其中特別的是,參照了2019版專利適格性備忘錄的訴願案,可參考本部落格報導:USPTO的2019開年禮之一 - 適格性指導方針(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/01/uspto2019.html)
訴願號碼:Appeal 2018-000064
系爭案13/715,476涉及抽象概念的混合交易系統,Claim 1界定一在混合交換系統中衍生交易方法,步驟大致包括收集訂單、在市場中識別一個電子交易引擎,資料庫中移除訂單的一部分,當延遲執行時進行報價,接收第二報價,以及分配訂單。
1. A method of trading derivatives in a hybrid exchange system comprising:
collecting orders, via a communication network and order routing system, for derivatives and placing them in an electronic book database;
identifying at an electronic trade engine a new quote from a first in-crowd market participant, wherein one of a bid or an offer price in the new quote matches a respective price in an order in the electronic book database from a public customer;
removing at least a portion of the order in the electronic book database, delaying automatic execution of the new quote and the order, and starting a timer;
reporting, via the communication network and an electronic reporting system, a market quote indicative of execution of the at least a portion of the order while delaying automatic execution;
receiving at the electronic trade engine a second quote from a second in-crowd market participant after receiving the new quote from the first in-crowd market participant and before an expiration of the timer, wherein the second quote matches the respective price of the public customer order in the electronic book database; and
allocating the order between the first and second in-crowd market participants at the electronic trade engine, wherein the order is not executed until expiration of the timer.

這樣的專利範圍顯然是會面對35 U.S.C. 101專利適格性的議題,自然地會以Alice案例形成的TWO-STEP規則檢驗專利適格性,TWO-STEP規則在相同概念下有多種詮釋方式,這裡用本篇PTAB說法:
(1)判斷申請專利範圍是否涉及不可專利概念(patent-ineligible concept),對於本次系爭案,則是判斷是否涉及抽象概念(abstract idea)?
(2)如果涉及抽象概念等不可專利標的,即考量申請專利範圍中的元件的個別或其組合,是否具有額外元件(additional elements)可以轉換不可專利標的為可專利的應用?
就最高法院的描述,上述步驟(2)就是找專利範圍中是否具有「進步特徵(inventive concept)」,也就是找專利範圍中是否有任一元件或元件的組合可以讓此專利實質超越(significantly more)不可專利的概念本身。
案件:Alice Corp. v. CLS Bankint'l, 573 U.S. 208 (2014),參考報導:抽象概念若僅以一般目的電腦實現,不可專利 - Alice Corporation Pty. Ltd. v. CLS Bank International (2014)(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/06/alice-corporation-pty-ltd-v-cls-bank.html)

[2019 Revised Patent Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance]
(2)專利範圍是否具有可轉換法定例外的標的為實際的應用(practical application)額外元件(additional element)?
(4)如果僅是簡單地附加這些已知、常規與習知活動,僅描述上位概念(specified at a high level of
對於專利申請人而言,自然是極力辯解,引用對專利適格性正面的案例(如DDR Holdings, LLC v. Hotels.com, L.P. (Fed. Cir. 2014)),主張系爭案專利範圍並非單純引述商業活動,而將之應用在網路上而已,並認為系爭案發明改善了技術問題,認為審查委員認為專利為抽象概念有過廣解釋的問題。
若以BRI解釋原則來看,系爭案發明步驟如collecting, identifying, removing, reporting, receiving等,涉及基本的經濟活動,為抽象概念。
接著,PTAB委員將專利範圍分為兩個群組,一個是「電腦相關技術」,PTAB認為專利範圍與說明書對電腦系統並沒有有意義的細節,不足以將法定例外轉換為實用的應用。("we do not find the computer-related limitations are sufficient to integrate the judicial exception into a practical application.")
(1)"delaying automatic execution of the new quote and the order, and starting a timer," (2) while "delaying automatic execution" of the order, and "before expiration of the timer," receiving a second matching quote "wherein the second quote matches the respective price of the public customer order," and (3) "allocating the order between the first and second in-crowd market participants at the electronic trade engine, wherein the order is not executed
until expiration of the timer."
意思就是,PTAB委員十分"合理"地將專利範圍分為電腦技術與實質要執行的商業活動,電腦系統因為採用了一般目的電腦,縱有特殊的部分,但整體並沒有太有意義的限制,但本篇有關衍生交易的技術卻有值得提及的技術特徵,因此,PTAB委員認為系爭案申請專利範圍將不可專利的法定例外成功地轉換為實際的應用上(integrate judicial exception into a practical application)。
PTAB委員認為系爭案發明解決了技術問題,有技術的改善("the use of the claimed timing mechanisms and the associated temporary restraints on execution of trades provide a specific technological improvement over prior derivatives trading systems.")

結論:we conclude claim 1 is integrated into a practical application, and under the guidance provided in the Memorandum, the claim is eligible because it is not directed to the recited judicial exception.
DDR案參考:商業方法可專利性?電腦軟體專利的生機 - DDR Holdings v. Hotels.com (Fed. 2014)案例討論(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/12/ddr-holdings-v-hotelscom-fed-2014.html)
my two cents: