告訴中明令STMicroelectronics不得出售麥克風模組給hTC,但特別的是,根據FOSS Patents的報導,Nokia有關這個麥克風的專利申請案尚未獲准專利,因此本案並非是一個專利侵權的官司(但美國案已經獲准專利),因此並非是以專利侵權的事實發出"海關"禁令,而是法院認為STMicroelectronics違反與Nokia的合約未經授權販售相關物品給hTC。

此件揭示一種高能音訊多薄膜麥克風(Multi-membrane microphone for high-amplitude audio capture)。


1. A method, comprising:
receiving an acoustic signal;
in response to the received acoustic signal, outputting electrical signals from a first input audio transducer and a second input audio transducer,
where the second input audio transducer is less sensitive than the first input audio transducer and selecting one of either the electrical signal from the first input audio transducer or the electrical signal from the second input audio transducer based on an analysis of the electrical signals.
11. An apparatus comprising:
a substrate;
a first input audio transducer mounted over the substrate and configured to output an electrical signal from an acoustic signal; and
a second input audio transducer mounted over the substrate and configured to output an electrical signal from an acoustic signal,
where the second input audio transducer is less sensitive than the first input audio transducer, where a difference in the sensitivity of the second input transducer is due at least in part to a configuration of a membrane of the second input audio transducer or a difference in the sensitivity of the second input audio transducer is due at least in part to a capacitive gap between the second input audio transducer and a back-plate of the substrate.
參考資料:FOSS Patents