2012年5月30日 星期三


阿根廷專利局最近發佈有關化學與製藥發明的新的專利性判斷標準,其中規範幾個法定不予專利的化學類發明, 或是可專利但須注意的事項:


2)擬多晶型(含水合物和溶劑化物)(Pseudo polymorphs):由含水合物和溶劑化物形成的擬多晶型不能准予專利,因為也被認為是一般製藥程序而已;

3)旋光性異構物(Enantiomers):當外消旋化合物(racemic compound)分子結構被揭露,使得由此旋光性異構物形成的外消旋化合物也失去新穎性,因此旋光性異構物並無法授予專利;但是,形成此旋光性異構物的流程若具有新穎性與進步性則可以被准予專利;

4)馬庫什方程式(Markush formulas):只要專利說明書內容有足夠的支持,用Markush表達的化學方程式(選擇式)是可被准予專利;

5)選擇式的專利:若為使用馬庫什方程式所界定的化學方程式範圍所涵蓋的化學成份為習知技術的一部分,則不具新穎性;(enpan: 若遇到其中有成份為習知技術,可嘗試從選擇項目中刪除)

6)已知物質的鹽,酯和其他衍生物(Salts, esters and other derivates of known substances):此類衍生物會被認為相同於已知化合物,不能准予專利;

7)活性代謝產物(Active metabolites):即便此類產物由其母分子所衍生且較具安全性與有效性,但此類產物仍不能准予專利;


9)配方和成分(Formulations and compositions):常用來開發藥品的配方技術與其成份會被認為是相關技術人員可知的技術,因此,新的配方與成份與其相關製程會被認為是由先前技術所衍生的技術,如同上述同素異形體/多晶型(Polymorphs),這類發明不能准予專利;但例外的是,當配方技術是用非顯而意見(non-obvious)的方式解決長久以來的需要或是問題,則可能被准予專利;(enpan: 比如愛滋病的雞尾酒療法(Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy(HAART)))

10)組合物(Combinations):若專利範圍涉及已知活性成份的組合,會被視為實際等效於醫療(medical treatment)等不予專利的事項;


12)醫藥第二用途(second use):若用提涉及治療行為,即便使用Swiss type(用途發明)的型式,其欠缺工業實用性,因此不能准予專利;

13)類似的程序(Analogous processes):合成物或其製程本身不具新穎性與進步性,即便其中起始原料,中介物質或最終產品為新的與具有創造性,但仍不能被准予專利。


2012年5月25日 星期五



之前Kodak控告Samsung, LG侵權成立,也讓Kodak趁勝在不同的告訴中繼續告HTC, RIM, Apple等,但是又在這次被ITC判斷專利無效,造成之前的訴訟都產生了不確定性,也同時影響曾經用這次系爭專利已經授權的30多個公司往後繳錢的變數(討價還價,或是不繳了)。
這一整套下來,Kodak算是輸了一大半!接著,當Kodak準備出售他的專利時,有1100多件,也因輸掉這個訴訟,可能會影響買方意願?這又會輸了另一半! 更可能影響後續Kodak繼續用專利手段取得授權金的策略...


這個美國專利US6,292,218涉及一種在預覽動態影像時拍攝靜態影像的技術,主要獨立範圍涉及一個在預覽影像時拍攝照片的"彩色"數位相機,這"live preview"的功能在目前看來,自然到不行,但在此案申請的1997年,或是在1994年的母案申請時,確實是個很特別的想法,因為過去傳統的照相機並沒有可能預覽照片的可能,即便到數位時代,初期也並不會有此特徵!
(a)影像感測器,具有二維陣列的感測元、彩色濾光片,拍攝的影像取得第一彩色圖案(first color pattern)的第一畫素值(first number of color pixel values);
(b)動態處理手段,此手段為進行"取景",取得LIVE PREVIEW的動態影像,影像有第二畫素值(second number of color pixel values),並特別描述第二畫素值小於第一畫素值
(e)靜態處理手段,用以產生第三畫素值(second number of color pixel values),也就是最後產生的數位照片;

1. An electronic still camera for initiating capture of a still image while previewing motion images on a display, comprising:
(a) an image sensor having a two-dimensional array of photosites covered by a mosaic pattern of color filters including at least three different colors for capturing images of a scene, each captured image having a first number of color pixel values provided in a first color pattern;
(b) motion processing means for generating from the captured images, a second number of color pixel values provided in a second color pattern having at least three different colors and representative of a series of motion images to be previewed, the second number of color pixel values being less than the first number of color pixel values, and the second color pattern being different from the first color pattern;
(c) a color display for presenting at least some of the motion images of the series of motion images corresponding to the captured images of the scene, the color display having an arrangement of color display pixels including at least three different colors in a pattern different from the first color pattern;
(d) a capture button for initiating capture of a still image while previewing the motion images presented on the color display;
(e) still processing means for generating a third number of color pixel values including at least three different colors representative of a processed captured still image; and
(f) a digital memory for storing the processed captured still image.
主要爭議則是在Claim 15,此項同樣是涉及可以預覽拍攝的數位相機,權利範圍主要的特徵在:
(a)影像感測器,有二維陣列的感測元、彩色濾光片,可取得第一彩色圖案(pattern)的第一畫素值(first number of color pixel values);

