面對如系爭專利這類「古老、快過期(2016年過期)」的專利,諸位大廠確實是防不慎防(Intel在2008年和解),如果不是濫告的話,侵權成立的機會很大。系爭專利涉及一種通過預測("predictor circuit")使用者指令而可以提昇系統處理器效能的技術,面對侵權的產品如Apple的A9, A9X等。
其中有個議題是「學校或機構等沒有產品的專利權人是不是"patent troll"或"NPE"?」
系爭專利:US 5781752
因此,如法官認同蘋果意見一般:「NPE不是Patent Troll,NPE沒有貶抑的意思」,而學校一般認為是NPE。
原告Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation對Apple Inc.提出侵權告訴,蘋果反訴認為專利無效(102,先前技術:US5619662),以及請求項中不明確的問題(112)。
系爭專利申請日在1996,於1998獲准專利權,專利期限到2016年止。系爭專利關於平行處理電腦中的基於表格的一種數據推測電路(Table based data speculation circuit for parallel processing computer),就是提出的預測電路可以根據過去的指令來預測將來的指令,藉此有效應用記憶體,而提昇電腦效能。

Claim 1:
1. In a processor capable of executing program instructions in an execution order differing from their program order, the processor further having a data speculation circuit for detecting data dependence between instructions and detecting a mis-speculation where a data consuming instruction dependent for its data on a data producing instruction of earlier program order, is in fact executed before the data producing instruction, a data speculation decision circuit comprising:
a) a predictor receiving a mis-speculation indication from the data speculation circuit to produce a prediction associated with the particular data consuming instruction and based on the mis-speculation indication; and
b) a prediction threshold detector preventing data speculation for instructions having a prediction within a predetermined range.

3. The data speculation decision circuit of claim 2 wherein the instruction synchronization circuit includes a prediction table listing certain data consuming instructions and certain data producing instructions each associated with a prediction and wherein the instruction synchronization circuit delays the particular data consuming instruction only:
i) when the prediction associated with the data consuming instruction is within a predetermined range; and
ii) when the particular data consuming instruction is in the prediction table.
5. The data speculation decision circuit of claim 2 wherein the instruction synchronization circuit includes a synchronization table associating the certain data consuming instructions and the certain data producing instructions each with a flag value indicating whether the respective certain data producing instruction has been executed and wherein the instruction synchronization circuit delays the particular data consuming instruction only:
i) when the prediction associated with the data consuming instruction is within a predetermined range; and
ii) when the particular data consuming instruction is in the prediction table; and
iii) when the flag indicates the particular data producing instruction has not been executed.

關於蘋果是否「蓄意侵權(willful infringement)」而產生進一步損害賠償,引用Seagate案CAFC的解釋:專利權人需要善意提出蓄意侵權的問題,之後再主張蓄意侵權,反之,當被告侵權者之後的行為被認為魯莽,專利權人可以主張初步禁制令。所以,如果專利權人沒有企圖阻止被告侵權者的行為,就不應僅根據被告之後的行為而要求進一步損害賠償(enhanced damage),也就是"蓄意"的成份。
"It is certainly true that patent infringement is an ongoing offense that can continue after litigation has commenced. However, when a complaint is filed, a patentee must have a good faith basis for alleging willful infringement. Fed. R. Civ. Pro. 8, 11(b). So a willfulness claim asserted in the original complaint must necessarily be grounded exclusively in the accused infringer’s pre-filing conduct. By contrast, when an accused infringer’s post-filing conduct is reckless, a patentee can move for a preliminary injunction, which generally provides an adequate remedy for combating post-filing willful infringement. See 35 U.S.C. § 283; Amazon.com, Inc. v. Barnesandnoble.com, Inc., 239 F.3d 1343, 1350 (Fed. Cir. 2001). A patentee who does not attempt to stop an accused
infringer’s activities in this manner should not be allowed to accrue enhanced damages based solely on the infringer’s postfiling conduct. Similarly, if a patentee attempts to secure injunctive relief but fails, it is likely the infringement did not rise to the level of recklessness."
蓄意侵權的判決 - 有關豁免主張 - In re Seagate Technology, LLC, (Fed. Cir. 2007)案例討論(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2015/01/in-re-seagate-technology-llc-fed-cir.html)
美國最高法院案例的損害賠償討論 - Halo v. Pulse (June 13, 2016, Supreme Court)(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2016/06/halo-v-pulse-june-13-2016-supreme-court.html)



my two cents: