2021年2月27日 星期六

顯而易見性的替代分析 - Daikin Indus. v. Chemours Co. (Fed. Cir. 2021)

本文討論(特別在化學案)判斷顯而易見性時,考量先前技術證據之間是否可合理地互換替代,是否替代後可以達成預期用途,以此判斷發明是否顯而易見 - Daikin Indus. v. Chemours Co. (Fed. Cir. 2021)。

系爭專利:US9,574,123 (IPR2018-01558)
判決日:February 24, 2021

系爭專利‘123案關於一些化學藥品的組合(mixtures of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs), and one or more of a chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC), chloromethane (HCC), and/or 3,3,3-trifluoropropyne (TFP)),本發明提出HFC與HFO作為冷媒(refrigerant)的原料,相對於習知的CFC、HCFC與HCC,本發明關於較為環保的成分(claim 1: A composition comprising HFC and HFO,...),但在潤滑的功能上較傳統的材料還低,因此,系爭專利就是在HFC/HFO中加入TFP或是一些習知比較不環保的原料,以改善潤滑不足的問題。

系爭專利Claim 1如下:

1. A composition comprising HFC and HFO, wherein the composition comprises:

1) HFC-32, HFC-125, HFC-134a, and HFC-134 as the HFC;
2) at least one of HFO-1234yf and HFO-1234ze as the HFO; and
3) at least one member selected from the group consisting of HCC-40, HCFC-22, HCFC-124, CFC-115, HCFC-1122, CFC-1113, and 3,3,3-trifluoropropyne as a third component.

系爭專利'123在2018遭遇Chemours提出的IPR異議,引用文件包括兩件專利與一件:「WO 2015/077134 (Van Horn)、U.S. Patent App. Pub. No. 2015/0322317 (Collier)、2014 AirConditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) Standard」,主張系爭專利為顯而易見。

其中Van Horn的表2揭露包括HFC的混合物、Collier提到可用於冷媒的HFO、AHRI標準提供冷媒的規格,習知技術提到選擇這些成分對環境的影響,因此也提供一些解決方案,等等,PTAB判定相關領域一般技術人員有結合習知技術的動機而能預期系爭專利發明,最終作出系爭專利為顯而易見的結論。

關於「substitution/interchangeable substitution」:

考量顯而易見性時,審查委員、IPR異議人等,會提出多件先前技術(本案為Van Horn、Collier),主張這些先前技術已經揭露系爭專利請求項的特徵。然而,其實找到可以對應所有專利範圍元件的前案並不難,而還是需要證明(1)相關領域技術人員可否以其中之一先前技術的特徵"取代"中另一先前技術中的特徵;(2)相關領域技術人員有否動機結合先前技術;以及(3)先前技術的組合是否能得出如系爭專利宣稱的無法預期的效果(本案中,是否有無法預期增加潤滑度的效果)。

本案中,考慮"whether a skilled artisan would have recognized Collier’s preferred HFO-1234yf embodiment, containing small amounts of HCC-40 and/or CFC-115, as a substitute for the HFO-1234yf in Van Horn’s mixture",PTAB的結論是相關領域技術人員可以考量Collier揭示的HFO包括特定比例的CFC與HCC,能合理、可互換替代Van Horn中的冷媒混合物,以加強潤滑度,且先前技術也有結合的動機。("the Board held that a skilled artisan would have considered Collier’s HFO- 1234yf, containing up to 0.5 wt. percent CFC-115 and/or HCC-40, a reasonable, interchangeable substitute for the HFO-1234yf in Van Horn’s refrigerant mixture.")。更者,PTAB還認為專利權人提出非顯而易知性的客觀證據並不足以克服顯而易見的證據。

CAFC受理專利權人根據以上結論所提出的上訴。其中重要的議題是替代分析「substitution analysis」,是否PTAB錯誤執行替代分析(substitution analysis)。

這裡參考過去案例Chemours中相關替代分析的決定,基於先前技術Collier與Van Horn組合已經揭露系爭專利範圍內容,根據替代分析,CAFC認為本案顯而易見地可將Collier揭露的HFO-1234yf, HCC-40與HCFC-115代換Van Horn所揭示的成分,也達成原本預期作為冷媒的用途(intended use)。

關於本案,系爭專利範圍界定已知元素的組合,若僅是先前技術中元素的替代方案,也就使得發明無法超越可預期的結果(predictable result),參考KSR判例,根據「替代分析」的結果,判斷系爭專利為顯而易見。




2021年2月24日 星期三


據了解,加州理工學院(California Institute of Technology,簡稱Caltech)的噴氣推進實驗室(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)協助美國太空總署(National Aeronautics and Space Administration,NASA)開發火星探測車。


The Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC)
The NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI)
The Spitzer Space Telescope
The NASA Herschel Space Observatory
The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR)


<iframe width="500" height="281" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/4czjS9h4Fpg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>




以關鍵字「California Institute of Technology」為專利權人(輔加入"rover"、"mars"等關鍵字)可以找到幾件與火星探測相關專利案。加州技術學院相關專利布局涵蓋系統、結構與設計。

編按,加州理工學院的美國專利近4000件,要找相關專利不難,這次用找圖的方式找探測車專利,過程使用「https://www.patentbell.com/」外掛的「gallery of figures」功能。




毅力號的降落傘:D679,646 Descent stage for mars rover


火星車設計:D437,255 Mars rover




2021年2月23日 星期二


火星探測車「毅力號」(Perseverance Rover)於美東時間2020年7月30日上午7:50由「擎天神5號運載火箭(Atlas V)」搭載出發(Atlas V為洛克希德馬丁公司與波音公司研製),發射後,歷經近七個月飛行後,在美東時間2月18日下午3時55分成功登陸火星,降落在火星傑澤羅隕石坑(Jezero Crater)。(資訊來源參考:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perseverance_(rover)https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/毅力号火星探测器)。

火星探測車「毅力號」(Perseverance Rover)降落火星示意圖,下降時,搭載毅力號探測車的降落"傘"搭配地形地物感測器,以及8具反推火箭,安全地從進入火星大氣層高速(20,000公里/小時)在極少空氣阻力、較低地心引力的火星表面降落(速度到0),過程僅7分鐘。

毅力號還帶了一架直升機「獨創號(Mars Helicopter Ingenuity)」,火星任務主要是收集各種有關生命(古生物)的信息、採集岩石,最後還要帶回地球。(資訊來源參考:https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/science-56123923



Mars Helicopter Ingenuity(參考:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Helicopter_Ingenuity):







<iframe width="500" height="281" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/gm0b_ijaYMQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>



1. A mobile robotic unit, the mobile robotic unit comprising:

a main body;
a plurality of legs for supporting the main body on and moving the main body in forward and reverse directions about a base surface, each leg including a respective pivotal hip joint, a pivotal knee joint, and a wheeled foot adapted to roll along the base surface;
a drive assembly comprising
a motor operatively associated with the hip and knee joints and the wheeled foot for independently driving pivotal movement of the hip joint and the knee joint and rolling motion of the wheeled foot, and
a plurality of swivel shafts; and
a swivel assembly engaging the plurality of swivel shafts and comprising a fixable element securable relative to the main body, the swivel assembly adapted to cooperate with the swivel shafts to pivot the drive assembly with at least two degrees of freedom relative to the main body, wherein the swivel shafts comprise pinions and the swivel assembly comprises racks which cooperate with the pinions.








2021年2月22日 星期一

老議題:非顯而易見性的客觀證據 - Amarin Pharma, Inc., v. Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA Inc.

本案例關於「objective indicia of nonobviousness(非顯而易知性的客觀證據)」的非顯而易見的審理原則,長久以來對於客觀證據/主觀判斷的爭論不已,但是還是有大家可以接受的原則,如1966年以來的判例:Graham v. John Deere Co. of Kansas City, 383 U.S. 1 (1966)

本次討論案例「Amarin Pharma, Inc., v. Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA Inc.」進度已經從CAFC進入最高法院(待決),討論範圍仍為地院審理的103議題。


案號:Case No. 2:16-cv-02525-MMD-NJK
原告:AMARIN PHARMA, INC., et al.
系爭專利:US8,293,728; US8,318,715; US8,357,677; US8,367,652; US8,431,560; US8,518,929

本案緣起專利權人Amarin Pharma向地院對Hikma提出侵權告訴,地院雖認為被告侵權,但是因為基於被告提出的前案證據,認為系爭專利為顯而易見,撤銷侵權告訴。



列舉其中'728的系爭專利範圍Claims 1, 16如下,描述的是降低triglycerides甘油三酸酯)的方法,這是針對高血脂患者的一種藥,其作用是添加在患者的飲食中,藥物成份可參考以下專利範圍(地院引述範圍還包括其他,在此列舉兩項)。

1.  A method of reducing triglycerides in a subject having a fasting baseline triglyceride level of 500 mg/dl to about 1500 mg/dl who does not receive concurrent lipid altering therapy comprising: administering orally to the subject about 4 g per day of a pharmaceutical composition comprising at least about 96% by weight of all fatty acids present, ethyl eicosapentaenoate, and substantially no docosahexaenoic acid or its esters for a period of 12 weeks to effect a reduction in triglycerides without substantially increasing LDL-C compared to a second subject having a fasting baseline triglyceride level of 500 mg/dl to about 1500 mg/dl who has not received the pharmaceutical composition and a concurrent lipid altering therapy. 

16.  The method of claim 1, wherein no fatty acid of the pharmaceutical composition, except for ethyl-EPA, comprises more than about 0.6% by weight of all fatty acids combined.

從地院針對顯而易見性的判決來看,明確地逐步討論「Graham v. John Deere Co. of Kansas City, 383 U.S. 1 (1966)」的幾個條件:

1. Scope and Content of the Prior Art(共有7件前案證據)
2. Level of Ordinary Skill in the Art(這裡提到5點決定相關領域一般技術水平的因素:"
Factors that may be considered in determining the level of ordinary skill in the art may include: (1) type of problems encountered in the art; (2) prior art solutions to those problems; (3) rapidity with  which innovations are made; (4) sophistication of the technology; and (5) educational level of active workers in the field."(相關領域的問題、解決方案、創新速度、技術的複雜度、教育程度)


3. Differences between the Prior Art and the Claims at Issue
4. Secondary Considerations




原告Amarin不服,目前進度是上訴最高法院:Amarin Pharma, Inc., v. Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA Inc. (Supreme Court 2021)

根據上訴議題,涉及從「Graham v. John Deere Co. of Kansas City, 383 U.S. 1 (1966)」判例以來非顯而易見性的判斷原則,其中有四個原則:(1)判斷先前技術的範圍與內容;(2)確認系爭案專利範圍於前案的差異;(3)確立相關領域一般技術人員的水平;(4)考量顯而易見/非顯而易見的客觀證據,特別的是,所謂「客觀證據」指的是,系爭案發明是否是長期需要但未解決、他人實現此發明但失敗,以及實現此發明是否得到商業上的成功("objective indicia include long-felt but unresolved needs ultimately addressed by the invention, failure of others to make the invention, and commercial success of products embodying the invention."),這些考量為的是避免審查系爭案發明非顯而易見性時的後見之明

向美國最高法院提起請願的上訴人認為,CAFC等下級法院僅依照Graham四個原則的前三個原則就作出系爭案發明為「顯而易見的初步印象(prima facie obviousness)」,並未考量第四個客觀證據的輔助性因素。






2021年2月20日 星期六

訴願委員依職權審查進步性中的「當然的常識」 - 歐洲訴願決定T 1370/15

本篇討論歐洲訴願決定 T 1370/15(25.1.2021),題稱「依職權審查當然的常識(ex officio common general knowledge)」(編按,"ex officio"意思有依據職權、當然的),其中討論依照職權審查進步性中「當然的常識」,是EPO嚴選案例。


訴願號:T 1370/15
25 January 2021
專利名稱:Broadcast processing apparatus and control method thereof
專利權人:Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
異議人:Interessengemeinschaft für Rundfunkschutzrechte e.V.

EPC Art 100(a)(涉及Art 52專利適格性、Art 57產業利用性、技術不明確、超出原說明書內容等異議理由)
EPC Art 56(進步性)
EPC Art 54(新穎性)
EPC Art 114(1)(EPO依職權審查)

系爭專利關於一種廣播處理裝置,這是包括了影像處理器、音訊處理器與顯示器的裝置,並提供使用者設定的UI,Claim 1界定此裝置如下,Claim 9則描述裝置的控制方法,顯示設定UI,選擇影像的傳輸方法,在傳輸方法中執行自動通道設定。

Claim 1: A broadcast processing apparatus comprising:

an image processor which processes an image received through at least one transmission method and at least one processing method;

a display unit which displays thereon the image processed by the image processor;

a user interface (UI) provider which provides a setup UI to select a transmission method for transmitting data of the image to the broadcasting processing apparatus and a processing method for processing the data of the image in the broadcasting processing apparatus, through which an automatic channel setup is performed, among the at least one transmission method and the at least one processing method, respectively; and

a controller which displays the setup UI on the display unit if the automatic channel setup is initiated, and performs the automatic channel setup through the transmission method and the processing method selected through the setup UI.

Claim 9: A control method of a broadcast processing apparatus, the control method comprising:

displaying a setup user interface (UI) to select a transmission method for transmitting data of the image to the broadcasting processing apparatus and a processing method for processing the data of the image in the broadcasting processing apparatus, through which an automatic channel setup is performed, among at least one transmission method and at least one processing method, respectively, if the automatic channel setup is initiated; and

performing the automatic channel setup through the transmission method and the processing method selected through the setup UI.

opposition division)判定舉發成立,其中根據異議人提出前案證據,認為系爭專利Claims 1, 9不具新穎性,因為所提到的UI並未有技術貢獻,因此部份專利範圍也不具進步性。

舉發證據D1:WO 2005/076610

舉發證據D4:Loewe Opta GmbH: User manual TV


Samsung向訴願委員會提起修正動議,提出幾個修正請求(requests),在Claim 1中加入有關UI的描述(編按,這個修正顯示,Samsung放棄主張原Claim中的新穎性特徵,進而以characterised in that...表示其中具備的進步性特徵),其中描述UI提供傳輸與處理方法的選項:

"characterised in that

the UI provider is configured whereby for a first transmission method a processing method from the plurality of processing methods is selectable and for a second transmission method a processing method from the plurality of processing methods is selectable independently from the selection of the processing method of the first transmission method."


"and the setup UI is provided, so that the processing method for the first transmission method and the processing method for the second transmission method are determined at the same time by a bout of user's selection on a same screen of the setup UI."

於再一請求中在原Claim 1中加入以下特徵:

"characterised in that the UI provider is configured whereby on a same screen of the setup UI, for a first transmission method a processing method from the plurality of processing methods is selectable and for a second transmission method a processing method from the plurality of processing methods is selectable independently from the selection of the processing method of the first transmission method, to perform a single channel set up process for the first and second transmission methods and the processing methods selected corresponding thereto, and

wherein the setup UI is provided, so that the plurality of processing methods are arranged to correspond to each of the plurality of transmission methods, thereby allowing at least one among the plurality of processing method to be selectable for each of the plurality of transmission methods."




