被告/被上訴人:APPLE INC.
系爭專利:US RE 44,412
判決日:May 11, 2017
系爭專利US RE 44,412有關一種在廣域中有控制點的數位家庭網路,架構如下圖,其中有個媒體伺服器(MS),傳遞媒體內容到媒體產生點(MR),MR像是一個代理器,當中的控制點(CP)即根據使用者請求決定利用MS或MR傳遞媒體內容到使用者終端(UE),可以此降低頻寬使用。

Claim 1揭示一種從MS控制與傳遞媒體內容到MR,之後到使用者終端的方法,Claim 2則是界定出當MS與MR都連接到使用者終端時,執行CPP邏輯來協調如何傳送,特別是傳送串流影音內容。這些技術在頻寬有限的環境下是十分有用的。
1. A method of controlling and delivering media content from a media server (MS) to a media renderer (MR) utilizing a wide area network for control, comprising the acts of:
provisioning a serving node in the wide area network with control point (CP) logic that includes logic to negotiate media content delivery with at least one of the MS and the MR, wherein the CP logic, MS, and MR resides outside of a user endpoint (UE) and the CP logic resides in the signaling domain and serves as a first proxy;
provisioning the UE of the wide area network with control point proxy (CPP) logic that includes (i) logic to negotiate media content delivery with at least one of the MS and the MR, (ii) logic to cooperate with CP logic to negotiate media content delivery between the MS and the MR, and (iii) video cassette recorder (VCR) controls to control a presentation of content provided by the MS and rendered by the MR, wherein the CPP logic resides in the UE and serves as a second proxy;
in response to a media content delivery request, determining a network context of the UE and a network connectivity of the MS and MR;
invoking the CPP logic and the CP logic to cooperatively negotiate media content delivery between the MS and the MR if one of the MS and MR are not in communication with the UE via a local wireless network; and
once media content delivery is negotiated, controlling a presentation of delivery via the VCR controls on the UE.
2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the CPP logic is invoked to negotiate media content delivery between the MS and the MR if the MS and MR are both in communication with the UE via a local wireless network.
專利權人AYLUS對APPLE的AirPlay提出侵權告訴,顯然是針對在AirPlay運作時考量了終端裝置的屬性後,調整了串流內容的相關技術。APPLE反制,對系爭專利提出兩件IPR,兩件IPR分別針對不同的專利範圍,PTAB同意啟始兩件IPR,搜尋如下,其中IPR2014-01565作出最終決定(ORDERED that claims 1, 3, 5–20, 22, and 24–33 of U.S. Patent No. RE44,412 E are unpatentable),另一件則是終止。

這個IPR2014-01565決定確實影響了專利權人的訴訟策略,AYLUS撤回多數侵權主張,而保留了Claims 2, 21的侵權主張。APPLE提出不侵權主張,因為AirPlay並未採用系爭專利範圍中的CPP logic,也就是並未應用到協調MR與MS的遞送方式。
解釋專利範圍時,地院認為以CPP logic來協調媒體內容遞送的方式是"僅使用CPP logic",而非Claims中提到使用"CP"與"CPP"來協調遞送方式。
議題涉及解釋專利範圍,其中需要根據內部證據(權利要求、專利說明書、答辯歷史),需要時再輔以外部證據(如字典、專家證詞)。在解釋其中元件時,一般就是以相關技術的一般技術人員給予的普通與通用的意思("ordinary and customary meaning"),以比重來看,審查歷史不會比專利範圍的字面意義還大,但審查歷史卻給予一個客觀的資訊:發明人怎麼解釋此專利範圍。
"A patent’s prosecution history, though generally “‘less useful for claim construction purposes’ than the claim language and written description, plays various roles in resolving uncertainties about claim scope.”"
"We have recognized that “the prosecution history can often inform the meaning of the claim language by demonstrating how the inventor understood the invention.""
地方法院在解釋專利範圍時,考量了專利權人在系爭專利IPR中的回應,也就是地院認為IPR的答辯視同答辯歷史的一部分(Prosecution disclaimer)。那CAFC怎麼說?

所述"Prosecution disclaimer",為避免專利權人重新取回在答辯過程中已經拋棄的專利範圍解釋,如果當中明確地拋棄部分解釋空間,將限縮專利範圍解釋。法院提到,會產生這個prosecution disclaimer的效果的行為有:修正與答辯/聲明。
"Prosecution disclaimer “precludes patentees from recapturing through claim interpretation specific meanings disclaimed during prosecution.” Omega Eng’g, Inc. v. Raytek Corp., 334 F.3d 1314, 1323 (Fed. Cir. 2003)."
Prosecution Disclaimer成為專利制度的一種基礎,用意是不能讓取得專利核准的方式與侵權判斷之間在解釋專利範圍上有衝突,也是保護公眾利益的用意。
"Ultimately, the doctrine of prosecution disclaimer ensures that claims are not “construed one way in order to obtain their allowance and in a different way against accused infringers.”"
如此,IPR程序中,不論發明人/專利權人在啟始成立前後的任何聲明或主張,都會形成Prosecution Disclaimer。
my two cents: