2012年3月30日 星期五



該案有三個獨立項,審查委員認定其中兩個獨立範圍有重疊的範圍,此點審查委員引用英國專利守則(code of practice)與CIPA的指南:即便在一個發明概念之下,專利不能以多個獨立範圍表達同一技術:
The claims as filed should not, where in might have been avoided, contain multiple independent claims in any one category, even if only one inventive concept is present.

在此專利守則,包括英國專利實務手冊(manual of patent practice)中對於權利範圍撰寫的規範包括:
  1. 權利範圍應包括一個界定發明必要技術特徵與概念的獨立項
  2. 獨立項不得包括非必要或是選擇性的特徵,比如preferably, for example, more particularly等用語
  3. 獨立項應揭露各技術特徵間關聯、運作與使用足夠的細節,以能據以實施
  4. 附屬項包括其他的特徵,解釋上應併入所有獨立項所界定的內容
  5. 多個獨立項之間所包括的概念應包括超過一個技術分類,否則不得用多個獨立項界定同一分類,比如裝置、使用、流程、物品

  6. 多個無關的發明(不符單一性)
  7. 即便在一個發明概念下,不得有多個同一分類的獨立項
  8. 不合理的數量與錯綜複雜的權利範圍
  9. 選擇性太多的範圍
  10. 無法進一步限定所依附範圍的附屬項,比如用省略的、修改的、替換的特徵

The claims as filed should be structured to have:
a One independent claim defining all the technical features essential to the invention or inventive concept. Inessential or optional features should not be included in this claim; consequently terms such as “preferably”, “for example”, or “more particularly” should not be included, as the feature being introduced by such terms does not restrict the scope of the claim in any way. The independent claim should include sufficient details of interrelationship, operation or utility of the essential features to enable the scope of the claim to be determined (see 14.110.1); and
b Dependent claims incorporating all the features of the independent claim and characterised by additional non-essential features (see 14.134).
In addition:
c Further independent claims are only justified where the inventive concept covers more than one category, e.g. apparatus, use, process, product (see 14.165 to 14.168), complementary versions within one category, e.g. plug and socket, transmitter and receiver, which work only together (see 14.161), or distinct medical uses of a substance or composition (see 14.162).
Therefore claims as filed should not, where it might have been avoided, contain:
d Multiple unrelated inventions that would clearly give rise to a plurality objection (see 14.157.1).
e Multiple independent claims in any one category, even if only one inventive concept is present (see 14.110.1 and 14.140).
f Claims of a total number or complexity not justified by the nature of the invention (see 14.110.1 and 14.140).
g Claims which are in principle unsearchable by reason of the number of alternatives embraced, or the choice of characterising parameters or desiderata (see 14.110 and 14.133).
h Dependent claims that are not fully limited by the terms of the preceding independent claim, e.g. dependent claims which omit, modify or substitute a feature of an independent claim (see 14.134).


買專利快速擴充Patent Porfolio



根據NYTimes的資料,這些專利中涉及社群網路的專利為US7747648、涉及客製化技術的為US7454509, US5983227、涉及網路隱私技術的US7269590, US7599935、涉及廣告技術的US6907566, US7100111, US6907566, US7668861、涉及傳訊的US7406501









1. A method of providing placement of a plurality of graphical objects on a page accessible by a user, the graphical objects including graphic and text symbols, the page having positions for receipt of the objects, each object having at least one link to information, the link being invoked by an event identifying the object by a computer pointing device, the method comprising:
storing and retrieving performance data associated with the likelihood of the event occurring for each object; and
arranging the objects relative to one another on the page according to the performance data.

1. A method of providing for placement of a plurality of graphical objects on a page viewable by a user on a display, the graphical objects including graphic and text symbols, the page having positions for receipt of the objects, each object having a link to information, the link being invoked by an event identifying the object by a computer pointing device, the method being performed on a computer network and comprising the processing steps of:
receiving a request for a page from a user;
collecting and storing information about the user;
retrieving graphical objects for possible inclusion in the page which have been grouped according to the user information;
retrieving past performance data about the graphical objects;
calculating a likelihood that a graphical object will experience an event based upon the past performance data; and
returning the requested page to the user for viewing on the display with the graphical objects which have a higher event likelihood being arranged relative to one another in more visually prominent positions on the page.