15. An electronic still camera for initiating capture of a still image while previewing motion images on a display, comprising:
(a) an image sensor having a two-dimensional array of photosites covered by a mosaic pattern of color filters including at least three different colors for capturing images of a scene, each captured image having a first number of color pixel values provided in a first color pattern;
(b) a motion processor for generating from the captured images, a second number of color pixel values provided in a second color pattern having at least three different colors and representative of a series of motion images to be previewed, the second number of color pixel values being less than the first number of color pixel values, and the second color pattern being different from the first color pattern;
(c) a color display for presenting at least some of the motion images of the series of motion images corresponding to the captured images of the scene, the color display having an arrangement of color display pixels including at least three different colors in a pattern different from the first color pattern;
(d) a capture button for initiating capture of a still image while previewing the motion images presented on the color display;
(e) a still processor for generating a third number of color pixel values including at least three different colors representative of a captured still image; and
(f) a digital memory for storing the processed captured still image.
上述兩個範圍僅有微小的描述差異,我看來是一致的範圍,其中如:Claim 1用手段功能用語(如motion processing means)的方式,到了Claim 15則以處理器(motion processor)的具體描述;在取得最後影像時,一個有說要處理,一個則忽略處理的描述。

根據之後法官的範圍解釋,或許Claim 1是比較好的範圍,因為用動態處理手段靜態處理手段,或許可以解釋為一個處理器的處理手段,這個解釋還是要看說明書與其等效的範圍;但是對於Claim 15,則很明確有兩個處理器


(參考ITC 337 LAW Blog)根據ITC行政法官透過claim construction認為本案Claim 15的主要元件有:
(1) “motion processor” and “still processor”; 
(2) “at least three different colors”;
(3) “capture button”;
(4) “initiating capture of a still image while previewing the motion images”;
(5) “each captured image having a first number of color pixel values provided in a first color pattern”;
(6) “captured image”;
(7) “first number of color pixel values”;
(8) “first color pattern.”

有趣的是,上述法官的Claim Construction認定這個範圍有兩個處理器,一個是處理動態影像、一個是處理靜態影像,這也如同我們一般看「文字」的認定!雖Kodak反對,但是Apple與RIM則表示認同!

Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open Disclosure No. H5-122574 (“Mori”), U.S. Patent No. 4,887,161 (“Watanabe”), Sharp ViewCam Technical Manual, Operation Manual and Information Sheet, U.S. Patent No. 3,971,065 (“Bayer”), U.S. Patent No. 4,837,628 (“Sasaki”), U.S. Patent No. 5,493,335 (“Parulski”), and Timothy Tredwell, Sensors and Signal Processing for Digital Electronic Photography, Optoelectronics — Devices & Technologies (“Tredwell”)



資料參考:ITC 337 LAW Blog

2012年5月23日 星期三



有聽過這個國家嗎? "DJIBOUTI" 查了一下wikipedia,中文翻譯為"吉布地共和國(在東非一共和國及其首都)"


1. power of attorney(代理人委託書)
2. 圖案或標記
3. 申請人姓名與地址
4. 優先權文件(如果有的話)
5. 商標商品或服務類別(國際分類)
6. 約3個月取得註冊
7. 一次註冊期限為10年
8. 更新一次為10年
9. 一個月異議期限
10. 不用審查,比申請日
11. 費用不低

資料來源:NJQ & Associates

2012年5月22日 星期二


由於CAFC日前作出不利三星平板Galaxy Tab 10.1的決定,此產品與蘋果的美國設計專利No.D504,889"很像",這個設計就是iPad的身影,2004年就提出申請。


在德國,蘋果也以相同的設計贏了德國三星,因此如法炮製,且包括有利判決,因此美國三星的平板也可能有差不多的修正,改為Galaxy Tab 10.1N,這個修正雖也被蘋果提出告訴,但是目前看來並沒有侵權!








但「歐洲統一專利」並非僅只在申請與獲准階段,而是在語言、後續主張專利權、訴願與訴訟階段,都是「統一 」程序

去年(2011年)歐洲議會就決議讓25個加入國(participating states)加入歐洲統一專利(unitary patent)的系統,也就是在歐洲專利局獲准的專利可以一次取得所有加入國國家的專利權。理論上提供專利申請人一個簡化與低費用的專利權取得程序。

此歐洲統一專利同時搭配了統一個歐洲專利訴訟制度(centralised European patent litigation system),同樣提供了簡化的專利訴訟程序與較低的訴訟費用。




在獲准的最後階段,以"unitary patent"在25個加入歐洲統一專利會員國(participating states)取代現行指定各國保護的步驟


2012年5月18日 星期五

從這個訴訟學幾件事(Apple US7479949 vs. Motorola)

