2015年9月29日 星期二




第十七條 申請發明專利者,其說明書應載明下列事項:
四、發明內容:發明所欲解決之問題、解決問題之技術手段及對照先前技術之功效 。 
六、實施方式:記載一個以上之實施方式,必要時得以實施例說明;有圖式者,應 參照圖式加以說明。 



美國專利說明書也是規定有類似的幾個部分,在其細則37C.F.R.1.77規定了專利申請書內容的編排,應以下列內容順序提交:申請遞交表格、費用、申請資料、說明書、圖式與發明人宣誓書等。其中「說明書」內容順序應記載:發明名稱、 相關申請案記載(cross reference)、聯邦研發贊助資訊、共同研發各方名稱、程式序列、發明人或共同發明的申請前揭露內容、發明背景、發明簡單概要(summary)、圖式簡要說明、發明細節描述、申請專利範圍、摘要等。這部分其實也被要求要與專利範圍一致,甚至專利獲准後應該依照獲准專利範圍來改,不過,實務上若沒有實質上的多大差異,比較少有大幅修改的必要

其中本篇有興趣的在「Summary」的記載是否必要,參見37 C.F.R. 1.73規定,發明簡單概要(brief Summary)/發明內容記載於發明細節內容(實施方式)前,可包括請求項主張的發明目的,而且應該與請求項主張發明相稱(commensurate with the invention as claimed),這如我們一般實務上約略記載請求項1等獨立請求項的發明內容一致,不過實務上,美國專利並沒有需要如此拘謹。


特別的是,這也常常被忽略,當申請專利範圍修改與申請時有些差異時,到了準備獲准專利時,審查委員經通盤檢視後,可以要求同步修改Summary,使之與申請專利範圍一致,這規定在MPEP 1302.01:"the examiner should require the applicant to modify the brief summary of the invention and restrict the descriptive matter so as to be in harmony with the claims"。

綜上所述,好像brief summary不是重要的內容,既然不是重要的部分,似乎也不影響專利獲准,又不希望限制專利範圍的主張,即便有以上規定,也有不少專利直接就忽略本段。經簡單檢索,brief summary也可能會整篇被忽略(應該就美國這樣吧!),這種還蠻多的,比如:



這篇沒有Summray,倒是有段「disclosure of invention」,這應該就是summary!


MPEP 608.01(a)   Arrangement of Application

37 C.F.R. 1.77   Arrangement of application elements.

  • (a) The elements of the application, if applicable, should appear in the following order:
    • (1) Utility application transmittal form.
    • (2) Fee transmittal form.
    • (3) Application data sheet (see § 1.76).
    • (4) Specification.
    • (5) Drawings.
    • (6) The inventor’s oath or declaration.
  • (b) The specification should include the following sections in order:
    • (1) Title of the invention, which may be accompanied by an introductory portion stating the name, citizenship, and residence of the applicant (unless included in the application data sheet).
    • (2) Cross-reference to related applications.
    • (3) Statement regarding federally sponsored research or development.
    • (4) The names of the parties to a joint research agreement.
    • (5) Reference to a “Sequence Listing,” a table, or a computer program listing appendix submitted on a compact disc and an incorporation-by-reference of the material on the compact disc (see § 1.52(e)(5)). The total number of compact discs including duplicates and the files on each compact disc shall be specified.
    • (6) Statement regarding prior disclosures by the inventor or a joint inventor.
    • (7) Background of the invention.
    • (8) Brief summary of the invention.
    • (9) Brief description of the several views of the drawing.n.
    • (10) Detailed description of the invention.
    • (11) A claim or claims.
    • (12) Abstract of the disclosure.
    • (13) “Sequence Listing,” if on paper (see §§ 1.821 through 1.825).
  • (c) The text of the specification sections defined in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(12) of this section, if applicable, should be preceded by a section heading in uppercase and without underlining or bold type.