1. 從多個請求中同意Claim 1加入UI提供設定選擇的特徵:"the UI provider is configured whereby for a first transmission method a processing method from the plurality of processing methods is selectable and for a second transmission method a processing method from the plurality of processing methods is selectable independently from the selection of the processing method of the first transmission method."。

2. 委員會基於系爭專利圖2、4來解釋專利範圍中的UI。

3. 比對舉發證據後,證據D1並未揭示如新增的UI特徵,同意Claim 1, Claim 9具有新穎性。駁回原舉發成立的這部份理由。

4. 針對進步性,訴願委員會認為,原異議人提出的理由僅針對新穎性,並未明確針對進步性,如以D1結合相關領域一般知識的相關論述。這時產生一個議題,就是當異議人未提出的理由,是否專利局可以逕自審查,根據判例表示(如以下摘錄):如果異議(舉發)理由僅有新穎性,未涉及進步性,相關單位可以不用審理進步性。這裡釐清出,若討論發明與前案證據的差異,這是新穎性議題,若拿來討論進步性,其實是矛盾的,因此本案中,並未涉及進步性議題

"If a patent has been opposed on the grounds of lack of novelty and lack of inventive step and if only the ground of novelty has been substantiated within the opposition period, a specific substantiation of the ground of lack of inventive step is not necessary. Under such circumstances a specific substantiation of the ground of lack of inventive step is not even generally possible since - given that novelty, i.e. the presence of a difference between the claimed subject-matter and a prior art, is a prerequisite for determining whether an invention involves an inventive step in view of that prior art - this would contradict the reasons in support of lack of novelty. Therefore, the objection of lack of inventive step does not constitute a fresh ground for opposition and can therefore be examined in the appeal proceedings without the agreement of the patentee."

5. 這樣看來,訴願委員會不應針對進步性討論。然而!!!訴願委員會仍有權能獨立審理判斷證據是否證明系爭專利(發明)缺乏進步性。

"In the board's view, the question of whether the contents of point 3 of the notice of opposition referred to above constitutes a substantiation in full or in part or no substantiation at all is immaterial. This is because, as stated in the preceding quote, in the present case, the opponent arguing lack of novelty could not be required to substantiate the ground of inventive step because having done so might have contradicted the reasons advanced in support of lack of novelty. Therefore, the fact that the opponent chose to provide a brief substantiation of the ground of inventive step without being required to do so cannot cannot be found to weigh against it. It follows that the board is entitled to examine the ground of lack of inventive step independent of how thoroughly it was substantiated."

6. 訴願委員會針對進步性議題召開口頭審理程序(oral proceeding),即根據證據D1與參考習知UI的知識審理進步性。過程中,是否有權審理進步性仍是討論議題,特別的是,如果所陳列的證據是「一般常識(common general knowledge)」,就不需要額外的證據(文件類的),就與以上討論是否有權審理進步性的議題脫離了

"5.3.4 The board notes that the question requested for referral relates to the current case only in so far as the term "facts and evidence" is restricted to "common general knowledge without evidence of such knowledge". In so far as the question goes beyond this, it is not relevant for deciding the case in question and to this extent is therefore inadmissible (see Case Law, V.B.2.3.3)."

7. 這部份結論,也是本篇討論重點(細節就忽略了),根據歐洲擴大訴願委員會判例,是否在此上訴程序中,訴願委員會可以引入新的當然的知識,而不用其他證據來審理專利進步性?答案是,可以!!!

"In the light of the foregoing, the answer to the narrower question requested for referral to the Enlarged Board:

"In inter partes appeal proceedings, is the Board allowed to introduce new ex officio common general knowledge without evidence of such knowledge which prejudices maintenance of the patent?"

is therefore: yes, to the extent that the board is knowledgeable in the respective technical field from the experience of its members working on cases in this field."

8. 系爭專利新增UI為常用知識。

"The person skilled in the art trying to solve the problem identified in point 6.6 above would have provided an adequate UI, such as a grid or drop-down menus, based on their common general knowledge."


"According to the board, before the priority date of the patent in suit, it belonged to the common general knowledge of the skilled person designing user interfaces for broadcast application that electronic program guide (EPG) tables (grids) allowed a user to select a program at the intersection of a column corresponding to a time slot and a row corresponding to a channel (see also point XIX(q) above)."

