內容頗為豐富, 規規矩矩的資訊都陳列在上面,可以輕易地找到想要的內容

專利檢索的方式包括Basic, Number, Boolean, Advanced等的方式,資料庫從1869年開始,頗有歷史
- a statement that a patent is sought
- documentation describing an invention
- your name
- your address, or your patent agent's name and address
- the filing fee, and signed small entity declaration if applicable.
- a formal petition
- abstract of the invention
- claim or claims to the invention
- any drawings mentioned in the description
- nucleotide sequence listing, if applicable, in electronic form
- appointment of a patent agent or representative, when required
- 申請時可以不提實際審查要求,但須於申請日起5年內付費提出實審請求
- 取得專利應具備新穎性、進步性與產業利用性
- 申請日或優先權日起15個月內應齊備上述文件、資料
- 說明書撰寫規定如一般方式,清楚、簡潔、讓技術相關人員可以據以實施、實用性
申請日或優先權日起18月早期公開 - 專利申請案公開後,任何人可以提交先前技術供專利審查參考,這些資料也會被公開
- 專利核駁答辯可以包括答辯內容、權利範圍修正、刪除、新增
- OA程序包括:核駁、答辯、終駁,之後可以進入訴願程序
- Determine if you need a patent agent.
(Note: If you choose to have an agent, they may assist you in the remaining steps.) - Do a preliminary search (if there is an existing patent, consider ending the process now).
- Prepare a patent application.
- File your application.
- Request examination.
- Examiner does search for prior patents and studies your claims.
- Examiner either approves or objects to the claims.
- Respond to the examiner's objections and requirements.
- Examiner reconsiders and either approves or calls for further amendments.