US7406501,這個專利可有趣了,為提供使用者即時通訊(instant messaging)與另一使用電子郵件的使用者進行交換訊息的技術,也就是原本即時通訊的兩端通常需要一樣的通訊軟體,如MSN, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talke等,但是此專利提供另一端並非需要使用一致的軟體,而是可以電子郵件的方式傳訊,達成無縫傳訊。這有點像是我常用Google Talk的技術,使用Google Talk傳訊就有點像是傳email,當對方並未接收,會形成電子郵件給對方!



2012年3月29日 星期四



第二十三條 本法第三十二條第二項所稱屬於一個廣義發明概念者,指二個以上之發明或新型,於技術上相互關聯。

上述施行細則所述之「特定技術特徵」即為日本、歐洲專利單一性規定所提及的special technical feature,只是各國如何處理,仍有一些差距!




2012年3月26日 星期一



美國專利上訴與衝突委員會(BPAI)於2/7/2012作出一個訴願決定(Ex Parte Edelson, App. No. 2011-004285 (BPAI 2012)),關於專利申請案11/101,436所揭露的建立根據金融衍生工具的經常性收益貨幣型資產的系統與方法(System and method for creating recurrent yield monetary asset based financial instrument derivatives),所涉及的方法包括先取得特定目標的經常性貨幣型資產(特許權使用費,工資,版稅收入流,出版特許權使用費,版權使用費,商標使用費,專利使用費,石油收入的特許權使用費,電影和音像出版特許權使用費),在一些財務機關寄存後計算出相關衍生性商品的股份數,並釋放出來,經投資回收利息,繼續寄存這些利息,藉重複這些步驟獲利!

1. A computer-implemented system for creating financial instrument derivatives based on recurrent yield monetary assets selected from the group consisting of royalties, salaries, royalty-type streams of revenues, publishing royalties, copyright royalties, trademark royalties, patent royalties, oil-revenue royalties, movie and video publishing royalties, said recurrent yield monetary assets having an asset value from a recurrent yield monetary asset resource, comprising:
a rollup entity, said rollup entity comprising:
means for transferring from said recurrent yield monetary asset resource said at least one of said recurrent yield monetary assets;
means for depositing at least one of said recurrent yield monetary assets into a rollup entity earnings account;
means for calculating, responsive to depositing of said at least one recurrent yield monetary asset, at least one of the group consisting of a cash value and a number of shares of said financial instrument derivatives based on said asset value;
means for issuing said calculated number of shares of said financial derivative instruments to said at least one recurrent yield monetary asset resource;
database means located for storing information and data representative of said at least one recurrent yield monetary asset and said financial derivative instruments; and
means for communicating between said recurrent yield monetary asset resources and said rollup entity for transmitting said information and said data related to said at least one recurrent yield monetary asset.

另有爭議的方法範圍為"computer-implemented method",其中步驟有聯絡資產來源與寄存機關兩端、轉換資產、寄存、計算與釋放等步驟,如下:
11. A computer-implemented method for creating recurrent yield monetary asset based financial instrument derivatives by a rollup entity in communication with at least one recurrent yield monetary asset resource, said recurrent yield monetary asset having an asset value, said method comprising:
communicating between said rollup entity and said at least one recurrent yield monetary asset resource regarding acquiring an at least one recurrent yield monetary asset selected from the group consisting of royalties, salaries, royalty-type streams of revenues, publishing royalties, copyright royalties, trademark royalties, patent royalties, oil-revenue royalties, movie and video publishing royalties, said recurrent yield monetary assets;
transferring from said at least one recurrent yield monetary asset resource to said rollup entity said recurrent yield monetary asset;
depositing said one recurrent yield monetary asset into a rollup entity earnings account;
calculating at least one of the group consisting of a cash value and a number of shares of said financial instrument derivatives based on said asset value; and
issuing from said rollup entity to said at least one recurrent yield monetary asset resource said calculated number of shares of said financial derivative instrument.

