T 1670/07案資訊:
訴願號:T 1670/07
1. A method of facilitating shopping with a mobile device to obtain a plurality of purchased goods and/or services from a group of vendors located at a shopping location comprising:
communicating from the mobile device with at least one server a selection of the goods and/or services to be purchased by a user of the mobile device on or before the user shops at the shopping location;
the at least one server, in response to information stored therein regarding vendors located at the shopping location and the goods and/or services offered by the vendors and the selection of the plurality of goods and/or services to be purchased by the user, causes at least an identification of the vendors from which available selected goods or services may be purchased and the available selected goods and/or services to be transmitted to the mobile device; and
the mobile device provides to the user an identification of the available selected goods and/or services to be purchased and an itinerary of the user setting forth at least a choice of an order in which the user visits the identified vendors to obtain the goods and/or services to be purchased which is a function of at least one profile of the user.
1973年Art. 56 EPC
An invention shall be considered as involving an inventive step if, having regard to the state of the art, it is not obvious to a person skilled in the art. If the state of the art also includes documents within the meaning of Article 54, paragraph 3, these documents are not to be considered in deciding whether there has been an inventive step.
-- T 26/86,當專利範圍混合了「技術特點」與「非技術特點/非技術問題」,整體來說,產生了技術效果。
-- T 158/88,當技術特徵與非技術特徵產生的效果差異僅在「資訊表示」,並非技術效果。
-- T 603/89,當技術特徵結合了非技術特徵後,產生的效果僅改善了人的智力活動,並非技術效果。
訴願委員會認為,本案「店家的選擇」非技術效果,而僅是一些技術元件的「互動」,仍不足以讓整個流程具有技術效果;同理,傳送選擇也如一般資訊傳播,非技術效果。這些都是屬於一種"technical leakage fallacy"(可能翻為"技術洩漏謬誤"),大約就是指這是一種謬誤:實現內在技術本質是回到內在非技術本質的問題。
"However, in the Board's view, this is an instance of the well known argument that could be termed the "technical leakage fallacy", in which the intrinsic technical nature of the implementation leaks back into the intrinsically non-technical nature of the problem. "

T 1670/07案歐洲訴願決定:https://app.box.com/s/091yyesle8ffqdscxk0sllafadf9byz0