MPEP 608.01(d)   Brief Summary of Invention

37 C.F.R. 1.73   Summary of the invention.

A brief summary of the invention indicating its nature and substance, which may include a statement of the object of the invention, should precede the detailed description. Such summary should, when set forth, be commensurate with the invention as claimed and any object recited should be that of the invention as claimed.
Since the purpose of the brief summary of invention is to apprise the public, and more especially those interested in the particular art to which the invention relates, of the nature of the invention, the summary should be directed to the specific invention being claimed, in contradistinction to mere generalities which would be equally applicable to numerous preceding patents. That is, the subject matter of the invention should be described in one or more clear, concise sentences or paragraphs. Stereotyped general statements that would fit one application as well as another serve no useful purpose and may well be required to be canceled as surplusage, and, in the absence of any illuminating statement, replaced by statements that are directly on point as applicable exclusively to the case at hand.
The brief summary, if properly written to set out the exact nature, operation, and purpose of the invention, will be of material assistance in aiding ready understanding of the patent in future searches. The brief summary should be more than a mere statement of the objects of the invention, which statement is also permissible under 37 CFR 1.73.

The brief summary of invention should be consistent with the subject matter of the claims. Note final review of application and preparation for issue, MPEP § 1302.

When an application is apparently ready for allowance, it should be reviewed by the examiner to make certain that the whole application meets all formal and substantive (i.e., statutory) requirements and that the language of the claims is enabled by, and finds adequate descriptive support in, the application disclosure as originally filed. Neglect to give due attention to these matters may lead to confusion as to the scope of the patent.
Frequently, the invention as originally described and claimed was of much greater scope than that defined in the claims as allowed. Some or much of the subject matter disclosed may be entirely outside the bounds of the claims accepted by the applicant. In such case, the examiner should require the applicant to modify the brief summary of the invention and restrict the descriptive matter so as to be in harmony with the claims. However valuable for reference purposes the examiner may consider the matter which is extraneous to the claimed invention, patents should be confined in their disclosures to the respective inventions patented (see 37 CFR 1.71 and 1.73). Of course, enough background should be included to make the invention clearly understandable. See MPEP § 608.01(c) and § 608.01(d). Form paragraphs 13.07 and 13.08 may be used.


參考:(James Long律師提供參考)
Non-mandatory nature of Summary



2015年9月28日 星期一



回復刪掉的內容 - MPEP 608.01(s)


依照37 CFR 1.121(b)(4),表示不同於請求項刪除又回復要以新增方式加入的方式,說明書畢竟要顧及前後文順暢與描述的邏輯,所以刪除的部分就用編修、取代段落等修正的方式加入。

刪除請求項就常見了,這些刪除的範圍,在公告獲准前,尚不能稱為拋棄(surrender)的範圍,仍可以以"新增"的方式加入請求項範圍,不是"恢復"過去的"canceled claim",而是以新的編號的"new claim"表示。


MPEP 608.01(s)   Restoration of Canceled Matter

Canceled text in the specification can be reinstated only by a subsequent amendment presenting the previously canceled matter as a new insertion. 37 CFR 1.121(b)(4). A claim canceled by amendment (deleted in its entirety) may be reinstated only by a subsequent amendment presenting the claim as a new claim with a new claim number. 37 CFR 1.121(c)(5). See MPEP § 714.

37 CFR 1.121(b)(4)
(b) Specification. Amendments to the specification, other than the claims, computer listings (§ 1.96) and sequence listings (§ 1.825), must be made by adding, deleting or replacing a paragraph, by replacing a section, or by a substitute specification, in the manner specified in this section.
(4) Reinstatement of previously deleted paragraph or section. A previously deleted paragraph or section may be reinstated only by a subsequent amendment adding the previously deleted paragraph or section.

37 CFR 1.121(c)(5)
(c) Claims. Amendments to a claim must be made by rewriting the entire claim with all changes (e.g., additions and deletions) as indicated in this subsection, except when the claim is being canceled. Each amendment document that includes a change to an existing claim, cancellation of an existing claim or addition of a new claim, must include a complete listing of all claims ever presented, including the text of all pending and withdrawn claims, in the application. The claim listing, including the text of the claims, in the amendment document will serve to replace all prior versions of the claims, in the application. In the claim listing, the status of every claim must be indicated after its claim number by using one of the following identifiers in a parenthetical expression: (Original), (Currently amended), (Canceled), (Withdrawn), (Previously presented), (New), and (Not entered).
(5) Reinstatement of previously canceled claim. A claim which was previously canceled may be reinstated only by adding the claim as a “new” claim with a new claim number.