整理一下,訴願決定有幾項,包括所提出主要請求(main request)與次要請求(auxiliary request)具有新穎性,但不具備進步性,不具進步性的理由主要是引述了「當然的常識ex officio common general knowledge)」,這些是從經驗中可知的知識。



2021年2月17日 星期三

說明書缺乏精確度而無法得知合理明確的專利範圍 - Saso Golf, Inc. v. Nike, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2021)

本篇討論說明書缺乏精確度而無法明確定義專利範圍 - Saso Golf, Inc. v. Nike, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2021),由於專利範圍需要更明確的解釋,但專利說明書又沒有提供精準的定義,導致專利範圍不明確。本篇比較偏重結構特徵的描述,特別是利用一些用語(toe, heel)描述一個結構時,需要有足夠的內容支持這個描述,如果無法有精確的解釋,會導致各說各話,專利範圍邊界不明。


原告/上訴人:SASO GOLF, INC.

被告/被上訴人:NIKE, INC.


判決日:February 10, 2021

系爭專利US5,645,495是件1995年申請、1997年獲准的美國專利,關於高爾夫球桿(桿頭),案件始於Saso在2008年向Nike提出侵權訴訟,系爭請求項Claim 7如下,球桿包括金屬木質桿頭,分為根部(heel)與頭部(toe),形成一個擊球面(hitting surface),這個擊球面在航向與縱向有實質相同的曲面,但背面的曲面不同。

7. A golf club comprising:

a metallic wood type head including a cylindrical hosel portion formed integrally therewith;
said metallic wood type head having a heel side and a toe side, said metallic wood type head having a hitting surface extending from the toe side to said heel side, the hitting surface having substantially the same curvature along a transverse direction as a longitudinal direction,
said metallic wood type head further comprising a toe, a heel, and a back side profile shape extending from the toe side to the heel side, said back side profile shape between the toe and a most rearwardly point of said metallic wood type head having a radius of curvature that is larger than the radius of curvature of said back side profile shape between the most rearwardly point of said metallic wood type head and the heel.


根據專利說明書內容(編按,事實上說明書內容也沒太多內容),以及CAFC法官在意的技術特徵,這個桿頭的創新之處是將桿頭頭部(toe)的重量(原本重量偏頭部)移到根部(heel),這是可以避免打高爾夫球時扭轉桿頭產生左曲球(hook shot)(這是我的非專業理解)。



不過,以這些位置定義來決定一個專利範圍,產生了不明確的議題,例如,並無法準確定義toe與heel,系爭專利說明書其實沒有描述這麼多細節,也沒有提到曲率半徑的計算,Nike的專家證人認為toe與heel有許多解釋,使得無法基於明確的用語來描述系爭專利範圍定義的桿頭;Saso的專家證人雖偏向Saso,卻也沒有針對相關議題提供明確回應,甚至認為解釋Claim 7時沒有需要準確決定toe與heel的位置。



審理專利範圍的明確性時,剛好遇到美國最高法院2014年「Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc.」判決,這時,Saso並沒有作出適當的回應,CAFC也因此沒有考量Saso基於先前標準(Nautilus之前)的答辯內容。然而,即便Saso有回應,CAFC仍認為地院的判斷符合Nautilus判例形成的「合理而明確的明確性判斷標準(“reasonable certainty” standard)」。


結論:本案基於侵權議題,要判斷是否侵權,要能選擇精確的位置以量測桿頭的曲面半徑,但相關證據,如說明書、相關領域技術人員並無法得知這些明確的位置,使得無法得知Claim 7合理明確的範圍

"Choosing precise points from which to measure the radii of curvature is essential to knowing whether a golf club infringes the ’495 patent. The district court did not clearly err in its findings that the patent provided no guidance on where to locate the points (the toe and heel) and that an artisan would not know specific definitions for those areas. Therefore, we agree with the district court’s legal conclusion and hold that claim 7 of the patent is invalid for indefiniteness because it fails to inform an artisan of the scope of the claim with reasonable certainty."

