2024年11月29日 星期五

有目的的解釋/purposive construction - 加拿大專利範圍解釋原則 - Whirlpool Corp. v Camco Inc., 2000 SCC 67 (supreme court 2000)

收到加拿大專利審查意見,其中引用前例認為發明不可專利,其中一例可參考:加拿大專利性「purposive construction」議題的案例 - Free World Trust v Électro Santé Inc., 2000 SCC 66https://enpan.blogspot.com/2024/04/purposive-construction-free-world-trust.html),本次討論另一案例:Whirlpool Corp. v Camco Inc., 2000 SCC 67

最高法院"Whirlpool Corp. v. Camco Inc."案件資訊:
上訴人:Camco Inc. and General Electric Company
被上訴人/專利權人:Whirlpool Corporation and Inglis Limited


(1)是否"purposive construction/有目的的解釋"對於專利有效性與侵權判斷是解釋專利範圍合適的方案?
(2)系爭專利是否因為重複專利(double patenting)而無效?

本判決文說明,專利訴訟的第一步驟就是解釋專利範圍,現行針對專利有效性與侵權審理採用"purposive construction"方法解釋專利範圍,其中以相關領域技術人員的協助,由法院指出申請專利範圍描述的發明中的重要元件(essential elements),有目的的解釋即可以"有見識地/knowledgeably"解釋申請專利範圍文字,還參照說明書整體上下文,可增進以合理與公平地對專利權人與公眾解釋申請專利範圍。

"The first step in a patent suit is to construe the claims.  The “purposive construction” approach is adopted for both validity and infringement issues.  This requires the identification by the court, with the assistance of the skilled reader, of the particular descriptive words or phrases in the claims that describe the “essential” elements of the invention.  Purposive construction properly directs itself to the words of the claims interpreted knowledgeably and in the context of the specification as a whole; it advances the objective of an interpretation of the patent claims that is reasonable and fair to both patentee and public."


法院澄清比對兩件專利是否重複是比對申請專利範圍,而不是比說明書內容,在重複專利的判斷中,第一判斷兩者是否一樣?重複專利就是兩件專利的權利範圍是一樣的,因此,就本次訴訟而言,兩件系爭專利並非相同,也非前後延伸的專利("identical or conterminous")。

第二,就是一種顯而易見性的重複專利(obviousness double patenting)問題,就是判斷是否兩件專利為"可專利地區隔/patentably distinct"?


"With respect to the validity of the '734 patent, Stone J.A. rejected the attack based on double patenting.  He held that double patenting requires that the claims of the later patent be conterminous with the claims in the earlier patent, or that the latter is an obvious and uninventive extension of the former.  Neither was the case here.  He also rejected the attacks based on covetousness and affirmed the validity of the '734 patent."






-日本自April 1, 2022後不再接受多項依附多項附屬項(補充資料)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2023/09/april-1-2022.html
-JPO修法禁止「multi-multi claim」,包括各國筆記(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2022/04/jpomulti-multi-claim.html

既然是新PO文,還是要來點東西,但也是舊東西,本篇參考日本專利局關於「Restriction of Multi-Multi Claims」內容(https://www.jpo.go.jp/e/system/patent/shinsa/multimulticlaims.html)。


在日本專利局禁止多附多的寫法之前(April 1, 2022禁止實施),有65%專利申請案包括有多附多的申請專利範圍,而禁止日之後,直接掉到5%,再過一年再掉到3%。




2024年11月27日 星期三

因果關係不同因此侵權不成立 - DoggyPhone LLC v. Tomofun LLC (CAFC 2024)

原告/上訴人/專利權人:DOGGYPHONE LLC
判決日期:November 21, 2024


系爭專利'813為一種提供狗狗與主人的網路通訊系統,Claim 1如下,界定一個提供寵物的通訊系統,包括零食箱(treat bin)、食物分配器(food dispenser)、音訊裝置、傳遞模組,系統可以提供寵物操作而與主人APP的影音通訊,還可取得食物。
7. A system for communicating with a pet, comprising:
a treat bin;
a food dispenser that dispenses treats from the treat bin;
an audio device;
a delivery module that:
receives a treat delivery command; and
in response to the received treat delivery command:
dispenses via the food dispenser at least one treat from the treat bin;
plays via the audio device an audio signal that notifies the pet of availability of a treat; and
receives input from the pet; and
a control that transmits to the delivery module a treat delivery command,
wherein the system:
in response to a first communication command received from a user, transmits to the delivery module the treat delivery command;
plays at least one of live audio or video received from the user of a remote client device; and
transmits to the remote client device at least one of live audio or video of the pet, wherein the system begins transmission to the remote client device of at least one of the audio or video of the pet in response to input from the pet. (根據寵物的輸入系統開始傳送影音到遠端裝置!