2015年9月25日 星期五




美國專利局一直以來都用TIFF格式讓人一頁一頁查閱,十分不方便,雖個人也用了幾年,後來知道不少網站都會自動收集這些TIFF檔合成一個完整的PDF檔案,還有些要付費的,有些是檢索網頁、工具提供PDF檔,過去曾在幾次介紹一些瀏覽器外掛有直接查詢時取得檔案功能(如2008年的介紹:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2008/08/mozilla-firefox-aspator.html),這幾年就用Google Patents,更是快速得到PDF檔案的重要來源之一。


"The USPTO Patent and Published Application Image Databases now use PDF images instead of TIFF images. Document images may be viewed, printed and saved using a standard PDF-equipped browser. In addition to the standard page-by-page viewing, users may now also click on a .Full Document. button to retrieve and save all the images for a document in a single multi-page PDF."

比如這件Google最新公開(Sep.24,2015公開)的專利案US20150271246(Adaptive Accelerated Application Startup),USPTO直接可以下載全部內容的PDF檔案。現在(Sep.25,2015)還無法從Google取得,但直接從USPTO合成檔案的pat2pdf.org倒是已經可以下載內容了。


也列舉一件剛獲准的專利,Google Patents僅能找到這件案子的公開內容,還不能取得獲准專檔案:



2015年9月24日 星期四


Nestlé KitKat

以上是雀巢公司(Nestlé Co.)巧克力產品KitKat,打開後,就是四條淋上巧克力醬的餅乾的內容,雀巢就用這個印象申請商標,本次爭議在英國商標。





the basic rectangular slab shape;
the presence, position and depth of the grooves running along the length of the bar, and
the number of grooves, which, together with the width of the bar, determine the number of ‘fingers’


TMA 3(2):
(2)A sign shall not be registered as a trade mark if it consists exclusively of—
(a)the shape which results from the nature of the goods themselves,
(b)the shape of goods which is necessary to obtain a technical result, or
(c)the shape which gives substantial value to the goods.



my two cents:

補充,本次系爭商標案在英國(United Kingdom),不過可以從OHIM可以找到以下登記商標,不只四指,還有兩指與三指。

TMA 3規定不可商標的限制:
3 Absolute grounds for refusal of registration.
(1)The following shall not be registered—
(a)signs which do not satisfy the requirements of section 1(1),
(b)trade marks which are devoid of any distinctive character,
(c)trade marks which consist exclusively of signs or indications which may serve, in trade, to designate the kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, geographical origin, the time of production of goods or of rendering of services, or other characteristics of goods or services,
(d)trade marks which consist exclusively of signs or indications which have become customary in the current language or in thebona fide and established practices of the trade:Provided that, a trade mark shall not be refused registration by virtue of paragraph (b), (c) or (d) above if, before the date of application for registration, it has in fact acquired a distinctive character as a result of the use made of it.
(2)A sign shall not be registered as a trade mark if it consists exclusively of—
(a)the shape which results from the nature of the goods themselves,
(b)the shape of goods which is necessary to obtain a technical result, or
(c)the shape which gives substantial value to the goods.
(3)A trade mark shall not be registered if it is—
(a)contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality, or
(b)of such a nature as to deceive the public (for instance as to the nature, quality or geographical origin of the goods or service).
(4)A trade mark shall not be registered if or to the extent that its use is prohibited in the United Kingdom by any enactment or rule of law or by any provision of Community law.
(5)A trade mark shall not be registered in the cases specified, or referred to, in section 4 (specially protected emblems).
(6)A trade mark shall not be registered if or to the extent that the application is made in bad faith.

歐盟司法院(Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU))判決書:




2015年9月23日 星期三




軟體專利,正式來說,是電腦實現的發明(computer-implemented invention),包括計算機的使用、電腦網路、可程式的裝置,其中全部或一部分的技術特徵仰賴電腦程式。

然而在EPC的實務上,純電腦軟體(software as such)是不可專利的標的,這是一種著作權標的,實務上,至少這幾年的趨勢,卻可能還比美國更寬鬆一點,只要電腦軟體發明有解決技術上的問題,就為可專利的標的。嚴格地說,請求項所界定的發明中具有新穎性、進步性的特別技術特徵(STF)解決了特定技術問題,即為可專利標的。反觀美國實務,即便具有新穎性與進步性的技術特徵,都仍可能遭遇不符101的問題。當然,其中涉及定義何謂解決技術問題的技術特徵?

