2022年8月31日 星期三


預期地在後Covid-19疫情會發生一些後疫情會發生的事,這回就是疫情期間如雷貫耳的mRNA疫苗之爭,Moderna在其8/26新聞稿中就發布同步在美國與德國法院("United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts and the Regional Court of Düsseldorf in Germany")對美德合作的"Pfizer and BioNTech(就簡稱"BNT"好了)"提出侵權告訴,如果勝訴,想必是有一筆超大的損害賠償費用,這兩三年賺翻的錢就有可能沒了,反之,BNT也應該有自己的專利反制,專利就是商業競爭的必要武器之一。

Moderna在其聲明稿提到相關mRNA技術/專利是在2010-2016開發/申請,顯然是在疫情前,原本是要用於預防流感、愛滋病毒(influenza and HIV)、自身免疫和心血管疾病以及罕見的癌症的疫苗,不過剛好遇到Covid-19疫情,因為病毒的相似性而可適用Covid-19病毒的預防。

Moderna公告自己的專利庫(https://www.modernatx.com/patents),專利申請人/專利權人是Modernatx, Inc.,都是這幾年公告獲准的專利,簡單看,各案歷史都很精彩:

以號碼最小的US9868692為例,優先權溯及2015與2016年的多件美國臨時申請案(provisional application),多件臨時申請案確實是個高度競爭下的最好的布局方式。









EPC「Guidelines for Examination」
Part H – Amendments and Corrections
Chapter IV 2.2規定如下:

EPC Article 123 規範修正事項,EPC Art. 123(2) The European patent application or European patent may not be amended in such a way that it contains subject-matter which extends beyond the content of the application as filed.(此節規定歐洲專利申請案或是歐洲專利不能修正超出申請時內容)


然而,各種語言文字本身仍具有一定的解釋空間,因此還有「implicit disclosure(隱含揭露)」的修正空間,因此"一般普通知識"的介入很重要,就以常理而言判斷修正是否超出原申請書內容。

在評估修改後的專利範圍是否符合上述修正要求(Art. 123(2))時,評估重點在於申請案真正向相關領域一般技術人員披露的內容,要求審查部門應該符合一種"比例原則"來判斷修正是否可以直接而無疑義地從原申請案中所推導得出。

進一步地,在2.2.5節規定優先權文件中,在Art. 123(2)規定不允許在歐洲申請案中加入"僅在優先權文件中出現的內容",除非是如Rule 56(3)(關於missing part)規定,或是錯誤更正。

因此,歐洲專利申請案的規定是,可以誤譯更正或針對missing part修正,但不能引入僅在優先權文件中的內容。(編按,優先權後提出其他國內外的後續申請案都是"選擇性"地挑出要申請的內容,因此與優先權案不同也是正常的情況,甚至是一個後續申請案主張多件優先權案,彼此都有差異也是正常。)

2.2 Content of the application as "originally" filed – general rules

Under Art. 123(2), it is impermissible to add to a European application subject-matter which the skilled person cannot derive directly and unambiguously, using common general knowledge and also taking into account any features implicit to a person skilled in the art in what is expressly mentioned in the document, from the disclosure of the application as filed. Literal support is, however, not required by the wording of Art. 123(2) (see T 667/08).

The term "implicit disclosure" means no more than the clear and unambiguous consequence of what is explicitly mentioned in the application as filed. Thus, the common general knowledge must be taken into account in deciding what is clearly and unambiguously implied by the explicit disclosure of a document. However, the question of what may be rendered obvious by that disclosure in the light of common general knowledge is not relevant to the assessment of what is implicitly disclosed by that document (T 823/96T 1125/07).

When assessing the conformity of the amended claims with the requirements of Art. 123(2), the focus is placed on what is really disclosed to the skilled person by the documents as filed as directed to a technical audience. In particular, the examining division needs to avoid disproportionally focusing on the structure of the claims as filed to the detriment of the subject-matter that the skilled person would directly and unambiguously derive from the application as a whole.

Furthermore, the assessment of the requirements of Art. 123(2) is made from the standpoint of the skilled person on a technical and reasonable basis, avoiding artificial and semantic constructions (T 99/13).

2.2.5 Priority documents

Under Art. 123(2) it is impermissible to add to a European application matter present only in the priority document for that application (see T 260/85) unless this is done under the provisions of Rule 56(3) (H‑IV, 2.3.2). For correction of errors, see H‑VI, 4.

Rule 56規定揭露內容的遺失片段或是遺失的圖式。

Rule 56 Missing parts of the description or missing drawings

(3) If the missing parts of the description or missing drawings are filed within the period under paragraph 2, and the application claims priority of an earlier application, the date of filing shall, provided that the missing parts of the description or the missing drawings are completely contained in the earlier application, remain the date on which the requirements laid down in Rule 40, paragraph 1, were fulfilled, where the applicant so requests and files, within the period under paragraph 2:
(a) a copy of the earlier application, unless such copy is available to the European Patent Office under Rule 53, paragraph 2;
(b) where the earlier application is not in an official language of the European Patent Office, a translation thereof in one of these languages, unless such copy is available to the European Patent Office under Rule 53, paragraph 3; and
(c) an indication as to where the missing parts of the description or the missing drawings are completely contained in the earlier application and, where applicable, in the translation thereof.  




Canon Inc.的美國專利US10313604涉及一種影像擷取裝置與控制方法("Image capturing apparatus and control method thereof"),裝置就如照相機,特別是內建計時器,其中利用控制單元執行其中控制模式,大概就是一些厲害的相機內建的拍攝模式,想要講的是「縮時攝影」以及「疊合攝影」。


claim 1描述的裝置包括有發光器,這是用於告知計時器倒數計時的運作狀態(如電子快門裝置上的LED),以及記憶體與處理器,其中以控制單元控制發光器提供通知,裝置還包括從影像中辨識物件的物件偵測器,以及拍攝模式設定單元(就如照相機上的各種拍攝模式設定,如bulb),其中提出第一與第二拍攝模式,特別是第二模式是在暗處拍攝的模式,控制單元可以依據是否偵測到被拍攝物件來決定是否控制發光器發出通知。

1. An image capturing apparatus comprising:
a light emitter having a light source, configured to provide a notification of an operation status of a count-down operation of a self-timer when performing self-timer shooting, the notification being via light emission;
a memory and at least one processor, which function as:
a control unit configured to control the light emitter to provide the notification of the operation status of the self-timer in self-timer shooting if a predetermined condition that is assumed to be a shooting of a person is satisfied, and to control the light emitter not to provide the notification of the operation status of the self-timer in self timer shooting if the predetermined condition is not satisfied,
an object detector configured to detect a specific object from a captured image; and
a mode setting unit configured to set one of a plurality of operation modes,
the predetermined condition includes a state where the object detector is detecting the specific object,
if the mode setting unit has set a first operation mode, the control unit is configured to control the light emitter to provide the notification of the operation status of the count-down operation of the self-timer in self-timer shooting irrespective of whether the object detector has detected the specific object, and
if the mode setting unit has set a second operation mode for a dark place, the control unit is configured to control the presence/absence of the notification of the operation status of the self-timer by the light emitter in accordance with whether the object detector has detected the specific object.

對我來說,專利範圍是技巧地以獲准專利為目的,說明書才是提供了解發明的最主要部分,若要取得星軌照片,如Fig. 9B, 9C,照相機內的軟體要執行很多流程,如圖8A~8D等。

圖8A提到拍攝時設定"starry sky mode(星空模式)",牽涉的一連串設定包括白平衡、低光源顯示、曝光校正、開始計時。


圖8C描述拍攝期間的工作,包括在拍攝開始與結束會發出快門聲(提示用)、執行暗空拍攝的處理、疊合處理(composition processing)、計算拍攝時間(elapsed time)、更新拍攝數量、預覽,一張一張拍。

圖8D顯示執行疊合影像的程序,說明書說這是星軌模式(star trail mode),將多張靜態照片結合,形成連續光線的星軌圖,以下是我拍攝的範例。

拍攝地點:擎天崗;拍攝參數:F4.0, 30秒曝光, 拍攝200張, 每張間隔2秒, 後製合成時篩掉一些被光害汙染的照片(半夜還是有人拿著手電筒/手機走過)。



2022年8月30日 星期二



- 中華民國專利之「最後通知」(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2013/09/blog-post_25.html
- 中華民國專利之審查意見通知與審定(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/08/blog-post_70.html


最後通知制度之設計目的係為有效利用先前審查結果,使申請人得於原先審查範圍內進一步修正申請專利範圍, 達到迅速審結之效果,並得儘速克服不准專利事由。





3.1.1 請求項之刪除
3.1.2 申請專利範圍 之減縮
3.1.3 誤記之訂正
3.1.4 不明瞭記載之釋明








my two cents:


2022年8月22日 星期一

ANDA/FDA的說明書作為侵權參考,數值不會輕易飄移 - Par Pharm., Inc. v. Eagle Pharm., Inc (Fed. Cir. 2022)

Par Pharm., Inc. v. Eagle Pharm., Inc (Fed. Cir. 2022)案件資訊:
判決日:August 18, 2022

本案介紹一個簡易新藥上市程序(abbreviated new drug application (ANDA)),這個程序目的是讓學名藥廠透過簡便的程序取得上市許可,相關資訊網路上很多,例如可參考:https://www.moneydj.com/kmdj/wiki/wikiviewer.aspx?keyid=b2d09132-82ef-4553-9264-de3a3bf00513;FDA網頁「ANDA」介紹


系爭專利關於治療低血壓的藥,Par於2014年通過FDA取得上市許可(Vasostrict®),系爭專利’785關於藥品成分"vasopressin compositions",'209則涉及使用此成分增加血壓的方法,pH值設定在約3.7–3.9(可及於3.65-3.94)之間

'209的Claim 1:

1. A method of increasing blood pressure in a human in need thereof, the method comprising administering to the human a unit dosage form, wherein the unit dosage form comprises from about 0.01 mg/mL to about 0.07 mg/mL of vasopressin or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, wherein:
the unit dosage form has a pH of 3.7-3.9;
the unit dosage form further comprises impurities that are present in an amount of 0.9% - 1.7%, wherein the impurities have from about 85% to about 100% sequence homology to SEQ ID NO.: 1;
the administration provides to the human from about 0.01 units of vasopressin or the pharmaceutically-acceptable salt thereof per minute to about 0.1 units of vasopressin or the pharmaceutically-acceptable salt thereof per minute; and
the human is hypotensive.






CAFC的審判原則是查地方法院的判決是否有明顯的錯誤(clear error)。

"This inquiry is controlled by the ANDA specification itself."







(1) the alleged future infringer is engaged in activity directed toward an infringing activity or is making meaningful preparation for such activity; and 
(2) has indicated a refusal to change its course of action in the face of acts by the patentee sufficient to create reasonable apprehension that a suit is forthcoming.


my two cents:
1. 在專利範圍中寫入數值的限制需要十分的把握,因為提供對手明確迴避的空間。
2. 如果爭執在如這篇pH值或是其他參數的數值,法院的判定確實是需要很多智慧,考慮相關技術領域對此數值的敏感度,基於藥品的穩定性,FDA認可的藥品應有一定的穩定性。
3. 每個領域對於數值的寬容度(解釋範圍的寬容度)應有差異,可能醫藥類的pH值比較敏感,範圍毫米差就失之千里,使得判定即便差僅0.1也不會有飄移的可能。
4. 本次判決沒有討論的是,系爭專利'209案在申請之初並未限制pH值,經查,在第二次答辯修正時,在新增的專利範圍中才提到pH值範圍,但是範圍還比最後公告的還小,直到核准前才修正得到最後公告的範圍。參考答辯內容,申請人也以pH值作為與前案區隔的主張,因此,除了上述技術領域的敏感度外,這個範圍理應就沒有太大均等的解釋空間了。



10.05.2022 補充https://www.widebandip.com/tw/knowledge2.php?type1=A&name2=&idno=622(李春霖專利師詳解本案)


2022年8月19日 星期五

設計CPA範例 - 通過CPA讓專利文件完美





事實上,審查委員對那麼多實施例與圖示提出分類,並在電話中要求申請人做出選擇,最後選擇了Group IV,也就是最後公告的17張圖。






Responding to Final Office Action for design application,本篇討論回應設計申請案的最終審查意見(Final Office Action),再筆記一次CPA等相關議題,還是可參考之前的:設計專利的CPA(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2013/09/cpa.html

CPA(continued prosecution application,設計案的接續審查申請)的申請文件如下,已經說明很多事情了:

1. 設計案的申請日指的是收到符合112規定的說明書(含至少一個Claim、圖式)那日。
2. 申請日後不得修正加入新事物。
3. 設計案本身的延續案包括CA, DIV與CIP,但設計案的CPA不能是CIP的形式(不得加入new matter)
4. 提出CPA,應指出前申請案,主張的權利限定在前申請案揭露內容中。
5. 提出CPA表明拋棄前申請案。


37 CFR 1.53(b)
(b) Application filing requirements— Nonprovisional application. The filing date of an application for patent filed under this section, other than an application for a design patent or a provisional application under paragraph (c) of this section, is the date on which a specification, with or without claims, is received in the Office. The filing date of an application for a design patent filed under this section, except for a continued prosecution application under paragraph (d) of this section, is the date on which the specification as prescribed by 35 U.S.C. 112, including at least one claim, and any required drawings are received in the Office. No new matter may be introduced into an application after its filing date. A continuing application, which may be a continuation, divisional, or continuation-in-part application, may be filed under the conditions specified in 35 U.S.C. 120, 121, 365(c), or 386(c) and § 1.78. 