被告Tomofun的被告產品「Tomofun | Furbo 狗狗攝影機」(有兩個運作模式:standard mode、Dog Nanny mode),可參考網址https://www.yourator.co/companies/Furbohttps://www.bnext.com.tw/article/63884/tomofun-cto-charles

地院經調查得出被告侵權產品的技術:Furbo沒有根據寵物輸入開始遠端影音通訊。其中,地院認為Furbo在standard mode並沒有侵害系爭專利權利,因為Furbo並沒有在寵物發出訊息就開始影音視訊,而是要等到使用者(主人)按下通知才開始;在Dog Nanny mode,Furbo將鶯音內容傳送到雲端,接著再傳到使用者裝置。

如果查上述Claim 7傳送影音的動作,是基於寵物的輸入就開始傳送影音內容。經很嚴厲的比對,被告Furbo需要使用者同意傳送才會傳送影音,並且是通過雲端傳送影音。



至少原告認為根據寵物的輸入啟動影音傳輸的限制,是導致影音傳輸的"因果鏈/causal chain"("pet’s activity sets off a causal chain that results in transmission of live audio or video"),與我對上述比對的理解相似,甚至連被告DoggyPhone解釋專利範圍也同意系爭專利範圍的最後一個步驟並沒有一定要直接的因果關係("causal connection")。




my two cents:
其實從整個系爭專利Claim 7範圍來看,加上餵食食物的特徵,我覺得Furbo侵權成立的機率不高,但是法院僅針對我認為算有爭辯空間的"transmits to the remote client device at least one of live audio or video of the pet, wherein the system begins transmission to the remote client device of at least one of the audio or video of the pet in response to input from the pet"的動作作為主要論辯基礎。

或許Claim的文字表面意義(plain and ordinary meaning)確實是根據寵物的輸入開始影音通訊,並且系爭專利確實著重的是寵物自己可以啟動視訊的技術,但是似乎也沒有排除人為介入,其中仍應有相應的細節,例如系爭專利說明書也有提到(ICCS就是專利的系統):

"The personal computer 501 includes logic 501 that is configured to communicate with the mobile device 300, the webcam 400, and the ICCS 100″. In particular, the logic 501 is configured to receive inputs from the mobile device 300 and to forward them (or signals based thereon) to the ICCS 100″. The logic 501 is also configured to receive video/audio data from the webcam 400 and forward it to the mobile device 300." 似乎是也具有間接因果關係,而不是直接根據寵物動作就開始視訊。

我認為,法院有點"嚴格地"限縮了專利範圍的解釋,但也提出厲害的見解:the claim language requires that the pet's activity begins transmission, not that the pet's activity simply causes transmission.。雖說解釋專利範圍原則是"plain and ordinary meaning",但寬容度卻是不夠大。


2024年11月20日 星期三

Trademark Usage of Linux - 商標使用

繼前篇報導有關申請專利範圍中使用商標名稱的原則(「盡量不使用,要使用就要避免不明確,且商標用語應指物品本身,而非用來識別商品」)-刪除請求項中商標名稱意外產生是否有禁反言的相關議題 - Eli Lilly & Co. v. Apotex, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2020)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2024/11/eli-lilly-co-v-apotex-inc-fed-cir-2020.html)。


本篇參考https://www.linuxfoundation.org/legal/trademark-usage(Trademark Usage of Linux),"Linux"註冊商標是Linux創作人所有的,而Linus Torvalds聲明Linux是自由且免費的(參考:https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/Linux)。

"Trademarks are used to provide assurance to the community of consistency with respect to the quality of products or services with which the mark is associated.

"1) the need of The Linux Foundation to ensure that its trademarks remain reliable indicators of the qualities that they have been created to preserve and 2) the need of The Linux Foundation to ensure that community members are able to discuss the projects with which The Linux Foundation is associated and to accurately describe the relationship between The Linux Foundation and the products and services offered by others."