"The subject-matter for which protection is sought must therefore have a "technical character" or, to
be more precise, involve a "technical teaching", i.e. instruction, addressed to a technically skilled person as to how to solve a particular technical problem using particular technical means."

"inventions having a technical character that are or may be implemented by a computer program are not excluded from patentability."

"EPO case law says that controlling or carrying out a technical process is not excluded from patentability, irrespective of whether it is implemented by hardware or by software. Whether the process is carried out by means of special circuits or by means of a computer program has been found to depend on economic and technological factors; patentability should not be denied on the grounds that a computer program is involved."

不諱言地,EPO建議用「computer program/computer program product」作為軟體專利的保護標的,而非是一個系統的一部分而已,不會因為此專利標的名稱而排除其可專利性。軟體專利的可專利性是看發明是否有超越一般物理交互作用的技術效果(具有解決特定技術問題的技術特徵)。
"Subject-matter claimed under this form is not excluded from patentability if the computer program resulting from implementation of the corresponding method is capable of bringing about, when running on a computer or loaded into a computer, a "further technical effect" going beyond the "normal" physical interactions between the computer program and the computer hardware on which it is run."


"Although the idea underlying such a method may be considered to reside in a mathematical method, the encoding method as a whole is not a mathematical method "as such", and hence is not excluded from patentability by Article 52(2)(a) and (3) EPC. Similarly, a method of encrypting/ decrypting or signing electronic communications may be regarded as a technical method, even if it is essentially based on a mathematical method."


Circuit simulation I/Infineon Technologies (T 1227/05)

專利權人:Infineon Technologies AG
系爭專利:No. 01964907.8

系爭專利揭露一種產生一系列1/f噪聲的方法(Method for the generation of a series of random numbers of a 1/f noise),是創造一個噪聲源,用來模擬電路上的噪聲效應。







訴願委員會同意專利申請人的訴願理由,認為確實這樣的數學模擬方法已經足夠可以建立以電腦實現方法的技術目的,請求項範圍中以差動方程式描述的的輸入電路、噪聲輸入(input channel)、輸出通道已經界定出技術元件,認同獨立請求項中以功能性的限制具有技術性。

訴願委員會決定,系爭專利請求項範圍中的數學方程式並非軟體程式本身,並非是人類心智活動或是數學方法而已,而是一種執行現代工程任務的技術(technical functions typical to modern engineering work),有實際上的技術貢獻。




Two identities/Comvik (T 641/00)


Auction method/Hitachi (T 258/03)

"根據Hitachi判例,若在權利範圍中具有至少一個技術元件(technical element),如電腦、儲存媒體(CD)等,就其本身而言(as such),則可視為非電腦軟體(針對不可專利的規定)"



2015年9月21日 星期一



USPTO可專利性教戰守則 - TWO-STEP TEST(2014年12月16日)



幾個議題涉及可專利性的TWO-STEP TEST:

(1) 有關抽象概念與自然律的範例(requests for additional examples, particularly for claims directed to abstract ideas and laws of nature):

有關抽象概念的專利範圍如商業方法(business method)、圖形使用者介面(graphical user interface)與軟體領域,在生物科技領域中,如診斷方法,與一些最近有關自然律與自然現象的案例等,都為一種抽象概念。(範例可參閱將來會討論的附件,如以下網路連結)

可以討論,即便一個專利元件並沒有超越自己本身功能時,如一般目的的電腦執行一般電腦功能(如數學運算、產生有關時間的數據等),但這元件如果與其他元件結合,仍可能符合「實質超越」的檢視。從範例可以讓審查委員釐清「實質超越"significantly more"」以及一些司法例外(judicial exception)等的判斷。

(2) 顯著特點分析(MDC)法則解釋(further explanation of the markedly different characteristics (MDC) analysis):

「顯著特點分析」可用於以上TWO-STEP測試中的步驟2A(主要意見),或是2A到2B的判斷。步驟2A主要是判斷請求項範圍是否符合可專利性要件:is the claim directed to a law of nature, a natural phenomenon, or an abstract idea (Judicially recognized exceptions) ?

