原告/專利權人/上訴人:MAXON, LLC
系爭專利:US8,989,160; US7,489,671; US7,486,649; US7,171,194
判決日:April 9, 2018
本案緣起專利權人Maxon對Funai提起侵權告訴,而被告向法院提起專利無效(35 U.S.C. § 101)的請願,地院判決專利無效,撤銷訴訟。Maxon提起上訴。

Claim 8: An audio-video device capable of sharing services with a plurality of other devices within a personal network, the audio-video device comprising:
a computer-readable medium having storage for a first address corresponding to the audio-video device, a second address corresponding to the personal network, and a third address corresponding to a service provider network;
input/output logic configured to receive from a user a desired change to a service capable of being provisioned to the audio-video device from at least one service available generally to the personal network;
a processor in communication with the computer readable medium and the input/output logic, the processor programmed to prepare an inbound signaling word comprising at least the first address and payload data representing the desired change to the service capable of being provisioned to the audio-video device from the personal network; and
a transceiver providing the inbound signaling word to the service provider network where the service provider network comprises logic to process the inbound signaling word including modifying stored information in a subscriber database to effect the desired change to the service capable of being provisioned to the audio-video device from the personal network, the transceiver further receiving an outbound signaling word comprising the first address corresponding to the audio-video device and data indicating the desired change to the personal network, the outbound signaling word responsive to the desired change to the service capable of being provisioned to the audio-video device from the personal network.
在35 U.S.C. § 101爭議中,不免討論Alice的TWO-STEP測試,當系爭專利被認定為抽象概念時,判斷專利範圍中是否具有可以轉換抽象概念為可專利應用的進步特徵(inventive concept sufficient to transform claimed abstract idea into patent-eligible concept)。
面對35 U.S.C. § 101的挑戰,專利權人Maxon的策略是"承認系爭專利為「抽象概念」(step 2A),承認系爭專利範圍為一般目的電腦運行其原本的功能,而想要拼step 2B,證明系爭專利範圍中具有可轉換抽象概念為可專利應用的進步特徵。

CAFC判決:同意地院意見,認為系爭專利範圍僅以功能語言描述一般目的電腦的程序,而專利範圍中的具體元件如computer-readable、logic、processor、transceiver,從專利說明書來看並沒有任何限制條件,這裡舉例,說明書提到「computer-readable medium」,說明這是任何非暫態媒體參與直接或間接提供處理器執行的訊號、指令與數據,這個描述被法院認定僅是一般電腦的元件功能而已,不會轉換抽象概念為可專利標的。

因此,法院認為系爭專利使用一般目的電腦執行已知、常規與通常的活動,沒有進步特徵(step 2B)。

my two cents:
本案也是通過USPTO考驗(同樣是35 U.S.C. § 101),但是仍通不過法院的檢驗,USPTO在系爭專利歷史中看出比較「制式」駁回系爭專利'160認為其中computer-readable medium包括了暫態的範圍,經修正排除暫態範圍後克服101核駁理由。但是卻仍無法經過法院更為嚴謹而活用的檢驗法則。
根據判決內文來看,可能法院暗示,「不能太早拋棄step 2A」的答辯,而是要繼續step 2A檢驗的論述,並同時針對step 2B議題提出主張。
根據日前USPTO公告「2019 Revised Patent Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance」,可參考之前報導:USPTO的2019開年禮之一 - 適格性指導方針(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2019/01/uspto2019.html),其中將step 2A分為兩個分支,或許本案在這個方針下會得到可專利性的判決!
"這個prong two of step 2A不是step 2B中判斷Claim元件是否為已知、常規與習知動作的判斷,而是判斷claim元件中額外的元件或其組合(additional element or combination of elements)是否整合到實用的應用上,整合到實用應用的發明如:電腦功能改善、技術或其領域的改良、對疾病或醫療狀況進行治療或預防、連結特定機器或製造、影響物品的轉換或縮小,以及其他超過一般關聯的有意義的方式等。"
我認為本次討論系爭專利的元件組合整合到實用的應用上(practical application),算是有「改善電腦功能」。