"There are also some basic rights that everyone has to use any trademark, which are often referred to as “fair use,” and The Linux Foundation does not intend to restrict those rights.  You may make fair use of word marks to make true factual statements. "

Linux Foundation不會限制合理使用其商標。

"The Linux Foundation’s Trademark List at https://www.linuxfoundation.org/legal/trademarks should include the ® symbol immediately after the first usage (e.g., “The Linux Foundation® projects develop open source….”)."


"Do not use logos or names of The Linux Foundation in any commercial or marketing context other than as expressly permitted in this policy unless you have obtained explicit written permission from The Linux Foundation to do so."

商業使用仍須通過Linux Foundation允許使用。






2024年11月19日 星期二

刪除請求項中商標名稱意外產生是否有禁反言的相關議題 - Eli Lilly & Co. v. Apotex, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2020)

本篇案例分享主要是基於以下MPEP段落,事實上本部落格過去已有報導,但主要是針對其中侵權與均等論的議題-修正但表示沒有放棄等效範圍讓均等論適用的案例 - Eli Lilly and Co v. Apotex, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2020)https://enpan.blogspot.com/2020/12/eli-lilly-and-co-v-apotex-inc-fed-cir.html)。


被告/上訴人:APOTEX, INC 
判決文:December 21, 2020

'209在其審查過程中修正專利範圍,已經將具有商標名稱「ALIMTA」的請求項刪除,但回溯其申請時的Claims,如下截圖中的claim 9,其中有商標名稱"ALIMTA"。相同的專利範圍也出現在'209的優先權母案之一 - 10/297,821的申請時申請專利範圍中,2004年9月審查意見即對此提出核駁意見,如下,後來在回覆審查意見時刪除了具有商標名稱的專利範圍。

以上涉及專利範圍中使用商標名稱的規定在MPEP § 2173.05(u),如下,規定中指出,如果專利範圍中商標名稱是用來辨識或是描述特定材料或物品而不是「物品本身」,該項專利範圍就不明確

2173.05(u) Trademarks or Trade Names in a Claim 

The presence of a trademark or trade name in a claim is not, per se, improper under 35 U.S.C. 112(b) or pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 112, second paragraph, but the claim should be carefully analyzed to determine how the mark or name is used in the claim. It is important to recognize that a trademark or trade name is used to identify a source of goods, and is not the name of the goods themselves. Thus a trademark or trade name does not define or describe the goods associated with the trademark or trade name. See definitions of trademark and trade name in MPEP § 608.01(v).

If the trademark or trade name is used in a claim as a limitation to identify or describe a particular material or product, the claim does not comply with the requirements of the 35 U.S.C. 112(b) or pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 112, second paragraph. Ex parteSimpson, 218 USPQ 1020 (Bd. App. 1982). See also Eli Lilly & Co. v. Apotex, Inc., 837 Fed. Appx. 780, 784-85, 2020 USPQ2d 11531 (Fed. Cir. 2020) ("Following Patent Office procedure, the Examiner in this case rejected the claims of the '821 application as indefinite because they improperly used the trade name 'ALIMTA.' In response to the rejection, Lilly canceled its claims reciting the trade name and pursued claims using the generic name for the same substance, which mooted the rejection. Additionally, as the district court observed, the Examiner 'explicitly noted that pemetrexed disodium was 'also known by the trade name ALIMTA' ' in the contemporaneous obviousness rejection."). The claim scope is uncertain since the trademark or trade name cannot be used properly to describe any particular material or product. In fact, the value of a trademark would be lost to the extent that it became the generic name of a product, rather than used as an identification of a source or origin of a product. Thus, the use of a trademark or trade name in a claim to describe a material or product would not only render a claim indefinite, but would also constitute an improper use of the trademark or trade name. If the applicant responds to such a rejection by replacing the trademark or trade name with a generic term, the examiner should determine whether there is sufficient support in the application for use of a generic term. See MPEP § 2163, subsection II.A.3(b).

If a trademark or trade name appears in a claim and is not intended as a limitation in the claim, the question of why it is in the claim should be addressed. If its presence in the claim causes confusion as to the scope of the claim, then the claim should be rejected under 35 U.S.C. 112(b) or pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 112, second paragraph.