MDC分析是法院在以上步驟2A中用來界定自然產物(product of nature)例外的依據,藉此判斷請求項範圍是否符合可專利的四種類別(35USC101),並判斷是否為司法例外,如果發明整體經分析後並非司法例外,則符合可專利標的的條件。

(3) 審查委員如何界定抽象概念(further information regarding how examiners identify abstract ideas):


A. 基礎經濟活動
B. 組織人類活動的方法
C. 本身就是想法(an idea ‘of itself)
D. 數學關係與方程式

(4) 初步印象案件討論,以及專利性核駁理由的證據角色(discussion of the prima facie case and the role of evidence with respect to eligibility rejections):



 performing repetitive calculations,
 receiving, processing, and storing data,
 electronically scanning or extracting data from a physical document,
 electronic record keeping,
 automating mental tasks, and
 receiving or transmitting data over a network, e.g., using the Internet to gather data.

(5) 有關2014年可專利標的過渡審查方針的應用(information regarding application of the 2014 IEG in the corps):


(6) 可專利性分析時的先佔角色解釋,包括簡化分析討論(explanation of the role of preemption in the eligibility analysis, including a discussion of the streamlined analysis):

在可專利性的分析中,先佔角色(role of preemption)就是讓審查委員可以快速簡化其可專利分析,判斷專利是否僅是先佔自然律、自然現象或是抽象概念的技術而已。法院前例中已經提出許多先佔(preemption)的概念,先佔的問題已經隱含在前述TWO-STEP TEST,法院使得司法例外的專利標的視為企圖先佔的專利標的,這類專利為不可專利的標的。



Federal Register Notice:

July 2015 Update on Subject Matter Eligibility:



2015年9月18日 星期五



地方法院階段的結論是(October 7, 2013),即便專利權人在系爭專利審查時曾經修正過,但所修正的部分為(以'187案為例)補入「wherein」子句,但此修正並非是依照審查委員提示的可核准範圍的方向修正,而是補入一段說明書說明時間參數的定義,這部份或者在均等論中無法擴及說明書以外的解釋範圍,但是卻也不影響本案取得均等論適用而讀入被告侵權物的決定。

因此,地方法院判決AT&T侵權成立(function, way, result),並作出損害賠償決定。


此案在CAFC審理是否上訴有效的訴訟中,即便AT&T提出一些程序上的辯論,但是程序上的失誤仍造成AT&T所提出的motion都被否決。這裡就討論這些延期的請求(motion for extension of time)的要件:

1. 提出請求的時間也有限制:在上訴期限過期後30日內
2. 請求人應提出情有可原的正當理由(excusable neglect or good cause)

1. CAFC發現請求人(moving party)在地方法院作出判決後21日仍未收到判決通知時;
2. 請求人提出的motion在地方法院作出判決後180日內;或請求人接收到判決通知後14日內;以及
3. CAFC發現有任何一方權益受到損害時。


(NEF: notice of electronic filing)



2015年9月16日 星期三


歐洲專利審查基準(Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office)中,Part D規範了歐洲專利異議、限制與撤銷程序,內容可參閱:

歐洲異議程序(包括撤銷程序)規定於EPC Art. 99, 100, 101中。


EPC 101第(1)項規定,當歐洲專利局受理異議案(opposition)時,異議部門將根據實施細則審理,判斷是否符合EPC 100的異議理由:(a)不符可專利標的;(b)沒有足夠清楚與完整而能讓相關技術人員可實現的內容;(c)專利標的超過說明書內容等。在審理過程中,異議部門應通常會要求各方相互提出意見。
EPC 101第(2)項規定,如果任一個異議理由成立,將撤銷專利權;否則則是駁回異議理由。
EPC 101第(3)項規定,異議過程的修正須符合實施細則的規定,否則將撤銷專利。

異議程序僅能於專利公告後9個月內提出,異議理由包括Art. 52/53規定的「可專利標的」、Art. 54規定的「新穎性」、Art. 54規定的「揭露要件」、Art. 56規定的「進步性」,以及Art. 57規定的「產業利用性」等,其他還有可針對修正是否超過揭露內容等方向提出異議。

  1. 提出異議
  2. 形式審查,不受理即駁回異議案
  3. 通知專利權人
  4. 4個月內由專利權人回應異議理由
  5. 專利局依照需要可以要求雙方再提意見
  6. 任一方可提起口頭審理程序(oral proceeding)
  7. 異議部門作出異議決定
  8. 任一方可提起訴願,否則專利權決定撤銷或保留或已經修改
  9. 異議決定後2個月內提出訴願請求
  10. 異議決定後4個月內提出訴願理由
  11. 另一方回應訴願理由
  12. 任一方可提起口頭審理
  13. 訴願決定
  14. 2個月內任一方可於歐洲擴大訴願委員會提出請願(petition),最後作出專利權是否保留的決定
  15. 歐洲擴大訴願委員會可重啟(re-open)訴願


Article 99

(1) Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid.