(1) A continuation or divisional application that names as inventors the same or fewer than all of the inventors named in the prior application may be filed under this paragraph or paragraph (d) of this section. 
(2) A continuation-in-part application (which may disclose and claim subject matter not disclosed in the prior application) or a continuation or divisional application naming an inventor not named in the prior application must be filed under this paragraph.

37 CFR 1.53(d)(1),(2)...
(d) Application filing requirements — Continued prosecution (nonprovisional) application

(1) A continuation or divisional application (but not a continuation-in-part) of a prior nonprovisional application may be filed as a continued prosecution application under this paragraph, provided that: 
(i) The application is for a design patent; 
(ii) The prior nonprovisional application is a design application, but not an international design application, that is complete as defined by § 1.51(b), except for the inventor’s oath or declaration if the application is filed on or after September 16, 2012, and the prior nonprovisional application contains an application data sheet meeting the conditions specified in § 1.53(f)(3)(i); and 
(iii) The application under this paragraph is filed before the earliest of: 
(A) Payment of the issue fee on the prior application, unless a petition under § 1.313(c) is granted in the prior application; 
(B) Abandonment of the prior application; or 
(C) Termination of proceedings on the prior application. 

(2) The filing date of a continued prosecution application is the date on which a request on a separate paper for an application under this paragraph is filed. An application filed under this paragraph: 
(i) Must identify the prior application; 
(ii) Discloses and claims only subject matter disclosed in the prior application; 
(iii) Names as inventors the same inventors named in the prior application on the date the application under this paragraph was filed, except as provided in paragraph (d)(4) of this section; 
(iv) Includes the request for an application under this paragraph, will utilize the file jacket and contents of the prior application, including the specification, drawings and the inventor’s oath or declaration from the prior application, to constitute the new application, and will be assigned the application number of the prior application for identification purposes; and 
(v) Is a request to expressly abandon the prior application as of the filing date of the request for an application under this paragraph.

關於專屬設計申請案的CPA,規定可參考:MPEP 201.06(d)   37 CFR 1.53(d) Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) Practice,摘錄重點如下:

1. 上述 37 CFR 1.53(d)規定設計的延續案(CA、DIV)稱為CPA。(A continuation or divisional application filed under 37 CFR 1.53(d)  is called a "Continued Prosecution Application" or "CPA.")
2. 如果CPA是因為USPTO發出OA而提交的,USPTO會將CPA視為延續的修正案(amended application),而非新案,因此審查時間會比新申請案短。如果CPA並非基於OA,USPTO將其視為新申請案(但可提出petition或提出加速審查)。
3. 為了要讓CPA是基於修正所提交,MPEP建議提交CPA時可以提出初步修正(preliminary amendment)。
4. 與提出CA或DIV不同,提出CPA(37 CFR 1.53(d)),前申請案會被拋棄。
5. 如果想要新增設計特徵,提出CIP,要根據37 CFR 1.53(b)提交。
6. CPA案可以基於前申請的CPA案。


2022年8月8日 星期一

ex parte reexamination與supplemental examination(複審與補充審查)筆記

MPEP 2249 Patent Owner’s Statement in Reexaminations Filed Under 35 U.S.C. 302(https://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/pac/mpep/s2249.html

根據美國專利法35 U.S.C. 302規定,任何人在任何時間可以對任一專利的任一權利範圍基於先前技術(35 U.S.C. 301)請求複審(或說單方複審)(request for reexamination),要求重新審視專利的專利性。請求人可以是專利權人本身。

再根據35 U.S.C. 303規定,美國專利局接獲"複審請求(包括費用)"後,專利局Director將判斷是否"複審請求"中有任何會影響任一專利權利範圍的專利性的「實質新的問題(substantial new question of patentability)」,其中可以是基於先前文獻的判斷,並且可以是過去專利審查時USPTO曾經引用的前案。如果Director判斷沒有實質新的問題,將終止程序(會退錢)(35 U.S.C. 305)。

當受理複審請求後,審理過程中,專利權人可以提出修正,或加入新的專利範圍,以區隔先前技術的阻礙(35 U.S.C. 304/305)。

35 U.S.C. 302   Request for reexamination. 
Any person at any time may file a request for reexamination by the Office of any claim of a patent on the basis of any prior art cited under the provisions of section 301 . The request must be in writing and must be accompanied by payment of a reexamination fee established by the Director pursuant to the provisions of section . The request must set forth the pertinency and manner of applying cited prior art to every claim for which reexamination is requested. Unless the requesting person is the owner of the patent, the Director promptly will send a copy of the request to the owner of record of the patent.

