本案緣起原告「美國聯邦交易委員會(Federal Trade Commission (FTC))」向高通(Qualcomm)提出違反「聯邦交易委員會法案(Federal Trade Commission Act)section 5」規定(關於反托辣斯、不公平競爭等)的告訴。簡單來說,主要就是FTC提出簡易判決請求,請法院裁決是否高通公司有義務對其競爭對手授權其標準關鍵專利(standard essential patents (“SEPs”))?地院判決是,由於高通擁有了通信晶片(modem chip)的標準關鍵專利,根據高通自己的文件也證明這類modem chip也是手機通信的核心元件,因此不能手握著標準關鍵專利而"歧視"其競爭對手,因此,根據法律、電信工業協會與ATIS IPR政策,要求高通應該要將標準關鍵專利授權給其競爭對手。
"Before the Court is the FTC’s motion for partial summary judgment on the issue of whether two industry agreements obligate Qualcomm to license its essential patents to competing modem chip suppliers. Having considered the submissions of the parties, the relevant law, and the record in this case, the Court GRANTS the FTC’s motion for partial summary judgment."
"Moreover, undisputed evidence in Qualcomm’s own documents demonstrates that a modem chip is a core component of the cellular handset, which only underscores how a SEP license to supply modem chips is for the purpose of practicing or implementing cellular standards and why Qualcomm cannot discriminate against modem chip suppliers. In an amicus brief filed in the Federal Circuit, Qualcomm characterized its own modem chips as “the heart of a cellphone.” "
"For all of the above reasons, the Court agrees with the FTC that as a matter of law, the TIA and ATIS IPR policies both require Qualcomm to license its SEPs to modem chip suppliers. "
TIA IPR合理非歧視委任政策:
對應15 U.S.C. § 45 Unfair methods of competition unlawful; prevention by Commission,可參考:https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/45。
FTC主張高通(Qualcomm)違反「Sherman Act(反壟斷法/反托辣斯法)」的議題主要是認為高通在CDMA、LTE數據通信晶片標準上不合理地限制競爭與非法壟斷。
第9巡迴法院審理本案時,是否高通有反托辣斯義務而授權其標準關鍵專利給其關於modem chip的直接競爭對手,其中考量1985年案例 - Aspen Skiing Co. v. Aspen Highlands Skiing Corp., 472 U.S. 585 (1985)(編按,此案例涉及專利侵權之例外,擁有獨佔權者不能禁止不必要的排除或阻礙競爭者的行為)。
一、本案中並未有Aspen Skiing所示例外,表示本案中高通沒有義務要授權相關專利給其競爭對手,認為高通「委託製造(OEM)」等級的授權政策並不違反Sherman Act反托辣斯的規定。
三、關於高通是否造成其競爭對手無法競爭的傷害(anticompetitive harm),是否通過不合理授權金來削減對手競爭力?法院認為高通的「no license, no chips」授權政策並沒有向其授權的競爭對手獲取超額費用。
舉例來說,高通與蘋果公司在2011年和2013年達成的協議並沒有實質影響蘋果在modem chip市場上的競爭,且蘋果自己主動中止合約。