判決日期:June 12, 2023
列舉系爭專利'084(溯及February 4, 2000優先權,以這類技術而言很早呀!)的claim 1(編按,claim 1前言很直白,把幾種跟語音有關的關鍵字寫入,如speech, voice, audio... ,很明確地表示這是一個語音輸入指令以取得資訊的方法):
1. A system for acquiring information from one or more sources maintaining a listing of web sites by receiving speech commands uttered by users into a voice-enabled device and for providing information retrieved from the web sites to the users in an audio form via the voice-enabled device, the system comprising:at least one computing device, the computing device operatively coupled to one or more networks;
at least one speaker-independent speech-recognition device, the speaker-independent speech-recognition device operatively connected to the computing device and configured to receive the speech commands;
at least one speech-synthesis device, the speech-synthesis device operatively connected to the computing device;
memory operatively associated with the computing device with at least one instruction set for identifying the information to be retrieved, the instruction set being associated with the computing device, the instruction set comprising:
a plurality of web site addresses for the listing of web sites, each web site address identifying a web site containing the information to be retrieved;
at least one recognition grammar associated with the computing device, each recognition grammar corresponding to each instruction set and corresponding to a speech command, the speech command comprising an information request provided by the user, the speaker-independent speech-recognition device configured to receive the speech command from the users via the voice-enabled device and to select the corresponding recognition grammar upon receiving the speech command;
the computing device configured to retrieve the instruction set corresponding to the recognition grammar provided by the speaker-independent speech-recognition device;
the computing device further configured to access at least one of the plurality of web sites identified by the instruction set to obtain the information to be retrieved, wherein the computing device is further configured to periodically search via the one or more networks to identify new web sites and to add the new web sites to the plurality of web sites, the computing device configured to access a first web site of the plurality of web sites and, if the information to be retrieved is not found at the first web site, the computer configured to access the plurality of web sites remaining in an order defined for accessing the listing of web sites until the information to be retrieved is found in at least one of the plurality of web sites or until the plurality of web sites have been accessed;
the speech synthesis device configured to produce an audio message containing any retrieved information from the plurality of web sites, and
the speech synthesis device further configured to transmit the audio message to the users via the voice-enabled device.
案件緣起專利權人Parus向Google, Samsung, LG等公司提出侵權告訴,被告們在地方法院階段提出專利無效的抗辯,同時也向系爭專利提起IPR異議程序,認為系爭專利基於先前技術而言為顯而易見。
本案例主要爭議在於IPR的主要引證前案「WO 01/050453 (“Kovatch”,申請日:July 12, 2001,最早優先權為Jan. 4, 2000)」是否夠格為先前技術?
以最早優先權而言,系爭專利(Feb. 4, 2000優先權案,公開號:2001/0047262 (“Kurganov-262”))晚剛好一個月,而異議理由也將Kurganov-262列為先前技術之一。
專利權人在IPR階段主張系爭專利發明構想始於Dec. 31, 1999,提出很多證據,證明比先前技術Kovatch優先權日還早,但PTAB認為Parus並未提出有意義的解釋(without meaningful explanation),判定系爭案發明在1999年並未付諸實現(had not been reduced to practice),並未證明系爭專利發明完成在Kovatch優先權日還早。
特別的是,Kurganov-262是系爭專利最早優先權的公開案,Kurganov-262成為前案的主要理由是因為Kurganov-262的說明書並未完全涵蓋系爭專利'084的全部被挑戰的專利範圍,以及'431的claim 9,如此使得系爭專利並不能溯及其最早公開案 - Kurganov-262(優先權斷鏈),這樣使得「Kurganov-262」轉過來變成先前技術之一。(編按,當中雙方有先爭辯,在此不贅述,可參考判決內容。)
這裡提出一個關於舉證的原則:不能用"引用/reference"論點而將一份文獻併入另一個文獻中(“Arguments must not be incorporated by reference from one document into another document.”)。(編按,這裡涉及專利說明書所揭露的實施例之間是否可以彼此引用的議題,如果實施例明顯不同,之後解釋證明可互相引用就很費力了。)
(a) General format requirements.
(3) Incorporation by reference; combined documents. Arguments must not be incorporated by reference from one document into another document. Combined motions, oppositions, replies, or other combined documents are not permitted.
法院引用General Access案中的解釋,此案中,專利權人企圖通過"引用/reference"解釋證據涵蓋該案系爭專利範圍,但法院拒絕為了特定目的而合併不同的文件。
然而,CAFC同意PTAB證明"Kurnagov-262"中的第一實施例關於實際的網站,而沒有增加"新的網站"(add new web sites),而第二實施例關於增加"新裝置"(new devices),卻不是指增加網站,因此兩個實施例不能結合。
my two cents:
這裡學習兩個議題,證據不是提出就好,而需要提供有意義的解釋,比如本案是涉及發明訴諸實現的時間(reduction to practice);另一議題是,優先權基礎案須要有明確的支持,才能使得後申請案能主張其優先權,特別是不能隨意組合明顯不同的實施例。