2022年3月28日 星期一




本次公告涉及Rule 134(5) EPC的規定,此細則規範「過期」的解決辦法。

Rule 134 Extension of periods

(1)-(4) 描述一般性與官方來往的延遲處理。

(5) Without prejudice to paragraphs 1 to 4, a party concerned may produce evidence that on any of the ten days preceding the day of expiry of a period the delivery or transmission of mail was dislocated due to an exceptional occurrence such as a natural disaster, war, civil disorder, a general breakdown in any of the means of electronic communication permitted by the President of the European Patent Office under Rule 2, paragraph 1, or other like reasons affecting the locality where the party or his representative resides or has his place of business. If the evidence produced satisfies the European Patent Office, a document received late shall be deemed to have been received in due time, provided that the mailing or the transmission was effected at the latest on the fifth day after the end of the dislocation.

根據Rule 134(5) EPC規定,當有回應EPO逾期發生,在例外情況(如自然疾病、戰爭、內亂、電子通訊故障,或產生逾期影響的其他理由(一般可說是不可抗力因素/不可歸責於當事人之因素)等)下的某方(指申請人/代理人)可提出證據(證據應在期限屆滿日前10天內的事件),經審理同意後,會將延遲文件視為準時交件(前提是遲交理由發生後的5天內要發出文件)。


然而,對本次俄烏戰爭,EPO定調為侵略,但是經濟活動還是會繼續,除了戰區與難民外,其實其他區域人民還是要工作賺錢,EPO根據Rule 134(5) EPC提供烏克蘭進入歐洲的延期補救措施,戰爭就是法定的「exceptional occurrence」。


另外,提到若影響到PCT案,應參考「Rule 82quater PCT: Excuse of Delay in Meeting Time Limits」(https://www.wipo.int/pct/en/texts/rules/r82quater.html),適用正pending在PCT的申請案,但卻不在優先權期限內的案件(即戰爭期間剛好超過優先權日的案件),可以依照Rule 26bis.3 PCT(https://www.wipo.int/pct/en/texts/rules/r26bis.html)回復優先權主張。


