2015年12月10日 星期四

生日快樂歌判為公共財的後續發展 - 生日快樂歌訴訟和解


Happy Birthday to You」歌曲源自「Good Morning to You」,現在連帶歌詞著作權也有爭議。

相關事由:法院判決書中認定在1893年之前Hill姊妹已擁有其版權,包括當時Hill姊妹寫了「Good Morning to You」的歌詞,而其中Patty Hill協助Mildred寫出歌曲。在Mildred過世後,Hill家族在1921年繼承了歌曲著作權。依照當時著作權法,1949年到期,歌曲已經在1949年為公共財

經9/22/2015法院(UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA)判決一項由「Rupa Marya, Robert Siegel, Good Morning to You Productions Corp.與Majar Productions, LLC」提出「生日快樂歌」版權並不屬於「Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.與Summy-Birchard, Inc.」的集體訴訟(class action),在眾多證據顯示「無法證明」現在版權擁有者為生日快樂歌的版權繼承者。因此判決生日快樂歌屬於公共財。




另一方面,Hill姊妹所建立的Hill Foundation and ACEI主張其為版權擁有人,但從判決書中並未明確得知「Happy Birthday to You」的歌詞來源,來源似乎很多,因此還有得爭。

法院說法:"Because this registration does not list any Hill sister as the author or otherwise make clear that the Happy Birthday lyrics were being registered, we cannot presume this registration reflects the Copyright Office’s determination that Summy Co. had the rights to the lyrics to copyright them."

在1935年前次版權調查中,Patty Hill回答法官的問題提到她確實在每次學校慶生時使用「Happy Birthday to You」歌詞,但這次調查已經是在最初歌曲出現後的40年,是否可以用以主張權利?當年法院認為不夠。

"For the same reasons, Patty’s deposition testimony would not be sufficient to entitle Defendants to a directed verdict on the issue of authorship because it is contradicted by the evidence of multiple publications of the lyrics before 1935, some of which were registered for copyrights. We conclude there are genuine issues of material fact for trial. The Parties’ Cross-Motions are DENIED on this issue."


證據也顯示Patty Hill曾經放棄過「Happy Birthday to You」的版權,因此版權屬於國家(公眾)。其中引用TIME雜誌報導,"Sam H. Harris, producer of As Thousands Cheer"曾在一次訴訟中要求每次演奏歌曲繳付$250版權費用,而歌曲著作者Patty Hill當時可以分享這筆版權損害費用,...但證據顯示Patty已經拋棄版權。