(2) The opposition shall apply to the European patent in all the Contracting States in
which that patent has effect. 

(3) Opponents shall be parties to the opposition proceedings as well as the proprietor of the patent.

(4) Where a person provides evidence that in a Contracting State, following a final decision, he has been entered in the patent register of such State instead of the previous proprietor, such person shall, at his request, replace the previous proprietor in respect of such State. Notwithstanding Article 118, the previous proprietor and the person making the request shall not be regarded as joint proprietors unless both so request.

Article 100
Grounds for opposition

Opposition may only be filed on the grounds that:
(a) the subject-matter of the European patent is not patentable under Articles 52 to 57;
(b) the European patent does not disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the art;
(c) the subject-matter of the European patent extends beyond the content of the application as filed, or, if the patent was granted on a divisional application or on a new application filed under Article 61, beyond the content of the earlier application as filed.

Article 101
Examination of the opposition – Revocation or maintenance of the European patent

(1) If the opposition is admissible, the Opposition Division shall examine, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, whether at least one ground for opposition under Article 100 prejudices the maintenance of the European patent. During this examination, the Opposition Division shall invite the parties, as often as necessary, to file observations on communications from another party or issued by itself.

(2) If the Opposition Division is of the opinion that at least one ground for opposition prejudices the maintenance of the European patent, it shall revoke the patent. Otherwise, it shall reject the opposition.

(3) If the Opposition Division is of the opinion that, taking into consideration the amendments made by the proprietor of the European patent during the opposition proceedings, the patent and the invention to which it relates
(a) meet the requirements of this Convention, it shall decide to maintain the patent as amended, provided that the conditions laid down in the Implementing Regulations are fulfilled;
(b) do not meet the requirements of this Convention, it shall revoke the patent.


2015年9月15日 星期二

附屬項的均等論討論 - Honeywell International, Inc. v. Hamilton Sundstrand Corp.(CAFC)


Felix v. Honda案例中有關均等論的討論:

"當專利權人刪除獨立項,並為了要獲准專利而改寫附屬項為另一新增獨立範圍,即使這個修改仍未被核准,仍建立了歷史禁反言"("The rewriting of dependent claims into independent form coupled with the cancellation of the original independent claims creates a presumption of prosecution history estoppel.")

地方法院認為,Felix在答辯過程中,在「襯墊」的限制為核准專利的重要的限制條件,故不能主張均等擴張範圍(The district court rejected Felix's argument that the amendment adding the gasket limitation was tangential to patentability)

"Felix在修正過程中,放棄了主要範圍Claim 1而將Claim 7改寫為另一新增獨立項(非如審查委員建議可核准的Claim 8),建立了歷史禁反言"("Felix’s decision in the first amendment to cancel original claim 1 and to rewrite original claim 7 in independent form as claim 14 gave rise to a presumption of surrender.4")

在這案例中,” Felix在修正過程中,放棄了主要範圍Claim 1而將Claim 7改寫為另一新增獨立項,而非如審查委員建議可核准的Claim 8



附屬項改寫為獨立形式,表示已經拋棄了原獨立請求項範圍,這個修正產生了禁反言("The rewriting of dependent claims into independent form coupled with the cancellation of the original independent claims creates a presumption of prosecution history estoppel.")



"當專利權人刪除獨立項,並為了要獲准專利而改寫附屬項為另一新增獨立範圍,即使這個修改仍未被核准,仍建立了歷史禁反言"("We therefore hold that the presumption of prosecution history estoppel attaches when a patentee cancels an independent claim and rewrites a dependent claim in independent form for reasons related to patentability, even if the amendment alone does not succeed in placing the claim in condition for allowance.")

另一案例Honeywell v. Hamilton:
("Honeywell, 370 F.3d at 1142 (“[T]he fact that the scope of the rewritten claim has remained unchanged will not preclude the application of prosecution history estoppel if, by canceling the original independent claim and rewriting the dependent claims into independent form, the scope of subject matter claimed in the independent claim has been narrowed to secure the patent.”)")

