專利上訴與衝突委員會(BPAI)在Ex Parte Webb, App. No. 2010-008274 (BPAI 2012)判決中作出專利申請案11/485,413中Claims 1-21, 23, 27, 29並不符美國專利法第101條法定可專利類別的規定

在一般觀念中,遊戲規則通常會被視為是一種心智活動,不是法定可專利的類別,但在此專利申請案在專利審查階段時,核駁理由為102, 103議題,並無任何101議題產生,進入訴願階段才在其中前置程序中被委員(與審查階段同一個審查委員)回應Brief of Appeal的內容提出,這也是頗為玩味的地方。
1. A method of playing a card game using at least one standard deck of cards, the method comprising:
(a) dealing two cards to a player, at least the two cards defining a player hand;
(b) resolving a side game based on a numerical hand result of the player hand determined according to a modulo 10 count system;
(c) continuing with a primary game using the same cards used to resolve the side game; and
(d) resolving the primary game based on a numerical hand result of the player hand determined according to a conventional count system,
wherein at least one of the side game and the primary game is a proposition game that is resolved according to a payscale.
審查委員於專利審查階段並未有101的核駁理由,直到提出Notice of Appeal、Appeal brief提出後,審查委員的回應才作出101的核駁事由

(1) 是否實際或是虛擬玩牌遊戲符合machine-or-transformation test?
(2) 是否權利範圍為抽象概念?
Did the Examiner err in asserting that claims 1-21, 23, 27, and 29 fail to recite statutory subject matter under 35 U.S.C. § 101? The issue turns on (1) whether physical or virtual playing cards constitute a specific machine under the machine-or-transformation test, and (2) whether the claims would preempt the abstract idea of the game in all fields.
即便申請人的訴願理由強調本案有聯繫特定硬體(實體的卡片?),但BPAI並未接受,引用Bilski v. Kappos判例認定此專利並不符合101法定可專利的標的,因此訴願提及專利涉及「卡片」並非是可專利所需要的機器,此限制並不足以視為是具體的實現,上述權利範圍的訴願理由以不符美國專利法第101條規定駁回
Patently-O部落格提到曾有前案為最高法院(supreme court)作出摩思電碼(Morse's telegraph)相關專利使用的核駁理由,即便專利中有機器使用電磁理論來產生、傳遞或解碼訊號
資料參考:BPAI, Patently-O