但BPAI委員認為,雖此案前案以"computer-implemented"方法來表示,但是範圍並未有任何物理性的轉換(physical transformation),其中元件也並非連結特定硬體,即便權利範圍中可能包括一些如資料庫等的硬體,但這些並非能使得整個範圍具有專利性,認定範圍為一處理抽象資產的抽象概念,認為Claims 11-13 and 15-20如審查階段的決定,不符專利法第101條規定(as 35 U.S.C. § 101 as directed to non-statutory subject matter)。

在此BPAI判決中引用最高法院(supreme court)的見解,若權利範圍涉及一些活動的基本概念(basic concept of an ativity),如此案套利交易的方法,會讓專利權人取得在所有領域的此方法使用權利,這可能導致這個抽象概念的托辣斯(獨占,monopoly),一如Bilski v. Kappos的那件判例(可參考:http://enpan.blogspot.com/2009/03/in-re-bernard-l-bilski-and-rand-warsaw.htmlhttp://enpan.blogspot.com/2010/07/bilski.html)。

that claims that explained the basic concept of an activity (hedging) would allow the Appellant to pre-empt the use of this approach in all fields, and would effectively grant a monopoly over an abstract idea. Bilski v. Kappos, 130 S.Ct. 3218, 3231 (June 2010). Abstract ideas are not patent eligible. Id. at 3225.

資料來源:BAPI final decision, Patently-O

2012年3月24日 星期六


iPhone, iPad或是各種智慧型手機、平板電腦十分有用,但是有些設計就是沒有擴充記憶體的地方,因此要與別人共享檔案,多半的限制就是在Apple相關電腦系統所處的LAN中分享,或是透過雲端檔案分享,現在有產品是提供一個記憶卡載體(讀卡機),iPhone、iPad或是一些智慧手機可利用無線方式連線此載體,存取其中的記憶卡!特別是由照相機所拍的照片或是別人用記憶卡儲存要給你的檔案! 這裡介紹的技術是在手機或平板電腦上安裝一個App,App提供瀏覽所連接的讀卡機的記憶卡內容檔案,包括影、圖、音檔、文件,App開啟後連線到指定的讀卡器,就會回傳內容列表。App還可以重開(reboot)讀卡器,事實上,讀卡器內嵌一個如Linux的系統,設有無線通訊模組、無線AP,啟動後成為一個檔案伺服器! (圖示updated 3.26.2012) 報章雜誌報導(壹週刊): 產品商網站報導:





1. A wireless memory card reader system comprising:

a) a data card insertion unit for wirelessly transmitting/receiving data and including a first casing with: a card insertion slot device configured to receive a memory card therein; a USB controller connected to the card insertion slot device to convert data received from the card insertion slot device into USB format; a Bluetooth radio driver connected to the USB controller; a first antenna connected to the Bluetooth radio driver for receiving and sending RF signals; and, a power source connected to the USB controller and to the Bluetooth radio driver;
b) a host unit end system including a second casing with: a second antenna for sending and receiving RF signals with the first antenna; and a Bluetooth wireless transmission driver connected to the second antenna; and,
c) a USB lead wire connected to the Bluetooth wireless transmission driver and extending from the second casing, the USB lead wire having a USB connector on a distal end, whereby data is wirelessly transmitted between the card insertion unit and the host unit end.


2012年3月23日 星期五



關鍵字用(耳)@ab and ((亮) or (光))@ab,再用目視得到以下兩件頗為接近的前案:

TW 157403,此案權利範圍的描述與我所買到的產品本身頗為接近,掏耳器的末端為透明材質,用於導光,比後來(如下例)的相關發明實用的多!

TW 449466為具有顯示器的掏耳工具,深入耳朵的部份末端有個光源與攝影機,這個顯然並非一般家庭所需!



2012年3月22日 星期四

歐洲專利單一性實務討論(II) - 單一性判斷流程


權利範圍共有Claims 1-10,Claim 1為唯一獨立項
  1. 審查委員會先初步判斷、分別這些範圍包括了不同的發明:
    Claims 1-3中具有的技術特徵有(a), (b)
    Claims 4-6中具有技術特徵(a), (c)
    Claims 7-10中具有技術特徵(a), (d), (e)
    這裡初步看出各項具有共同技術特徵(common features):(a)
  2. 接著針對這些特徵檢索,共得出前案D1, D2
  3. 其中D1為最接近前案(closest prior art)

  4. 明顯可知特徵(a)並非是這些發明間的共同技術特徵,判斷各項間不具具有專利性的共同技術特徵
  5. 接著判斷出各發明的特殊技術特徵(special technical features, STF),特徵(a)經檢索得知並非STF,各發明STF分別為:
    Claims 1-3的STF為(b)
    Claims 4-6的STF為(c)
    Claims 7-10的STF為(d)+(e)

  6. 接著判斷各發明的STF是否解決同一技術問題(若解決相同技術問題,各項間仍可被視為具有共同的發明概念
  7. 最後判斷各項間的共同技術特徵已經被最接近前案所揭露,其他特徵分別解決了不同的技術問題,並非有共同的發明概念(no single unifying inventive concept),不符單一性規定

  8. 於是,第一次部份檢索報告(partial search report)僅針對第一組Claims 1-3進行檢索

2012年3月21日 星期三


專利上訴與衝突委員會(BPAI)在Ex Parte Webb, App. No. 2010-008274 (BPAI 2012)判決中作出專利申請案11/485,413中Claims 1-21, 23, 27, 29並不符美國專利法第101條法定可專利類別的規定


在一般觀念中,遊戲規則通常會被視為是一種心智活動,不是法定可專利的類別,但在此專利申請案在專利審查階段時,核駁理由為102, 103議題,並無任何101議題產生,進入訴願階段才在其中前置程序中被委員(與審查階段同一個審查委員)回應Brief of Appeal的內容提出,這也是頗為玩味的地方。

1. A method of playing a card game using at least one standard deck of cards, the method comprising:
(a) dealing two cards to a player, at least the two cards defining a player hand;
(b) resolving a side game based on a numerical hand result of the player hand determined according to a modulo 10 count system;
(c) continuing with a primary game using the same cards used to resolve the side game; and
(d) resolving the primary game based on a numerical hand result of the player hand determined according to a conventional count system,
wherein at least one of the side game and the primary game is a proposition game that is resolved according to a payscale.

審查委員於專利審查階段並未有101的核駁理由,直到提出Notice of Appeal、Appeal brief提出後,審查委員的回應才作出101的核駁事由

(1) 是否實際或是虛擬玩牌遊戲符合machine-or-transformation test?
(2) 是否權利範圍為抽象概念?
Did the Examiner err in asserting that claims 1-21, 23, 27, and 29 fail to recite statutory subject matter under 35 U.S.C. § 101? The issue turns on (1) whether physical or virtual playing cards constitute a specific machine under the machine-or-transformation test, and (2) whether the claims would preempt the abstract idea of the game in all fields.

即便申請人的訴願理由強調本案有聯繫特定硬體(實體的卡片?),但BPAI並未接受,引用Bilski v. Kappos判例認定此專利並不符合101法定可專利的標的,因此訴願提及專利涉及「卡片」並非是可專利所需要的機器,此限制並不足以視為是具體的實現,上述權利範圍的訴願理由以不符美國專利法第101條規定駁回

Patently-O部落格提到曾有前案為最高法院(supreme court)作出摩思電碼(Morse's telegraph)相關專利使用的核駁理由,即便專利中有機器使用電磁理論來產生、傳遞或解碼訊號

資料參考:BPAI, Patently-O

2012年3月20日 星期二




若以申請人來看,中國崛起,第一名為中興通訊(ZTE),有2800件,華為(HUAWEI)為第三名;日本的Panasonic與Sharp分居第二、四名;第五名為德國Robert Bosch;第六名才到美國的Qualcomm;南韓LG第八名
從這裡可以看出,有些傳統認知有大量申請案的美國公司如Apple(no.53), Microsoft(no.27), Intel(no.44)會選擇性地利用WIPO系統佈局,南韓的Samsung(no.15)量略遜LG,也可能選擇性使用

就大學的統計來看,前四名為美國大學:加州大學第一名,2011年有277件、MIT為第二名、德州大學第三名、約翰霍普金斯第四名。南韓高等科學技術院(KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY)厲害,第五名!



2012年3月19日 星期一



美國ITC(International Trade Commission)行政法官經審視1月份的判決(無侵權)後做出Motorola並未侵害Apple專利的終判(03/16/2012),同樣也是判斷並未侵害Apple的專利,此案照例Apple應會上訴到聯邦法院,但就目前ITC判定不會對Moto的Droid系列手機發出禁制令

其中關係的專利案皆為涉及手機軟體的專利,如US7,812,828(Claims 24-26, 29)、US7,663,607US5,379,430(Claims 1, 3, 5)