從FOSS PATENTS部落格內容學到這個訴訟給的功課

功課O:判斷侵權前先做專利範圍解釋(Claim Construction)
功課一:Apple v. Motorola判決看到專利範圍不當擴張的解釋錯誤
功課二:一個訴訟可能導致另一個訴訟的合理性,比如此訴訟中判定Google影像搜尋侵權成立,可能導致Apple直接告Google侵權(Apple v. Google)

US7,479,949,據FOSS PATENTS部落格的描述,這稱為賈伯斯專利"Steve Jobs Patent",看到專利公告內容,Steve Jobs名列第一發明人

這件專利鉅細靡遺地描述各種在觸控螢幕上的各種手勢與應用程式的互動,是個觸控手勢的代表作,侵權涉及專利範圍Claims 1-10,利用手勢執行各種命令,就所涉及的方法包括先偵測一或多個手指在觸控顯示器上的觸控事件,藉此"直覺手勢"判斷出命令,在處理此命令。相關手勢包括一維垂直的捲動、一或多個手指觸碰的二維指令、螢幕上項目之間的切換等。

Claim 1為這組範圍的獨立項,涉及一個裝置,而非方法,顯然是針對手機廠商的侵權裝置,此裝置元件包括觸控顯示器、一或多個處理器、記憶體與一或多個儲存在此記憶體內的程式,並由,這為此類專利的主流寫法,專利性就在這些程式所帶出的新穎性與進步性。之後界定程式內容所產生的步驟:偵測手指觸碰、判斷指令、指令包括一維的垂直螢幕捲動、不同於垂直捲動的二維手勢的變化指令,以及不同項目間的切換。
1. A computing device, comprising: 
a touch screen display; 
one or more processors; 
memory; and 
one or more programs, wherein the one or more programs are stored in the memory and configured to be executed by the one or more processors, 
the one or more programs including: instructions for detecting one or more finger contacts with the touch screen display; instructions for applying one or more heuristics to the one or more finger contacts to determine a command for the device; and instructions for processing the command; wherein the one or more heuristics comprise: a vertical screen scrolling heuristic for determining that the one or more finger contacts correspond to a one-dimensional vertical screen scrolling command rather than a two-dimensional screen translation command based on an angle of initial movement of a finger contact with respect to the touch screen display; a two-dimensional screen translation heuristic for determining that the one or more finger contacts correspond to the two-dimensional screen translation command rather than the one-dimensional vertical screen scrolling command based on the angle of initial movement of the finger contact with respect to the touch screen display; and a next item heuristic for determining that the one or more finger contacts correspond to a command to transition from displaying a respective item in a set of items to displaying a next item in the set of items. 

Claim 2界定出在針對一個框(frame)內的指令,而非整頁的指令(整頁包括有框)。
2. The computing device of claim 1, wherein the one or more heuristics include a heuristic for determining that the one or more finger contacts correspond to a command to translate content within a frame rather than translating an entire page that includes the frame. 

3. The computing device of claim 1, wherein the one or more heuristics include a heuristic for determining which user interface object is selected when two user interface objects have overlapping hit regions. 

4. The computing device of claim 1, wherein, in one heuristic of the one or more heuristics, a contact comprising a finger swipe gesture that initially moves within a predetermined angle of being perfectly vertical with respect to the touch screen display corresponds to the one-dimensional vertical screen scrolling command. 

5. The computing device of claim 1, wherein, in one heuristic of the one or more heuristics, a contact comprising a moving finger gesture that initially moves within a predefined range of angles corresponds to the two-dimensional screen translation command. 

6. The computing device of claim 1, wherein, in one heuristic of the one or more heuristics, a contact comprising a finger swipe gesture that initially moves within a predetermined angle of being perfectly horizontal with respect to the touch screen display corresponds to a one-dimensional horizontal screen scrolling command rather than the two-dimensional screen translation command. 

7. The computing device of claim 1, wherein, in one heuristic of the one or more heuristics, a contact comprising a simultaneous two-thumb twisting gesture corresponds to a 90.degree. screen rotation command. 

8. The computing device of claim 1, wherein, in one heuristic of the one or more heuristics, an N-finger translation gesture corresponds to a command to translate an entire page of content and an M-finger translation gesture corresponds to a command to translate content within a frame rather than translating the entire page of content that includes the frame. 

Claim 9所界定的手勢指令用於網頁顯示,手勢指令有垂直捲動、二維手勢造成的轉變、相簿功能的手勢、照片間的切換等。
9. The computing device of claim 1, including: instructions for detecting one or more first finger contacts with the touch screen display while a web browser application is displayed on the touch screen display; instructions for applying a first set of heuristics for the web browser application to the one or more first finger contacts to determine a first command for the device; and instructions for processing the first command; wherein the first set of heuristics comprises: the vertical screen scrolling heuristic; and the two-dimensional screen translation heuristic; and instructions for detecting one or more second finger contacts with the touch screen display while a photo album application is displayed on the touch screen display; instructions for applying a second set of heuristics for the photo album application to the one or more second finger contacts to determine a second command for the device; and instructions for processing the second command; wherein the second set of heuristics comprises: the next item heuristic, wherein the respective item in the set of items is a respective image in a set of images; and a heuristic for determining that the one or more second finger contacts correspond to a command to transition from displaying the respective image in the set of images to displaying a previous image in the set of images. 

