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我試著鍵入最近公告的一件專利案US8375221,這件專利涉及在ARM處理器架構下的韌體認證的平台模組,這件專利技術是在韌體方法植入安全程式碼(secure code),透過韌體方式避免系統接受過多其他作業環境而導致有安全漏洞。一般電腦系統中有個在進入作業系統前的前置開機程序中啟動一種韌體為基礎的信任平台模組(fTPM),其中的韌體碼會被讀入系統的記憶體中,因此可以透過其中韌體程式來控制系統執行的作業環境。
1. A method for enabling a trusted execution environment (TrEE) in computing devices without a hardware trusted platform module (TPM) component, comprising steps for:
retrieving an fTPM (firmware-based TPM) software module from a firmware component of a computing device, said fTPM providing a software-based interface to security extension functionality integral to one or more processors in the computing device;
retrieving a software-based Monitor module from the firmware component of the computing device;
instantiating the fTPM and the Monitor into a Secure World environment within protected memory of the computing device prior to booting an operating system (OS) on the computing device;
wherein one or more of the processors use an ARM (advanced RISC machine)-based processor architecture, and wherein the security extension functionality integral to the ARM-based processors includes TrustZone-type security extensions and security primitives that are used by fTPM following instantiation of the fTPM; and
enabling a TrEE on the computing device by allowing a Caller in a Normal World environment to access the security functionality of the one or more processors via a Secure Monitor Call to the Monitor, said Monitor then passing instructions relating to the Secure Monitor Call to the fTPM in the Secure World.