既然系爭專利具有商品名稱「ALIMTA」在專利審查就被駁回與刪除,在此訴訟中探討的是專利權人Eli Lilly是否將其商標"ALIMTA"等同「pemetrexed disodium/培美曲塞二鈉」?以至於在地方法院解釋專利範圍時,就將兩者當作同義詞,這也影響了侵權主張的範圍。



這個解釋專利範圍的爭議帶到侵權訴訟中,侵權被告Apotex主張,審查委員的結論是"ALIMTA"並不明確,理由是這個用語至少涵蓋兩個意思:“pemetrexed” and “pemetrexed disodium,但專利權人在答辯修正中已經限縮其解釋為“pemetrexed disodium





2024年11月18日 星期一

加拿大專利適格性分析範例 - Canadian IP Office

可先參考:加拿大專利性「purposive construction」議題的案例 - Free World Trust v Électro Santé Inc., 2000 SCC 66(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2024/04/purposive-construction-free-world-trust.html)。

加拿大專利局的可專利標的/專利適格性分析範例「Examples of Patentable Subject-Matter Analysis」:https://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/canadian-intellectual-property-office/en/examples-patentable-subject-matter-analysis

Example 1:
範例一涉及通過測量地震以確定石油鑽探位置的資料分析方法,其中運用了演算法X,專利範圍如下(Purposive Construction),claim 1描述電腦實現的地震測量數據分析方法,包括執行地震測量、取得數據、以演算法X處理數據,以及顯示分析結果。claim 2則是描述系統,包括感測器、接收數據的模組、執行演算法的處理器,以及顯示結果的顯示器。claim 3描述另一個數據分析方法,包括接收數據、以演算法處理數據,以及顯示分析結果。claim 4描述的是儲存執行claim 3方法的指令的電腦可讀記憶體。claim 5則是描述鑽探石油的電腦實現方法,相應指令的電腦可讀記憶體則是描述在claim 6。

  1. computer-implemented method of analysing data from seismic measurements comprising:
    • Performing seismic measurements;
    • Receiving the data from the seismic measurements;
    • Processing the data on a computer using algorithm X; and
    • Displaying the results of the analysis.
  2. A system for analysing data from seismic measurements comprising:
    • Sensors to measure seismic measurements;
    • A module configured to receive the data from the sensors;
    • A processor configured to apply the algorithm X to the data received from the sensors; and
    • A display configured to present the results of the step c.
  3. computer-implemented method of analysing data from seismic measurements comprising:
    • Receiving the data from the seismic measurements;
    • Processing the data on a computer using algorithm X; and
    • Displaying the results of the analysis of step b.
  4. A computer readable memory having recorded thereon statements and instructions for execution by a computer to carry out the method of claim 3.
  5. computer-implemented method of drilling for oil comprising:
    • Receiving the data from the seismic measurements;
    • Processing the data on a computer using algorithm X; and
    • Drilling for oil based on the results of the processing.
  6. A computer readable memory having recorded thereon statements and instructions for execution by a computerised drilling system to carry out the method of claim 5.
在可專利性的評估中,claim 1結合了幾個電腦處理步驟得到使用演算法X的結果,其中步驟a包括的測量步驟具備有可識別的具體效果,使得整體專利範圍屬於可專利標的。(編按,這句話可以作為相關議題答辯的寫法:"step a provides the discernible physical effect or change that renders the subject-matter of the claim patentable subject-matter")

Claim 2包括感測器,這是用以測量地震,對電腦而言並非一般的輸入資料,並且感測器是具體的存在(physical existence)並與電腦合作通過演算法X達成結果,足以讓此標的成為可專利標的。(同樣地,這句話也可成為具有實體元件時的答辯內容:"sensors have a physical existence and cooperate with the computer to achieve better results by the use of algorithm X, this element is sufficient to render the subject-matter of the claim patentable subject-matter")

Claim 3的步驟a與c被認為是一般電腦的輸出入步驟,且認為執行演算法X為一般電腦的運作,因此認為此項範圍並沒有解決超出電腦的問題,根據subsection 27(8) of the Patent Act,不屬於可專利標的。

Claim 4是基於claim 3的電腦可讀記憶體,因為上述理由,認為記憶體僅是一般電腦的元件,同樣屬於不可專利標的。

Claim 5描述以處理接收的地震數據達到鑽探石油的具體步驟,其中步驟c產生可識別的具體效果或改變,因此為可專利標的。("step c provides the discernible physical effect or change that renders the subject-matter of the claim patentable subject-matter")