有趣的是,這三件專利有不同的判定與後果,經行政法官01/13/2012判斷,Motorola手機並未侵害US7,812,828的權利範圍,但判斷文義侵害(literally infringe)了US7,663,607與US5,379,430,但同時判斷其中US7,663,607所界定的權利範圍並無新穎性、進步性(102,103),而判斷US5,379,430並無新穎性(102)


這幾件專利案中,US7,812,828揭露一種多點觸控表面的橢圓密合(ellipose fitting)技術,這個方法可以同時追蹤(tracking)手機與手掌的觸控與滑動的事件,並以此執行輸入、靜止、指點、捲動、3D控制與手寫輸入等動作,就下圖所載的技術來看,包括電極掃描、接觸辨識、輸入判斷、偵測等,並以此產生輸入指令,根據本案權利範圍獨立項Claim 1, 24來看,所主張的多點觸控裝置包括有:在多點觸控表面上利用電極掃描產生手指或手掌接近的圖像、將這些接近圖像分為多個像素組,再於這些像素組fitting出橢圓。輸就輸在,Apple並不能證明Moto的手機有此fitting的動作!
1. A method of processing input from a touch-sensitive surface, the method comprising:
receiving at least one proximity image representing a scan of a plurality of electrodes of the touch-sensitive surface;
segmenting each proximity image into one or more pixel groups that indicate significant proximity, each pixel group representing proximity of a distinguishable hand part or other touch object on or near the touch-sensitive surface; and
mathematically fitting an ellipse to at least one of the pixel groups.
24. A touch-sensing device comprising:
means for producing a proximity image representing a scan of a plurality of electrodes of a touch-sensitive surface, the proximity image having a plurality of pixels corresponding to the touch-sensing electrodes; and
means for segmenting the proximity image into one or more pixel groups, each pixel group representing a touch object on or near the touch-sensitive surface; and
means for fitting an ellipse to at least one of the pixel groups.

專利案US7,663,607揭露一種多點觸控螢幕,具有透明電容用以偵測多點觸控或是接近的事件,產生出區域性的訊號,簡單來看一下他的獨立項範圍,所涉及的觸控面板為電容性面板,用以偵測同一時間不同區域的多點觸控事件(就像是用ipad打電動,有時需要同時按下一些不同區域的特定位置),這個面板有多個點導電線的first layer、與first layer隔絕且具有多個導電線的second layer,並包括監視這兩層觸控事件的電路,因此用這兩層導電層可以辨識不同區域多點觸控的事件
1. A touch panel comprising a transparent capacitive sensing medium configured to detect multiple touches or near touches that occur at a same time and at distinct locations in a plane of the touch panel and to produce distinct signals representative of a location of the touches on the plane of the touch panel for each of the multiple touches, wherein the transparent capacitive sensing medium comprises:
a first layer having a plurality of transparent first conductive lines that are electrically isolated from one another; and
a second layer spatially separated from the first layer and having a plurality of transparent second conductive lines that are electrically isolated from one another, the second conductive lines being positioned transverse to the first conductive lines, the intersection of transverse lines being positioned at different locations in the plane of the touch panel, each of the second conductive lines being operatively coupled to capacitive monitoring circuitry;
wherein the capacitive monitoring circuitry is configured to detect changes in charge coupling between the first conductive lines and the second conductive lines.

1. A computer implemented method for dynamically adding support for hardware or software components with one or more properties to an operating system active on a computer with a memory, comprising the steps of:
(a) specifying a target hardware or software component search criteria including one or more properties;
(b) querying the operating system to identify one or more hardware or software components that meet the target hardware or software component search criteria;
(c) returning hardware or software components meeting the target hardware or software component search criteria; and
(d) adding support for the hardware and software components to the operating system without rebooting the operating system.


資料參考:ITC, Foss Patent, Engadget

2012年3月14日 星期三



中國知識產權局自今年3月1日起也開始提供優先權檔數位接入服務(Digital Access Service for Priority Documents, DAS),而且不收錢,讓申請人可以利用網頁提供的服務提交或者取得優先權文件檔副本,除了方便、省紙、省時間外,更不必分別向向各個指定國提交優先權文件的副本。也就是,當申請人利用DAS向首次受理局(OFF)提交第一申請國的優先權文件時,在之後指定第二次申請國家時,可以授權該受理局(OSF,第二次)利用DAS取得優先權文件,而不用再次提交另一次經認證的文件,有時第一身請國專利局提供的優先權文件程序還蠻煩的,還要收錢!