Claim 10界定出一維水平捲動,而非二維螢幕的轉變。
10. The computing device of claim 9, wherein the first set of heuristics comprises a heuristic for determining that the one or more first finger contacts correspond to a one-dimensional horizontal screen scrolling command rather than the two-dimensional screen translation command based on the angle of initial movement of the finger contact with respect to the touch screen display. 


地方法院法官在Claim Construction時,將此專利範圍區分為五種專利範圍:

Claim 1涉及對角線移動與垂直捲動的揮動手勢
Claim 2涉及在整頁與個別框(frame)間的操作
Claims 9, 10涉及網頁瀏覽器與相簿功能

蘋果認為"切換下一個項目(next item)"的手勢即為Motorola Android裝置中的"Gallery", "Music", "Browser"(書籤), "YouTube", "Google Image Search"與"Kindle Reader"的應用,但法官前四個(gallery, music, browser, youtube)被認定並未侵害專利,

其中有個手勢的解釋範圍頗為有趣,當蘋果解釋"a tap is a zero-length swipe"時,認為碰觸觸控顯示器為一種"零"長度的揮動,顯然蘋果想擴張這個手勢的解釋範圍。但此說法被法官駁回,法官倒是有點數學頭腦,法官反駁說,如果這個解釋成立,就可以說"點"是一種沒有長度的"線"("point is a zero-length line"),這雖然是個數學問題,而且就"極限"的純數學角度,可以這樣說,但是就一般認定,尤其是專利權人想要不當擴張專利範圍時,確實是一個理想的反駁!

但就Motorola的手機中"Google image search"的功能來說,在進行圖形搜尋時,可以透過碰觸顯示器而換到顯示下一個項目,因此法官認為這的動作確實已經侵害蘋果這件專利。這個決定可能預見將來蘋果與Google的可能訴訟議題

就Kindle Reader的功能來看,法官認為,因為這是使用者自行安裝的閱讀器,蘋果要告的應該是Amazon,或是使用者;
但是,若Motorola裝置預安裝(pre-install)此Kindle Reader,表示Motorola販賣此具有侵權產品的裝置,則Motorola不能迴避此侵權議題



2012年5月16日 星期三


其中主要特徵有(也就是具有這些元件組合的產品,就是侵權訴訟的可能被告):在「解鎖圖案(unlock image)」的「第一預設位置」上偵測一個接觸事件、「連續接觸」移動「圖形化、使用者互動」的解鎖圖案、當從「第一預設位置」移動解鎖圖案到「第二預設位置」時,可解鎖「手持電子裝置」。

這樣的權利範圍是在審查過程中經過限縮的,顯然有部份修正已經建立「禁反言(estoppel)」,其中「連續移動」與「圖形化與互動式的unlock image」都可能無法用均等論擴張專利範圍,可參考以下Claim 1的修改(底線),同樣,其他獨立項Claims 7, 11, 12都有一致的修訂。因此,朝這樣的方向進行迴避是個較好的方式!

看Samsung Gallaxy Note的解鎖畫面,顯然有針對上述蘋果專利進行迴避,因為,首頁並未出現圖形化與可互動的「unlock image」,只有提示使用者可以滑動螢幕解鎖。

Claim 1的修改包括沿著預定的路徑移動解鎖圖案,但仍限定此圖案為圖形化與互動式
Claim 11的修改仍然補入unlock image



2012年5月14日 星期一


悼念最佳模式(In Memoriam Best Mode)

去年美國國會通過專利法修法(Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, AIA),BEST MODE(揭露最佳實施例)的要求將不會成為專利無效的條件,也就是法院進行訴訟審理時,將不會花時間確認專利是否已經揭露申請時最佳實施例,缺乏揭露BEST MODE不再為讓專利無效、撤銷或無法主張專利權(unenforceable)的理由,雖然專利說明書的寫作要件(35USC112)仍保留BEST MODE的揭露要求!
35 U.S.C. 112 Specification, 1st paragraph:
"The specification shall contain a written description of the invention, and of the manner and process of making and using it, in such full, clear, concise, and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the art to which it pertains, or with which it is most nearly connected, to make and use the same, and shall set forth the best mode contemplated by the inventor of carrying out his invention."

根據一篇Stanford Law Review的文章,作者認為Best Mode與非顯而易見(nonobviousness)為美國專利系統建立發明進步性(inventiveness)的標準的要求,如果best mode不再成為要求,會使得美國專利系統不再是個理想的系統。
我也認為美國專利系統的架構似乎是透過一些"要求"提供一個"理想"的專利系統,包括發明人主義,每個專利權人在專利審查中,都是先認定為發明人所有;在很多國家都省略"宣誓"表格時,美國專利仍於申請時要求發明人"簽名",宣誓該發明為自己所有,並非抄襲或偷竊;甚至發明人不實,都會造成專利無效(102(f) he did not himself invent the subject matter sought to be patented);美國專利系統是少數採用"first to invent"系統,雖然先發明主義會使得專利系統變得複雜,相關訴訟也佔據不少司法資源,但是這確實是專利的最初理想;還有此"最佳實施例"的要求,都是朝一個理想來設計!