Claim 6是基於Claim 5的電腦可讀記憶體,雖然記憶體是電腦的一般元件但是其中連結可識別具體效果的指令,使得此項屬於可專利標的。("this physical effect is sufficient to render the subject-matter of claim 6 patentable subject-matter")

Example 2:
範例二(Purposive Construction)描述一個新的壓縮影片數據的演算法Y,專利範圍如下,描述一個編碼影片訊號的電腦實現方法,包括接收數位影片數據、使用數位訊號處理器以演算法Y編碼,以及得出編碼數據。

  1. computer-implemented method of digitally coding a video signal comprising:
    • Receiving digital video data;
    • Encoding, using a digital signal processor, the digital video data using algorithm Y; and
    • Providing the encoded video data.

Example 3:
範例三(Purposive Construction)描述診斷病患是否有癌細胞的方法,其中Claim 1描述的診斷是否有罹癌風險的方法,其中包括測量生物樣本中X的程度,比對非癌的參考樣本,以判斷罹癌風險。Claim 2是一樣的標的,步驟包括接收X程度的報告,並以此程度比對非癌參考樣本的程度以判斷罹癌風險。

  1. A method of diagnosing whether a human subject is at risk for developing cancer, comprising:
    • measuring the level of X in a biological sample from the subject; and
    • comparing said level to the level of a non-cancerous reference sample, wherein an increase in the level of X relative to said reference indicates the subject is at risk for cancer.
  2. A method of diagnosing whether a human subject is at risk for developing cancer, comprising:
    • receiving a report summarizing the level of X in a sample from the subject; and
    • comparing said level to the level of a non-cancerous reference sample, wherein an increase in the level of X relative to said reference indicates the subject is at risk for cancer.
在可專利性的評估中,claim 1中描述癌症風險與X程度的相關性,其中的具體步驟是測量樣本的X程度("physically measuring the level of X in the sample"),使得本項範圍屬於可專利標的。

然而,Claim 2也是描述罹癌風險與X程度的相關性,但是其中描述的X程度並非為具體測量得出,其中X程度並非測量得出,而是從報告得到,使得其中比對步驟為主要步驟,因為沒有具體性(physicality),認為不屬於可專利標的。

重要,這裡重要的隱含的教示是,"In order to be found patentable, the actual invention must have physical existence or manifest a discernible physical effect or change.

Example 4:
範例四(Purposive Construction)描述成分X用於治療消化性潰瘍的新用途,也就是成分X為已知成分,其說明書公開了相關成分的劑量,並可最大限度地副作用確保病患對藥物的耐受性(符合可實施性),專利範圍如下。

  1. Use of compound X to treat peptic ulcers.
  2. The use of claim 1, wherein X is for administration at a first dosage of 6 to 8 mg/day for a period of about 2 to 10 weeks, and a final dosage of 16 to 24 mg/day.
在可專利性的評估中,很重要的資訊是,claim 1滿足具體性(physicality)的要求,理由是使用成分X在治療病患身體狀態中顯明出可識別的效果或改變,使得claim 1為可專利標的。("use of compound X manifests a discernible effect or change in the physical state of peptic ulcers.")

針對claim 2,其中描述使用成分X的劑量,但由於技術需要專業技巧與醫療專業的判斷,且每個病患並不相同,使用成分X需要有專業判斷與監視,讓本項範圍不屬於可專利性標的。

my two cents:


2024年11月6日 星期三

"本發明/present invention"用語是否形成限制?it depends ... - Absolute Software v. Stealth Signal (CAFC 2011)

繼之前討論:再探使用"present invention"造成限制專利範圍的案例 - Astrazeneca v. Hanmi (CAFC 2013)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2024/10/present-invention-astrazeneca-v-hanmi.html),在此繼續案件二的討論:

Absolute Softwrae:US6,244,758; US6,300,863 ; US6,507,914
Stealth Signal:US5,406,269
判決日期:October 11, 2011


其中,Absolute Software公司挑戰地方法院解釋專利範圍以及對簡易判決侵權不成立的結果提起上訴;另一方Stealth Signal公司同樣也對地院解釋專利範圍與簡易判決結果提起上訴。

列舉Absolute系爭專利'758的Claim 1,其中描述的方法代表這一系列專利的技術特徵,其中描述追蹤電子裝置的方法,電子裝置中安裝agent,用以提供電子裝置的標記與位置資訊給主機系統(host system),在方法中,當偵測到電子裝置離開,以電子裝置中的agent與主機系統通訊,即主動將標記通過網路提供給主機系統,藉此識別電子裝置,接著通過通訊連線判斷電子裝置的位置。
1. A method for tracing an electronic device having an agent, said agent used for providing identifying indicia and location information for said electronic device to a host system, said electronic device connectable to said host system through a global network, said method comprising the steps of:
loading said agent within said electronic device for initiating communication with said host system such that said agent evades detection;
automatically providing said host system with said identifying indicia through said global network for determining the identity of said electronic device; and
providing said host system with one or more of the global network communication links used to enable transmission between said electronic device and said host system, said communication links used for determining the location of said electronic device.

列舉Absolute系爭專利'914的Claim 4,其中描述一個電腦安全監控系統,其中包括具有影音介面的電腦(被追蹤對象)、電信介面,以及電腦中的agent,agent用以傳送訊號至電信介面,以連線到主機監控系統,並提供電腦標記,使得主機監控系統可以識別電腦是否是通報遺失的電腦。
4. A computer security monitoring system, comprising:
a computer having visual and audible user interfaces;
a telecommunication interface operatively connected to the computer; and
agent means embedded in the computer for sending signals to the telecommunication interface including signals for contacting a host monitoring system without signaling the visual or audible user interface, and for providing the host monitoring system with identification indicia of the computer, whereby the host monitoring system could identify whether the computer has been reported lost based on the identifying indicia.

列舉Stealth系爭專利'269的Claim 12,描述一種遠距效能監控系統,在使用者操作電子裝置時用以監視與收集效能資料,並將收集到的資料傳送到中央站,其中比對接收到的效能資料與期待的效能資料,藉此監視電子裝置,遠距系統包括監視手段,用以收集資料;格式化手段,用以產生訊息封包;傳送手段,能將格式化的訊息傳送到中央站。

12. A remote site performance monitoring system for inclusion in an electrical apparatus to monitor and collect performance data thereof during operation surreptitiously of a user of said electrical apparatus for transmitting said collected performance data to a central site means for comparing the received collected performance data with expected performance data for electrical apparatus of the type in which said remote site performance monitoring system has been added, said remote site system comprising:
monitor means programmed for collecting data on at least one performance feature of said electrical apparatus of interest to the system surreptitiously of a user of said electrical apparatus;
formatting means for creating a message bearing packet containing data collected by said monitoring means; and
transmission means for initiating, at a semi-random rate, the transmission of the message packet from the formatting means to the central site means of the system surreptitiously of a user of said electrical apparatus.




Absolute指出兩個不同意見(也是上訴議題),包括(1)專利範圍中的"automatically",以及(2)關於手段功能用語的專利範圍解釋過窄(“narrow legal issue”),還有一個Stealth專利中用語(3)“semi-random rate”的解釋。

地方法院認為Stealth的被告產品XTool Tracker並沒有執行Absolute專利中“providing said host system with one or more of the global network communication links”等的特徵,也就是Absolute並沒有證明XTool中的agent有傳送連結到主機。

地方法院認為Absolute的被告產品Computrace並沒有使用Stealth專利中的"semi-random rate"與"terms of said usage agreement"的技術。



(1)First, the claim must be properly construed to determine its scope and meaning.
(2)Second, the claim as properly construed must be compared to the accused device or process.

其中重要的議題之一就是專利範圍解釋,也就是採用判例"Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303, 1315–17 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en banc)"的解釋原則。(可參考:合理解釋專利範圍的案例 - Phillips v. AWH Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2005)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/05/phillips-v-awh-corp-fed-cir-2005.html




而本次主要討論的是說明書記載「present invention」影響專利範圍解釋的議題。

根據Absolute對專家解釋Stealth系爭專利中「semi-random rate」的解釋的反對意見,法院請的專家證人在解釋此用語時,將重點放在查證系爭專利說明書記載的實施例,主要理由是因為Stealth專利'269說明書將此段內容表示為「present invention」:


也就是說,'269案說明書明確地表示"present invention"的技術,其前後文成為專家證人限制專利範圍解釋的依據。

當然,對於Stealth的回應就是認為不能以說明書實施例內容限制專利範圍,並表示專家證人刻意忽略了一些說明書中如as an optional feature, ... preferentially... 等稍微有解釋空間的用語,甚至Stealth認為"semi-"指的是"somewhat"!

CAFC並不同意Stealth的反對意見,但也不同意專家證人以說明書中"present invention"用語來限制整個發明為特定實施例

這裡法院採用比較折衷的解釋,不同意片面地使用"present invention"就限制了專利範圍,但也需要看前後文以及是否有其他內部證據的支持

這裡引用前例-"Verizon Servs. Corp. v. Vonage Holdings Corp., 503 F.3d 1295, 1308 (Fed. Cir. 2007)"以及"Honeywell Int'l, Inc. v. ITT Indus., Inc., 452 F.3d 1312, 1318 (Fed. Cir. 2006)",認為,如果專利整體都在描述本發明特徵,或是僅有特定元件為本發明,這些都限制了專利範圍,也就不支持較廣的專利範圍。


也就是說,法院雖不同意僅片面因為使用"present invention"就限制了專利範圍,但如果整篇說明書也就只有單一內容、實施例,內部證據不支持其他解釋,加上使用了"present invention"用語,也就沒有其他解釋空間了~

使用"present invention"產生了限制?以上法院的表達(如以下摘錄內容)應該就比較客觀以及具有說服力了。

Stealth的'269說明書使用"present invention"時還明確表示其中有兩個optional features,以及相關前後文的描述CAFC解釋Stealth的'269專利範圍並不以說明書中"present invention"作為限制專利範圍的依據

不過,真是峰迴路轉,即便CAFC給予"present invention"用語一點點救贖,但檢視專利'269內容,CAFC法官"就事論事"仍是認為"semi-rand rate"除了地方法院的解釋外,沒有其他解釋。

my two cents:
本案很多議題需要詳究判決全文,但是主要的"present invention"用語可參考以上內容。

這樣看來,雖然法院給了無辜的"present invention/this invention"一些平反,但仍應盡量避免在說明書寫出"present invention"或是其他等效的用語,並且也要具體說明這些內容僅是範例、實施例,並非用於限制專利範圍,然而,如果說明書一再反覆地強調一些特徵,或是僅一個實施例又沒有其他解釋空間,仍不能排除作為限制專利範圍的依據。


2024年11月1日 星期五

習知圖式形成AAPA - 訴願案(10/948,402)討論

在查圖式中標記「Prior Art」的規定時,發現圖式標示"prior art"也是有點學問的,根據MPEP608.02(g)規定,一開始就說以圖式表示先前技術是沒有需要的,還要求刪除!!! 然而,如果需要通過先前技術圖式理解本發明,則可保留並標記為"Prior Art"。

608.02(g)    Illustration of Prior Art
Figures showing the prior art are usually unnecessary and should be canceled. Ex parte Elliott, 1904 C.D. 103, 109 OG 1337 (Comm’r Pat. 1904). However, where needed to understand applicant’s invention, they may be retained if designated by a legend such as "Prior Art."

而我曾經收到以下審查意見,原始圖式針對習知技術的圖式標記為"Related Art",審查委員認為應該標示"Prior Art",姑且不論是否是審查委員的個人偏好,或是法律這樣規定不得用其他用語取代,經查網路上的各種資訊,其實很少針對此議題的案例。

然仍在All Things Pros已經沒有更新的部落格中找到本次想要分享的案例,其中專利申請人針對圖式"沒有"標示"prior art"答辯認為其並未建立申請人承認先前技術(AAPA),因為"圖式涵蓋發明的部分",但USPTO審查意見與訴願決定都判定此案仍因AAPA而不具新穎性。


03/18/2008 最終駁回(駁回圖式理由:本案圖1的描述在段落0009,其中都是在描述相關技術)



06/17/2008 訴願請求
08/18/2008 提交訴願理由
01/26/2009 受理訴願

12/11/2009 訴願決定 - 訴願駁回,訴願委員會確認審查意見:基於AAPA發明不具新穎性。
決定日:Dec. 10, 2009

my two cents:
本案例因為專利說明書中明確地在習知技術的部分描述Figure 1,卻又承認與本發明差異不大,使得審查時認為Figure 1建立了AAPA,也據此駁回申請案。可知,說明書描述先前技術需要考量是否建立了AAPA。

