案件編號:T 0098/13 - 3.5.02
公開號:EP 1547443
系爭專利:Transparent heating arrangement to avoid hot spots at the end of bus bars(申請號:03765596.6,歐洲專利No.1547443)
專利權人:Pittsburgh Glass Works, LLC
異議人:Saint-Gobain Glass France
本案緣起專利權人針對2012年10月17日歐洲專利異議部門(opposition division)對異議案--系爭歐洲專利No. 1547443作出專利撤回的決定所提出的訴願案,主要異議理由為:
(歐洲專利修正)專利權人提出的幾個修正方案(auxiliary request)修正違反123(2)(3) EPC等修正後專利範圍超出申請時揭露內容,不符84, 123(2)(3) EPC。
Article 84 Claims
The claims shall define the matter for which protection is sought. They shall be clear and concise and be supported by the description.
Article 123 Amendments
(2) The European patent application or European patent may not be amended in such a way that it contains subject-matter which extends beyond the content of the application as filed.
(3) The European patent may not be amended in such a way as to extend the protection it confers.
異議審查時,異議部門經口頭審理後,作出系爭專利獨立請求項Claims 1, 17修正超出申請時揭露內容(123(2))的決定,歐洲專利修正不能超出原保護範圍(123(3))。
專利權人於是提出訴願,同時提出35個修正方案(auxiliary requests),認為系爭專利並無違反專利法規定,應保留其完整專利權。被訴願人(原異議人)要求專利權人可以收斂修正方案數量。
系爭專利Claim 1原本界定一個特徵(稱feature J):
"the ends of the pair of bus bars do not extend into portions of the non-conductive strip between the periphery of the electric conductive member and the periphery of the third and fourth sides (17) of the substrate (12, 14)"
auxiliary request 1:
"wherein the ends of the bus bars follow the shape of the bus bars which run either horizontally in a straight line or parallel to the bottom or top edge of the conductive member"
auxiliary request 2:
"wherein the one bus bar follows the shape of the conductive member at the third side and the other bus bar follows the shape of the conductive member at the fourth side", "extending along the third side of the conductive member", "extending along the fourth side of the conductive member".
auxiliary request 3:
auxiliary request 1 + auxiliary request 2
auxiliary request 4:
"the heatable article has a vision area having a top edge and a bottom edge and wherein the conductive member has a top edge beyond or adjacent the top edge of the vision area and a bottom edge below or adjacent the bottom edge of the vision area and the top bus bar is adjacent the top edge of the conductive ..."
訴願人(專利權人)主張以上feature J由原申請時揭露內容所支持,並未違反修正規定,並針對一些爭議用語提出解釋與引用說明書內容,如請求項中用語"extended"表示方向上沒有改變;"length"表示特定長度。
訴願委員會意見表示,原請求項1 feature J 並不明確,理由是其中描述的結構關係不明確;專利權人承認 feature J 是在審查過程中要區隔先前技術(D1)所加入的特徵,然而當時先前技術解決與本發明一致的問題,feature J 並不滿足。
上述"extended"雖隱含方向不變的特徵,但是在訴願委員會的解釋是,"extended"並不排除方向改變得可能,因此 feature J 中的"extended"已經不被原說明書的技術所支持。
請求項範圍並無明確定義所述"the ends of the bus bars"的形狀與位置,即便專利權人定義出"length",仍因為沒有界定在專利範圍內而使得bus bars等描述為明確的。
最後,訴願委員認為,即便是相關領域的技術人員,當要以系爭專利內容去解決問題(有關熱點)時,也能解決其他複雜有關天線效應等的問題,相關技術人員能夠根據先前技術(D1或D5)提出類似的解決方案。不過系爭專利僅有關bus bars的兩端是否延長到非導電帶的特徵,因此判斷,系爭專利範圍並非明確地是由原申請時揭露內容所演繹的範圍,使得修正後專利範圍超出原申請時揭露內容,不符123(2) EPC規定。
針對專利權人提出多個取代 feature J 的修正方案(第一組),訴願委員會逐一評論了最後提出的4種修正方案,但是都認為沒有一個修正方案明確定義了bus bars延伸其尾端到非導電帶的特徵,其組合也不能反映出所述 feature J 的意義,不符123(3) EPC。

針對另一組針對 feature J 的修正方案(第二組),針對bus bars是有延伸到非導電帶的結構特徵,訴願委員會認為這一系列修正方案也無法明確反映出專利解決問題的結構。

Article 100 Grounds for opposition (異議理由)
(a) the subject-matter of the European patent is not patentable under Articles 52 to 57;
(b) the European patent does not disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the art;
(c) the subject-matter of the European patent extends beyond the content of the application as filed, or, if the patent was granted on a divisional application or on a new application filed under Article 61, beyond the content of the earlier application as filed.
my two cents: