美國ITC(International Trade Commission)行政法官經審視1月份的判決(無侵權)後做出Motorola並未侵害Apple專利的終判(03/16/2012),同樣也是判斷並未侵害Apple的專利,此案照例Apple應會上訴到聯邦法院,但就目前ITC判定不會對Moto的Droid系列手機發出禁制令
其中關係的專利案皆為涉及手機軟體的專利,如US7,812,828(Claims 24-26, 29)、US7,663,607、US5,379,430(Claims 1, 3, 5)
有趣的是,這三件專利有不同的判定與後果,經行政法官01/13/2012判斷,Motorola手機並未侵害US7,812,828的權利範圍,但判斷文義侵害(literally infringe)了US7,663,607與US5,379,430,但同時判斷其中US7,663,607所界定的權利範圍並無新穎性、進步性(102,103),而判斷US5,379,430並無新穎性(102)
這幾件專利案中,US7,812,828揭露一種多點觸控表面的橢圓密合(ellipose fitting)技術,這個方法可以同時追蹤(tracking)手機與手掌的觸控與滑動的事件,並以此執行輸入、靜止、指點、捲動、3D控制與手寫輸入等動作,就下圖所載的技術來看,包括電極掃描、接觸辨識、輸入判斷、偵測等,並以此產生輸入指令,根據本案權利範圍獨立項Claim 1, 24來看,所主張的多點觸控裝置包括有:在多點觸控表面上利用電極掃描產生手指或手掌接近的圖像、將這些接近圖像分為多個像素組,再於這些像素組fitting出橢圓。輸就輸在,Apple並不能證明Moto的手機有此fitting的動作!
1. A method of processing input from a touch-sensitive surface, the method comprising:
receiving at least one proximity image representing a scan of a plurality of electrodes of the touch-sensitive surface;
segmenting each proximity image into one or more pixel groups that indicate significant proximity, each pixel group representing proximity of a distinguishable hand part or other touch object on or near the touch-sensitive surface; and
mathematically fitting an ellipse to at least one of the pixel groups.
24. A touch-sensing device comprising:
means for producing a proximity image representing a scan of a plurality of electrodes of a touch-sensitive surface, the proximity image having a plurality of pixels corresponding to the touch-sensing electrodes; and
means for segmenting the proximity image into one or more pixel groups, each pixel group representing a touch object on or near the touch-sensitive surface; and
means for fitting an ellipse to at least one of the pixel groups.

專利案US7,663,607揭露一種多點觸控螢幕,具有透明電容用以偵測多點觸控或是接近的事件,產生出區域性的訊號,簡單來看一下他的獨立項範圍,所涉及的觸控面板為電容性面板,用以偵測同一時間不同區域的多點觸控事件(就像是用ipad打電動,有時需要同時按下一些不同區域的特定位置),這個面板有多個點導電線的first layer、與first layer隔絕且具有多個導電線的second layer,並包括監視這兩層觸控事件的電路,因此用這兩層導電層可以辨識不同區域多點觸控的事件
1. A touch panel comprising a transparent capacitive sensing medium configured to detect multiple touches or near touches that occur at a same time and at distinct locations in a plane of the touch panel and to produce distinct signals representative of a location of the touches on the plane of the touch panel for each of the multiple touches, wherein the transparent capacitive sensing medium comprises:
a first layer having a plurality of transparent first conductive lines that are electrically isolated from one another; and
a second layer spatially separated from the first layer and having a plurality of transparent second conductive lines that are electrically isolated from one another, the second conductive lines being positioned transverse to the first conductive lines, the intersection of transverse lines being positioned at different locations in the plane of the touch panel, each of the second conductive lines being operatively coupled to capacitive monitoring circuitry;
wherein the capacitive monitoring circuitry is configured to detect changes in charge coupling between the first conductive lines and the second conductive lines.

1. A computer implemented method for dynamically adding support for hardware or software components with one or more properties to an operating system active on a computer with a memory, comprising the steps of:
(a) specifying a target hardware or software component search criteria including one or more properties;
(b) querying the operating system to identify one or more hardware or software components that meet the target hardware or software component search criteria;
(c) returning hardware or software components meeting the target hardware or software component search criteria; and
(d) adding support for the hardware and software components to the operating system without rebooting the operating system.

資料參考:ITC, Foss Patent, Engadget