- 審判與訴願委員會(Intellectual Property Trial and Appeal Board, IPTAB)
- 專利法院(Patent Court)
- 最高法院(Supreme Court)
從名稱可知,這是審判與訴願的合併單位,為專利審查的救濟單位,由韓國智慧財產局指派行政專利法官(administrative patent judge,APJ)執行,其中設有11個審判委員會(每個委員會由9位APJ組成,每次3-5位APJ審理)、1個審判政策處、一個訴訟處。
韓國審判與訴願制度分為單方審判程序(Ex Parte Cases)與多方審判程序(Inter Parte Cases)。
單方審判程序(Ex Parte Cases):

提出再審與訴願都可伴隨修正(Trial for Correction,Patent Act. 136),進入訴願程序的修正僅限制在(1)限縮請求項範圍;(2)修正明顯誤繕;(3)明確模糊的描述。
Article 136 (Trial for Correction)
(1) A patentee may request a trial to correct the specification or drawings in any of the following cases: Provided, That this shall not apply where an invalidation trial against the patent is pending before the Intellectual Property Tribunal:
1. Where the scope of claims is reduced;
2. Where a clerical error is corrected;
3. Where an ambiguous statement is made to a clear statement.
(2) Correction of the specification or drawings under paragraph (1) shall be limited to the scope of the subject matter disclosed in the specification or drawings of the patented invention: Provided, That where a clerical error is corrected pursuant to paragraph (1) 2, it shall be limited to the scope of the subject matter of the specification or drawings initially attached to the application.
(6) A trial for correction under paragraph (1) may be requested even after the patent right has been extinguished: Provided, That this shall not apply where the patent has been invalidated by a trial decision.
以下流程表示單方審判程序(Ex Parte Cases),主要步驟有:(1)提出訴願請求;(2)形式審查;(3)修正;(4)派案APJ;(5)實際審理;(6)訴願決定。

多方審判程序(Inter Parte Cases):
這主要是針對「專利無效」的程序(trial of invalidation),也就是有興趣的一方(包括審查委員本身)可以針對獲准專利提出無效主張,採用逐項無效的制度,無效理由大約就是專利審查的專利要件。如果有利益爭議,無效審判可以針對已經過期的專利,專利經"最終"無效成立,視為自始不存在(never to have existed);如果有任一無效理由成立(尚未最終)專利權自此理由成立時以後不存在。
專利權人本身,或是任何有興趣的一方,可以提出審判程序來確認專利範圍(Trial to Confirm the Scope of a Patent Right,Patent Act 137)。
Article 135 (Trial to Confirm Scope of Patent Right)
(1) A patentee, an exclusive licensee or an interested person may request a trial to confirm the scope of a patent right.
(2) Where a trial is requested to confirm the scope of a patent right under paragraph (1), the confirmation may apply to each claim if the patent contains two or more claims.
以下為多方審判程序(Inter Parte Cases)流程,主要步驟有:(1)審判請求;(2)指派APJ;(3)形式審查;(4)修正;(5)傳輸給被告方(如原專利權人、專利局);(6)防守方回應;(7)傳送給原告(提出無效審判者);(8)審判結果。