在拋棄BEST MODE之前,法院有權認定如果發明人並未於申請專利時揭露最佳模式(或實施例),該專利無法被主張。BEST MODE是希望專利說明書揭露時,發明人不應隱藏已知的重要細節,應將最佳模式揭露出來。事實上,此篇文章指出,如果發明人在申請時隱藏發明的部份內容,將可能影響公眾利益,比如,如果發明人在第一件專利申請中隱藏了一部分技術內容,將可能在另一件後申請案中揭露,因此就可能不當延長了相關技術被保護的專利期限;並且隱藏部份內容也可能讓專利範圍的解釋更廣!似乎對專利權人友好,卻是對公眾產生影響。

雖然專利說明書仍被要求要揭露BEST MODE,但在專利局的角色而言,審查時就所主張的專利範圍去檢索與審查,並不會實際去瞭解是否有揭露BEST MODE,更不會約談發明人確認,因此,若法院無法以此約束專利是否已揭露最佳實施例,發明人或許就會忽略這部份內容。(確實,談案時要求發明人"吐"出完整實施例常常是需要很多力氣,或是也不曉得何謂最佳、次佳與較佳)


資料參考:Patently-O, stanfordlawreview (http://www.stanfordlawreview.org/online/in-memoriam-best-mode)

2012年5月13日 星期日



ZENARO公司為億光的持股公司,其產品辦公室照明(型號:OL-Deluxe/QL2/P44/LF/D50/SR/ M/CE/ZN)使用螢光燈(型號:SL-Cobra/T5 048DC/C/P10/LF/D50/ZN)

日亞化學工業(Nichia)控告上述產品侵害其歐洲專利EP936682(LIGHT EMITTING DEVICE AND DISPLAY DEVICE)


其中揭示一種發光裝置,包括一個發光元件與一螢光體,螢光體吸收一部分發光元件產生的光,並激發出不同於吸收光波長的光;其中發光元件包括有氮化物的半導體,螢光體包括有由鈰致活的紅寶石螢光體,其中具有Y, Lu, Se, La, Gd, Sm中至少之一的元素,與由Al, Ga, In中選擇至少之一的元素。
1. A light emitting device, comprising:
a light emitting component and
a phosphor capable of absorbing a part of light emitted by the light emitting component and emitting light of wavelength different from that of the absorbed light;
wherein said light emitting component comprises a nitride compound semiconductor and said phosphor contains a garnet fluorescent material comprising at least one element selected from the group consisting of Y, Lu, Se, La, Gd and Sm, and at least one element selected from the group consisting of Al, Ga and In, and being activated with cerium.


13. An LED display device comprises the light emitting devices according to one of claims 1 to 10 arranged in a matrix and a drive circuit which drives the LED display device according to display data which is input thereto.

一種發光二極體,包括:具有帽與引線的安裝引線、裝設於帽上的LED晶片,其中電極電連接到引線上、填充於帽而覆蓋LED晶片的透明塗布材料,以及發光二極體,其中LED晶片內容即如上述Claim 1所述。
14. A light emitting diode comprising:
a mount lead having a cup and a lead;
an LED chip mounted in the cup of the mount lead with one of electrodes being electrically connected to the mount lead;
a transparent coating material filling the cup to cover the LED chip; and
a light emitting diode having a molding material which covers the LED chip covered with the coating material including the cup of the mount lead, the inner lead and another electrode of the LED chip, wherein
the LED chip is a nitride compound semiconductor and the coating material contains at least one element selected from the group consisting of Y, Lu, Sc, La, Gd and Sm, at least one element selected from the group consisting of Al, Ga and In and a phosphor made of garnet fluorescent material activated with cerium.



2012年5月11日 星期五


對於設計專利(新式樣專利)是否納入圖形使用者介面(GUI)、電腦圖像(icon),成為熱門話題也算有一陣子了。中華民國專利也將納入這些為設計(將改名)專利的保護客體之一,另會新增部份設計(partial design)與成組物品設計(set of article, group design)。updated 5.11.2012,接受多張連續變化的圖像,如本網介紹微軟的設計專利。


美國在MPEP 1504.01(a)說明電腦產生圖像(Computer-Generated Icons)的可專利性,電腦產生圖像包括平面型式的整個電腦畫面與其中小圖像(icon),此類專利標的屬於35USC171(patents for designs)中的製品(article of manufacture),但是此製品不能脫離所應用的物件,不能為獨立存在的東西。
35 U.S.C. 171 Patents for designs.
Whoever invents any new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.
The provisions of this title relating to patents for inventions shall apply to patents for designs, except as otherwise provided.

