自美國專利改革法案通過(AIA,9/16/2011)之後,其中"順便"修改了35 U.S.C. § 287(a),也就是規定「專利標示」的法條,此條規定應該在製造、販售與進口已專利物品時,讓公眾可以知道相關專利的資訊,包括在物品上、包裝上,或是公眾可看到的網頁上標示(virtual marking)相關專利號碼(AIA後要求,有些物品或包裝上不容易標示,就可以採用虛擬標示)。重要的是,如果沒有標示,在侵權訴訟中不可主張損害賠償;進行侵權訴訟前,應要通知疑似被告相關專利資訊。
35 U.S. Code § 287 - Limitation on damages and other remedies; marking and notice
(a) Patentees, and persons making, offering for sale, or selling within the United States any patented article for or under them, or importing any patented article into the United States, may give notice to the public that the same is patented, either by fixing thereon the word “patent” or the abbreviation “pat.”, together with the number of the patent, or by fixing thereon the word “patent” or the abbreviation “pat.” together with an address of a posting on the Internet, accessible to the public without charge for accessing the address, that associates the patented article with the number of the patent, or when, from the character of the article, this can not be done, by fixing to it, or to the package wherein one or more of them is contained, a label containing a like notice. In the event of failure so to mark, no damages shall be recovered by the patentee in any action for infringement, except on proof that the infringer was notified of the infringement and continued to infringe thereafter, in which event damages may be recovered only for infringement occurring after such notice. Filing of an action for infringement shall constitute such notice.
35 U.S. Code § 292 - False marking
(a) Whoever, without the consent of the patentee, marks upon, or affixes to, or uses in advertising in connection with anything made, used, offered for sale, or sold by such person within the United States, or imported by the person into the United States, the name or any imitation of the name of the patentee, the patent number, or the words “patent,” “patentee,” or the like, with the intent of counterfeiting or imitating the mark of the patentee, or of deceiving the public and inducing them to believe that the thing was made, offered for sale, sold, or imported into the United States by or with the consent of the patentee; or
Whoever marks upon, or affixes to, or uses in advertising in connection with any unpatented article, the word “patent” or any word or number importing that the same is patented, for the purpose of deceiving the public; or
Whoever marks upon, or affixes to, or uses in advertising in connection with any article, the words “patent applied for,” “patent pending,” or any word importing that an application for patent has been made, when no application for patent has been made, or if made, is not pending, for the purpose of deceiving the public—
Shall be fined not more than $500 for every such offense. Only the United States may sue for the penalty authorized by this subsection.
(b) A person who has suffered a competitive injury as a result of a violation of this section may file a civil action in a district court of the United States for recovery of damages adequate to compensate for the injury.
(c) The marking of a product, in a manner described in subsection (a), with matter relating to a patent that covered that product but has expired is not a violation of this section.
- Virtual Patent Marking(虛擬專利標示)(http://enpan.blogspot.com/2013/08/virtual-patent-marking.html)
另應避免「錯誤標示(false marking)」,如果在沒有專利的物品上錯誤標示有專利,這是欺騙公眾的行為,將受罰,如罰金,甚至面臨民事訴訟中的損害賠償。
如果「專利已經過期」,這並不違反35 U.S. Code § 292規定,但仍有欺騙的疑慮,這應該是有別的規範。
- 有否專利標示或告知會影響賠償計算 - Rembrandt Wireless v. Samsung (Fed. Cir. 2017)(http://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/04/blog-post_20.html)
- 專利標示的目的:「專利標示」的目的至少包括避免有"無辜"侵權者、幫助公眾理解哪些產品具有專利權。
1) helping to avoid innocent infringement;
2) encouraging patentees to give notice to the public that the article is patented; and
3) aiding the public to identify whether an article is patented.”"
「商標標示」也十分重要,但各國規定可以相歧,光用語就不同,如常見的®,根據語言差異還有"Marca Registrada"、"MR"與"Marque
Déposée"、"Marque de Commerce"或一些縮寫"MD"與"MC"。
"Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1072 of this title, a registrant of a mark registered in the Patent and Trademark Office, may give notice that his mark is registered by displaying with the mark the words "Registered in U. S. Patent and Trademark Office" or "Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off." or the letter R enclosed within a circle, thus ®, or an asterisk, thus *, together with an associated asterisk and address of a posting on the Internet, accessible to the public without tracking or charge for accessing the address, that associates the trademark with a registration number; and in any suit for infringement under this Act by such a registrant failing to give such notice of registration, no profits and no damages shall be recovered under the provisions of this Act unless the defendant had actual notice of the registration."
15 U.S. Code § 1111 - Notice of registration; display with mark; recovery of profits and damages in infringement suit
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1072 of this title, a registrant of a mark registered in the Patent and Trademark Office, may give notice that his mark is registered by displaying with the mark the words “Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office” or “Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.” or the letter R enclosed within a circle, thus ®; and in any suit for infringement under this chapter by such a registrant failing to give such notice of registration, no profits and no damages shall be recovered under the provisions of this chapter unless the defendant had actual notice of the registration.