("Equivalents are presumptively not available with respect to that added limitation.")

CAFC於2004年案例"Honeywell International Inc. v. Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation"指出,將附屬項改寫為獨立項後,即便附屬項逐項來看,範圍沒變,仍不適用均等論。不同於地方法院,CAFC將此合併範圍視為限縮修正
"On appeal, the Federal Circuit held that rewriting a dependent claim into independent form is a narrowing amendment, which bars the application of the Doctrine of Equivalents for the subject matter added from the dependent claim to the original subject matter of the independent claim."


原告(專利權人):Honeywell International, Inc.
被告(侵權被告、上訴人):Hamilton Sundstrand Corp.

專利涉及一種控制壓縮機洩放空氣的系統,其中透過一個電湧洩氣閥(surge bleed valve),控制洩氣的比例維持一個恆定的最小氣流量。此系統可用於交通工具上,如飛機。


Honeywell International, Inc. v. Hamilton Sundstrand Corp. (CAFC 2004/2008)


(Honeywell I)

(Honeywell II)
CAFC在2004年對Honeywell v. Hamilton案例的判決表示,否決地方法院作出侵權成立(均等論適用)的決定,因為專利權人審查時刪除了原獨立請求項,因此建立了歷史禁反言。
法院發回重審,事實上是因為知道建立禁反言的基礎是有有實質修正與新的限縮特徵加入請求項範圍,但是本系爭專利審查的修正僅是併入原附屬項的限制,因此作出發回重審的決定,希望地院陪審團可以重新審視Honeywell是否有"拋棄"範圍的意圖,而適用Festo判例所建立的禁反言規則(presumption of surrender under the criteria set forth in Festo)。

(Honeywell III)
"Because Honeywell did not show that the alleged equivalent was unforeseeable at the time of the narrowing amendment or that the narrowing amendment bore no more than a tangential relation to the alleged equivalent, this court affirms."

(Honeywell IV)
CAFC於2008年對Honeywell v. Hamilton作出結論,此處涉及均等範圍的可預見性,同意地方法院對此案均等論意見的「解套」,判決指出,專利權人Honeywell無法證明修正當下已經可以預見目前意欲均等的範圍,這是需要專家證人與外部證據來證明。
"The Court held that the patentee could not show that the alleged equivalent was unforeseeable at the time of the narrowing amendment or that the narrowing amendment bore no more than a tangential relation to the alleged equivalent."

"The Court reiterated that the goal of the principle of foreseeability is to “ensure that the claims continue to define patent scope in all foreseeable circumstances, while protecting patent owners against insubstantial variations from [the] claimed element in unforeseeable circumstances."


For the reasons stated herein, the court holds that Honeywell has failed to rebut the presumption of surrender, and is therefore barred by prosecution history estoppel from asserting the doctrine of equivalents. This court affirms the judgment of the district court.


"The court today applies its new presumption of surrender to all equivalents of the claim elements and limitations that originated in dependent claims that were never amended and that were not the subject of prosecution history estoppel. The court held in its previous opinion, Honeywell Int'l, Inc. v. Hamilton Sundstrand Corp., 370 F.3d 1131 (Fed. Cir. 2004) that "the surrendered subject matter is defined by the cancellation of independent claims that do not include a particular limitation and the rewriting into independent form of dependent claims that do include that limitation."

"Under such circumstances, the surrendered subject matter is defined by the cancellation of independent claims that do not include a particular limitation and the rewriting into independent form of dependent claims that do include that limitation. Equivalents are presumptively not available with respect to that added limitation."

"Patent claims are customarily presented in independent and dependent form, a practice encouraged by the Patent and Trademark Office, for it simplifies examination."

"Equivalency is determined element by element, Warner-Jenkinson, 520 U.S. at 29, yet on the panel majority's presumption of surrender, there is no restricting action by which to measure what was surrendered. In Festo the Court was explicit that the burden is to "show[] that the amendment does not surrender the particular equivalent in question." 535 U.S. at 740. My colleagues err in now holding that all equivalents of an element presented by dependent claim are presumed surrendered by simply cancelling the independent claim."