「design」為全部或是"部份"的產品外觀,包括物品的線條、輪廓、顏色、形狀、花紋或其材料等,其中物品可為:工業或手工物品,可包括其包裝、裝訂、"圖案符號"、"排版字體(typographic typefaces)",但排除電腦程式

歐洲設計專利(community design)檢索:http://enpan.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-post_22.html

Hara Kenzo, OHIM, USPTO

2012年5月10日 星期四



(1)保密維護系統( Secrecy Maintenance System)的命令
(2)廢除契約原則(principle of the Treaty)
韓國專利法第26條規定若雙方制定的契約與專利法規定不符,從其契約(“where a treaty contains special provisions relating to patents that are different from those of this Act, such special provisions shall prevail”),但因為與憲法不一致,修法廢除此規定

原韓國專利法規定若在韓國國內專利權連續三年以上無理由而未行使,行使此專利權的人可向專利局提出宣告該專利權非獨占(non-exclusive license),而若連續兩年未行使,任何人皆可提出撤銷該專利權

(2)引入認證標記(Certification Mark),不同於一般企業識別用的商標,此認證標記系統為一種品質、來源、製造的認證,透過認證標記強化品質保證,並提供產品正確的資訊給消費者


QR Code的專利


二維條碼現在普遍應用的應該就是QR Code(quick response (QR) code),本網站也順應時勢,放了一個QR Code的圖案,讓想要記錄本網URL的人方便取得。

QR Code與Bar Code(一維)都是可以載入資訊的圖形碼,但是顯然QR Code可以載入更多資訊,且為統一標準,不像Bar code可自行定義。QR Code可以載入多種資訊,網路上有不少QR Code產生器,所載內容可以為URL,文字,電話號碼或簡訊(SMS)。

查了一下,QR Code(二維條碼)的商標是DENSO WAVE(http://www.denso-wave.com/)公司所有,因此使用到"QR Code"這個字的時候,應該加入(TM)或是說明商標權是DENSO WAVE公司所有,但在該公司網頁有提到,如果僅使用這個二維條碼圖案,就不用標註商標權所有。但是登錄商標權的國家僅及於日本、美國、澳洲與歐洲。

QR Code的使用規範由JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards)所管理,但使用卻不用這間公司授權,大家都可使用!

經過美國專利檢索,專利權人設為"DENSO WAVE",有50多件核准專利,多半為條碼掃描器的硬體專利,這也符合這間公司網站上介紹他們所販售的產品品項,經初步瀏覽,涉及QR Code的專利佈局分別為US6,997,384(商業交易時顯示與讀取資訊碼的方法,申請日:July 9, 2003)、US7,802,730(整合光學可讀取符號的資訊載器,申請日:2006年10月19日)與US7,032,823(二維條碼、產生與顯示此二維條碼的方法、裝置,申請日:1987年3月31日)

以較早申請的US6,997,384(優先權:JP2002-211038)來看,此案揭露一種商業交易時顯示與讀取資訊碼的方法,此時已經出現QR Code的身影,顯然這件並非是二維條碼的最早專利,看了一下審查委員的引證資料,其中有兩件名稱有關於"two-dimensional"的專利,其一為US5,414,251所揭露的解碼二維光學資訊的讀取器,申請日為1992年3月;另一為US5,631,457所揭露的二維符號讀取裝置,申請日為1995年8月。上述US5,631,457說明書文中得知多個一維條碼的日本專利技術,如:JP05-307627與JP03-154187。

此件專利說明書提到兩個日本專利案JP2001-188846與JP2002-109420,其中JP2002-109420已揭露消費者使用QR Code提供POS系統讀取而進行交易的技術。顯然這些專利都用沿用二維條碼的技術。US6,997,384揭露了作為商業交易手段的光學資訊讀取器,可以讀取與解碼顯示在手機顯示器上的QR Code。

聰明的人會先去Wikipedia找QR Code的資料,我呢,最後才知Denso Wave所擁有的US5,726,435、EP0672994與JP2938338才算是基礎專利。
US5,726,435原始擁有人是NIPPONDENSO CO., LTD.,2002年才轉給DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED,所以我在DENSO WAVE的專利中確實找不到此件專利,也沒有看到引用此件專利的資訊。


揭露一種光學讀取的二維條碼與使用的方法(Optically readable two-dimensional code and method and apparatus using the same),

此案摘要就已將將QR Code的構造與原理交待清楚了,雖非實體物品,卻也是清清楚楚的元件描述。二維條碼的圖案中包括有三個定位符(positioning symbols 2),一個資料區(data region 3)、多個時序元(timing cells 4)與一個頂點偵測元(apex detecting cell 5),可對照左圖,各個元件形狀為長寬一樣數目的方形,掃描線經過每個定位符(2)的中心點,因為這些為固定的位置,而可得到整個圖案的比例,因此,即便掃描時有個旋轉角度,也不會被影響,之後就判讀其中時序元所載的資訊。

1. A two-dimensional code comprising:
a plurality of cells, each of said plurality of cells representing a binary-coded datum;
said plurality of cells forming a two-dimensional matrix pattern readable by a scanning operation along any arbitrary scanning lines; and
at least three positioning symbols disposed at predetermined positions in said two-dimensional matrix pattern, at least two of said at least three positioning symbols having a pattern capable of gaining an identical frequency component ratio irrespective of an orientation of said any arbitrary scanning lines whenever said arbitrary scanning lines pass through a center of each of said at least three positioning symbols.

