1. A circuit for performing neural network computations for a neural network comprising a plurality of neural network layers, the circuit comprising:
a matrix computation unit configured to, for each of the plurality of neural network layers:
receive a plurality of weight inputs and a plurality of activation inputs for the neural network layer, and
generate a plurality of accumulated values based on the plurality of weight inputs and the plurality of activation inputs,
wherein the matrix computation unit is configured as a two dimensional systolic array comprising a plurality of cells, wherein the plurality of weight inputs is shifted through a first plurality of cells along a first dimension of the systolic array, and wherein the plurality of activation inputs is shifted through a second plurality of cells along a second dimension of the systolic array; and
a vector computation unit communicatively coupled to the matrix computation unit and configured to, for each of the plurality of neural network layers:
測試結果:具有專利適格性(此項範圍標的為"circuit for...",適格性判斷有100%,如果簡單改為"method for...",適格性掉到77%)
apply an activation function to each of the plurality of accumulated values for the neural network layer generated by the matrix computation unit to generate a plurality of activated values for the neural network layer.

範例二:就用網頁下方選項中選出Affinity v. Amazon這個案例來測試,馬上在上面輸入欄中貼上系爭專利(US8,688,085)的Claim 1,測試結果是具有專利適格性(88%),但與實際案例的CAFC結論不同。

範例三:從預設選項中選出Bascom v. AT&T,Claim輸入欄顯示出系爭專利(US5,987,606)的Claim 1,測試結果是適格性(66%),僅低標(黃色),而實際案例是具有適格性沒錯。

範例四:若直接輸入Bascom v. AT&T案例的系爭專利號碼US5,987,606,這個分析器會逐項分析做出適格性分數,有警告的、有通過的,也有不及格的(非常厲害的逐項審查)。

範例五:直接選擇Alice v. CLS Bank案例,測試結果是不及格,不具專利適格性。值得一提的是,十分聰明的(或是因為這是制式選項,可以直接寫到程式中),就貼上系爭專利範圍Claim 33 of US5970479。

33. A method of exchanging obligations as between parties, each party holding a credit record and a debit record with an exchange institution, the credit records and debit records for exchange of predetermined obligations, the method comprising the steps of:
(a) creating a shadow credit record and a shadow debit record for each stakeholder party to be held independently by a supervisory institution from the exchange institutions;
(b) obtaining from each exchange institution a start-of-day balance for each shadow credit record and shadow debit record;
(c) for every transaction resulting in an exchange obligation, the supervisory institution adjusting each respective party's shadow credit record or shadow debit record, allowing only these transactions that do not result in the value of the shadow debit record being less than the value of the shadow credit record at any time, each said adjustment taking place in chronological order; and
(d) at the end-of-day, the supervisory institution instructing ones of the exchange institutions to exchange credits or debits to the credit record and debit record of the respective parties in accordance with the adjustments of the said permitted transactions, the credits and debits being irrevocable, time invariant obligations placed on the exchange institutions.
範例六:用Alice v. CLS Bank系爭專利US5970479拿來測試,慘不忍睹地滿江紅。

範例七:同樣用US5970479來看,其中Claims 16, 17碩果僅存地被認定具有專利適格性,這樣倒是可以一虧究竟。

16. A system to enable the formulation of customized multi-party risk management contracts, the system comprising:
a plurality of main data processing devices interconnected by at least one data communications link, each said data processing device running an operating system and applications software;
one or more data storage devices to which each data processing device has access;
a plurality of data input/output channels providing connection to a plurality of stakeholder locations, each said location having data processing means, and the system being programmed for:
regulating input of data, specifying a risk phenomenon, a range of outcomes for the phenomenon, and a time of maturity;
stakeholders inputting to a said data storage device by ones of the stakeholder data processing locations contract data for an offered contract, specifying an entitlement due at maturity for each outcome in the range of outcomes for a one of the predetermined phenomena, and an amount payable to a seller;
counter-party stakeholders inputting to a data storage device by ones of the stakeholder data processing locations registering data, independent of contract data entered by stakeholders, as to a likelihood of occurrence of each outcome in the range of outcomes for at least one of the predetermined phenomena;
pricing and matching a contract by the main data processing devices for at least one of the offered contracts from the seller registered data by: for an offered contract, selecting the registering data for the respective phenomenon and, in response to entitlements specified for each outcome in the range of outcomes for the phenomenon, calculating a counter-consideration, and, by comparison of the calculated counter-consideration with the consideration, matching an offered contract with at least one counter-party stakeholder.