專利權人/原告:Parallel Networks, LLC
被告:Abercrombie & Fitch Co. ...etc.
系爭專利關於使用效能較差客戶端裝置在低速環境中達到伺服器-客戶端通訊的技術,先由客戶端裝置通過通訊連線傳送請求到伺服器,伺服器中的網頁伺服器(web server)以一動態產生特徵回應此請求,其中有一個小程式(applet),含有一些數據,用以在特定裝置中加速數據傳輸。這些數據在applet中為不可更新而預先載入的元素,而數據的子集由可更新的元素表示,這applet會交由客戶端裝置執行,沒用就拋棄。
Claim 1涉及資料傳輸系統,包括有伺服器 、可執行applet,在伺服器動態產生applet,這些applet擔負與客戶端裝置通訊的工作。
1. A data processing system comprising:
a server coupled to a communications link and operable to receive a request from a client device and to collect a plurality of data items, wherein the data items comprise specific information collected as a function of the request;
an executable applet dynamically generated by the server in response to the request, a constituent system associated with the applet comprising a subset of the data items, each data item in the subset used as at lease one pre-loaded value in the applet;
a further constituent system associated with the applet comprising a data interface capability configured to provide a plurality of operations on the pre-loaded values, the operations comprising operations associated with the subset of the data items; and
the applet operable to be transferred over the communications link to the client device.
首先為解釋專利範圍,地方法院採用被告解釋專利範圍,針對“executable applet”與“dynamically generated by the server in response to the request”, 認為"applet"為伺服器為了回應客戶端請求而動態產生,而"applet"為結合一些功能碼與必要的數據而產生。但在被告的設備中,至少有一個功能碼或必要數據用以存取通訊連線,之後引起客戶端與伺服器之間的通訊,以結合讓applet運作的數據與功能碼。
CAFC同意地方法院對專利範圍的解釋,指出,申請專利範圍Claim 1教示"applet“為回應用戶端請求而產生,此"applet"為可執行、可操作,並連結("associated with")到兩個具體"數據"與"功能"而可被轉移到客戶端執行的組合系統。
其中,解釋專利範圍時,原告認為Claim 1所述"數據"與"功能"為連結("associated with")"applet",而不是結合在一個"applet"的檔案內。
但CAFC法官否決,認為所述"associated with"過度解釋("overly expansive"),認為系爭專利明確教示此"applet"在產生時同時包括了數據與功能。
如Claim 1的兩個元件描述(如下):
an executable applet dynamically generated by the server in response to the request, a constituent system associated with the applet comprising a subset of the data items, each data item in the subset used as at lease one pre-loaded value in the applet;
a further constituent system associated with the applet comprising a data interface capability configured to provide a plurality of operations on the pre-loaded values, the operations comprising operations associated with the subset of the data items; and
"applet dynamically generated by the server"到底是"在伺服器"中被伺服器產生,或是"不在伺服器"被伺服器產生?這樣講,"by"確實沒有"at"的必要,只是實務上,本案的"applet"不會在客戶端裝置產生;另外,"applet"是否是收到請求後即時產生,也可能是延後產生,都不影響是在傳送到客戶端裝置之前產生。法官認為,系爭專利說明書重複地強調特徵("the ’111 patent repeatedly emphasizes that feature"):"applet"包含了數據與功能的特徵,法院也強調系爭專利具有進步性的地方就是結合了數據與功能一起傳送的特徵。這是專利權人/原告Parallel不能否認的。
重複強調特徵:"The court also found support in the specification’s repeated assertions that “the data and functionality are sent together to the client to reduce the number of transmissions.”"。

- “executable applet” means a “program code that can be used by a client device.”
- “data interface capability” to mean “program code that allows the client to access and use the data.
- an applet that is “dynamically generated by the server in response to the request” is one “constructed at the server, by combining the requisite functionality with the necessary data, at the time of and in response to the client request.”
- "generate" is broader than "combine".
- the asserted claims require only that data and the functionality be "associated with" the applet, not "combined" into a single file with the applet.
看來,用語「associated with」解釋雖有彈性,在本案中,仍是根據說明書的描述來解釋,原告解釋有過廣的問題(overly expansive)。
解釋"applet"中同時具備data與functional code,而Parallel又僅主張「文義侵害(literal infringement)」,使得最終判決侵權不成立。
CAFC法官認為被告侵權物至少沒有數據或功能,同意地院解釋專利範圍,且判斷"文義"侵權不成立("Because the accused websites do not contain every claim limitation, they do not literally infringe.")。
my two cents:
不過,我認為,其實本篇判決與「associated with」這個用語的影響關係雖不小,解釋到「the applet contained data and functionality」,雖有爭議,但還是用其一般解釋為主,而且是參考了說明書所重複強調的重點來解釋。
"Moreover, the specification confirms that the meaning Parallel urges for the term “associated with” is overly expansive."