7. A two-dimensional code reading apparatus for optically reading a two-dimensional code including a plurality of binary-coded cells in a two-dimensional matrix pattern, said two-dimensional code including a symbol disposed in a vicinity of an apex of said two-dimensional matrix, said symbol having a specific pattern including concentric similar figures overlapped successively, said reading apparatus comprising:
an image pickup device to take an image of said two-dimensional code to convert said image pixel by pixel into a resultant image signal in response to a light intensity of said image, and to successively output said resultant image signal; and
a decoder unit to decode said resultant image signal into a binary-coded signal, said decoder unit comprising:
binary-encoding means for binary encoding said resultant image signal in accordance with a level of said resultant image signal, and outputting said binary-coded signal successively;
memory means for storing said binary-coded signal as image data in accordance with a position of a pixel where said image was taken;
symbol detecting means for detecting said specific pattern corresponding to said symbol based on said binary-coded signal;
apex detecting means for detecting coordinates of said symbol from said image data stored in said memory means based on said specific pattern detected by said symbol detecting means;
matrix position determining means for finalizing a contour and an orientation of said two-dimensional matrix based on coordinates of said symbol detected by said apex detecting means, thereby identifying all coordinates of said plurality of binary-coded cells; and
reading means for reading out said image data stored in said memory means in accordance with said finalized contour and said orientation of said two-dimensional matrix.


2012年5月9日 星期三

Terminal Disclaimer影響了專利期限!


Terminal Disclaimer為防止專利權人用多個相當的專利保護一個發明概念時可能會不當延長專利期限的問題所衍生的措施,主要提出Terminal Disclaimer的時機是,當同一專利權人擁有兩件以上的專利保護類似(並非相同,但又非有專利性區隔)的技術主體時,將可能遭遇重複專利的核駁,因此可以利用terminal disclaimer保有這些專利,同時同樣各案有相同的到期日,也就是拋棄了原本應該有的較長的專利期限。

根據美國MPEP 2701章(MPEP Section 2701, Patent Term)所規範的專利期限(patern term),其中有關Terminal Disclaimer的專利到期日的規定如下:

當專利權人拋棄(disclaim)了後申請專利(並非延續案,而是不同的專利)會超過另一先前專利的保護期限時,此terminal disclaimer將使得先前專利的過期日(expiration date)將為此後申請專利的過期日。
(then the expiration date of the earlier issued patent determines the expiration date of the patent subject to the terminal disclaimer.)

在1995年6月8日前,每件專利保障可以獲得核准後17年的專利保護期限,此時terminal disclaimer的日期會列印在專利公報的首頁,日期也就是在主張此案與另一先前專利terminal disclaimer後成為先前專利的到期日;
但在在1995年6月8日當日與之後申請的美國專利申請案,專利保護期限將如世界各主要國家的計算方式,也就是從申請日起算20年的保護期限,若經過terminal disclaimer,則專利期限將於該專利所主張terminal disclaimer的另一先前申請案後20年到期。






歐美專利文獻歷史檔案與影響 課程講義



2012年5月7日 星期一

Nokia對HTC, Viewsonic, RIM提告


Nokia這個具有許多基礎專利的公司一出手,就在美國與德國對HTC, RIM與Viewsonic提出侵權官司,在美國同時在ITC與Delaware法院提告。



U.S. Patent No. 5,570,369 (EP0673175)
揭露一種在手機上的省電功能,其中揭露的手機可對基地台發出訊息,並接收基地台上經過處理訊息的訊號,而傳送訊息的時間間隔可被切割為多個部份,並於手機通訊技術TDMA的時槽(time slot)中發出,由於訊息被切割為多的部份,此專利的技術可以僅根據部份的訊息重建完整的訊息,而可在其他時間進入省電模式。下圖中,訊息以多個片段傳送,當部份訊息可以被重建,可省未傳送部份所耗的電力。

1. A method for controlling the power consumption of a mobile station in a cellular radio system when receiving a message, the method comprising the steps of:
    a) providing power for receiving a first predetermined portion of a message;
    b) determining whether the message can be reconstructed from the received portion of the message; and
    c) if the message cannot be reconstructed from the previous predetermined portion of the message, providing power for receiving a next predetermined portion of the message, receiving a second predetermined portion of the message, and returning to step b) if the complete message has not been received.

