USPTO Patents For Humanity(美國專利局的人道主義導航試行計畫)

美國專利局(USPTO)日前提出試行一種人道導航計畫(Humanity pilot program),目的是獎賞使用專利的技術解決相關人道需求的專利權人,比如用於醫療缺少的區域的技術等的人道主義行動且符合商業利益的專利,其他如公眾健康、改善污染等改善生活品質方面的專利也符合資格。
此類專利分佈於醫藥、食物與營養、乾淨技術(Clean Technology)與資訊技術(Information Technology)等類別,獲得認證的專利申請人可以讓專利申請案獲得較早的排序上,比如在再審的程序(patent re-examination proceeding)中取得較早處理的順序、在訴願程序中也可以獲得較早處理的順序,或是加速專利審查以盡早取得最後的審查決定(12個月內),甚至可以讓得主加速其他無關於人道主義的專利申請案上。
Humanitarian use – applicants must demonstrate:
i) Subject matter – the applicants’ technology that is claimed in a U.S. utility patent in force at the time or a pending U.S. utility patent application effectively addresses a recognized humanitarian issue;
ii) Target Population – the actions described in the award application target an impoverished population affected by the humanitarian issue; and
iii) Demonstrated Impact – the applicants’ actions have significantly increased application of the technology that benefits the impoverished population by addressing the humanitarian issue.
Humanitarian research – applicants must demonstrate:
i) Research Impact – the applicants’ technology that is claimed in a U.S. utility patent in force at the time or a pending U.S. utility patent application has made a significant contribution to substantial research conducted by others which clearly targets a humanitarian issue;
ii) Neglected Field – the research by others occurs in an area lacking significant commercial application; and
iii) Contribution– the applicants took significant action to make the technology available to the other researchers.