- “reasonable certainty” standard

可參考:最高法院對明確性的態度 - Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc.https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/06/nautilus-inc-v-biosig-instruments-inc.html

"明確性標準的案例以「Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc., 572 U.S. 898, 909 (2014)」為主要依據,可參考本部落格文章:最高法院對明確性的態度 - Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc.,Nautilus案的教示是"明確的"專利範圍應讓相關領域技術人員「參照說明書與審查歷史」可以合理而確定知悉發明的專利範圍(reasonable certainty)。"

my two cents:



專利所要求的明確 - Guandong Alison Hi-Tech Co. v. ITC and Aspen Aerogels, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/09/guandong-alison-hi-tech-co-v-itc-and.html

- CAFC第二次對Nautilus v. Biosig作出判決(April 27, 2015)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/12/cafcnautilus-v-biosigapril-27-2015.html

- 專利所要求的明確 - Guandong Alison Hi-Tech Co. v. ITC and Aspen Aerogels, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2019)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/09/guandong-alison-hi-tech-co-v-itc-and.html



2021年2月2日 星期二

適格的人員可存取引用文獻 - M&K Holdings, Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co., LTD. (Fed. Cir. 2021)

本篇討論適格的先前文獻,也就是新穎性引用前案的條件,如公眾可存取、可被相關領域與有興趣者經合理的努力下取得、有公開的管道、有可取得的儲存位置等 - M&K Holdings, Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co., LTD. (Fed. Cir. 2021)。


上訴人/專利權人:M & K HOLDINGS, INC.
判決日:February 1, 2021

本案緣起Samsung於2018年向PTAB對系爭專利提起IPR異議,其中主要引證資料是習知的「WD4-v3」等文獻,PTAB決定系爭專利不具新穎性或非顯而易見性(35 U.S.C. § 102、103),然而專利權人M&K認為先前技術(WD4-v3, Park, Zhou)並非大眾可存取印刷品,不過被駁回。案件經上訴後,主要議題是先前技術Park, Zhou是否是公眾可存取的公開文獻?


本案是一個先前技術是否為102適格前案?也就是引用文獻是否是公眾可存取(publicly accessible)?就此議題,有許多前例可循。


- 公開印刷品(printed publication),案例如:In re Klopfenstein, 380 F.3d 1345, 1350 (Fed. Cir. 2004)、Acceleration Bay, LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 908 F.3d 765, 772 (Fed. Cir. 2018)
- 即便是公眾可存取,但也要看是否可被相關領域與有興趣者經合理的努力下取得,案例如:Blue Calypso, LLC v. Groupon, Inc., 815 F.3d 1331, 1348 (Fed. Cir. 2016)。
- 公開的管道如公開會議、商業展覽、群組會議等,案例如:Klopfenstein, 380 F.3d at 1347–52; Ecolochem, Inc. v. S. Cal. Edison Co., 227 F.3d 1361, 1369–70 (Fed. Cir. 2000)
有可取得的儲存位置,案例如:SRI Int’l, Inc. v. Internet Sec. Sys., Inc., 511 F.3d 1186, 1194 (Fed. Cir. 2008); In re Wyer, 655 F.2d 221, 223 (CCPA 1981); In re Bayer, 568 F.2d 1357, 1357–62 (CCPA 1978).

法官解釋102規定的「printed publication」的重點(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2018/06/102printed-publication.html





另一議題是,M&K提出系爭專利Claim 3的專利性並非能基於不具新穎性而被駁回,因為Samsung提出的異議理由屬於顯而易見性(基於WD4-v3, Park, and Zhou)。

Claim 3為Claim 2的依附項,PTAB認為(有點硬坳),即便Claim 3面對顯而易見的問題,但Samsung提出異議理由已經證明Claims 1, 2不具新穎性,先前技術WD4-v3已經讀到Claim 3,也讓Claim 3為顯而易見,新穎性議題為顯而易見性的縮影(epitome)。(編按,PTAB十分隱晦地隱藏這些心證)


my two cents:


