US6,070,068,Apple Inc.侵權成立,專利範圍claim 23有效;
US6,253,075,Apple Inc.侵權不成立,專利範圍claims 5, 6, 10無效;
US6,427,078,Apple Inc.侵權成立,專利範圍claim 73有效;
CAFC決定認為078案的claim 73有效,但侵權不成立;認為068案claim 23無效,侵權自然不成立;確認075案claims 5, 6, 10沒侵權,也無效;認為231案claims 2-4, 12可能侵權,但是被撤回。
上訴人:Apple Inc.
原告:MobileMedia Ideas LLC.
被告侵權物:iPhone 3G/3GS/4等
US6,427,078Claim 73如下,其中界定一行動電話,具有內建相機、相機使用者介面、顯示影像的顯示器、控制相機運作與訊號處理的微處理器,以及以無線方式傳送影像資訊到另一處的手段。
73. A portable cellular mobile phone comprising:
a built in camera unit for obtaining image information;
a user interface for enabling a user to input signals to operate the camera unit;
a display for presenting image information obtained by the camera unit;
a microprocessor adapted to control the operations of the camera unit in response to input signals from the user interface, and to process image information received by the camera unit; and
means, coupled to said microprocessor, for transmitting image information processed by said microprocessor to another location using a radio frequency channel;
and wherein the camera unit comprises:
optics for obtaining image information;
an image sensor for obtaining image information; and means for processing and for storing at least a portion of the image information obtained by the camera unit for later recall and processing.
a built in camera unit for obtaining image information;
a user interface for enabling a user to input signals to operate the camera unit;
a display for presenting image information obtained by the camera unit;
a microprocessor adapted to control the operations of the camera unit in response to input signals from the user interface, and to process image information received by the camera unit; and
means, coupled to said microprocessor, for transmitting image information processed by said microprocessor to another location using a radio frequency channel;
and wherein the camera unit comprises:
optics for obtaining image information;
an image sensor for obtaining image information; and means for processing and for storing at least a portion of the image information obtained by the camera unit for later recall and processing.
以上Claim 73所載範圍就現在來看十分通常,但其優先權日早於1994年,怪不得Apple會被告,但是在CAFC卻遭遇顯而易見的問題。
這就是本案主要的爭議之一, 並沒有任何一件先前技術涵蓋Claim 73所有的技術元件,也就是在1994年以前,沒有人將相機放在手機上(事實上先前技術有),或準確地說,當年沒有人利用手機控制、處理、顯示、傳送照相機的影像訊號。。
但CAFC法官考量了一個提供極大心證空間的KSR判例,認為先前技術JPH6-133081(照相手機)、US5550646(照相機的控制介面)的結合已經讓Claim 73(系爭專利US6,427,078)為顯而易見的技術。
顯而易見性的判斷標準一般會採用KSR v. Teleflex (2007)判例的標準,也就是如果該發明領域相關技術人員可以為了解決特定問題而以可預期的方式而實現該發明,該發明就為顯而易見(不具進步性);但其中技術已經超過一般技術水平,則為非顯而易知(
- 發明中一般元件的結合如果沒有產生超出預期的結果,為顯而易見的技術
- 相對於一個發明,如果一般技術人員能實踐可預期的變化時,則不符合103的進步性規定
- 發明中的方法之一在發明的時間為已知問題,且明顯有專利範圍包含的解決方案,不能准予專利
078案的claim 73有兩個特徵以功能手段用語撰寫,如:傳輸影像資訊的手段、處理與儲存影像資訊的手段,解釋時將參考說明書、審查歷史等證據,根據其中描述處理器與記憶體的結構特徵,發現Apple產品並不符合文義侵害,其中之一理由是,iPhone中的照相機模組內並沒有內建記憶體,但是當年的Nokia手機相機內,照相機模組本身有儲存影像的功能,具有內建記憶體,這就是「功能手段」用語解釋時考量說明書內容產生的阻礙!
涉及侵權議題的為claim 23,其中描述列出通話時的各種處理項目在顯示器的技術,如下圖:
23. A communicating method for controlling a connecting state of a call into a desired connecting state upon a predetermined operation by a user, comprising the steps of:
displaying processing items [i.e., call handling options] available to the user relative to the call on a display;
selecting and determining a desired processing item out of said processing items displayed on said display by the user operating an input unit; and
controlling the processing items being displayed on said display and controlling the call into a connecting state corresponding to the processing item selected and determined by the operation of said
input unit by the user,
wherein said step of controlling the processing items includes displaying said processing items on said display when only a single predetermined selection operation is made by the user, wherein said step of controlling the processing
items includes listing said processing items available to the call on said display for each call.
先前技術如US5,754,636,揭露一種電腦電話系統,更先進地以圖形使用者介面提示使用者打電話時的選項,此對比到068案claim 23的特徵,Apple認為一些處理項目就如先前技術的熱鍵設定。因為沒有證據顯示地方法院陪審團可以認為該項非顯而易見,因此認為該項無效,自然也不用繼續討論侵權議題。
判決書結論告訴我們,CAFC法官認為證據顯示078案claim 73有效,但是卻沒有理由認為Apple產品侵害該項;沒有理由讓陪審團能夠作出068案claim 23有效的決定。同意地院作出075案claims 5, 6, 10無效以及撤回231案的理由。
涉及侵權議題的為claim 23,其中描述列出通話時的各種處理項目在顯示器的技術,如下圖:
23. A communicating method for controlling a connecting state of a call into a desired connecting state upon a predetermined operation by a user, comprising the steps of:
displaying processing items [i.e., call handling options] available to the user relative to the call on a display;
selecting and determining a desired processing item out of said processing items displayed on said display by the user operating an input unit; and
controlling the processing items being displayed on said display and controlling the call into a connecting state corresponding to the processing item selected and determined by the operation of said
input unit by the user,
wherein said step of controlling the processing items includes displaying said processing items on said display when only a single predetermined selection operation is made by the user, wherein said step of controlling the processing
items includes listing said processing items available to the call on said display for each call.
先前技術如US5,754,636,揭露一種電腦電話系統,更先進地以圖形使用者介面提示使用者打電話時的選項,此對比到068案claim 23的特徵,Apple認為一些處理項目就如先前技術的熱鍵設定。因為沒有證據顯示地方法院陪審團可以認為該項非顯而易見,因此認為該項無效,自然也不用繼續討論侵權議題。
判決書結論告訴我們,CAFC法官認為證據顯示078案claim 73有效,但是卻沒有理由認為Apple產品侵害該項;沒有理由讓陪審團能夠作出068案claim 23有效的決定。同意地院作出075案claims 5, 6, 10無效以及撤回231案的理由。
(updated on Dec. 25, 2015)