美國專利US 8,352,745(System and method for controlling user access to an electronic device)的專利權人Micron Technology是個記憶體(尤其是固態硬碟)的公司,其專利佈局多半為半導體儲存裝置、資料處理等,所以這件源自2000年的專利佈局十分特殊。
從專利家族(用EPO網站查即可)來看,這件US 8,352,745的僅"一脈相承"源自2000年2月23日申請的09/511,092(獲准專利US6766456),其中歷經多次延續申請案(CA)的過程,家族中獲准專利還有US7877612、US8176547,並沒有其他國家佈局。

US6766456 Claim 1:
1. A method of authenticating a user of an electronic device, the method comprising:
- receiving security information from a user,
- receiving in the electronic device an authorization pattern provided by a mouse, wherein the authorization pattern identifies a particular movement made by the mouse;
- determining whether the authorization pattern matches a stored pattern;
- measuring a duration of time between the receipt of the security information and the authorization; and
- granting the user access to the electronic device in the event of a satisfactory match and the duration of time is less than a threshold.
US 8,352,745 Claim 1界定一個系統,包括一個觸控屏,讓使用者沿著一個方向以描繪幾何圖案的方式輸入,以及一個處理電路,用以比對使用者輸入的幾何圖案與記載在記憶體中預設的幾何圖案。
1. A system comprising:
a touch screen upon which a user is to enter, by drawing, a geometric pattern in a specified direction to gain access to the system; and
a processing circuit coupled to the touch screen to compare the user entered geometric pattern to a predefined geometric pattern stored in a memory.
Claim 11界定一個方法,包括接收使用者透過觸控屏輸入的幾何圖案,以及判斷幾何圖案是否接近(approximate)儲存的圖案。
11. A method comprising:
receiving a geometric pattern entered by a user on a touch screen of a system to gain access to the system, the geometric pattern being entered by the user by drawing the geometric pattern in a specified direction; and
determining with one or more computer processors if the user entered geometric pattern approximates a stored geometric pattern.
從這件老早的專利揭露書來看,具有"遠見"的揭露書確實會帶來無法預料的可能性,即便是天馬行空(但要有實施方式),仍可盡量將所知相關的可能應用都揭露出來,誰也不知過了10年會不會有類似的科技產生,而且所揭露的內容即便不拿來專利,也可以阻卻後續別人取得會阻礙自己發展的專利!當然,除了分割案外,很多措施(如continued application, CIP)都是美國才有的。