projecting hitch member, thereby allowing a person wearing the shoes to lean forwardly with his or her normal center of gravity beyond a front region of said shoes, and maintain said forward lean.





歐洲專利明年修法(coming into force on 1st April 2010)
資料來源:Dr. M. Engelhard and M. Muschke

  1. 現行的EPO規定是,在正式實質審查前,會提出一份檢索報告(search report),然而,申請人可不予回應,而待實質審查結果出爐後再回應;

  2. 針對「主動」提出分割案(divisional application)的期限,規定申請人應於EPO做出第一次「溝通(communication,如第一次審查報告或是檢索報告)」後24個月內提出。若申請人有提出一系列相關的申請案(一件母案與多件分割案),則此期限適用於此系列所有的申請案,不會因為有後申請案而「延長」期限


  1. 有關上述「回應檢索報告」的規定中,若為「直接」申請EPO的申請案,檢索報告的回應應於檢索報告「公開」後6個月內提出
  2. 若檢索報告於4/1/2010當日或之後發出,申請人即有義務回應
  3. 針對PCT申請案,若EPO並非該案的國際檢索局(International Search Authority, ISA),EPO將會於該案進入EPO階段並給申請人修改機會後,提出補充檢索報告(supplementary search report)。於提出補充檢索報告後,EPO會於一個月內提出要求申請人進行進一步的程序,包括於一定期限內回應此檢索報告
  4. 上述所謂「進一步的程序(further processing)」可能為一些補正措施
  5. 同樣,若上述「補充檢索報告」於4/1/2009當日或之後發出,申請人有義務回應
  6. 若EPO為PCT申請案的國際檢索局,EPO將會發給申請人限期(一個月)回應檢索意見
  7. 要求一個月內回應檢索意見,適用於EPO同時為PCT的國際檢索局(ISA)與國際初步審查局(International Preliminary Examination Authority, IPEA);若EPO僅為ISA而並非IPEA,則不會要求一個月內回應


  1. EPO日後的檢索報告,僅會根據一組獨立請求項分類,並提出相對的檢索結果
  2. 相對地,EPO亦僅會要求申請人針對該組獨立項的檢索報告提出回應
  3. 若該申請案有不只一組獨立項,EPO會要求限制在一概括性的範圍中(general one claim category)
  4. 若有不符EPC規定的申請案,EPO將會限期(2個月)說明,包括「商業方法」或是其他不明確的範圍,否則不予檢索或審查


  1. 申請人應於EPO做出第一次溝通(檢索報告)後24個月內提出主動分割案
  2. 針對不符「單一性」的申請案,申請人應於EPO提出核駁後24個月內提出分割案(被動分割)
  3. 針對過渡時期的分割案,若在4/1/2010已超過期限,仍可在4/1/2010後6個月內提出申請
  4. 或該案在4/1/2010時仍為pending,則應在不超過6個月內提出


2009年7月3日 星期五




US 6,115,074揭露「System for Forming and Processing Program Map Information Suitable for Terrestrial, Cable or Satellite Broadcast」(用於電纜、衛星廣播上形成與處理程式表資訊的系統與方法)
1. Apparatus for decoding a datastream of MPEG compatible packetized program information containing program map information to provide decoded program data, comprising:
means for identifying channel map information conveyed within said packetized program information; and
means for assembling said identified information to form a channel map for identifying said individual packetized datastreams constituting said program,
wherein said channel map information replicates information conveyed in said MPEG compatible program map information and said replicated information associates a broadcast channel with packet identifiers used to identify individual packetized datastreams that constitute a program transmitted on said broadcast channel.

US 5,329,369揭露「Assymmetric Picture Compression」(非對稱影像壓縮技術)
1. A television apparatus, comprising:
video display means having a first format display ratio of width to height;
means for receiving a first video signal representing a first picture;
means for receiving a second video signal representing a second picture having a second ratio of width to height different than said first ratio;
means for changing said ratio of width to height of said second picture; and,
means for combining a portion of said first picture with a portion of said changed second picture for simultaneous display of said first and second picture portions.