On remand from the Supreme Court in Festo, this court explained that the foreseeability criterion
presents an objective inquiry, asking whether the alleged equivalent would have been unforeseeable to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the amendment. Usually, if the alleged equivalent represents later-developed technology (e.g., transistors in relation to vacuum tubes, or Velcro (R) in relation to fasteners) or technology that was not known in the relevant art, then it would not have been foreseeable. In contrast, old technology, while not always foreseeable, would more likely have been foreseeable. Indeed, if the alleged equivalent were known in the prior art in the field of the invention, it certainly should have been foreseeable at the time of the amendment. By its very nature, objective unforeseeability depends on underlying factual issues relating to, for example, the state of the art and the understanding of a hypothetical person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the amendment. Therefore, in determining whether an alleged equivalent would have been unforeseeable, a district court may hear expert testimony and consider other extrinsic evidence relating to the relevant factual inquiries.

my two cents:



CAFC 2008年判決:



2015年9月14日 星期一

美國法院案例討論 -- 影響專利寫作的案例

美國法院案例討論 -- 影響專利寫作的案例(二)



2015年9月11日 星期五

權利耗盡原則最高法院案例 - Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc. s(2008)

Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc., 553 U.S. 617 (2008)

「專利權權利耗盡原則(doctrine of patent exhaustion/principle of exhaustion)」是用來限制專利權不當主張與授權的範圍,要避免專利權重複授權產生的不當利益,比如一旦產品已經專利授權,販賣之後,該產品不該再被該專利權影響。原則如此,卻也可能有許多問題產生。


專利法第五十九條 發明專利權之效力,不及於下列各款情事:




專利權人:LG Electronics, Inc.
被告/上訴人:Quanta Computer, Inc.
US4,939,641 ('641)、US5,379,379 ('379)、US5,077,733 ('733)








(a) 定義了專利權耗盡原則:專利權耗盡原則提供以專利保護的項目的初始授權販售"終止了"所有主張該項目的專利權行使。
"The patent exhaustion doctrine provides that a patented item’s initial authorized sale terminates all patent rights to that item."。

提到幾個先前案例,其中之一是「United States v. Univis Lens Co., 316 U. S. 241」,其中專利權人Univis涉及眼鏡片,與某批發商有授權合約,但此專利權不及於此批發商的販售的鏡片毛坯(lens blank),也不影響用毛坯製作成為已專利授權的眼鏡片(因為專利權已耗盡)。此案例中,法院認為雖此批發商僅實施了Univis的專利的部分,但是認為即便某品項非實現該專利的全部,但也足夠實施該專利時,但此項目的意圖也僅是實現該專利。

(b) 沒有任何法院對於權利耗盡的解釋支持LG的主張「方法專利」沒有耗盡的問題,或許方法專利不能如裝置或物品被相同的方式販售(指授權合約所載的範圍),但總是實現在一個產品中,也就隨之有權利耗盡的問題,也就是方法專利權隨著相關實現此方法的物品耗盡而耗盡。如果這是成立的(補充updated on June 13, 2020:這是指LG主張「方法專利」沒有耗盡的問題),將導致專利權人企圖用方法去描述一個裝置發明,以迴避權利耗盡的問題。
"Eliminating exhaustion for method patents would seriously undermine the exhaustion doctrine, since patentees seeking to avoid exhaustion could simply draft their claims to describe a method rather than an apparatus."


(c) 此案中Intel產品實施LG專利,適用以上列舉的前例Univis。Univis案中批發商販售的透鏡毛坯仍適用專利權耗盡原則,理由是這些透鏡毛坯合理的預期用途就是製造專利權合約所含蓋的眼鏡片。如此,當Intel在合約下販售微處理器與晶片組給Quanta時,除了應用在LG專利主張的電腦系統以外,沒有其他的用途。這與Univis案類似,透鏡毛坯對比本案例中Intel販售的元件因此專利權耗盡的適用也是一致的

(d) LG的專利權已經在Intel販售產品(晶片)給Quanta時耗盡。LG認為,合約並不讓Intel銷售產品而與non-Intel的產品結合而實現其專利,授權合約也並沒有約束Intel販售產品給其他人將Intel產品結合其他non-Intel產品的權利,合約僅是要求Intel通知LG並沒有授權其客戶實施該專利權。然而,此案爭議卻非是合約是否有被破壞的問題,而是專利權耗盡的問題

"...exhaustion turns only on Intel’s own license to sell products practicing the LGE Patents."