U.S. Patent No. 7,415,247 (EP1133831)
1. A method for processing signals received from different radio interfaces of communication systems, comprising steps in which:
    a carrier-frequency signal is received from a radio interface,
    the signal at the carrier frequency is bandpass-filtered,
    the filtered signal at the carrier frequency is amplified,
    a RX mixing signal at a receive frequency is generated,
    a complex baseband signal is generated from the received carrier-frequency signal by mixing it with the RX mixing signal,
    the baseband signal generated is low-pass filtered,
    the baseband signal generated is amplified or attenuated prior to analog-to-digital conversion,
    the baseband signal is converted to digital, and
    the baseband signal converted to digital is processed so as to produce an information signal encoded and modulated into the received carrier-frequency signal,
    wherein said amplifying of the carrier frequency signal is performed with one and the same amplifier for signals received from at least two different radio interfaces, and a gain of said amplifier is set with a program-controlled gain control signal in relation to the radio interface from which signals are received,
    said generating of the complex baseband signal is performed with one and the same mixer for signals received from at least two different radio interfaces,
    said RX mixing signal is generated with a frequency synthesizer, and an output frequency of said frequency synthesizer is selected with a program-controlled frequency selection signal in relation to the radio interface from which signals are received, and
    said bandpass-filtering is performed using a pass band selected with a program-controlled pass-band selection signal in relation to the radio interface from which signals are received.

U.S. Patent No. 6,188,909 (EP1439723)
1. A terminal for a communication network, the terminal comprising a plurality of applications for displaying information and processing information and further comprising wireless communication means for communicating user messages, wherein said terminal comprises means for receiving a wireless communicated user message having information for one of said applications and a header pointing to one of said applications, said terminal further comprising means for addressing said information to a respective application according to said header, the user message having an address field containing the address of the destination of the message and a data field containing said information of the user message, wherein said header is disposed in said data field.

U.S. Patent No. 7,106,293 (EP1312974)
此案不同於通訊技術,特別揭露整合光導(light guide)的光感測器(light sensor),可以調節螢幕顯示亮度,也就是根據環境光改變螢幕顯示亮度的技術(原來是Nokia掌握此關鍵專利!)
1. A method for controlling the lighting of a display in an electronic device, in which method
    ambient light is led to a light-sensitive component of the device through a light guide,
    the light-sensitive component controlling a display illuminator that lights the display on the basis of the ambient light,
    wherein the light guide is integrated as part of a protective display window and configured to communicate light in a manner differing from that of other portions of the protective display window.

資料參考:FOSS PATENTS, Engadget.com

2012年5月4日 星期五



德國法院同意Google的關係企業Motorola對微軟的Win7與Xbox360發出禁制令,Motorola專利涉及H.264這個影音編碼技術,相關產品如微軟的IE瀏覽器、Media Player與Xbox 360。微軟承認Motorola的專利為標準的關鍵專利(essential patents),但應公平地讓其他人使用,事實上,Motorola正在面對歐盟調查她的違法反托辣斯的壟斷行為。



1. Apparatus for adaptively compressing digital video signals for transmission comprising:
a plurality of motion compensators (30, 32), each using a different block size to compare current video image data to prior video image data in accordance with a block matching algorithm;
means for compressing video image data (14, 18) output from each of said motion compensators;
means, coupled to said compressing means, for comparing (20) the amount of compressed data resulting from each of said plurality of motion compensators for a region of a current video image corresponding to the smallest of said block sizes; and
means responsive to said comparing means for outputting the least amount of compressed data resulting from a motion compensator for said region.

EP0615384揭露一種數位影音訊號可針對接收端適性地進行壓縮,經各種格式壓縮後,可以根據資料內容提供壓縮模式,比例,之後經傳輸後,可以根據資料內容(overhead information)以相對解碼還原影音訊號。

1. Apparatus for adaptively compressing digital video data provided in the form of superblocks containing a plurality of blocks of said digital video data, comprising:
means for compressing a superblock using first, second and third different compression modes to provide three compressed outputs for comparison;
first means for comparing the amount of compressed data for each block of said superblock resulting from each of said compression modes after accounting for selection overhead necessary to identify a selection made by said first comparing means, said first comparing means selecting the compression mode for each block that results in the least amount of compressed data, including selection overhead, for the block;
second means for comparing the amount of compressed data for said superblock resulting from:

資料參考:FOSS PATENTS, Engadget.com

Selection to TIPO patent search tools

Recently, Taiwan IPO (TIPO) announces two modes of patent search services, including a full-edition searching mode, and a simplified-edition searching mode.

The start page entered via the TIPO main page as shows below, there are two icons respectively indicative of the two searching modes.

Here are two parallel snapshots showing the entrance pages respectively directed to the two searching modes.  So far that shows no difference.

When I experimentally input the same keyword "LED照明(LED lighting)" for all fields for searching the all types of patent documents, they apparently show the differences.
The total number of the all types of patents are different in my first sight.  The left image of the below snapshot indicates the result under the simplified searching mode showing less number, and the right one is under the full-version searching mode and much more results.
This snapshot clearly presents the keyword "LED照明" shown in the abstracts of the patent documents in left image, and not all the abstracts of the result shown in right image have the same keyword, however under the searching strategy it must in the specification of the patent documents.


2012年5月3日 星期四


European Patent Register

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