需要引用一件前案加上「公知常識」的判斷,或兩件以上前案的組合,證明該案組合可以teach, suggest or give motivation(TSM)該專利申請案,予以核駁
從1966年Graham v. John Deere Co. 判例中,最高法院建立了一個判斷「顯而易知」的原則:
1. Determining the scope and contents of the prior art
2. Ascertaining the differences between the prior art and the claims at issue
3. Resolving the level of ordinary skill in the pertinent art
4. considering objective evidence present in the application indicating obviousness or nonobviousness
上述所謂的客觀證據(objective evidence),就是希望能夠降低審查委員給人的主觀判斷,實務上,審查委員常引用兩件以上的專利(習知技術),證明該專利申請案中權利範圍中的元件為各引證案中的元件間簡單的組合,認真一點的審查委員會用類似新穎性的比對一樣,用一主要的引證案逐項、逐個元件來對應,像是畫個Claim chart的方式,如果有對應不及的(要不然就是新穎性了),會用另一或以上的輔助前案對應沒有被主要引證案對應到的元件
但是經KSR判例之後,判斷「顯而易見」的方式有了改變,最高法院提出一些規則,符合的即缺乏進步性,這讓進步性的判斷產生了不少變化,是否該發明是「obvious to try」就變成很大的問題:
- 發明中一般元件的結合如果沒有產生超出預期的結果,為顯而易見的技術
- 相對於一個發明,如果一般技術人員能實踐可預期的變化時,則不符合103的進步性規定
- 發明中的方法之一在發明的時間為已知問題,且明顯有專利範圍包含的解決方案,不能准予專利
4. A vehicle control pedal apparatus (12) comprising:
a support (18) adapted to be mounted to a vehicle structure (20);
an adjustable pedal assembly (22) having a pedal arm (14) moveable in force and aft directions with respect to said support (18);
a pivot (24) for pivotally supporting said adjustable pedal assembly (22) with respect to said support (18) and defining a pivot axis (26); and
an electronic control (28) attached to said support (18) for controlling a vehicle system;
said apparatus (12) characterized by said electronic control (28) being responsive to said pivot (24) for providing a signal (32) that corresponds to pedal arm position as said pedal arm (14) pivots about said pivot axis (26) between rest and applied positions wherein the position of said pivot (24) remains constant while said pedal arm (14) moves in fore and aft directions with respect to said pivot (24).

KSR引用另一件美國專利(US5,010,782,Asano),還製作了個動畫,證明上述Claim 4為顯而易知,動畫可自

Asano案同樣揭露一種汽車可調式的踏板結構,雖與Teleflex案中的圖式有差異,但同樣具有可前後調整的踏板臂與其概念,與Teleflex的差異僅在於是否電子感應樞軸的作動來進行調整,但Claim 4的範圍頗大,範圍觸及習知技術,KSR即結合GM ETC的電子感應器,請看上述下載影片,證明Teleflex中的Claim 4為此簡單結合,不具進步性

Teleflex v. KSR的訴訟過程複雜,涉及CAFC與專利局的判斷,還有最高法院認為CAFC使用TSM過於僵化的問題,但結果是認為上述Claim 4在習知技術的基礎下為簡單嘗試(obvious to try)不具進步性可參考http://enpan.blogspot.com/2008/12/obvious-to-try.html
(updated on May 6, 2014)判決書:http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/06pdf/04-1350.pdf