訴願前的ex parte reexamination流程:



這時,可以考慮補充審查(Supplemental examination)程序,這是AIA提出的新的辦法,根據MPEP 2201,其中提到AIA新增專利法35 U.S.C. 257提出「補充審查(supplemental examination)」,這就是提供給專利權人重新檢視自己的專利權、修正專利的程序,補充審查請求的理由可以是101, 102, 103, 112等。

可參考:補充審查(Supplemental examination)筆記(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/04/supplemental-examination.html

在此方案下,當專利權人提出補充審查的請求後,USPTO將會在3個月內認定該專利是否有實質新的專利性問題(substantial new question of patentability, SNQ),若有此SNQ,則會接著啓動Ex Parte Reexamination,對專利權進行複審。


2022年8月4日 星期四

美國國家階段單一性要求筆記 - 37 C.F.R. 1.475

美國專利審查時會考量一個申請案中的多個請求項界定的發明是否屬於同一類別(class)或是有多個實施例或圖式形成多個種類(species),此時將發出限制選擇要求(requirement of election and restriction),一般會認定這與多數國家考量發明單一性(考量請求項之間是否具有相同廣義發明概念,以及是否有先前技術沒有的特殊技術特徵)的方式有所不同。

但如果申請案是源自國際申請案,一般是指PCT(WIPO patent),要求的就是requirement for unity of invention(發明單一性要求),但進入美國國家階段後,又會與美國的限制選擇要求混搭,產生了一些火花。


37 C.F.R. 1.475 規定ISA(國際檢索機構)、國際初步審查機構以及美國國家階段審查時對於發明單一性的要求。

1.475(a) 發明單一性(unity of invention)的要求就是要求申請案中申請專利範圍為基於「單一廣義發明概念(single general inventive concept)」,也就多個請求項之間需要有技術關聯性,具有相同或對應的「特殊技術特徵(special technical features,STF)」,此STF為先前技術所沒有且為每個請求項發明有貢獻的共同技術特徵

(1) 產品以及特別用於製造此產品的流程;
(2) 產品與使用此產品的流程;
(3) 產品、特別製造此產品的流程,以及使用此產品的方法;
(4) 流程以及特別設計實現此流程的裝置或手段;
(5) 產品、特別用於製造此產品的流程、特別設計用來實現此流程的裝置或手段。



判斷是否申請案中有一組發明具備單一廣義發明概念」時,並非關於發明是否以分開的請求項或是在一項請求項中有多個選擇(alternatives within a single claim)來界定

過去曾有討論:美國專利單一性討論 - MPEP1893.03(d)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/03/mpep189303d.html

1.475    Unity of invention before the International Searching Authority, the International Preliminary Examining Authority and during the national stage.

(a) An international and a national stage application shall relate to one invention only or to a group of inventions so linked as to form a single general inventive concept ("requirement of unity of invention"). Where a group of inventions is claimed in an application, the requirement of unity of invention shall be fulfilled only when there is a technical relationship among those inventions involving one or more of the same or corresponding special technical features. The expression "special technical features" shall mean those technical features that define a contribution which each of the claimed inventions, considered as a whole, makes over the prior art.

(b) An international or a national stage application containing claims to different categories of invention will be considered to have unity of invention if the claims are drawn only to one of the following combinations of categories:
(1) A product and a process specially adapted for the manufacture of said product; or
(2) A product and a process of use of said product; or
(3) A product, a process specially adapted for the manufacture of the said product, and a use of the said product; or
(4) A process and an apparatus or means specifically designed for carrying out the said process; or
(5) A product, a process specially adapted for the manufacture of the said product, and an apparatus or means specifically designed for carrying out the said process.

(c) If an application contains claims to more or less than one of the combinations of categories of invention set forth in paragraph (b) of this section, unity of invention might not be present.

(d) If multiple products, processes of manufacture or uses are claimed, the first invention of the category first mentioned in the claims of the application and the first recited invention of each of the other categories related thereto will be considered as the main invention in the claims, see PCT Article 17(3)(a) and § 1.476(c).

(e) The determination whether a group of inventions is so linked as to form a single general inventive concept shall be made without regard to whether the inventions are claimed in separate claims or as alternatives within a single claim.
